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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1918)
STD T H E COQUILLE H E R A L D VOL. XUL NO. ». C O Q U ILLE , COOS C O U N T T , OREGON, F R ID A Y , M AR C H 1. MIS. $1X9 T H E Y E A R . . , BB 1 % . 0 - 1 __ 1 sw e scn ooi H E W IL L G O M 400 III CUSS I THE WAR STAMPS The school house meetings in Mm rural sections at the Coquille district in the T h rift Stamps campaign have been in progress alnjost every even Claaalfieatkm o f Lists for Mitt- Coos County Schools A rc Mak ing this w eekend L. j . Cary w ill Boon ing a Fine Showing— Co • tary Service Is N early have the district completely organ- F . E. McKenna W ins Promotion at Hands of Oregon Power Co. F. E. McKenna haa been promoted from manager o f the Coquille office o f the Oregon Power company to General Superintendent o f Construc tion and Operation, with headquar tera at Marshfield. This promotion carriee with it not only additional re e f onsibilitee but a compensating in crease in salary. y . The sale o f stampe up to last Sat urday night amounted to 96,000, or what the dietrtet is supposed to buy every month. This means that the campaign is Just 23 days behind schedule. But on tho other hand, the campaign did not gat started neb' before the ffret o f Feb. rnary so that $6,000 rep lants loss than a month’s work. Thors is no question bat that this district will fill its quota by December 81, i f the same effort is put forth throughout the year. Finished. quille’» Record. I* Eight H oar Day Now . A t Portland yesterday Gal. Brice P. Disque, o f the government spruce production deportment, met with 200 members o f the Lumbermen’s Protec tive Association, and tho latter volun tarily decided to adopt tho basic eight hour day, with the some pay fo r log gers and mill man os they have been getting for 10 hours, end time and a half fo r overtime. News o f this decision reached hare yesterday evening end both the John con end the Sitka mills posted notices putting the eight hour day into effect. The Johnson mttl, however, will run nine hours fo r the present, paying overtime fo r D m extra hours, which means about 86 per cent additional to tho pay roll. On contracts mads before wages rose this will make hard sledding in some esses and unless the government brings pressure enough on the southern loggers and mill men to induce them to come to the same 8-hour basis this section will be greviously discriminated a grin st Four o f Them in Court Here This Week to Answ er for Contributing. Up to February 28 eighteen schools From Hugh Harlocker, clerk o f the Last Saturday the nets began to Local M ilitary Board bore, the Bes have made T h rift Campaign reports close around the boys who have been tir el bos received the following to to County Superintendent Baker. tU- contributing to the delinquency o f the tals in regard to the classification o f ferts fo r tho whole county will not girls that Mrs. Clara Upton had tak tho men subject to dre^t in Coos coun be ready to give out fo r several days. a' into custody some weeks ago in These reports show that 18 ty, The total registrar this valley. county was 1983, and they are all ac have mode total war savings Invest Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage went up counted for in the following classes: ment* o f $448X4 by teachers, and p. Powere on that day and arrested In Class 1 .....................................MO $¿,092.19 by pupils. Only one town, h arry Stewart and sent him down In Class 2 .................................... 287 CoquiUe, has yet reported. This town here while he remained until the fo l While his friends are congratulat In Class 8 ..................................... 106 has had 60 pupils who have sold $60 lowing day and apprehended Carl ing him on his good fortune, we all In Class 4 .................................... 716 or more of war savings stamps each, Ingstrom. look on his removal as a distinct loss In Class 6 ................ 88» the total amount sold by pupils o f Deputy Sheriff Archie W alker went to Coquille, where he has come to to M yrtle Point Monday and took That have died .............................. 8 this school being about $8,600.00. The take a leading part in our business Simpson Hero This Evening. Not Claaaiflsd ............................... 