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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1918)
A The follow ing man o f Claas 1 physically qualified for service. 8, Ernest Earl Hughes; 11, Cl H. Leg g ett ; 14, V anen C. Feste No business was transacted Vy the council at its regular sssai an last Monday evening but the time was de voted to tho property ewasrs on Hall streets who, with two exceptions, was* opposed to a new improvement there this year. Chas. Evland said ha admitted there should be a new bridge at Hall and Front streets or the gulch Ailed, but thought these abnormal times eras not when it should he done. Dr. V. L. Hamilton spoke next end he was in favor o f improved streets put in the beet possible shape. W ith the greatest prosperity Coquille had The Circuit Court room was Ailed, with an audience o f Coquill# and Myr tle Point citizens last Friday evening to hear Cooa county's candidate for governor, L. J. Simpson speak on W ar la introducing Mir. Simpeon, Loo J, Cary referred to the form er’s well- known activities in Red Cross, Liber ty Loan, T hrift campaign and other patriotic lines o f endeavor, end when he mentioned him as the next govern or o f Oregon there was an ovation which shook the walls. labor would be no MEANS MUCH TO COOS CO. THE ARMEN IAN RELIEF the propertiea were net dividend pro ducing and their value did net ju stify W . Erickson; 468, Andrew A . T h or- haven; 472, Chea. R. Fowler; 419, Ed ward Moaaon; 482, Adam 3. Guth- hardt, (lim ited ); 486, Cari Leroy Me- Timmonds; 498, John W. Celbertoon; 498, Mack W. Gant; 697, James H. H ow s; 611, Gust A llen; 614 Reenous J. Cochran; 616, Guy A. CutRp; 620, Edmund GalHer; 622, Roy L. Spires; 626, Clarence F. Stock; 626A. Albin Granstrom; 630, Jnlian Dappoi; 631, Cari E. Finnell; 682A, Arthur E. Rand; 638, W illiam Paart; 686, Bud Chinese Case in Circuit Court The first o f tho week the people o f Coquille witnessed the unusual spec- taels o f a bunch o f half 4 doses Chin amen parading our streets. The oc casion eras a suit in th* Circuit court in which G o w . W hy, a Marshfield laudryman, waa trying to recover $600 be had loaned to Yuen Ock a few years ago. Yuen raid he wanted it for Gee King Quong over in China end gave Gow W hy mom deeds for property in China to secure It. These deeds war* ordered returned to ' Gee King Quong in a suit in Justice Peu- nock’s court at Marsh field a short time since. Quong claimed that Tara Ock had never turned over the money end that is why the suit went against Gow W hy. John K ing; 880, August J. Schmidt; 842, Guy Stutsman; 844, Wm. Nei deigh; 887, Clyde H. N orton; 874, Nets T. Peterson; 878, Harold K. Hodge; 886, Chas. 3. Sarvis; 888, Rudolph Nieme; 888, Erick Pearson H oaf; 898, W alter C. Crane; »10, W lnford P. K ing; 917, Gordon 8mith (lim ited); 922, Gee. R. Jefferson; 924, Harry Blake; 928, Harry H. Runt; 927, John Johnson; 918, Louis Caputhanasis; m . Oscar M. Peterson; 989, Wm. R. Philadelphia rang out the liberty tf this country. It's echoes have been ringing ever since and are now in creasingly intensified. Liberty and democracy shall not perish." Another burst o f heartfelt applause greeted the eeaetuaion o f the address. Somebody Blundered. - A week ego in response to General Pershing’s request for auto and auto truck drivers fo r-th e work o f the army in France, Oregon waa asked to furnish 100 chauffers. This call was beard in Cooa county and nine o f the young men in Class 1 and subject to the draft had arranged with Assessor Beyers o f the local board to go out this morning for Portland, on route to Kelley Aviation Field et San Antonio, Texas. These are the men referred to: Frank Black, o f North Bend; Chas. William Erickson, of Marshfield; Phil ip Sheridan Emery and Cheater Clin ton Emery, Marshfield brothers; 3. William Richardson, o f Marshfield; Joseph Lane Harry, of Myrtle Point; Harold Blain Howard, Thors ten Flies- burg and Andrew Otto Erickson, also o f Marshfield. - Two or three men went out to Eu gene yesterday morning at their own expense having business at that city. Several others sold their machines at a sacrifice and all hurriedly arranged their affairs for aa absence in Europe while the war lasted. Yesterday afternoon, however, Mr. Beyers received word from Portland that the contingent was *al ready full and no more men could be taken. This is certainly very shabby trear- Ships Out the Gold. Cashier R. H. Mast, o f the Farmers A Merchants Bank, had a sack tied up yostorday which he said could be kissed goodbye. It contained $6,000 in gold which had been lying idle in the vault as reserve and the bank di rectors had decided that it waa a pa triotic duty to send it to tho Federal Reserve Bank at- San Francisco. That bank can issue currency to tha amount o f 60 percent additional to the value of the gold, or $9,000, which will increase the circulating medium of the country that much. The Four-Minute Men. Tho four-minuto men who will speak at the Scenic next week are: Frank Burkholder, Monday night, March 11. L. J. Cary, Wednesday night, March 13 P rof. 3. C. Almack, Thursday night, March 14. R. A. W ernich, Friday night, March . This morning Attorney A. H. Der byshire, o f North Bend, was appoint ed to succARi