The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, March 01, 1918, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    City Bril—I Netta.
t>arhîTf"mmplr*~it tha marked
d ra ft
ad these cards
it ia a ll.
ro w eeks' w ork sd fou r or five
in the aftom oo.
“ htar Span sled Banner.*
Minuet— Fourth Grade.
“ D on't B ite the Hand Th at’s Feeding
Y o u "—Song. ■
“ How B etsy Ross Made the F la g“ —
Dram atisation.
“ K eep the Home F ires Burning“ —
Song by Rainbow R egim en t
“ H istory o f the W a r"— F ifth Grade.
Mrs. W . H. Lyons played fo r the
Mrs. Boyars and Mrs. Bren» tetter
were visitors in Mrs. M ulkey’s room.
The B class o f tho F ifth grads is
bolding the pennant fo r the beet
Ths interest in tha T h rift
peign is s till steadily
During ths past weak aa addition o f
th irty has been made to
have sold their fifty dollars’ worth,
bringing tha present registration ia
the Rainbow R egim ent ap to fo rty
M ary Esther Johnson in tho fifth
grade s till loads in tha number o f
th rift stamps sold, w ith Maximo Paul
son aa a close second. M ary Esther
has sold 1800, and tha total nog
by school children 1s 14,060.
The report o f tho high school fo r
month ahawo tho follow in g
Number o f w ar saving stamps own­
ed by teachers, 18i
N o o f T h rift Stamps owned by
teachers, 81.
Num ber o f W ar Savings certifi­
cates owned by pupils, 54.
T otal amount invested in W ar Sav
Inga certificates and T h rift stamps by
teachers and pupils, $483.60.
In addition to this $1260 1
Invested te L ib erty Bends
Louis J. Simpson has offered prises
fo r tho boot soiling record*
month during tho year. Students w ill
continue te soil a fte r tha Rainbow
Regim ent 1a filled.
A m oating o f the Junior class waa
held Wedneeday fo r tho purpose, o f
talkin g over plans fo r tho Junior and
Senior reception.
The Junior class
this year intends te load the high
school by H ooverising ia everything
they do. They intend to cat down all
unneceesay expenses connected with
tho reception and have agreed with
other classes o f tho high school to
serve no refreshm ents at parties dur
in g the war.
The girls o f the Sixth grade have
bean cutting gun rags. Th ey have
cut about 600.
Tba follow in g are the students o f
the Sixth grade who have sold their
amount o f T h rift Stam ps:
M arian Norton, 287; W alter Paul­
son, 788; H al H ow ell, 210; Grace A l-
mack, 200; A llan Young, 201; F rits
Noaler, 200; E lva W illey, 228; Ruth
Franca, 201.
Mias Treadgold took tho Eighth
grade Civics class to hear the court
proceedure on Tuesday. The pupils
were vary much interested in the
until A p ril 2, you sre subject to • fine
o f not loos than $20 nor m ors than
$1,000 and on additional aaoosamont
o f 60 par cent o f tho amount o f tax
Returns are required o f every un­
m arried person— man or woman—
whose net income fo r the calendar
year 1917 was $1,000 or m ore, and o f
every m arried parson whose net in­
come was $2,000 or more.
The rate o f tax is a t least 2 per
cent on net incomes o f unmarried per­
sons in excess o f $1,000 and on net in­
comes o f m arried persons in excess o f
$2,000. Paym ent must be made on or
before June 16, 1918.
The estim ated revenue to be col­
lected this year under the W ar Rev­
enue A ct is $2,600,000,000, o f which
$660,000,000 is in individual income
taxes. Last year 500,000 persons paid
income taxes; this year it is estim­
ated the number w ill be m ore than
6,000,000. I f you are one o f them.
the support o f the war. By prom ptly
filin g your return and prom ptly pay­
in g your tax you arc helping the Gov­
ernment to early victory. Pay your
income tax in the same sp irit in which
you bought your Lib erty bond. The
proceeds are fo r the tam e purpose
to make the world safe fo r democra-
„ In each case flavor is brought
out by cooking— by “toasting. *
So you can imagine how
collar with a turnover o f white linen,
and the epaulet effect over the sboul-
ders was carried out with braid, on
the otherwise severe Norfolk jacket
The skirt was formed at alternate
plaited panels o f charmeuse and silk.
That boleros o f various descriptions
are to be worn for spring is an accept
ed fa ct One recently ssen was most
The M yrtle Point A th letic Associa­
tion has planned to run a special train
F riday evening in order to bring
down their
and rooters. There
is assured a good crowd aa over 160
tickets have bean sold. This gam s
w ill no doubt be £ liv e ly and Inter­
acting one and w ill perhaps deter­
mine the championship o f ths county.
Band on high school plays Marsh­
field tonight and N orth Bond at North
Ashes ss Fertilizer.
Bond tom orrow night.
