V -' 1 «Ig ' * ;v FAOSTWO % ' M tM ittM ÉS ■ i When yon order from os end you will not be dis appointed. N either will the quality of the goods be other than w hat you order. We carry a wide ly assorted line o f high grade Groceries fo r your selection and guarantee every article we s e ll And you will find our charges positively reasonable. Deal here and you may be sure of getting the best groceries a t the fairest prices possible. Phan, 251__________ W. H. LYONS F irst National Bank Building 3 0 0 Rexall Products O r Ik I mi MM—Mi CumM Every Rexall Product ie designed for a particular purpose. Every formula is the beet for treatment of tome p a r tic u la r human ill, each one of which has been tried and proven successful in hundreds of cases under similar conditions. Rexall Products a rc not socrot preparation»— tha formula of oech la wall known. Whan you buy a Rexall Remedy you know exactly what you aio taking. And, whan you purchase any remedy or product bearing the Rexall trademark you do ao with the abaotute guarantee that It muat aatiafy you or your money will bo refunded. „ me ra n men if 1. ISIS. FEULA Y. , « oil hue jut m R esell Cad Liver OU Emulate» A atrengthening tonic fo r colda and pulmonary affeetioas. Rexall Cherry B ark Cough Syrup A pleasant remedy for aaoat forma of cough. B m ^ ii Cold TaMata A convenient remedy to prevent snd breuk up eoids. Rexall Catarrh Spray An antiseptic a pray that reliever catarrh Rexall Catarrh Jelly Givaa instant relief in naaal cataarh and head colds. The pleasant-testing, « at regulator. Rexall Aaalgaalc Balm Relieve» m uscular pain. Note the Special Display of Rexall Products a t Our N ext Week. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy all Coquille, Ore. \ "-!■ " —-I1 — ■ — _ i— 1 -■—'-Bo. 9 modele also—in fa ct the most com plete line o f bicycles in the world, ell I a t FACTORY PRIC ES, from g lg .T S , 1 H I M , up. There ie a M m * bicycle to lif^todlLtoihAemoSeKBmMirs^^rian for children; I s a w ' models too—all a t .p rice s made possible only by oar Factory. K , direct-to-rtder selling policy. FREIGHT CHARGES FULLY PRB- L PAID TO YOUR TOWN, for SMrty Attack. a terrible g th e theater was nger crowd who ea rn and lecture of nan, a f the U . 8 . army. The pictures wer ed with music and oratory. Urn ty cheers o f the audience showed appreciation of the evening’s « Attorneys J . O. Stemmier and E . C. Roberta want to Coquille Tuesday to at t end court. lir a . Archie Hughaa from Powers la 111 in the Pemberton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Parker from Wash ington are hare looking fo r a location. They are looking fo r s homo with the advantages of a good high school and we know of no hotter place. Miss Mary Plaraen aaada nees trip to Power* Monday. Miss Crawford, of th * M yrtle Point bank, waa la Marshfield Saturday. E . 0 . Carter, of Gravel Ford, waa hero Monday. Kay Leap wont to Band«» where he will spend several days with his brother. W . F . Miller, an S. P. man of Port land, passed through Monday on his way to Power*. He was formerly general manager of the Southern P a cific in Marahflald. T h * Brownson Bros., o f the Bridge section, wore in town Monday. While hero they purchased two. Durham ccwa o f Jim Hobaon. Wanda Pray waa operated on S at urday fo r tonsils and adenoids by Dr. Pemberton. M. H. Dement made a business trip to Coquille and Bandon on Tuesday and Wednesday of this weak. Jam e Ames, of Powers, was brought down Saturday evening to the ace tera bar*. He received a sever* in jury by a polo striking Mm on the side o f the head. Mr*. Chas. Harrington, o f the Myr tle Point Hotel, wont to Coquille Tuesday on business. Patriotic services wer* held a t th * Proebytarian church la st Sunday. A feature o f the service was the unveil ing o f a bountiful satin Service F lag having eighteen blue stars and one gold. An appropriate program was rendered. An interesting game of basket ball waa played on Friday evening be tween M. P. H. S. and Mapiston. The Myrtle Point hoys succeeded in car rying off a score of M to 7. Special meetings conducted by Bav. Georg* Wallace Scott are in p at the M. E . church this week. Mr. aad Mrs. J . C Eggleston, of Marshfield, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday here. They wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hermann, of this piece. Mrs. Ben Gant, of Powers, brought to Dr. Pemberton this week with a broken shoulder. David Carey, who has boon in Rose- burg fo r some time visiting friends, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Cifford Kern, of Coquille, is hrro to spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ray. Mr. Orian Johnson, an elderly rest- dent of this place, is reported serious ly UL Henry Schroeder has received an order from tha Bancroft district for 991.60 worth of Baby Bonds and T hrift Stamps. Mrs. Elm er King, of Loo, has been very ill but is reported to ho improv ing. Attorney Stemmier is expecting his trotbor, Herbert Semmler, of Port land, on this evening's train. Thos: Norris, of Klamath, will re turn to his ranch near her* soon. Mrs. Frank!