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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1918)
Whmr* H Pays Boat to Trad*. N ot long ago we rsesivsd a letter that if ho wished to bug f comm odity (which by the way handled by one od his owa era) ha would send to a mail ai tous* fo r it. This, e t course, is privilege. But supposing a m ajori ty <>f his neighbors te that ty were to do the unity. W ould it not agemont te all local storekm pen te that com m unity? W ould it a ct slow starvation to all merchants al ready located there and stand as an effectual barrier against the advancement and enterprise at the neighborhood? ' W * do not aman to rxpreae at ply that there should bo no trading don* with mail ordar houses, fo r it happens frequently that offer certain linas o f goods not ob tainable from local stores, believe that the ham* town store keeper should bo given all the trad* encouragement possible whom ho ia doing the best ha can to deserve i t Even though his prim e on some lim e may be a trifle -higher, doe to the fact that his volume o f trade w ill not permit his buying te Mg lota, it must not be forgotten that he ia (o r can be made) an im portant factor in the de velopment o f the community te which you are, or atoaM t o Bear in mind that the whether he kaeps a little stem or a t ig one, is a giver o f service. He in vests his money and his- tim e in plying you and your neighbors with commodities that you m ight other wise be at corah* to obtain. A s a rule the ____ in your community is what your munity makes him. I f you withhold your trade from him ha 1* held bode ir his efforts to keep a fresh and var ied line for you to select from . He h entitled to a reasonable what ha m ils you ju st the you am entitled to a profit on what ever you produce fo r sale. The keeper ia not a drone in ths ity hive. He is a vary factor in making the community a better place fo r you and your fam ily to Itva in. Public spirited tion with your homo town is like broad upon tbs waters. It comm back to you in the form at a more prosperous, mom pr community center which attracts better medical talent, better ter*, better teacher», better talent o f varied kinds, whieh mans much to you and your fam ily.— Oregon Farm - NOTICE United State* and Great Britain, which place* every British and Cana dian subject in this country in a pos ition w h en ha cannot possibly escape KabU^y to service in the war, still I hop* even at this late date such subjects will want to show their loy alty and manhood by com ing forward before they are actually compelled to d ' so through conscription. With the draft law now In effect, he becomes much « o r e liable to service than the American, and the ago lim it in hie case extends from 80 to 46 years. Under this agreement, signed last week, every British and Canadian subject between Urn age limit* o f 80 and 46 years is bound to fight either Nearly every under the flag o f his birth o f the flag o f his adoption, and he i* al lowed 60 days grace in which to de ride. I f he elects to fight under the Union Jack, I hope he will come for ward voluntarily and offer his ser vices rather than wait until the iron band o f Justice reaches out and forces him to do his duty fo r his flag, hi* country, his home and his Mtn May Be Commandeered. M ajor C. F . M udgett, a veteran o f the Spanish-A meric* n war who join ed ths colors with the North Dakota National Guard and is now in the Adjutant General’s office in Francs, On the principle o f doing to others as we would have them de te us tes Sentinel reprints the above in tee tn- tu e st o f some m erchijite who rarely or never patronise its advertising col- Colonsl Charles Dercle, medical m ilitary attach* o f tike Unit ed States surgeon general’s prepared a statement ta t the March American Magazine which will re lievo some o f the apprehensions o f the fam ilie* o f the soldier* who have been told that tuberculosis has ravaged the French troops, and that it will spread to the United States army. The truth is that them is lse* tubercu losis te the French army today than there waa among the French people before the war. He continues: “ When our in 1914 they had was the custom in Franca, with clos ed windows. They had te shops and offices whom fresh air waa a thing to be afraid o f. lim y al most never took outdoor exereh “ The result was that some o f were tubercular. W * teak them assa and put tehm into special hospitals. But the number o f been exaggerated by gandiste. Mora than this, ws soon found that a good maay o f thsm did not have tuberculosis at all. They were merely below par physically. With proper treatment, they soon At to be put in the fighting ranks. berculm is has steadily the French troops. L ife ia the open, plenty at exorcise, regularity in eating, and wholesome feed have improved their health te this ae ifi others.’’ i C am of Forcible Feeding. There waa a cam o f forcible feeding ir. the Riddle neighborhood test A hobo want to the home at M rs. Fred Ball, tw o mites north o f Riddle and asked fo r something to s a t Mrs. Bell had nothing fo r him until to pulled a gun and frightened her Into giving him food. The telephone ought to render it poosibl* to capture such a menace to society and insure hir proper tion and greater production it is aa patriotic to build a silo aa it is to buy a liberty bond. Or batter still buy a bond and use it to buy a silo. The silo will pay fo r them both. Pre pare your silo plans now, plant your silage crop# and build your silo soon. S om e A th le tic S t m t s . The director o f athlstice at on* Arm y camp has arranged a program aa a means o f determining the rela tive athletic caliber o f the companies in the division. Each man is requir ed to pass In eight o f the follow ing testa to obtain a positive mark fo r hie unit: Jump 8 foot from a standing posi tion; chin 10 tim es; d ea r a bar at 4 foot 8 inch**; throw a 18-pound shot 88 foot; clim b a 80-foot ropo in 16 eoeonda; dash 60 yards in 7 sec onds ; run a m il* in 6 minutes; lift a 80 poeed w eight over the head with one bead; ait up from * supine posi tion with a 60-pound weight suspend ed from the back a f the head. The government may either force the D ollar caaspany to .Operate the Johnson mill at Baadoa, or -perhape take over the plant and operate it fo r the duration o f the war, is the im pression current locally follow ing the investigation o f the plant by an o f ficial o f the Spruce Production de partment o f dm U. 8. Signal corps, this week, says the W orld. Althc-ugl OF COMPLETION CONTRACT. OF Notice, is hereby given, that Dean ft Brown, Contractors, have com plet ed their contract tat the teg o f n portion o f the act Bay Rond, Tar Heel to Charleston Eay, and that the County Roadmast- er has filed his certificate at the com pletion o f said Contract, with the fo l lowing exception:—dressing and rou- tag shoulders and adding screenings a i various points where needed, es timated to coot 6000.00, and any per son, firm or corporation having ob jections to file to the acceptance o f m id work, may file the same te the office o f the County d o rk , within two weeks from the date o f ths first pub lication o f this notice, to w it: from the first day a f March, 1918. Dated at Coquille, Com County, Oregon, this 88th day o f February, A . a 1918. L. W . Oddy, County Clerk. By A . B. Collier, 7t2 Deputy. ar Q avings and Thrift Qtamps ill Uystemize I imely Ua rings W By invoating in these stamps you not only lay a solid foundation for your future financial independence, but are rendering timely assistance to your country in time of need. Be a Patriotic Saver We Sell them First National Bank OF COQUILLE, OREGON Redemption Notice. All Coos County W arrants drawn on the general fund, and indorsed pri- or to July Ist, 1916, will be paid on Präsentation at my office in Coquille, Ore., no internst will be allowed en any o f these warrants after the 22nd Dated this 81st day o f Feb. 1918. T. IL Dimmick, 4 County Treasurer. Redemption Notice. All Coos County W arrants, drawn on the general fund, and indorsed pri or to April 1st, 1916, w ill be paid on presentation at my office in Coquille, Oregon; no interest will be allowed on an y-of these warrants, after Feb. 1st, 1918. Dated this Feb. 1st, 1918. T. M. Dimick, pert concerning tiw big plant lying 3tC County Treasurer idle at Prosper, it was gathered that ths government does not approve of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. equipment so vital in production o f Notice is hereby given that letters airplane spruce standing idle in the midst o f one o f ths largest spruce testamentary upon the estate o f W il sad white cedar arena o f the country. ber Albee, late o f Ceos com ity, Ore There is much sprue* and cedar that gon, deceased, have been issued to could be sawed into rough timbers at am out o f and under ths seal o f the tin Dollar plant tributary to this vi