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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1918)
vSkátesefeiísfiíí usd ~ F V • ' Y. MARCH A MIA PAGE SIX WAR Avsry tat n Naval PrfnA The CoquiUe Furniture Company has taken oyer the agency fo r the of the wild fa st The peaceful hills aw ait “ U p th e n w h an earth and m eet; The editor o f the Sentinel is in re “ B y glow in g cam pfire and the ceipt o f the follow in g letter from Roy “ Come, w eary sailor, lie and A very b e e n g date a t the N aval Op eratin g Base a t Hampton Roads, Va. “ W hile g a tin g a t the ahadowed sky “ Through br anches o f tha pine on Feb. 28, 1818: reared high; Just a line to te ll you “ Beyond the provinces o f hate com ing to this coast the “ The joys o f W estern hills a w a it." failed to reach me and to f a r O ld C s s s . that there is no m istake in the And, ah. the ties are strong, so strong, dross. The Sentinel is, aside from the The hours o f w aitin g are so lon g; letters I get from there, M o only But duty holds the sailor fa st means I have c f keeping in touch w ith T U I peace w ith honor comas at la s t old Coos and so fa r I have found given balaw have been by the food t t is net necessary ia r the housewife to have a “ new“ recipe fo r r bread. The breed can be started i flour, or rice or potatoes, can be eddad a fte r the sponge is farm ed in pleas o f p a rt o f the w hite flour which then w ou ld 'b e added. Souse women have found it desirable to sta rt the w ith the oatm eal or corn meal and then add the w hite flour later. i are asked to have tw o days a week and one wheatless meal each day, H means a total o f eleven wheatlese m eals out o f the week or m ore than h alf. Many people are not yet realisin g ju st what the food adm inistration is asking. Oatm eal and cornm eal should be used fo r pie crust when pirn are made, which should be seldom. Hare is a recipe fo r “ w ar bread,” which, although as dark as gin ger bread, some folk s think is a pretty good substitute fo r cake those Hoov- eririn g tim es: 2 cups graham flour, tt cup cornmeal. t t cup wheat flour. - 1 teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoons, level fu ll Baking pow der. tt teaspoon Soda, tt cup corn syrup, tt cup molasses. 1% cups w ater, tt cup nuts. * tt cup raisins. Bake one hour in slow oven. Makes tw o sm all loavea. New Brunswick Phonograph The last word in sound producing machines. " , The Fingi Type Phonograph The Brunswick-Balke-ColUnder C a , a fte r years o f preparation, en tese the phonograph field w ith e fin ti typ e phonograph. I t U christen ed T H E B R U N S W IC K . * I t U becked with seven established factories, end fifty distri bo tin * Oak or Mahogany, price -$186 Oskar Mahogany, pries..$155 Oak or Mahogany, pries. .$13$ W ith capital exceeding $16,000,000. W ith thousands o f expert W ith ite own forests from which to sscura the finest cabinet that U W ith y e a n o f prestig e in the enables famous. And with e contract with tha Paths us to open up the w orld's richest field in i This new Brunswick U a universal machine. It plays ell records, You ere not both Paths and every Am erican and foreign record i lim ited to any one make o f record, how ever greet. The Brunswick plays them all end plays them b etter. I t U righ tly christened “ AD Phonographs in One.” Oak or Mahogany, price..$115 Oak er Msksgany, price . .$95 Oak or Mahogany, p ries...$75 Oak er Mahogany, price $52.50 Mahogany Finish, price..$32.50 that I would trade fo r it. W ill you put “in care o f print shop" on m y paper and then I think I w ill g e t it. Complete stock o f N ew Brunswick Machines on hand. Also a complete stock o f Pathe I have enjoyed, in a w ay, the nine Records which are used on this machine. Come in and hear this wonderful instrum ent months that I have boon in the N avy, x * -JT > East Fork l i t » , I think it is t U only branch o f the Ton c%n secure one o f these machinée on monthly payments aerviee; but I w ill not be sorry N eva H arry is visitin g her tboy te ll bm that I am no longer M rs. Mason W ilcox, o f Mc ed and I can return to Coos Bay. K inley. The first few months that one M rs. Joe Laird, o f Bridge, and tw o in are, o f course, the h ardest It children w ere visitin g relatives i lik e finding you rself in a new world. friends in B rew ster V alley. You eat different food, sleep in a K . E. M ercy surely knows how to cornmeal end salt end heat to boil mock instead o f a bod, you “ h it tha dehorn cattle; he sawed the horns o ff ing p oin t Cook 20 minutes in double deck” to the tune o f about fifteen o f the caLtie a t Mountain G l boiler or over hot w ater. Cool, odd b u g » and h a lf a dozen drums, at ranch Monday and he would have the yeast and flour. Kneed, let rise un 1:80 a. m. instead o f craw ling slow i; horns o ff a bow before she had tim e til double in bulk. Kneed again, and reluctantly out at bed about ah to think what was the a u tta r w ith shape into loa f, end le t rise in pen hour a fte r the alarm dock has gone T H E H IG H G R A D E R O O F A N D IR O N P A IN T bulk has again doubled. Bake o ff at 0 a. m. You w ear your clothes TI m follow in g is an extract fr o n a 60 minutes. ,T according to regulations; lottar that Thgodore wrote Fob. 4, Sold Continuously for Over 35JTeun / and get up according to regulation and was recobrad March 5. in fa c t there is so much regulation that you despair o f learning it a ll in No. 4. USES W heatlese Biscuits. tt cup m ilk (o r w ater or h a lf aad fou r years. P* W aterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects The Sentinel ie indebted to Mrs. h a lf.) But in a rem arkably short tim e you I walked to the other camp in the have absorbed it a ll and actually like forenoon and then walked to a neigh* Helen Sperry fo r the follow in g recipe Bridges and buildings, Preserves Fence Posts, Pro 2 tablespoons sugar. it aside from a fe w incidentals, such boring town.' The road to town is fo r the excellent wheatlese biecuita 2 tablespoons f a t tects Inside o f Silos, W aterproofs C ellar W alls, as washing your own clothes, scrub w ell constructed and is lined w ith she is making, and o f which commeal 2 oespoons s a lt Preserves Foundation Timbere, Protects W agons bing the deck or acting as walnut trees most o f the Why. P a rt is the principal ingredient: 4 cups boiled rice (cooked as dry F ir s t the commeal— one-half a cup cook“ (w a itin g table o f the distance is through waste brush and Farm Implements. Should be used on all dishes), and you have About 2 quarts o f flour, land but I had a good view o f aome — is put in a shallow pan placed in the surfaces subject to severe conditions. accepted the vernacular and your talk nice vineyards and plow land. stirred frequ ently until it The t t yeast cake dissolved in is as “ salty“ as though you country is all rollin g and pleasing to is a delicateJbrown. The other in gre o f lukewarm w ater. wearing three or fou r “ hash aaarks“ dients are a teaspoon o f s a lt • cup Pour liquid over fa t, sugar end s a lt (service stripes.) o f peanut butter and one and a h alf I Add dissolved yeast and rice. Then One o f the u p liftin g things about it cups o f w ater. M ix the peanut but- work in graduaUy a ll the flour. When all is the sp irit in which the fellow s ter, w ater and salt and h ea t W hile risen it is very s o ft Pu t in pans CLEVELAN D , O H IO accept what seems to them at th is m ixture is hot stir in the meal and allow to double in its bulk. Bake to be real hardships. Whan I was at which should also be h o t Beat thor-J about one hour. This recipe makes Goat Island, San Frandceo, I oughly. The dough should be o f such j two large or three sm all loaves. Rfcee bunch o f “ rookies” carryin g rather ey that it can be dropped | may be mashed, or put through sieve, heavy boards up a decidedly steep h ill from a spoon. Bake in sm all cakes and under a decidedly warm sun. You I it in t d sriwilsston to an old P otato Brand could see that a t least 60 percent o f fo r three sous, (th ree cents or 16 can No. 6. them had never been used to that tim es) and the inspection was w ell . 1 2-8 Capa mashed pot d am o f labor. Did they grum ble? I f worth m y tim e. The castle stands lt t teaspoon sals. Oatm eal P ie C ru et one did I failed to hear him a a sm all h ill in the center o f town and tt yaest cake, d ry or 1 cup oatm eal or rolled oats, was in a position to hear fo r I stone stairw ay leads to the top o f ¡«solved in tw o tableepobns water. t t cup erisco or cottolene. cne o f the rookies. The the tow er from the roof o f which 8 rape flour. ttcu p flour. heard to a protest was when w e laugh splendid view can be had o f both the Use mashed potatoes and when cool in gly shouted to ocme o f the t t teaspoon s a lt town and the surrounding country. the yeast. Add part o f the flour, “ gobs“ (sa ilo rs) we passed; “ Join the tt teaspoon baking powder. I was in town one evening last week and the salt, and le t rise until very N avy and learn a trade.