The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, February 22, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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- mT g
IT n . M l-
U m
Jaat hew much truth there to lik ely
to be la the wide « « ‘ • J ^ * * * * *
our b oy« who have enlisted to A *h t
to t th eir country aro net '
erly cared fo r by the W ar
and the Governm oot, may
gin to appear oa reading
ju st repaired hare by M rs. J. H . Oerd-
ia g from her son, W alter, whom s v e r-
body in Coquille knows:
Fob. 7, m fl.
Dear M other: “ A paradise” w oo
be a At title fo r camp and quarter«
compared to our form er heme a t Kal-
ley Field, Texas. W a a rt told that
this camp to the beet new eae in the
United States.
The b a r r e ls
m ad« o f wood, flttod w ith etoetrle
ligh ts aad steam hast, the roeam am
large and dry, the mess hall to «
about ona hundred fe e t «w ays H
tables fo r the men to ent on; aU the
food to cooked oa to r * « raagee, *tv
in , the
a batter chance to maki
the food mere palatable. W e w en
pieced la Imre about one o’clock in the
m orning. H ere’s some remarks that
w ere made: «H it me w ith a brick
«a d a «« i f I am a woks,” «171 bet they
take ua out o f here
but at any rate w e’re s till hare, fo r
how long wo do not know.
Our barracks are about six
from Indianapolis; the faaeous _
w ay to about a block aw ay; tho Pres­
to L it « Co’s, fa ctory to by the edge o f
the Horn; w e am in w h a tjs known as
“ Speedway C ity.
Tha first m oraine in M ichigan tha
therm om eter registered b
below sero but tho weathei
The enow to m elting, mud
show about noon; pools o f
collect; the next «warning
to froaau up again.
Uncle Sam added another blanket
te our collection so now w e have four
W e sleep oa iron cot* w ith real mat-
tram s«; aU we need to make ths bed
com plete to tw o sheets and a soft
feath er pillow.
Tha Bed Crum chapter issued to us
knitted helm ets; they are also going
to g iv e us a plane, and lots o f good
talent from the city to com ing out to
entertain ua and las, but not least,
some o f Indianapolis fa irest girls
are going to come out and dance « lip
u* as soon as w * g e t everything
ready. I f they leave it to ua faUows
1 don’t think that the daU w ill ba
very fa r e lf.
George end I have been placed
special duty which relieves us o f aH
fatigu e and guard duty.
Tha large «hope are
plate aad are to be finished by the 2Sd
o f this month; then wu w ill have
chance to do some real work which
w ill help to win this war.
W s are In the best o f health and
feelin g fine.
H arry Oerding in France
H ere to a latter ju st received from
H arry Oerding by his mother. It ap­
pears that ha and J. P . Mtehato,
went out together are s till in the
same company— Sound and Flash
Range Detachment— learning the work
«1 the Signal Corps.
Dear M other: ' I received m y first
m ail yesterday but did not g et any o f
the packages you told about. It
a great day. AU the boys received
frem six to tw elve letters. I
aged to g e t ten. W ill probably got
the packages in a few days.
I was somewhat surprised to
that the boys had enlisted, although
I expected them to.
G eorge and W alter w ill g et there in
the arm y and they are in a good de­
partm ent— the A viation Corps. You
can now add tw o m ore stars to the
flag I sent you and you can alw ays ba
proud o f ovary star; each star to
mother has a cloud o f sorrow, but the
tim e w ill coma when you w ill twice
fold be paid with jo y — the boys and
your boy w ill be com ing horn«, the
chompiona o f world democracy. A f­
ter a ll it to worth the price.
I am not w ith Co. A at preeen
probably never w ill be again. I do
not know where M att or Jim are; Mike
end m yself are the only Coquille boys
here. W e are goin g to school
gettin g a special training. 1 de not
jraew how long we w ill be
I was glad to hear that Stalls and
her baby are gettin g along so nicely.
I de not suppose I w ill know the little
shaver when I see him. Last but not
toast w ill say that I am feelin g fine
and hope this letter finds the rest o f
the Oerding* tha same.