Ashes ere worth s careful tria l aa
The excursion to Band on Friday
a fertilisa r this year in tha prepara­
evening was s com plete success. Ths
tion o f garden land, in view o f the
high price o f other fertilisers, says an
$1 35 and Coquille returned boms
O. A . C. bulletin. W o guess yes. On
w ith a acorn o f 82 to 29 in bar favor.
the farm where the w riter grow up
on the eastern coast wo used to buy
leached ashes from the potash works
i*p state, that had to be shipped hun­
dreds o f miles by rail and then hauled
five m iles by wagon,’ a t a big price,
and still found it paid. Ia fact, it
hardly paid to try to raise wheat
Service F lag.
without them.
Several additional stars ha vs base
addad to the now service fla g m aking
Not in Coqaille’s Class.
at present a number o f 28 in all.
Marion county comes a claim
These stars represent the boys o f
ervais school g irl who has
the Coquille high school who are now
in service.
The follow in g te the sold about $126 worth o f T h rift
Hat o f boys: M arc Shelly, Eari Iaen- Stamps holds tho state championship.
aee, W alter F. Oerding, G eorgs E. H ere in Coquills M ary Esther John­
Oerding, Owen
Knowlton, H arry son has sold $325 w orth and fou r
Oerding. E arl Noaler, E arl Leslie, other pupils $126 w orth or bettor.
E arl W illey. Kenneth Lawrenee, Psr- G ervsis w ill have to take a back Mat
rv Lawrenee, Reuben Mast, Clay unless it guts into the gam e pretty
M att
K errigan,
Burns, C lare Minton ye, Morton T yr-
rel, Jaa. T h rift, G eorge Alonsos, V ic­
tor P ottin gfll, Boy A very, Win Bar-
row, Paul Lamson. V ictor Mann, Guy
K elley, Claud Gilara and Roy Watson.
Examinations About Completed
In the city o f London at the time of
King John every vintner was required
to bang outside his shop an Iron vassal
with pegs marking the different quan­
tities sold.
One idee o f a resourceful woman Is
one who can stand bar family skeleton
In a corner o f the parlor and make
folks believe It Is brie-s-brac. -G alves­
ton News
The name o f almond suggests only
the nut o f that name, but wa have
flowering alaaoods that do not bear ed­
ible nuts, but make a grand display of
Idossoma in early spring.
Pare water, according to Lord Ray­
leigh. Is greenish bine, while pure sir is
Idue. because, according to Newton's
dictum, the molecules o f the sir ass
sufficiently large to reflect blue rays.
The first recorded Instance of cattle
plague Invading England occurred so
long ago ss the year 809, when a “ black
murrain“ — probably anthrax — killed
nine-tenths of ths cattle than living
In Great Britain.
Except fo r soma “ scatterin g" cases
from outside the county tha d ra ft ex­
aminations have bean finished here.
So have the indexing o f the ques­
tionnaires aa fa r as it could be done,
The*population o f the Roman empire
tho supply o f Index cards having run In the time o f Augustas has baas cal­
out before the work was done.
culated at 88,000,000. The only Inde­
pendent powers o f Importance ware
the Part Mans, in tba east, aad tbs Ger­
mans. on ths north.
C alling Cards, 100 fo r $1.00.
t u f ting improves the flavor
of the B urley tobacco used in
the Lu ck y Strike Cigarette.
bung down to the hips in the back, was
a distinctive feature. A wee peplum
extended below the capo collar several
inches, while the front ended at the
waist proper. Wee tabe on each aide
of the front looked like pockets.
There Is hardly a doubt that has not
l>«ea quelled by now that the abort
jacket will bo very smart for spring.
Short, chic, boxy affairs they are, too,
arid very good for the slender flgure.
There appear on several imported
models noticeably high codnra, hat
whether they will be worn dosed or
open Ip a disputed question. Thom are
also to bo seen several very high turn­
over affairs, but these are usually worn
Coquille H as Lost But Oae.
Correcting an item in tha Coos Bay
Timas P ro f. Noblot w rites:
I desire te set you righ t regarding
the standing o f tho five high scool
basketball teams in tha county In
yesterday’s issue and in one previous
issue you stated that Coquille had lost
tw o games end that M yrtle Point had
lost none. Tho fa ct U Coquille has
lost only one game, the one a t M yr­
tle Point with tho M yrtle Poin t team.
M yrtle Point has lost none, but they
have the gam e to. play with Coquille
on Coquills's home floor and until that
gam s is played they do not have any
cinch on the championship. Further­
more, M yrtle Poin t has to play tha
Marshfield team a t M arshfield with
some advantages in fa vo r o f Marsh­
field. W e have played onr hardest
games while M yrtle Point has to win
both ths Marshfield and Coquille
gnmes yet before they can be conced­
ed champions.
does to steak, baking to a
potato— and toasting to bread.
The deepest valley la believed to bo
In Palestina It la at lasst 1J00 feet
Our February Subscriptions.
Iwlow the level o f the sea.
rbe only activa volcano in the Unit­
Subscription payments have been
received by the Sontinel from the fo l­ ed States proper, Lassen peak, la found
low ing persons during the month o f In Laasen Volcanic Nati oasi park. In
A . G. T h rift, G. C. W elch, R. H. A l­
There are fteab water springs on the
ien, J. E. Paulson, Ben Lawrence, Trench coast s f the Mediterranean at
Isaih Hacker, N ick Johnson, A . P. which fisherman and others 111 their
N ellie Johnson substituted fo r the M iller, L . T . H arris, Geo. W . Bryant, water berrete.