“ I t is the Cold w ater to make s tiff dough. id I bought a pair o f leather leg- ligh t. Add n e t o f flour end kneed whole spirit o f the life ; i f things are ings fo r 26 francs. Combine ingredients in ordinary Another m until dough is svry s tiff. L e t set until i, ^ 1 1 r-SP * hard, make a joke o f them ; i f they bought another pair like them Sun three time# in bulk. Shape into are easy accept them thankfully. Rolled Oats Bread (2 L o a v e a ) day and was charged 29 francs. That loavea and let rise again until double Since obtaining m y rate the first o f indicates the French custom o f rais No. 1. In bulk. Bake about one hour. I f all the year I, personally, have had an ing the price on anything that they 2 cups boiling w ater. the flour is added a t once, dough is easier tim e o f it and miss much o f the see the soldiers w a n t The leggin gs 1 yaest cake. _ __ have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine P a more difficult to handle. routine work o f the seaman branch; w ill lik ely sell fo r 40 francs soon. 6 cups flour. pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can but I am glad that I spent sevm 2 cups oats. Buckwheat Bread. months in that lino. Otherwise, 1 cup rye or cornmeal. B illie 2, me boy, when you have give you something neat for your office stationery l t t cups liqtRd. think I would alw ays have imagined som ething you don’t seem to have i t ttcu p molasses. 2 teaspoons salt. that it was as bad as I thought it fo r a th ief can not alw ays deliver the 2 cups boiling w ater. tt yeast cake, d ry or compressed, was when I first entered. 1 tablespoon sugar. SENTINEL PRINTING goods. You made a great blow about in two tablespoons w ater. Speaking o f the personnel o f the your “ B ig Berthas“ and about the 1 tablespoon f a t ♦ IS tt cup molasses. N a vy today I would say that it 1 tablespoon s a lt iron crosses you distributed. N ow Q UALITY PRINTING l t t cups buckwheat flour. by fa r a higher class o f men in it t Pour tw o cups boiling w ater over the B ig Berthas don’t seem to make l t t cups w hits flour. ever before. In the nine months that much noise and the iron crosses are the rolled oats (o r oatm eal) end let Scald m ilk, i f used, add salt, cook, I have been in training camps, here; r-ted in value with scrap iron. stand until lukewarm . M ix salt, su then add ysast and molasses. Beat a t San Francisco, and San Diego, gar, fa t and molasses with the two A A . Easton. G ravel Ford Academy. a fte r s tw o month v is it s t M arshfield. think no less than 26,000 men have other rape o f hot w ater. When luke in the flour slow ly and lot the dough Jess is sure a happy man because his rise until double in bulk. Beat down, E ditors: W alter Bunch and P erry trained at the station where warm add yeapt cake dissolved in tt Good Advice batching days are over. put In greased pan, and le t rise again located and sect out to cup lukewarm w ater, then add the] E at lesa, breathe more. until alm ost double in bulk. Bake Miss Jessie Bell entertained e num Am ong them was a very fa ir sprink Eldora J. A . Rippey and Khodea, oats, and the flour one rap a t a time. Talk less; think more. about on# hour in m oderate ber o f guests Saturday evening at the lin g o f collegt men and all in a ll they from Roeeburg, w ere visitors a t the U ee one cup o f the flour fo r the mold Ride lees; walk more. are above the average that one would Academ y Tuesday. E lder Rhodee le ft home o f her parente, M r. and M rs. in g board, kneed the bread until Clothe lees; bathe more. The Commercial Club me find in most assemblies o f that that afternoon fo r Bandon w here he Bell. smooth and elastic. Set to rise In W orry lees; work more. Wednesday evening a t 7:80. The qu ality o f recruits has, I think, Mrs. J. M. B righ t arrived home w ill hold a series o f m eetings. Elder rm place. When double in sis W aste loss, give more. one invited. been risin g slow ly but steadily fo r Tuesday afternoon a fte r several Rippey holds a series o f m eetings this ra t down and shape into loavea. Set Preach leas; practice more. the past year. week a t the Academ y. M r. Rippey weeks attention as nurse to her hus to rise again, and when double in I can te ll you but little o f life at w ill stop o ff a t aM rshfield on his re band, who is Just recoverin g a fte r a also bake one hour. serious operation. Butter W rappers and