The Commercial Club
Signs at the
hitched ahead o f ths A n t «a d the d riv­
er walks bauds it. It is surprising
how m e h hay can ba balanced on a
e u t I saw ona load t in t would do
credit to an Am erican hayrack and a
single horse hauled it.
The coospicuoua part o f the har-
m m to the collar. A tre a t extension
rieaa on top that makea the horse at
Brat look like a esam i or other hump­
ed-back anim al. W hat the idea o f
the immense collar to 1 do not know.
AH the French farm houses that 1
have seen a n about alike. They a n
a ll old as the hills aad bu ilt o f stone.
They risa d irectly from the ground in
aa unbroken lia s to the roof. They
resemble a stone cow stable m ore than
any other Am erican building that I
can think o f ju st now. In fact, the
barns and houses a n built alike, and
in tw o cases I have seen one end o f a
building used fo r a dw elling and the
rest fo r a barn or stable. I saw one
house that had chickens in ona port
end people in another. A ll the fow ls
I have seen a n la rge birds; chickens
and ducks a n the extent o f m y neigh­
bor's poultry possessi ons.
M ost o f the farm ers w ear wooden
shoes. 1 do not think they w ork very
w rit in the snow. M aybe they go bet­
ter on d ry ground.
You mention having read that the
soldiers a n poorly prepared fo r «old
weather. Souse people m ay think they
a n poorly prepared, but I fe e l that I
have about all the blankets aad cloth­
in g that I want to take c a n o f. Each
man has fou r blankets, three olive
drab and one blue, and a bed seek to
AH w ith s tn w fo r a m attress. W ith
a straw m attress aad fou r blankets I
have no difficulty sleeping com forta­
bly. I w ill adm it that I did not have
fou r blankets until I reached this
camp but I nevertheless slept warm.
T h e n w e n tim es when I slept on a
board w ithout a tick under me aad
w ith only tw o blankets, so that I was
obliged to sleep in a ll m y clothes, but
thoae tim es have bora few and fo r the
How U m Soothara Oregon Act
Now Stead* at U m Natioa-
a! Capital.
Tha follow in g from a press dis­
patch from the national capitol la the
Portland Journal convoya a good deal
o f inform ation about the present stat­
in o f ths biU providing fo r govern­
a i purchase o f the Coos Bay W ag-
Road, or Southern Oregon landa
that w fll Interest many e f our read-
H e objeeted te thè pròvision whieh
_ roteets thooe whe bave laaeed traets
a i land fa r 10 yeers or U n ger by g lo ­
rig li t*.
saM thè seeretary,
coold ternata acquire su di equittos as
I sn title them
k Ha a t o o __
te raqatoe thè Southern Oregon
company, in g irin e a quitclaim , to
convey thè landa to thè United States
fis a fo n a all incumbrancas axeept thè
W ith theee amendments, Seeretary
U n o favon i thè bill. Ha passe« thè
queetion o f d tris km o f p ro c e d i w ith
thè statem ent that thto dose n oi re­
q u i e comment, aa it follow s thè seme
line o f action ss w a* takan w ith thè
O A C. land*.
The public lands com m ittee o f tha
house has apparently lost the per­
spective which governed it in the dis­
posal o f the lands e f the Oregon A
C aliforn ia grant. It to not w illin g to
allow the »1,000 acres o f the Coos
B ey wagon read rant to be sold or
settled on the same terms, as shown
Cheaper Lim e fo r Farm er*.
by the resolution
has adopted,
which reads:
r "
The Oregon Lim e Board has com­
“ Tha com m ittee to o f the opinion pleted plana fo r supplying the farm ­
that the return proposed to the gov­ ers with agricultural lim a and w ill
ernment (re fe rrin g to the Chamber - be able to send the m aterial out early
lain-Sinnott b ill, which would dispose in Juno, according to present ar­
Of the proceeds on practically the rangements.
A m eeting called by
same term s as the O. A C . lands) to Dean A . B. Cordley, o f O. A . C.,
not sufficient to w arrant the expendi­ chairman o f tho board, test W ednes­
ture involved and unless the b ill to to day, showed that the grea ter part o f
be amended providing s la rger return, the construction work has been pro­
no fu rther action should be taken vided for.