12 total reported fo r schools ore as fo l Ray Dye and RolKn Endicott in r.nd social activities, holding the There is to be a patriotic meeting Now that tho physical examina lows: charge and brought them down here. tions o f director o f the Commercial - Name Bought by Bought by The Stewart and Endicott boys sre Club and president o f the Ko-Keel at the court house here this evening tions are nearly completed there ie No. at 8:30 in the interest o f the W ar another classification of the 626 men . Teachers Pupils only about 16 while Ingstrom is 24. Club. Savings and T h rift Stamps Cam summoned fo r examination as fo l 2— Broadbent . . ..$170.00 $ 33.91 However, Stewart and Dye were Indeed among our younger men ho paign. The meeting w ill be address lows: 3— Arago .... araigned in the Circuit court and 11.26 has achieved an enviable p ortion and ed by Hon. L. J. Simpson, who has Not reporting .................... 12b C— Empire ........... 4.18 pleaded guilty. Judge Coke sentenced 36.00 that he haa been one o f the livest of recently become a candidate fo r the Disqualified and placod in C 6. ..10b 8— Coquille ............. 170.00 each o f them to the penitentiary for 1628.76 our live wires in all public enterprises republican nomination fo r governor. Qualified for limited military ser 10— Cunningham . . 8.26 from 3 to 10 years and then paroled 48X9 no one will question. Certainly we Everybody is invited to come out ana vice end left in Class 1........... 14 12— Catching Inlet 8.26 10.00 ----- / th«m during good behavior. all hate to see him go. bear him, with the assurance that Qualified for s e r v ic e ..................8 6 8 —Riverton ......... 8X6 Yesterday Carl Ingstrom was mar 60X5 The following telegram, which ex The change w ill be made at once there will be no charge fo r admission, T o bo examined . ........ 18 18— Flagstaff ......... ried to Thelma Norton, who was tu 4.18 18.76 plains itself, was received here yes and he will enter upon the discharge no collsction taken and no subeenp- Most o f tho men listed in Class 1 21— l ave been a witness in his case, the Randolph . 12X9 86.25 terday morning by J. E. Norton: o f the duties o f hip new position next tions asked. Let there be a full house. above are not especially skilled along 22— ceremony being performed at tne R iv e r s id e . 12X9 6.00 Portland Ora., Feb. 27. / Monday. A . L. Martin, o f Marshfield, any o f the linos o f industry that are 2t— Twomile . . . . court house by Rev. F. G. Jennings. 4.12 Portland sends $70,000 to Armeni still retains the position o f manager deemed most important in aiding to 80— Sumner .......... Ib is put him out o f the running as a 24.78 an relief. The state quota is $150,- o f the Power company, though carry on tho war. candidate fo r the penitentiary fo r tho 32— Dora .................. 12X9 2.25 000. The cell o f four hundred the us- large part o f the work with which he Tho men in Claes 2 are mostly men 36— Coos River . . . . present at least. 8.26 217.49 and homeless, destitute, starving, dy has been occupied will be transferred at work in sawmills and logging 4S— Norway ........... 4.18 The remaining case, that against 7X0 ing orphans must be answered. A tel to the new superintendent o f con comps end on tho forms. Rtllin Endicott, o f M yrtle Point, was 4f— New Lake . . . . 4.12 8.26 egram just received from Persia struction and operation. N o doubt The men in Class 3 are mostly 4!V—Eastaide ........... disposed o f in the Juvenile coure hero 12.18 61.28 Commissioner G. J. Arm strong who states that there are forty thousand the efficient way in which Mr. M e farmers. tbis morning by Judge Watson. He Novia Landrith, o f the Cunningham destitute at Levans alone; other cities Kenna tackled the construction prob haa been inspecting tho roads a t this The men in Class 4 are to s large school, has sold about $170 worth of pleaded guilty to the charge against ere equally needy. The people ace Urns o f the past year and pushed and o f tho county finds them in pretty extent men who are married and have war savings stamps. him, so that the testimony o f another There eating dead animals, the women through the work o f building the good shape as winter ends. families. Myrtle Point g irl who was present Elsie Moller end Mcrwin Moller, of a rt tom# slides and a good many abandoning infants. The only limi Marshfield and Coquille high tension was not needed.’ O f the men in Class 6, there are 106 Myrtle Point, have each sold $60 culverts need attention. As tation ie lock o f money. They need line has had something to do with his who aro not physically fit fo r military wi rth o f war savings stamps. W il A fte r givin g him a very earnest $100,000 additional. Another tde- promotion. In other words he has soon as the river road dries out the e» rvice and 81 are enlisted men. This lecture on the necessity o f turning liam Sullivan, o f the 6th grads, Cen Coquille-Bendon road will bo availa won his spurs. also includes those who a rt tral school, Marshflold, has passed gram from Jerusalem reports that fiom his evil ways and trying to ble fo r use again. Up in. tho Rock food is scores and many people desti especially exempt on account o f their the $60 mark. Harry Kern, Gladys mnke a man o f himself, the judge The company is now installing Crook section, too, the roads are in tute. Coos county’s generous hearts placed young Endicott in charge o f new steam turbine a t its lower plant good shape aad a little mors sunshine vocations, such os preachers, con Larsen end Florence Laird, o f the will sympathise if they know the hir father and mother, with instruc at the Smith mill at Marshfield, which will fix tbs M yrtle Point-Boseburg scientious objectors, officers o f the na North Bend schools are also entitled used. Your quota is $6,500. . The tions that he was to attend school and w ill increase its capacity from 2600 road. The worst places now ore in tional, state and county governments. t$ membership in the Rainbow. Rcgi- Oregon committee has appointed you Most o f the re s t are resident aliens, most. behave himself, or he would be com- to 5,000 horse power. This % ex Lao section and up the river at rhsirmaa far the Coquille district. Imitted to tho State Training j f t Mr pected to be in operation by that tw o thirds o fd h e ' The fifty o f the Coquille >ad A ia g o w h ite a heavy Signed: Ben Selling, W. D. W heel at Salem. hundred and odd men on th ^ le H n schpols who are enrolled in the Rain- 16 A new power line w ill also clay soil makes the roads dry out quent list to be published so<mare in lo w Regiment will have their pic wright, W. M. Ladd, D. A . Pattullo. l ite r the g W witness pot another built to the Buehner mill at the Bay slowly. the service but no one has notified ture taken soon and enlarged copies talk along the same lines and was in and taro new motors are to be in Judge Watson is m receipt o f a le t On tha receipt o f the above tele formed that she would bo committed the local board o f their present atat will be hung in the school house. stalled at the Sitka Spruce company's te! from Superintendent F. I. Burk- us. m ill here, one o f 100 and another o f A meeting was held st the Rock gram Mr. Norton lost no time in puv- to s state institution if she did not halter, o f the Southern Pacific, in ting the ball ia motion, and before mend her ways. 26 horse power. One o f these will Eleven men sre on the non-combat Creek school house last Friday, Feb which ho says tho company thinks it evening hod organised a committee furnish power fo r a new cut off saw. ruary 22, st which $110.76 worth o f ant list on account o f their religious inadvisable to go ahead with tho con \ In fact with the strenuous work tne war savings stamps was subscribed for an Armenian relief drive in the Deer Hunter* Get the Gaff. beliefs struction o f the Coaledo overhead Coquille district with the following Coos county mills hay's in hand in fur for. This was a community meeting In the Circuit Court Wednesday The three deaths among registrants crossing at present, owing to the ex nishing aeroplane material and along sr.d set a splendid record which much members: Judge Coke decided in favor o f the cessive amount o f the bids, and the sines last June indicates s mortality J. E. Norton, chairmen, S. G. Rog other lines o f production it looks as larger settlements would do well to State in the ease against Palm er En fact that the U. 8. government in o f about one-sixth o f one per cent ers, E. E. Johnson, A. T. Morrison, H. ccpy. i f the demand fo r more electrical dicott, Otto M agill and Hilton Epper sists on economical operation o f tho among that class in nine months or Young, L. H. Hazard, L J. Cary, power would keep the new superin Meetings have been held in all but son for hunting deer out o f season. The company had agreed to at the rate o f one-fifth o f one per W H. Lyons, J. W. Noblet, J C. Al- Undent o f construction busy fo r a two or three o f the school districts The judge was unwilling to pro stand half tho expanse o f this struc cent per annum. long time ot come. comprising the Coquille district, an » mcck, J S. Barton, C. W. Endicott A. nounce Governor Withycombe’s proc ture. Gould, S. M. Noslsr, C. J. Futir the work is well organised in general Mr. McKenna will hare the same lamation fo r a dosed season uncon-f M rs. Morrison Very III. man. Tho court w ill probably postpone throughout the county. N ext month control in the Coquille M ice he has clamation fo r a closed season uncon this improvement now until the Co Mr. Norton estimates that the Co- We noted last week the death of should show much larger results. had in the past and expects to visit stitutional; so the men who didn't quille-Marshfield road is paved and it the father o f A . T. Morrison at hie q tille district’s proportion o f the $6,- h ire each week. The office work will heed it before they had a chance to is mors urgently needed. 