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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1918)
♦i i.y *7- e have just received another shipment that you Garden Seeds Sf*ds and suggest suf _____ ^ ig complete. call early, while the ___ supply w_~cut " down on many varieties Our order was- J~ “ and the quantity on liand is limited. t When you order from us and you w ill not be dis appointed. Neither w ill the quality o f the goods be other than what you order. W e carry a wide ly assorted line o f high grade Groceries fo r your selection and guarantee every article we sell. And you w ill find our charges positively reasonable. Deal here and you may be sure o f gettin g the best groceries at th$ fairest prices possible. Phone 251 First National Bank Building Combination Cream Fragrant with the exquisite and coatly new odor o f The M . W . A . and R. N . A . lodges enjoyed a d eligh tfu l evening Satur day in ths form o f a dance given in the M. W . A . hall. lira . Ernest W arner and tw o child ren arrived here Saturday evening and are the guests o f M rs. M cNair. Arthu r Holden came down fo r a vis it Monday from Perrons’« M ill. A la rge crowd o f ladies from A re go and N orw a y ware here Saturday to vis it the Sad Cross rooms and receive instructions in the work. Jim Stinson cams home w ith ths Carey boys to spend Saturday and Sunday. M rs. W m . B erry spent the week end w ith M rs. H enry Strong. The daughter o f O. A . K errey, o f N orw ay, is reported very ill. M r. and M rs. H. LuttreU and daughter, M abel, w ere in town shop ping Friday. Zack G rant and fa m ily and Mr. it. H artley le ft Monday afternoon am C alifornia. G. W . Bark low le ft Monday to com mence w ork in the ahipynrd e t Msreh- n Seed, Garden Bantam 8 w «d Corn, Stowell’s Evei Corn, Onion Sets—O N LY A SM ALL AMOUN1 Lfci1 Dried Fruits THE ECONOMY W A Y ' field. 26 flowers GIVES A YOUTHFUL COMPLEXION A new idea in coemetica—An all-purpose cream. Use it wherever a face lotion ia called for. A vanishing, massage and healing cream all in one. \ KEEPS THE SKIN SOFT AND VELVETY Combination Cream Jonteel ia highly useful: Aa a supe rior base for face powder; To improve the complexion; To cool the skin; To soften the skin; To whiten the akin; For an oily akin; To protect the akin against weather; For chapped face and hands. Thè ladies o f tho Presbyterian church guv# a hot tam ale m io Satur day afternoon. - Tho m io was very successful end although U chickens w ere killed they did not have enough to sa tisfy tho demands. ' , M rs. F. M. Langlois w ent to Ban- don Tuesday to bo w ith her mother, who is vary UL- Grandma Gibbs, o f Broadbent, is very 01 end under the cere o f Dr. Pem berton. M n . M orris Bay aad tw o s o u went to Pow ers Tneeday to v is it her mo ther, M rs. Farbsr. Mies Grace H a ll spent the week end with M rs. Shorych in Marshfleld. J. W . Flanagan has ju st rm siv ad A SUPERIOR BASE FOR POW DER N ot G reasy; W ill N ot Grow H eir. Combination Cream Jonteel w ill not turn rancid. Combination Cream Jonteel comm to you her m etically sealed with pare An which keeps eoetents in perfect condition. Jar so beautifully designed that women like to display it on their dressing table, lie shape permits easy rem oval o f contents, clta r to the bottom. The most wondeaful thing about this new cream is that with ell its quality end delightful perfume it aelle at so popular a price. 50 CENTS A JAR Fuhrman’s Pharmacy Coquille, Ore. here on Ms old run. J. W . Fane hi or, o f Muscatine, Iow a, wee here Tuesday. Low ell H odge has taken the posi tion as eigh t watch on the train. J. T . R oyer, o f Prosper, wee here Tuesday to be fitted out by B erry A Schroeder. The G ravel Ford d istrict has sent in an order fo r $200 w orth o f T h rift Stamps. Dr. Pem berton made a trip to N or w ay Tuesday to vis it the son o f Mrs. W illiam s, o f that place, who is 01. M rs. J. O. Stem m ier went to Marsh field Monday to attend a D. A . R. m eeting. M rs. Clarenos Schroeder underwent a m ajor operation in Dr. Pem berton’s hospital Wednesday. She is reported to be doing nicely. Ben W hiquist, the barber, having recovered from a severe attack o f La Grippe, returned to Powers Wednea- Apricots ~~~ Peaches Prunes Raisins First cost less— less sugar re qnirsd in preparing. SPECIAL PRICES NOW Chick Food Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Tw o Phones— 691 HAVE U m it daily. Moisten face with w ater before applying cream to insure beat results. The Jonteel perfum e in the «team gives it a delightfully refreshing feeling. 7 tu SnaftAw intment YOU BOUGHT YOUR T H R IF T STAMP TODAY? THE SENTINEL T O YO U R H enry Schroeder w ent to Marsh field Thursday to a T h rift Stamp m eeting. Reese Bros, w ith th eir A fricanders Band and Orchestra w ill be a t ths Unique Theater Friday, M arch 1ft. J. M. B righ t, who has recen tly un dergone a m ajor operation a t North FRIENDS IN THE IT S W E E K L Y V IS IT S BO U ND TO IN T E R E S T TH E M modela too—edl at 10 Ny» Fr— Trial M AN G ES ” bicycle you Mrs. Snyder, from Idaho, niece o f Ifr . Lee Ray o f this place, has coese to spend the summer here. Mrs. Charles Smith visited a t Co quille Monday. Mrs. Kern returned to Coquille W ednesday a fter' a few , days’ visit with her mother. Joe H arry, who has bean m aking bis horns with his uncle, Joe Laird, at Bridge, has enlisted and w ill take his departure Friday morning. His crowd, consisting o f nine Ceos county boys, w ill go straigh t through to K el ly Field, Taxes. H arvey Barklow, son o f J. D. Bark- low, who has been in Covina, C alifor nia, fo r his health, returned Wednes day. Ha returns to Ms home on the North Fork, seem ingly not much im- IN TH IS C O U N T R Y o f B on y A Schroeder’« furniture store this week. One want to the horns o f Geo. W ilson, ths other to that o f Reuben Reop. SHOW THE PAPER Brewster Valley Notes. The A rtis tic Naadleworkars club mat a t the home o f M rs. Bella Laird Thursday, Fab. 21. I t being a nice day nearly a ll the members answered the ro ll ealL Crochet hooks wars not much in dsasand aa m ost ovary one was busy w ith thim ble aad needle, un til the refreehm ento appeared, which consisted o f lo vely apple oalad, cake and coffee. Those pr sssat w ere Mee- dames Phoebia H arry, S tella C row ley, TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT TAKING IT. THEY W ILL BECOME INTERESTED IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT IS ADDKXtS Laird, Cora A lfo rd , ZUpha th e IT IS DIFFERENT. .. / . s e n t i n e l , c o q u il l e , ore . jo/ed the exercises v e ry much. M rs. E va E ad k ott, o f Sumner, vis aed bar parents tw o days last week. M yrtle Lennet, o f M arshfield, v is it ed a fe w days at the F . A . Baker h im « la st weak. The plank ia being laid on the new bridge acroee the riv e r to the 0 . M. D urrel place. This certain ly 1« an imprnvsm snt th at w ill be enjoyed by the people that have done without a bridge so long. Bluebell.