Machinery fo r the breaking and
«T h e com m ittee to e f the opinion grinding o f tho lim estone has a rriv ­
that amendments may ba adopted ed a t the quarry near Gold H ill and
m aking it very desirable from the is being installed by convict labor as
standpoint o f the governm ent that provided in the state law . Tha quar­
action ba had at this session, end rec­ ry has been leased on a royalty basis
ommends fu rth er hearings in fuU o f 8 cents per ton.
Lumber fo r
com m ittee w ith a view to such the construction o f bunkers and other
nendm enti"
structures has bean purchased and
The sub-committee which fram ed power fo r operating m achinery Has
thto resolution was headed by Repre­ been leased.
The contract fo r the
sentative Tillm an, o f Arkansas, and construction o f a spur railw ay track
had ju st one leading member o f the has bean tot. A n aerial tram has a l­
com m ittee upon it.
This was Lon- so been purchased and to being put
root, o f Wisconsin, who had a stellar into place. These expenses w ill total
part in «holding down'” the benefits «b o o t »12,000, leavin g »8000 o f the
Oregon received under the Chamber- appropriation o f »20,000 fo r fu rther
lain-Ferria act. Other members o f installation and operation o f tho
the sub-committee w ere Hayden, o f plant. It w ill bo possible to increase
Arizona, M ays, o f Utah, and Cram- the capacity o f tha plant, now about
ton, o f M ichigan.
10 tons o f m aterial par hour, w ithout
The sub-committe was made up o f exceeding the origin al appropriations.
*n from the states a t the greatest
Tha prices at which lim e w ill be de­
distance from Oregon.
Out o f 21 livered by the board cannot bo quoted
libers ot that com m ittee, seven, a t present, but D ees C ordley expects
or one third, come from the states e f to supply the farm ers w ith adequate
W ashington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho amounts at reasonable rates.
and C alifornia.
N o t one o f theee
Convict labor w ill bo qsed at the
seven, however, was a member o f the plant. Tha Ann w ill ba paid a m axi­
sub-committee which was given -tha mum o f 60 cento per day and wiH ba
job o f reportin g to the fu ll com m ittee under the direction o f a supervisor.
lyin g on our cots w e could fool the
what should be done w ith the bill
cold air circulating beneath us and one
W ith
Persian Cookery.
solitary blanket was very insufficient
form ed, it was easUy dominated by
Cookery among the w ell to do ck
to keep us warm. I hare the ab ility
the Lenroot school o f opinion. This in Persia to extravagant, pertly be­
to sleep in cold that keeps m any men
view , broadly speaking, to that the cause they are lavishly hospitable,
awnke, and although I awoke several
land grants in Oregon offer an oppor­ partly because a ll bouse servoute are
tim es I spent n fa irly com fortable
tu n ity to the governm ent to recover a fed from tbe leavings o f the master’s
night w ith aB m y clothes on. The
certain number o f s e n s o f land, from table. A favorite dish to tbe follow ing:
other men in m y tent w e n up a t var­
8mall pieces o f tomb of tbe sise o f a
which a certain sum may ba obtained
walnut are skewered on a slender rod
ious tim es putting on their overalls
fo r tha treasury,
o f Iron; tw o pieces o f lean and a piece
and jum pers over th eir uniform s and
FoHowing this out to its conclusion, o f tbe delicate fa t o f tbe buge tall o f
even than they could not sleep. That
they count as tha “ return to the gov­ the oriental sheep ere put on alternate­
was one o f the coldest nights I have
ernment” only the percentage o f pro­ ly, a sou peon o f garlic or oulon to add­
spent in the arm y. Another cold night
ceeds which flow into the treasury. ed, and the kebab to toasted over a
was the last night I was on Long
They do not count tha money, which, fierce fire and handed hot. It 1« eaten
W e packed our equipment
with a little salt end a squeeae o f lem­
under the Cham bar la in-Ferris act,
on.. Tin y chickens, quells, pigeons,
during the evening and had our blan­
goes into reclam ation, or fo r roads, doves and young partridges are banded
kets rolled, expecting to leave in the
schools and ports. In the 0 . A C. hot on the spit Itself to each guest.