600 will be about $700, the same as heme in southern California, who woe remain in charge o f Mr. McKenna’s hear o f it will have to stand a sen T hrift Stamps Sales by Pupils. for the Y . M. C. A drive. 76 years o f age. Yesterday Mr. Mor It is thought that the same reasons very efficient helper, Miss Edna Har- tence for violating the law. They Prof. Almack reports the following A meeting will be held Sunoa> which have lad the railroad to hedge rison received word from his brother locker. were defended by L. A. Liljeqvist who Thrift Stamps soles by pupils in the night at the Moeonic Hall at 7:45 to on tho overhead crossing will proba W elter, that their mother is critically will appeal the case to the Supreme The steady development o f the Or present the dire needs o f these dying bly induce them to postpone the pro- ill. She is 74 years o f ege and was city schools up to noon today: Court. egon Power company’s electric ser Evelyn Oerding _______ people to our citisens. No collection purchase o f the city water taken with on attack at mumps three vice in southwestern Oregon seems to Mary Esther Johnson will be taken at this meeting. The front here fo r additional facilities, days before the death o f her husband. Registration Cards Hidden. point unerringly to a period in the committee to solicit funds will con and result in the boat transfer spur Since then erysipelas has set in end Avis Hartson .................. not distant future when it will war A t the el action o f 1916, as usual, a sist o f her condition is very serious. Last Helen Lyons ..................... being built at Cedar Point. rant the harnessing o f the steams The speakers s t the Sunday night good many voters were registered by July Mr. end Mrs. Morrison celebrat Lois Morrison ........ that run down from the summit o f John S e e le y ............. meeting will be Rev. S. G. Rogers, the election boards on election day. ed their 63d wedding anniversary. the Coast range and which have the Prof. M arls Visits Coos. Rodney Phillips ___ C. Almack and R. E. Baker. It Is And as usual, too, contrary to re capacity to furnish “ white coal" Alyce Dell Johnson Prof. Paul V. Maris, o f O. A . C., hoped tls o that L. A . Liljeqvist w ill pented instructions, the boards chuck Good Bye, February. enough to supply every kilowatt of State Leader o f County Agents, come Eugene Allen ......... ed all the registration cards in the be present and make a talk. electrical energy the multiplying fac in this afternoon in company with J. February hasn’t given us ss many Clifford C r o e b y ....... ballot boxes where they have since tories qnd industries o f this section been locked. The County Court haa Smith. Hs is down here in the in fine days this year ss it usually does Genevieve Chose . . . • • • • « ^ • o o • 200 The Crucial Game Tonight^ will require. just ordered the opening o f these terest o f tho Food Administration here in southwestern Oregon, but Londy Church ......... Tha basket ball game tonight at boxes that those whose registration campaign, and also to see how the there hove been occasional stars in Maxine Paulson . . . . .................1183- Masonic Hall will probably determine thus went ow ry may learn o f It and Murdock Gets Commission. war garden movement is progressing. its crown and its last days have cer W alter Paulson . . . . (he Coos county championship. If tainly been its best days. It has al Harold Gould ......... take steps to get rogistered right be Hs will hold a mooting st Marshfield Yesterday County Roadmaster It. so given us come o f the rawest ana Katherine W e ra ic h » . ................. 