Eighth grade teacher W ednesday a f- S. S. Reed, J. D. Cart, R oy N eil, Dr.
So long aa It rucceeds in masquerad­
G. W . Leslie, J. A . Morrison, H. E. ing as dignified restraint stupidity
Miss Griffin took the Eighth grads Glacier, W . L. K iataer, P . J. Jacobsen, gains great credit for its possessor .—
picture takin g Thursday afternoon. M. H. Stadio, S. M. Olaon, L. P f T rigg, Milwaukee Journal.
Mrs. G riffin visited the Seventh Antony Biases, O. C. Summerlin,
TO make pprk sausages more diges­
grade this weak.
Clarence Barklpw, 8. Edwards, Edith tible thoroughly prick the sausages and
Cnlin, Hugh M cLain. Lula Reed, C. H. plunge Into boiling water for five tale­
N aval Enlistments N ow Open. Dondino, F. A . Fuhrmsn, Aleth s nt os. then fry in the uenal way.
Enlistm ent in the naval service has Slagle, L . P. Maury, C. A . Pendleton,
Wlgga— Deacon Buncomb la fond of
tern reopened at the U. S. N aval C. A . H olverstott, W alter N orris, doing good deeds on the sly. W a g e-
Train in g Camp, Seattle. A n y citisen Wm. Oddy, R oy A very, J. A . Hatcher Yes, but be's terribly cot np I f other
Jr., C. E. Mulkey, L. E. Teters, J. A . people don’t find oat shout It.—Pack.
between 18 and 86 Is eligib le.
Recruits w ill receive a thorough Young, L. A . D etw iler, A . D. M cKay,
When s man la first o f all true to
course in naval instruction, the course George W atkins, O. D. Coleman, R. H. himself be Is more sure to be loyal to
averagin g about fou r months.
his employer. Man learns to be false
This camp is regarded by naval o f­ thews, A . H. Oden, H arry A . M iller, to others only when he forgets himself.
ficers as having the best all-round L. M. Strong, L. S. Minard, Geo. S.
O f course It la none o f onr business,
combination o f advantages o f any na­ Davie, L. C.' Pauli, John Grundy, W . but we do believe that the old woman
val train in g camp in the country. It
who dresses like a young girl ought to
is located on tho grounds o f the U n i­ Shull, Mrs. L . Harlocker.
keep her back to the audience.—Dallas
versity o f W ashington and fron ts on
Lakes W ashington and Union.
A ll
tha fa cilities o f tho U n iversity are
available fo r instruction.
In connection with tho station is
the U . S. Princeton used fo r ship
I t is found that man who
are trained a t this camp have a de­
cided advantage when goin g to son
by reason o f special knowledge gain­
ed w hile under instruction hero, and
many o f them are rapidly promoted.
This camp is now being considera­
bly enlarged. Additional recruits w ill
be taken until the camp Is filled up.
M iller Freem an, Commander, U . S. N .
M. Commanding.
O U k n ow w h at broiling
I f one only wished to bo happy this
could bo easily accomplished, bat w e
wish to be happier than other people,
sad this te always difficult, for w s be­
lieve others to bo happier thaa they
a r e —Montesquieu.
common sort o f rico which te flood
times grows as much as a foot te
twelve hours, se that the plant often
attains a height o f ten feet l a l t a e f l -
Sold Continuously for O ve r 35 Years
Waterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects
Bridges and buildings, Preserves Fence Posts, Pro­
tects Inside of Silos, Waterproofs Cellar Walls,
Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons
and Farm Implements.
Should be used on all
surfaces subject to severe conditions.
Ik M i Flint Conpin
A WORD to the WISE
W h e n you n eed neat, new a n d
nifty L e tterh e ad s, E n v elo p es,
C ircu lars or other advertising
m atter, Tbe Coquille Valley Seutiuel is
re a d y to fill th e bill. W e also
have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine P a ­
pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can
give you something neat for your office stationery
IT. 8. Ronds P ar Excellence.
The credit o f tho United States was
•>0 high and unquestionable that in
1900, tw o years a fte r tho 8panteh
W ar, 2 par cant bonds wore offered a t
par and oversubscribed.
H ite is s
financial perform ance no other nation
has ever equalled.
United States 4 par cant bonds in
1888 sold aa high as 180 and in 1801
brought 189% an tha stock market.
The United States has never de­
faulted on any o f its bonds. N ot on#
o f principal or interest except those
who voluntarily have taken losses by
sellin g their bonds in a period o f
tem porary price depression.
hundred cents on tho d ollar, principal
and interest, has the United States a l­
ways paid.
Back o f the $260,000,000,000 to
$•>00,000,000,000 o f onr national n >
sources stands tho rugged honesty o f
Am erica. L ib erty Loan Bonds ora
Urn safest security in the w orld.
has over loot a m nt | Coil on us fo r Stationary.
.V *