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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1918)
, FRIDAY. MARCH 6, 1818. lO O Q V U ir M tfV ! P A G E SE VE N Arago. m _______i ____ ARTHÚR GUYEM PEY Guy Empey tfackfad that he could not wait for Ua country to declare war— ao he aailed without orders for and enfisted as a Canadian. —— —*■— He recounts tfaie incident hi "OVER THE TOP" in lees then fire hundred worde In a few thouaend more words he completes Me experiences in Endsnd — and after that he is in Prance— for the greater part of the eighteen months before he was invalided home, in the "Front Lina Trenches." "OVER THB TOP" ie the t o t stay by one of tha American aokttera who went to Franc* has been a real com- ................ ■ m i in tha gand feels like: to be wounded seven times; to live for a year and a half with mod and rata «M b ; to be covered with “cooties” nad never to get rid of them; to go “over the top” in a charge; to grasp for your gat hairnet when a aacooifa mean's f a d ; to capture a Prussian; t < to get tangled up in barbw ire with th n r A t .I,4 .. f. n u.M ........... J , — ^ 11^, ne | tor u U iiy w „ noun wounded en For a year end a halt until he fed The Greatest Story Ever W ritten gun working a few yards away; in "No Man’s Land." I in “No Man’s I W ’thia American aokfier correspondent who has written but they are thrilling, and lightened by a Three. And they are True. --------------- in t h is new spaper . - It Is the R ea l S tu ff I I City School Notes. Mrs. Charles Newton, o f Jorhnson’s I Thu Modern Language Club, for- Mill, le ft Sunday morning for Brook- jm eriy tha German Club, have become ings, Oregon, to aca her father, Mr. very patriotic and intend to invest in Owen, who is quite ill. two Baby Bonds. The Club Mrs. Frank Millar, o f Coquille, agreed that on the maturity o f these spent the week end with her daughter, bonds the money shell go toward the Mrs. Marion Clinton and fam ily. purchase o f a new grafonola fo r the Rev. Cromwell has removed his high school, fam ily from Portland last week to On Friday, March 16, there will be leral P a m Survey recently conducted Gravel Ford where they w ill reside. |a meeting o f the teachers at the high Mr. and Mrs. A . H. Schroeder, of school. lit. this County. Over 80% have al Among the subjects to be ready replied moot w illingly; a tew Norway, and Mrs. Gus Bender, of discussed w ill be “ Teachers Plans,” by belated returns still continue to come iBroadbent, visited at the hem# o f J. I Mr. Noblet and “ The Oral Method o f in eacb day's mail. W e w ill not re D. Carl Sunday. . j Teaching,” by Miss Spencer. port any c f the rest ah slackers if Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butler have About sixty students have enrolled they w ill come through within the moved to the Giles ranch near M yrtle for the industrial club work, the ma- next fe w days and can show a good Point. ' jority o f these coming from the | excuse fo r their delay. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis wsre visi- fourth, fifth and sixth grdes. Car f i l e follow ing is a condensed sum at C. E. Schroeder’s Sunday. dening seems to be the principal Last Thursday morning Mrs. W. T . phase o f work creating the most in- mary o f the Survey. Crop and Farm Labor Survey Dement, accompanied by Mrs. Dr. tercet. N ext week a club consisting O f Case County, February, 1818 Pemberton, o f M yrtle Point, organis- o f all the members w ill be organised, Total acres in farm », .110,848. ed an auxiliary o f the M yrtle Point In addition several subordinate clubs I Acres in cultivation, 18326. y Red Cross branch and in the after- consisting o f those engaged in simi- noon organized another auxiliary at lar work will be organized, 406 operators are owners o f farms. 220 operators are renters o f farms. the residence o f Mrs. C. E. Schroeder. Five stories have been submitted Number in families, 2622. Mrs. C. E. Scroeder was elected chair- ia the prize contest Tor the Laurel Number o f males over 14 years o f age man, Mrs. J. Henry Schroeder, eecre- The name o f the winner will be an tary, and Mrs. O laf Aasen, treasurer, nounccd later. available fo r work, 688. They will meet at tha borne o f Mrs. I Arrangements have been made for Crops 1817 crop 1818 J. Henry Schroder next Thuraday af- the teachers o f the Academy to have K IN D Acres Yield Acres tarnoon to begin work which will be an opportunity to visit other schools, Corn fo r grain 342 16,898 bu. 810 mostly knitting at first. A ll should only one teacher leaving on the same During the absence o f the Corn fo r silo. .1,688 16,741 tons 1840 be interested in this work and if you day. W inter Wheat 70 1,606 bu. 124 have not learned to knit remember teachers their places will be filled by Spring Wheat 27 742 bu. 107 you cannot begin any younger. A ll members o f the teacher training Oats ........ are welcome. class. The following have been ne- Barley . . . . Last'w eek the Prim ary and Junior lected fo r this purpose, Thelma Rich classes o f the Arago Sunday School I ardson, Irene Kime, Maymie DeLong, A lfa lfa . . . 2,818 tons 1204 met Saturday afternoon at the Hall and M yrtle Neely, C lover....... . .1,366 711 tons 820 and were entertained with various A set o f slides on “ F ly Prevention” Vetch . . . . .. 262 Grain H ay ..3,282 7,062 tons 3616 games and delicate refreshments wore received this week and were tha Other Hays ..2,866 6^01 tons 1877 which were intensely enjoyed by all, shown Tuesday afternoon to Beans . . . . , .. 186 201,286 lbs. 120 who numbered 20. classes in biology and general science. The Intermediate class o f the Arm- Nellie McQuillen, form er pupil of P e a s ......... . . 18 84 bu. 47 Potatoes . . . . 808 18,681 tons 669 go Sunday School agreed some time the high school, visited here Monday, On Thursday at 12:40 the Juntos 7,043 tons 286 ago to divide the class and the half Root Crops . . 268 which attended moat regularly should class held a class meeting in which L ive Stack 1918 1917 Wanted For be treated to a chicken dinner by th* they discussed further the plans for K IN D opposite sox. The boys gave Cie din-1 the Junior and Senior reception. The ner which was much enjoyed by all. report* reports for all the different commit- Dairy c o w s... .7187 6777 T h e Squire’s Daughter.” tees were given and a toastmaster Bulls (D a iry ) . 277 230 A comedy drama and basket social was selected for the 'occasslon. Bulls (B e e f) . . 98 6« the'occasslon. .to be given at the Arago.hall March Thursday, May M ay 23, has been set Beef Cows . . . . 866 840 16, 1918, by home talent. aside as commencement day. , The | Steers .............. 1210 1068 CsUt o f Characters. baccalaureate address will be given Work horses ..1238 1127 Squire Hawkins, member o f ‘ on the Sunday evening proceeding. [on Rams . . . . . . . . 87 10 Congress, ............. Gus SchroederI A A fte Mutton Sheep . 267 389 fte r r the the expenses expensee o o f f the the Athletic Athletic Joehua Brown, from the Association have been paid the club Breeding Ewes 183$ 1421 country ............... Stanley Halter expects to have left in the treasury Bears .......... 818 221 Albert Readc, not beyond re- about *100. The intentions o f the Brood Sows . . . 876 282 demptlon ..... ............. Bill Stauff I managers, at present, is to invest this Other Hogs .'..2806 2388 Fred Dudley, lawyer . .Geo. Hampton [surplus in Baby Bonds to be used to Hired taker. Frances, a descendant from start a gymnasium fund. Number o f regular farm N apoleon ,'......... Lawrence Tracy The members o f the Senior class all wanted now fo r balance o f year, 82. had their pictures taken in cap and Number o f farm hands wanted for Mrs. Hawkins, the hand o f the fam ily, . . . .Mrs. J. H. Schroeder I gown Saturday afternoon at the Stad- haying and harvest, 880. den Studio. One o f U m most importent things Stella Brown, abte to take care o f h erself,.. .Mrs. Goo. Hampton The Modern Language Çlub also obtained in this Survey is the list o f ’ had another picture taken o f the club seed wanted and fo r sala. I f you do Lilia Hawkins, the Squire’s d a u g h te r,........H. Martino Olson I as the first proved unsatisfsetorv. find what you went in this list we [can refer you to a similar list from other Counties in this State. Bandon game. Announcement was made at As Failed to Take Examination. The report that the government sembly this week that the try-out fo r I The following is the Hst o f regis- might take over the Johnson mill on those taking part in the declamatory [trants who have failed to appear fo r the lower Gequille, which has been and oratorical contest will be held physical examination here and who idle fo r several years, has evidently soon. stirred the Robert Dollar Co. to ac are subject to arrest. I t is thought, Many o f girls o f the 4th snd 6th however, that a good many o f these tion. grades have begun knitting the In the last issue o f the Pioneer men may have failed to appear be squares fo r the Belgian children’s cause they have already joined the Western Lumberman of San Franc's- quilts. They are asked not to buy I colors: y ,rn but P *°P le a*ke<1 to do- 88— John Arthur Hunter, 1868 Bon- 200,000,000 feet o f timber adjacent for I sal«. T h « timber is listed as flr, Port I " * * * * CI’* P* ” ymrn can sollo Ave., Los Angeles. The mill I n<* “ “ knitting fo r the soldiers, 76— Gus Klaneth, Box 22, Mfld. Or. Orford cedar and spruce. “ rg- t Wernioh U »»tending to be 101— Demetriuis Pspaconstantinove, is Mid to have a thirty-two acre site. a daily capacitf o f 100,300 feet and w,*h , th* l «*»Wren Thursday after 122 8rd Ave., Moline, HI. 110— Wm. Silas Woodruff, Allegany, f a c i l i t i e s fo r rail or water shipping. K h ')0 and ,ook ov* r their knitting. Five miles o f logging rai'way track! Cari Livingston, a a student Of the Oregon. Fifth grade has been absent from with it. a 114— Irvin Claire Gow, Cochran Ore. school on account o f measles in his 488— Frank A rvid Berg, Marshfield^ home. 660— Filberto Bessi, Gallup, N. M. Lutsey the Winner. Jean Young has been absent from 682— Vincenzio Romeo, 632-684 4th M. G. Lutsey, o f Coquille, was vic school on account o f illness. 