* Jackson is her* from Seattle, Wash., visiting her sunt, Mrs. J . M. Arrington. Zack Grant and fam ily and H. H. Hartley are here from California locking a fte r business m atters. A f ter a short visit they will return to ere horns in California. William Berry made business trips this week to Bandon and Marshfield. L. O. Young, of fis h trap, was hers for several days visiting his sister, Mrs. L. 8 . Martin. Th* M. W. A. lodge have ju s t com pleted th * equipment of u fin* ban quet hall. Mrs. Smith Weakly and Mrs. Har old Bargel t, who have boon a t Fort Stevens with their husbands who are in training there, returned on Wsd- nmday evening’s train. Mrs. Weekly guest a t the Morris Kay Home snd Mrs. B srg slt is visiting her mo ther, Mrs. K. A. Leap. Mrs. E rnest W arner is expected from W alls W alla, Washington. Elder Hiram Smith, from Albany, will bo a t the Brethren Church bore Sunday. He is district Sunday Schoo* secretory of that church. Henry Schroeder man» a business trip to Powers Thursday. Hev. Dr. Anderson, Harry Fensier, nd Ernest Smith mad* a trip to Bridge Wednesday whore they suc ceeded hi selling 9200 worth of Baby Bond* and T h rift Stomps. We believe that it pays to give our customers service and satisfaction; that is why we want to sell you a De Laval CREAM SEPARATOR The NEW De Laval has made a big hit with cow owners from Maine to Mexico. j The reason is not tar to seek. It’s the gilt-edge ser vice the NEW De Laval is giving-service never before equalled. Every user of a NEW De Laval is an en thusiastic booster. Satisfied users from coast to coast are telling their friends of this splendid new separator. p The NEW De Lanl las four Hg advantages over aay other separate It skims closer. . ; It has greater capacity. It’s the simplest cream separator eVCr ® “f t own savings. t a a tiA ii f k o We want navi It is equipped with a Bell Speed-Indi cator, which insures proper speed and thus prevents cream losses. Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Two Phones—691 BUY WAR SAVINGS STA M PS AND HELP WIN TH E WAR Mrs. J . D. Bennett h u returned home from Myrtle Point a fte r visiting her daughter, M n . P. E . Breuer. Miss Christie Ward has bean safely returned to her school studies by Mr. Fred Yarbole, a fte r visiting her folks on Catching creek. SEN D THE SENTINEL TO YO U R The chorus class met a t the Acade my last Saturday evening and after the class was over the evening was spent in playing games and pulling candy. Sam Shook was in Myrtle Point on business last Tuesday. FRIENDS IN THE EAST ♦ Edwin Carter and Stephen Culbert- Mr. Landrsth, of Coqnille, was in Gravel Ford Saturday and Sunday visiting Ms daughter, Muriel. Warren B righ t and Sivert Iverson were a t Bandon last week on a visit. Mrs. F . 8. Bunch mad two sons hnvs returned to their house in Gravel Ford a fte r living a t CoUegt Place, Wash., the last few years. A birthday dinner was given a t the home o f Frank Harnish last Sunday in honor of Ms birthday. Mr. Bell is busy slashing timber snd building a new wood house be fore the spring work comes on. Mr. Mereen snd 8ivert Iverson were out last Sunday cruising timber. Several of tkn Academy students have bean absent from school this week on account of sickness. Some of the farm ers are busy this weak working on the now ereamery. Sister Smith was called upon fo r testimony in a revival mooting. She humbly declined in theos words: A IT S W - E E K L Y V IS IT S ■- ~m ■ : • A RE BOUND TO IN T E R E S T THEM IN T H IS COUN TRY SHOW THE PAPER TO YOUR FRIENDS WHO ARE NOT TAKING IT. THEY WILL BECOME INTERESTED IN IT TOO. IT IS THE PAPER THAT IS DIFFERENT. A D D U SS th e s e n t i n e l , c o q u il l e , o r e . Printers, Attention! Any on* who would bo interested In securing fonts o f eight, ton, or twelve-point century expended, almost good ns new, could be accommoda ted here a t very reasonable prices. Naurs sad job cases by th * dosen. Racks thrown in. BmaB paper euttor and good foot •taplar also fa r sal*. Adrans H. W. Young,