night, A s it happened we did not
legislation, 10 per cent goes into the
leave until nearly daylight, and spent
Table knives w a n first used in I
national treasury, and this w ill give
the night on the bare boards o f our
land in 160».
the governm ent a handsome p ro fit
tent doors. The early part o f the
It has been pointed out that i f the
In 1ST» ground was first broken hy
night was clear and cold, but towards
same 10 per cent to allowed in the the steam plow.
m orning a cold rain set in which con-
case o f the wagon road grant the net
Effued throughout the day. M any o f
“ Good lock” results from w ell <
return to the. treasury w ill ba a defi­
the men did not sleep at all but I got
ed efforts to succeed.
c it fo r i f tha governm ent gets 10 per
in a good three hours o f sleep. That
cent o f the »2,000,000, which to about
last night stands out vivid ly in my
the highest estim ate made o f pro­
m em ory; everything was packed, only
ceed«, it w ill have only »200,000 to
A child’s drees, outgrown, can m b
the bare tents were le ft. A fte r we
balance an expenditure o f *232,000 to times be utilised fo r aprona.
bed eaten supper and the few rem ain­
be paid the Southern Oregon com
in g cooking utsnails had been packed
T h a n la no difference in food vai
pany, plus »408,000 taxes, plus »25.
the men collected e ll the pieces o f
between w hite and yellow corninosi.
000 or more fo r classification.
beards they could find and built a bon­
This was the com pelling argument
Born« men go « t o o duty calls—but In
I f the wood had lasted w e
with the com m ittee, which le ft Con
tbe opposite direction.—Chicago Mows.
should probably have stayed by the
gressman Sinnott alm ost alone in op
fire all night, but it was all burned be­
When tho beato o f tho overshoe wear
poeing the decision that the “ retain
fo re midnight. W hile the fire lasted
out cut them In tha shape o f a sandal.
the men sang songs and told stories to the governm ent” must be in­
E very man w he says that manta
E fforts to learn ju st what
nnd we had ona o f tbs pleasantest eve­ creased.
to a success praises both bia w ife and
nings I have had in the arm y. F avor­
ite songs among the soldiers a rt “ The money fo r the governm ent have not
Yonks are com ing,” "Th ere to a long, been w holly successful. Apparently
long tra il and I am going back to In­ the purpose prevailin g to to hold
diana” as w ell as s number o f others. down Oregon’s share to payment o f
the taxes due the counties o f Doug­
las and Coos. Adding to this out
Kaocka Us Out of the Box. toy o f over »408,000, the government
• Just as Coquille people were learn­ would pay the owning company »28»,
The first guards sod regular troops
ing how fine an article o f diet mid­ 463 and bear the coat o f adm inistra­
dlings are, aad how w ell they har­ tion, and recoup from the sales o f the ea a standing army were formed by
monised with buckwheat in m aking land and tim ber, estim ated to bring Saul In MOB B. a
flapjacks, comas the news that no from *1,600,000 to »1000,000.
m ore can be secured as the part o f the
I t m ay be that in the end boom
wheat karaal that it consisted o f w ill greeter consideration fo r tho equita
go in w ith the rest o f it to make w ar 11« Interest o f Oregon m ay be seem­
This saems unfortunate ea ed. by devoting part o f tho proceeds
m iddlings was the only flour o f any to public purposes which w ill benefit
sort that could he bought fo r leas the state, instead o f turning H a H o v
than w hite flour. O f late years H has er to tho general governme n t A c
le e a used to a considerable extent Uoa wiH be postponed long enough to
fo r mUk eowe. But i f the present perm it representative, o f the state
scheme w ill fam ish m ere b rea d -for and counties to appear before the
com m ittee i f they so desire.
The com m ittee’s action on the rea-
olutien was taken apparently without
w aitin g fo r the report which It
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Waterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects
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Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons
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Should be used on all
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The Monarch Paint Company
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