Trespass sea as so fa r my duties have been eon turn trip. fined to training stations and I have Signs at the Sentinel office. G ravol Ford has been enjoying Mrs. L. E. Haynal, our Bible teach been detailed here indefinitely, some snow and hail o f la ta er, has been sick this week w ith La N o. A C alling Cards, 100 fo r $1.00. have no w ay o f knowing when I w ill M r. Scott and fa m ily have rem oval Grippe. She is much better now. 1 rap cornmeal. g o to sea i f at aU. One thing I can from the parsonage, which has been 1 rap d ry bread crumbs, Miss Irm a Bunch, P erry Stone and say, however, is that the th eir home fa r several months. They Printers, Attention! t t teaspoon s a lt Clyde M eGary le ft the Academ y F ri m eets from the ships seem to be en are livin g at the F. S. Bunch place. t t teaspoon soda. A n y one who would be interested day noon fo r a week end v is it with thusiastic over the life , w hile the E lder Crom well hat moved into the V CACNNSOSTTM 1 rap sour m ilk, in securing f ju ts o f eight, ton, or th eir parents. Miss Bunch le ft the parsonage. in training in the camps find it hard S T A N D * tt cup m olasses, young men a t Coquille to visit her par to w ait their turn to be drafted fo r tw elve-point century expended, alm ost Arthur Mereen and S ivert Iverson t t rap raisins. as goad as new, could be accommoda- ents, M r. and Mrs. W . H. Bunch, o f sea duty. le ft Tuesday afternoon fo r Coquille M ix cornmeal, crumbs, salt and | M cKinley. Meesra. Stone and Me on s business trip . A word about our printing shop da Add to sour m ilk and mo G ary w ent on to M arshfield where here. W e have a linotype, tw o job Mr. Channey has his boiler out o f sses. Steam 8 to 4 hours. Baking they stayed w ith M r. M cGary’s par presses, an automatic cylinder jobber the river, and on a scow, a fte r layin g powder cans m ay be need fo r steam ents over Sunday. They m et Miss and a very complete layout o f type, in the river fo r a woek a t Coquille. in g bread. F ill them t t fu ll, put on Bunch again at Coquille Monday and all new. It ia a shop that H is a L y g e Culbertson is plow ing thcfr lld a and set in kettle o f w ater. Bread m orning and a ll returned together a f pleasure to work in. low er place this week fo r oarly spring ■m y bo dried o ff in over a fte r bring ter a very enjoyable tim e. i But w ell as I like the N a vy I ca crops. removed from steam er. M aster Paul Bunch and bis mother, not help feelin g this w ay about H : Bess B righ t is doing the chores Mrs. Frank Bunch are Home from G LY C E R IN E M IX TU R E on G. M ullen’s place this waek. C ollege Place, Wash. Paul started to C m M eal Y east Bread Miss Bell from Pow ers was a t home FOR A P P E N D IC IT IS Under the far-flu ng western n ight; school-M onday m orning. N o. A visitin g her parents last week, leav Just as the h a lf ligh ts vanish quite, Coquille people can prevent appen W alter Bunch le ft the Academ y l t t rape liquid (eith er m ilk, water in g Tuesday m orning. She i* goin g Cfctehing tha m agic o t its spell— dicitis w ith sim ple buckthorn bark, ’ h a lf and h a lf.) F riday m orn in g fo r a week end visit to school a t Powers. H ow w ell I love that hour, how well. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-ika. at his fath er, W . H. Bunch’s home at 2 teaspoons salt. O NE S PO O N F U L flushes the E N 1 cup cornmeal. The wooded hllls, the glisten in g sanda, T IR E bowel tract so com pletely it re- 1 tablespoon angar and 1 table e A picture etched by unseen banda, lieves A N Y C A 8 S sour stomach, gas spoon fa t m ay bs added, Shine, oh so ctearly through the hase, or constipation and prevents appendi raps w hite flour. A welcoaM ghost o f other days. citis- The IN 8 T A N T , pleasant ac 1 I* * * 4 «a k a dry or compressed, Then essa i» to whisper through the tion o f Adler-i-ka surprises both 4m - rived in tt rap o f Ink-warm wnt- «u n tors and patients. Loaves stomach As night winda ia tiw pins treea wül COQUILLE FURNITURE COMPANY HYDHO-CAIiBOSlTE Ik I M M to n y A WOicD to the WISE W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d nifty L e tte rh e a d s , C ir c u la r s E n v e lo p e s , o r oth er a d v e rtisin g m atter, The Coquille Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill the bilL W e also lut lili h c r .uni Son s e o PICTURES SSC ARTICLES OH ALL NEWS M DUKE FHNf NICHT, MM. I, M a Ut total M G » , * A c m «tat ltt cups liquid vm the man mu. EHM IS ON SHORE DUTY