county court o f said county. A ll per cinity, which cannot handle this tim- son» having claims against said es tate are required to prsesnt them , with the proper vouchers, to me at the office o f W. C. Chase, in the rity i t Coquille in said county, within six b e n , where the owners « r e unwilling months team ths date o f this notice. Lana L. Alb**, Executrix o f the es to sell the timbers to the government a f the price offered. In that event, tate o f W ilber Alboe, deeeased. Dated at Coquille, O ra, January 86, commandeering sawmills to cut ths logs into rough tim bers which would 191& bo shipped to tbs Columbia river to NOTICE TO CREDITORS. be resawed Into smaller pieces, la the logical sequence. Notice is hereby given that letters Should the mill be operated, the testamentary upon the estate o f W il civilian labor would be augmented by liam A lbert Skelly, late at Coos coun use o f troops from Camp Lewis or Vancouver barrack*, to insure maxi mum production. ty court o f said county. A ll parsons having claim against said estate are Work of Advisory Board. required to present them, with the Up to February 88 the Medical Ad rroper vouchers, to me at the office o f visory Board D istrict No. S, o f Ore W. C. Chase, in the city o f Coquille gon, at Marshfield, had examined 124 in said county, within six months registrants with tbs follow ing re- from the date o f this notice. Lydia Lodiscia Skelly, Executrix Seventy-seven have boon aeceptea of the octet* o f W illiam A lbert Skel- fo r general m ilitary service. Four have been accepted fo r apodal service. Forty-three have been rejected for physical disability on account o f: 8 fo r cardio- pulmonary lesions, 4 fo r inguinal hernia, 4 fo r valvular heart disease, 1 for congenital dislo J . A. RICHMOND cation o f knee cap, 0 fo r Iocs o f teeth, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. 1 for underweight, 6 far tubercular Richmond-Barker Building. infection, 8 for asthma, 4 fo r poor vi Coquille, Ora. sion, 1 for paralysis, 1 fur sc asms, 2 Phones, Office 088, Res. 814. for chronic tuppi ration o f oars, 1 fo r nystagmus, 1 fo r epilepsy, 1 for claw feet, 2 fo r stiff elbow, 1 fo r con W . C. CHASE genital dislocation o f hips, 1 fo r sac ATTORNEY-AT-LAW roiliac disease, 1 fo r deform ity of h g, 8 fo r spinal curvature.— Coo* Bay Richmond-Barker Bldg Coquille ________________ Oregon Professional Cards STOVES STOVES STOVES Quick’s has a large variety of Cook Stoves and Ranges. Wood and coal Heaters. Pipes, elbows and dampers. Dishes, Granite ware. FU R N ITU R E Jean Beds, Spring Mattresses and Wooden Beds. Chairs, tables, square and round, English Breakfast, Kitchen Queen. TELEPHONE OFFICES Are authorised Thrift- Stamp selling stations. This profitable, simple, and safe investment, draws four per cent interest, compounded quar terly, with the privilege of turning it into mon ey upon ten days notice. Save for those who are fighting for you, and do “ your bit” to WIN THE Coos and Carry Telephone Company Service First. THE ONE IN D U STR Y IN COQUILLE that has operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen r y ea n ago has been your Laundry. Rate or * 1110 *, good times and bad, it has been on the job. W * have a number o f customer a that have patronised it continually from the beginning. W* a n grateful for this appreciation o f oar service. Our aim te to Improve the service te every way possible. W * weak ovary thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY * ICE COMPANY Str. Elizabeth DR. O. W . LESLIE O steop a th ic P h y sicia n Graduate o f the American School at Osteopathy o f Kirkrvilte, Mo. Office in Eldorado Block. Marshfield Oregon Bandon lu San Francisco Fan, First clara—|1Q. w J, E. W ALSTROM , A , . n t . Phaoe « Main II, Ooqaill#, Oregon. J. J . STANLEY O r.. E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgra., 24 Calif. S t , S. F. DR. C. W . ENDICOTT First M’ t 'l Bank B’ld’g WAR J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. ♦ For re K ahle A b s t r a c t s o f Title an d information a b o u t Coo* County Real Estate see TITLE GUARANTEE A ABS1 PACT COMPANY » looking after assessment* ami payment o f taxa*. Phone Coquille Ogles ÍR T SRNGSTACKKN, Manager 101 A. J . SHERW OOD Women often become nervous despondent. When thin la dm te stipation it ia easily term e ted by lag aa occasional dam o f Chan Iain’s Tablets. These tablets ATTWMY AT LAW Dees Your Subscription Date Need Changing?