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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1918)
Cast Fork Items. 1 -J ¿‘•/■ ’•J ‘ ” V V a , ' ' ' V» ^ ~ Finding Money It bas not been deeided the Brewster Valley Creamery w ill de business the comiag ses ion or not. Frod Baker beugkt hay at the Min- lard ranch. Wa ail know hay is a lU ng prie# and the man who hauled |it that distance knows it U a long The CoquiUe Valley Sentinel for O N E Y E A R and the Oregon Parmer for TH R E E y e a r s » ii w <ci J E V E R Y SUBSCRIBER paying »1.50 In advuct h r tteSeattod, bom this date until fetter noUce. »11 re- ceive U k coining 52 kuca of the Sentinel and 15« hade» of the Weekly Oregon Parmer for that amount. THIS IS THE GREATEST Club Offer we have ever been able to present to the farm ers o f the CoquiUe Valley and we believe many o f them wHl be glad to take advantage ol it. Buy a BUSH C ar moved eamp end now occupy new barracks and field on a rocky ride# from which there la a fine view o f the surrounding country. Unlike their old barracks the new are lighted by electricity. Fruit is a scarce article. Sometimee figs or raisins are brought into camp bat the price is high. For figs he paid two francs, (the franc is a little more than 1 7 * cents,) fo r his mess cup full, that holds a cap and a half or a little more. For a can o f raisins that holds about a quart he paid three francs. I am of the opinion that fru it tastes as good to thoae who do not use tobacco as to* tacco tatsea to the tobacco user. There have been great efforts pat forth to furnish the tobacco users l i t :" *875 1 I f s a W orld-Beater at the Price A beautiful five-passenger T ou rin g Car. Standard construction throughout. Complete equipm ent, design; uuporb finish. S trong and durable. Speedy I f you w built for tow and fuel econom y. Y o u ca n t m ake a m istake in bu yin g this exceptional ca r fo r $875. N o w h ere in A m erica can you find its equal a t the pricn. R em em ber that th s B U S H is not an experim en t. B U S H Cars h ave been in service fa r years. T h e y have proved them selves to be a ll that w e eey about them. Y o u can th rottle th e B U S H engine dow n to tw o m iles an hour on high. Its action is sm ooth and sw eet. Jf’s a h u m m e rI ______ __ 8 «« it for yourselt Compare it with any other cor selling foe leas then 11,300 and yea w ill say that the BUSH U a < le t as ghw pea a dMuemtssMsu TODAY. Mail us the $1,50 if you are a new subscriber or are already paid in advance, for the Sentinel and we will do the rest. I f you are in arrears an the Smtenet, send ns enough to cover that nt the same time, and yon will receive both papers for the time specified—the Sentinel for one year and the Oregon 208 PAPERS FOR ONLY $ 1 . 50 ; TWO FOR PRICE F 0 ONE $1.50 Send A ll Orders to s»_ H. W . Y ou n g, Charles H. Babin, prssidsnt o f ths Guaranty Trust Company, recently announced that while the ings of the people o f this ft re the war had boon estimated at from $5.000JXMMMM to $4000,000,000, such has already basa ths growth o f the thrift movemoat that our sav ings in 1917 ora now estimated at from $14,000,000,009 to $16,000,000,- OOO, or nearly three time# what they were before the war, says the L iter ary Digest. An increasing amount of thrift has been reflected on oil sides —in the investment market, savings- banks, life-insurance companies, sSe. Mr. Sabin believed, however, «hat “ to carry a th rift program beyond the point of a rational tneraose In saving could serve only to doprsoo business, destroy velum, end create unemploy ment.” Business men and wogem rn- rn. would not bo able to lend money to the Government unless they could make money. Business moot earn more money in 1918 than It 4M in 1917, because the Government “ is go ing to need more money end increas ingly more money, before this war Is won.” He added: “ There must be discrimination, of course, between that which la cm tisl and that which is non assent But no legitim ate business which can make money wthout competing with the Government is non essential In fact, it is very essential, because ey is one o f the moot important mu nitions of war. And, it should bo re numbered, the people who earn the money in such business are among those who invest largely in the Gov ernment’s war loons and who pay taxes.” -- — ~. r This subject was recently discussed ■•long similar linos by s w riter in F i nançai America. W hile th rift is need ed to save money, food, fuel, and many commoditise used on the fight ing-lines and in the homes o f Allied I eople, this saving should not moon “ the adoption o f parsimony as a habit of life.