23* Myrtle Point wins they sre undisput fore ths May primaries. I) Murdock received information that March 7 in the form er line for which ed loaders. I f Coquille wins they most disagreeable weather o f the en Marvin Hawkins ___ hs had successfully passed the physi arrangements have been made by then on even terms with the up tire winter and some heavy frosts, Eleanor Folsom ___ Raney Case to Circuit Court. cal examination and had been ap County Food Administrator Lilje river team which still hss a hard which did good service in bolding Margaret Shores . . . pointed second lieutenant o f the 43rd qvist. game over s t the Bay with Marsh The case o f the state against Frank As to tho war gardens, if the peo back tho fruit trees, the apple buds Grace Almack ........... U. S. Engineers. He was ordered to field while the locals meet the Bar don Raney for the shooting o f Chas. H. ' being swollen and just ready to Florence C o r y ..................... report at once at Washington, D. C., ple down here do as well this year team here next Friday evening. Carson at his cabin in the Powers bloom. Everett Seeley .................. and will start fo r the east Sunday as they did last, end go to work with M yrtle Point is coming down en neighborhood was before Judge W et- Clarence Barton . . . . morning, Mrs. Murdock acompanying as much enthusiasm and more ripened masse this evening, s special excur sen in the Juvenile Court a couple o f Jean Pointer . . . . . . . . udgement that work ought to taka Valuable Isaac o f Baltetin. him. sion having been arranged fo r with days ago, Raney being noly 17 years •>oo care o f itself in the Coquille Volley County Agent J. L. Smith has an the Southern Pacific, tha basketball o f age. He heard a resume o f the ♦ Veva V a r n e y ......................... at lea st exceedingly valuable number o f the game and the address by L. J. Simp testimony in the cose which, while Sheriff’s Office Short Handed. Hal Howell .............. ... Coos County Agricultural Bulletin in son, candidate fo r nomination fo r gov it did not directly prove that Raney The sheriff’s office is running short Irving Lamb ......................... They W ill Picnic Tomorrow. press at the Sentinel printary now. ernor, on War Savings Certificates, did the shooting, made a strong chain handed here now. Mr. Newberry, the Adrienne Hazard . . . making s double otttraction. o f circumstantial evidence, and then The Grange and Farm ort’ Union Four pages are devoted to a list o f Reta Lane ............................. bookkeeper, has gone to the Stand seeds wanted and seeds fo r sale by The game starts st 8 o’clock sharp ordered the whole matter to be re people will have a joint basket picnic ard Oil company and Mrs. Helen Orville Foreman th« farmers and ranchers of the coun and the speaking s t the court house ferred to the Circuit Court. Clifton, who has held the position of st M yrtle Point tomorrow going over Elvs W illey ......................... ty. The potato offerings run into the will follow immediately . by train st 9 o’clock and returning at typist fo r about three weeks, has re Frits Nosier . . . . j . . . The fare will be only four bits for tons. Woman Lomas 920,000. signed and returned to Portland be Clovis Church ...................... ................................ 20r It ’s been so warm and balmy today cause unwilling to work fo r the sal the round trip and at this w riting It James Galbraith . . . . Mrs. Caroline Summerlin, o f Myr- looks oa if would bo a delightful day Visit F r o « Dr. 200 that we’ve "hod to throw the Sentinel Ue Point, loot a $20,000 case in the ary the county pays. fo r an outing. doors wide open. March never earns Dr. J. E. Anderson, o f tho Dalles, Allen Y o u n g .......................... Circuit Court here this week. She in with more lamb-like docility than Sheriff Gage traded raincoats unin the father o f tho Oregon “ Bono Dry” Marian Norton ............... ■uod Thomas Wilson, o f ths asms today. tentionally on getting off the train On tho 18th In st tho County Court law was. a caller yesterday In com Mary Ella C a r y ............... place, for that amount claiming that from Marshfield at the depot here one here adopted a resolution endorsing pany with J. 8. Barton. Dr. Ander Ruth Franco ......................... Wilson had slapped her In a quar day lately and oa gettin g home found the plan fo r a Pacific Coaet M ilitary son is staking a tour o f tho state as a Alton McAdams . . . . . Thelma Schroeder 200 rel over a boundary line, and also fo r that while the coat be took might fit a Highway which haa boon presente«! candidate fo r the republican Lester W ils o n ___ Garnet Steward .............. 200 | calling her “ a wild cat,” and loot her smaller man he couldn’t got into H. ta Congress by the Pacific Coast De- tion fo r governor at the May Jimmie Anguatino Helen Sherwood . . . 200 cate. L. A. Liljeqvist was Wilson’s Delia He wants to trade bade. 200 attorney. arias. Mildred Norton . . . . . PITY THE POOR ARMENIANS ROADS GETTING IN FINE SHAPE I