him as Justica o f the Peace for District No. 1. Two indigent« wore stricken from Coos county’s list o f pensioners, Sophie Kliteroft, o f North Bend, and Mrs. Eva Waller, of Bandon. The petition o { W. S. Farren and others for a road up Larson Slough was dismissed by Judge Hall because the proceedings were defective. The petition of C. J. Loney and others, o f Powers, for a road in Mor ris subdivision on th* north sid# of that place were dismissed for a like reason. Give the Gardens a Show. City Attorney Stanley says com plaints have been coming into hia o f fice lately about fowls running at large and destroying neighbors’ war gardens. During winter weather peo ple made no particular objections to fowls running out but now that spring weather brings on the “ gar- It is to be hoped that people will take warning and confine their hen* for the benefit o f the gardens aa wall as Mtasurnd For Uuifom*. for the peace o f mind o f the city at The Coquille Home Guards were torney aiid those offending the law. this week measured for the uniforma which the county has agreed to pur Marshfield H u Three. chase far each company in th* eounty. County Superintendent Baker went The County Court has agreed to pay $19 per man far the outfit which will to the Bey yesterday to attend e leave $488 for each guardsman to meeting o f the W ar Savings Stomp put up individually. The uniform Drive committee. He astonished the will include hat, blouse, trousers, leg- Marshfield people by telling them that Coquille had 60 Rainbow Club mem bers. The Bay city has oay three. Every boy or girl who sella 200 Thrift Stamps la rswardsd with a member ship in that etob. — 11 m folio win* gentlemen loft at noon fo r Dora sad Sitkum where they w ill hold W ar Savings Stamps m eet ing* this afternoon and tonight: L. Ply male to Gravel Ban J. Gary, A . T. Morrison, J. E. Norton, Dyer don Rond—Other County ' R. E. Baker, L. C. Douglas, Jno. W . Leneve, R. H. Mast and A T . Boldon. Matters of Interest. The total sales o f W ar Savings Stamps in this district last week was 12600 Making the total sales up to March 2, $8600. A report from on* committee in this campaign deserves especial no tice. One fam ily they called on had no stamps o f either kind— thrift or war savings. When asked to buy they said they were unwilling* to fu r nish any money to purchase machines or supplies to be used in killing peo ple. They enjoy the protection o f this government, which is waging war solely to prevent the occurrence here o f what happened in Belgium, and yet they niggardly refuse to assist in any way. The sales o f these war savings se curities throughout the nation showed a marked increase week by week. The Rainbow regim ent o f 1000 school ty cou rt children in Oregon who have sold ov 1 The Captain also requested that the er $60 o f stamps was announced as court make the order for the whole complete this week and the nation equipment and agreed to stand good wide drive to boost sales has been set for the $4.88 per man to bo paid by for the week, March 13th to 19th. the members. Each man will be ex pected to put up $6 to pay on his out- At, and this the members of C apt Fletcher’s company had agreed to do. This money, though will probably be refunded from company funds as they are secured. The uniforms will be shipped from New York within 10 days after the receipt of the order. Provision is to bo made for 800 uniforms, 00 for each company. The only bidders for the work of gravelling the Bandon to Curry coun ty line road were Dyer A Plymale, of Bandon. They were awarded the con tract at their bid o f $2.01 per cubic yard o f gravel placed on the road, with the condition that they should pay the county 20 cents per yard, 6 cents for the coat o f the material on Floras creek and 16 cents for the use o f the county Holt caterpillar engine aed cars. o f iffmvel to he need IS last Sunday evening to present th* 80,000 yaM s, so that this contract will dire need o f the Armenians and Syr pay the county $8,000 for interest and ians was not aa largely attended as depreciation on a tractor outfit that H would have been had it been a more cost $16,000. Th# work there is to to» pleasant evening, with the electric finished within a year, and that is tha lights working smoothly. only considerable job of road building J. K. Norton presided and the music we may expect to see undertaken in was furnished by the Methodist ehoir. this county until the war is over. The speakers were J. C. Almack, Ray The petition for a road from East- mond E. Baker, Father H. 3. McDevitt side to Daniels Creek was very large and Rev. S. G. Rogers. ly signed and was referred to the Each one of the speakers made county surveyor for a report. earneet and enlightening addresses, District Attorney Hall was In Father McDevitt devoting his re structed to begin suit against Justice marks principally to the brotherhood A. E. Shuster, o f North Bend, to re of man, and arging a more practical cover the $774.96 which he has been application o f Christian principles found Short in his accounts with the and toleration o f the religious rights county. of other*. Justice Shuster was in attendance St the session'yesterday and resigned ------------------- ---- Thrift Stamps Drive Tonight.