“ Saving money ta lend to the Government does not mean that bmrt- ness men and Income misers;” it that they sould and their fom ilim of that they should bo penurious or nig gardly or avaricious In thoir burinem dealings or, most Bn portent o f ell, in their charities.“ The man who starves him self sr st T m . nt ths LOREN KNIGHT, CoquiUe, Or. M E N T FOR CO O S, CURRY, AND S u k id e a t Powers. ____ ____ a.L a irons . i. _, w % — — prêts as altpsten rowers yes terday states that James Houston, a well known livestock doeler end meet market operator than, Wodneeaay night fired e rifle bullet through his heart, dying instantly., Hs laid down cn the bed in his room in the Morris ranch house, held the m unie of a rifle over hie heart and with a stick pulled the trigger. Houston had resided in this section and near M yrtle Point fo r years. Ha was about forty years old end single and no does relatives are known here. Sometime ago ho opened a moat market there and Mr. Gant and At- bert Abbott, o f Marshfield, were in- teres ted with him in the business. For some days, it is said, that Houston bad boon driking heavily and Wednesday had shown indications o f despondency. He shot himself at seven o’clock D O U G LA S C O U N T IE S are operated by the company in the «re north.—Cooe Bay Timas. nort J1 ^ilb h,,nt P* -1 ftn r San | If you want to got a more compute introduction to the infamous eharse- Tt Iter o f BillU 2 and the German gov f f * ernment read "Germany’s Plots Ex ^ posed—The German 8py Sustem from reeul the Inside,’' by John R. Rathorn, edi cold tor o f the Providence Journal, com &*r' mencing in the World’s Work fo r £ “ February. You w ill got more thaa this an introduction to Baraetorif, Von Pa used pon, end Boy-ed and others o f their — kind. You w ill become fu lly ac — quainted with them and learn that ^ Estete Settkd Aftar 35 Y«are. Bey-ad, who is s cross between a John Swsnton, o f Marshfield, re German mother and a Turk father, is Coroner F. E. Wilson at Marshfield cently received a Wttar frota hia mo the only one in the bunch who carries has been notified end until arrange tilar, Mrs. E. F. Swanton, o f Dublin, the slightest resemblance o f honor t> a quarter century ments are made fo r the inquest, no Ireland, stating that sha had succeed- under his hat That was a groat German pence action w ill bo taken about the funer- ad in obtaining a aattlament o f his father’s estáte after beéng invelved proposal to the United States made Diamond Albert Abbott stated yesterday in the Chancery Coarte fo r over thir- by Boy-ed in 1916. Bernstorff could Poultry Pood» o f the North w o t M our that he had sold out his interest in try to play the game at alibi as well ty-five years. ^^^^iju irantec of Ber Supplie» the Powers meet market with Hous His father became involved finan as his boss, Billie 2. It is known now ton last Saturday. Houston had been ^ » • ‘‘VVSaeul.ctory Petti liier» W Srrvue cian y oti account of beáng surety. A t that Bernstorff toasted the command to You. t o u m a m m one time bis fam ily could heve sold er of the U-boat the night after the for Coto fog Ha one-third o f bis property and paid the Lusitania was sunk. The men o f the surety in fuil, but ’ after going Providence Journal surely did great thraugh Chancery loet everything, work and helped put President WU- Tuscania Victims Recovering. excepting what was saved to hia mo- son wise as to the villainous iniquity A Washington dispatch reports six of Billie 2 and his gang. In the same ther by virtue at a pre marriage eet- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. tiement, under which sha received en number o f World’s Work is “ How ty-three survivors from the Tuscania Germany is Preparing for the Next in hospitals in Ireland recovering from injuries and exposure. In no o f 85 years racetved about eight thou- War,“ by J. B. W. Grsdnsr, o f the Highway Caaatractiea, Cam County, ease, according to the statement to New York Times, in which the plans sand dollere. One-fourth o f thia went Oregon. the W er Department, is the condition to pay attorney tarn which waa in and purposes at not only the German Sealed bids tor the construction of addrUon to sums paid out o f the as government are brought to light but in the least critical, and all w ill be Gravel Wearing Surface on moved on soon. te ta from Urne to tim# during the 85 that the Gorman people are interested the Bandon-Curry County Section A t Londonberry, W illiam B. Cur in the same diabolical acts as Billie years to attorneys. 