8 t* Portland, Oregon. tor over Jackson in Saturday night’s Lucile Livingston is absent from 778— Arthur Clyde Hart, Livingston, wrestling match at the Royal theater, M ont says the Coot Bay Timet, taking the Picture slides on the “ Evil o f the 809— Andy Wilson, Eunice, N. C. second and third falls after Jackson I F ly ” have been shown to the grade 836— A lbert W alter S cott Marsh had secured the first one. Peter Bue [rooms this week. field, Oregon. was the referee. «P rvol Forman has been absent 1007— Arvid 8andqvist Ensenada, Jackson took the first fall in from school on account o f the measles Mexico. twenty-one minutes. Both worked 1067— Roy Lawrence Clark, Coquille, hard and Jackson’s superior strength Oregon. and weight apparently counted much Sr local applications, u thoy oaaant rooah 1184— Otha F ay Take, 3048 16th in his favor. ttas diseased portion of tbs oar. T b . r . la S t, San Francisco, Calif. os I t saa w ar ta ou r. catarrhal deafness The second and third falls were that ia hr a conatitutioaal n a i w . 1286— Delmore L. Pomeroy, (Induc rather slow, the second going twenty- and Catarrhal Deafness la eaoaad by an la- s »m .d condition o f tbs mucoaa lining o f ted) Petrolia, Calif. two minutes and the third twenty-six tbs Eustachian Tabs. When tb it tubs la InSamsd rou ba rs a rumbling sound or b a - 1314— Chat. Amund Prescott 274% minutes. Neither wea as good an ex Perfeot hearing, and when It la entirely closed. Deafness la tbs result, t'nleas tbs Holladay Ave., Portland, Ore. hibition at the first one. Inflammation saa ba reduced and thla tuba 1816— John Purdy, Peninsula Hotel, root or ed to Its normal condition, bearing w ill ba destroyed far .e a r Many eases of Portland, Ore. ' by catarrh, which I* 1468— Chas. Beckett Ward, Vernon, There is time for work and time fo r I ¿¿a Colo. I486— Henry Lewis Ganna, Marsh- play, and there’s a time to set a hen. Set her early. From March 1 to field, Oregon. 1661— Fred J. Quinn, care Truax Coal M ay 1. Early hatched pullets make early winter layers. E arly hatched Co* Noonan, North Dakota. 1563— Vern Leneve, Marshfield, Ore. cockerels w ill make tLot good fried 1900— Lewis Pedersen. 1806 Colton chicken on the 4th o f July. That’s when yon get the beet price on the A v e * San Diege, Calif. 1860— Antonie Maacioli, 604 Division market fo r fryers. They Want to Sell It. This Is Like Finding Money The Coquille Valley Sentinel for ONE Y E A R and the Oregon Farmer for TH REE YEARS, all for $1.50 E VE R Y SUBSCRIBER “ paying $ 1 .5 0 in advance for the Sentinel, from this date until further notice, will w - ceive the coining 52 issues o f the Sentinel and 156 issues o f the W eekly Oregon Farmer for tint amount. THIS IS THE GREATEST Club Offer we have ever been able to present to the farm ers o f the Coquille Valley and we believe many o f them will be glad to take advantage of it. M ail us the $1.50 if you are a new anbacriber or are already paid in advance, for the Sentinel and we w ill do the rest. I f yon are In arrears on the Sen tend, send os enough to cover that at the same time, and yon w ill receive both papers for the time specified— the Sentinel fo r one year and the Oregon Fanner fo r three years. $ 1.50 208 PAPERS FOR ONLY $130; TWO FOR PRICE F0 ONE TI m Sentinel every week far Three Tears, nl far only . This ia aernly the price ri The Send All Orders to H. W. Young, Coquille, Oregon Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured Set a Hen. 8 t* Portland, Oregon. O f the 16 million feet o f spruce and fir lumber shipped from Oregon and California to San Francisco during the last two weeks in February, 6 mil lion feet were from Coos county; 6,- 206,600 from Coca Bay and 800,000 from the Coquille river. Tim only other porta that furnished over 2 mil lion feet were Aberdeen and Port Ludlow in Washington. Brooking* in Curry county sent out 1 , 860 , 000 . So that about half the entire amount ‘‘ Buckeye’ aad l iw/trbnu u the recognised SEED HEADQUARTERS Diamond Poultry Yoodi Bee Supplì« Penili atra ■ fo r Càfd/ogfa n O K T l A N D .*- Ï «-»ru m c o . V ‘ y