2. That we are in this fight not only tis. son o f W. B. Curtis o f Marshfield, o f the Coast Highway in C om Mrs. Swanton had despaired at get- Oregon, w ill be Re Guss Johnson, of County, to tiek the German government tram is recovering. ting a Settlement during her lifetim e ceived by the County Court of said Rfsdaport, and Hallie M. Hoeelton, the face at the earth, but that the German people must be licked Into e from Coburg, Ora., who form erly County, at its office in the Court growing sense o f right doing and worked at the Courtenay m ill at the House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 o’clock A. M. March 7th, 1918. their present educators and naar ed Bay are at the seme place. No bid w ill be considered unless ac A smaller number o f the 63 are at ucators pot out o f business. Ws will also le a n from this article bow Ger Larne, but no Coos county boys are in companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or certified check fo r an amount equal many Is being turned into an official this lis t— Coot Bay Times. to at least 5 per cent, o f the total stock ranch, the woman being need amount of the bid. Baudot! Ashore Again. as the brood animals. Billie 2, me A corporate surety bond w ill be re boy, the peace you era blabbing about The stammer Bandon lost her port and wanting is the peace o f hell end wheel Tuesday as she was about quired for the faithful performance that is the kind you’ll got. But you ready to cross out from Coot Bay fo r o f the contract in a sum equal to one- ]f the total amount o f the bid. will not have anything to do with the the south. 8he was caught in a Proposal blanks and full informa peace on earth fo r neither you nor strong tide end turned around end your kind are to bo taken into con ran aground in the mouth o f South tion for bidders may lie obtained at Ihe office o f the County Clerk of «aid sideration in the making o f that Inlot before she could bo righted. County, or at the office of the Deputy peaes. For the peace for* which we The Hardy which came down aided State Highway Engineer, in the Court fight end w ill fight for until it is es hex in getting off. Capt. Blomquist tablished is the peace o f end for did not discover the loss o f the wheel Home, Coquille, Oregon. Plana and specifications and forms until after the Hardy started out. Ho of contract may bo seem at the seme was tryin g to gat a tug to tow up place or may be obtained upon the deposit of $15.00, The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed beat for sair County. COUNTY COURT OF R o m Smith, representing the Rob- COOS COUNTY. STt Dollar Co., which form erly oper- James Watson, a ted a mill on the Coquille river, loft County Judge, for Seattle Wednesday after a one Goo. J. Armstrong, day stop in the county looking over County Commissioner, the pnesssejons o f the company which Archie Philip, still here. There are no plans to County Commissioner, oo fu r so ho knows nor Attest: could he state whether there is any | L. W. Oddy, to move any supplies 5t8 County Clerk, Coquille, O r e g o n Savings Mora Than Daahisd. I chew o f the tobacco user, no matter I how disagreeable it may be for them, land no effort is put forth to encour- lage the non-tobacco osar to refrain I from form ing the habit by seeing that figs and raisins etc., are sold to him [a t a fa ir price. In one letter Theo dore wrote that the articles the Bod Cross and Y . M. C. A. have on sale are priced about the same as in the I States, 25 centimes fo r a cup o f cof fee, the same for a sandwich, that is 6 cents each. The Bolshevild’s and all their kind must learn this lesson: "The law is the schoolmaster." And that they can’t run a school without the school master for that means the vacation days the riotous days, the school gone wild, and the damage bills must triet to the m ills which Coquille, Oregon, February 7th, 1913. 9 ■ £ i* j] » , 9 1