The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, February 22, 1918, Image 1

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    VOL. X flL
I ' Uncle Samuel hasn’t co t started in
this war but when he does watch our
smoke as Kaiser Bill will surely have
to wake up and realise we mean busi­
ness with a capital B.
A ll the fellow s wish it was over hut
there isn’t one that wants to return
till Uncle Sam is through to his own
satisfaction. 1 am becoming pretty
efficient at rolling my own cigarettes
now but it came pretty slow at first
after being used to smoking nothing
but cigars and my pipe back there in
my office.
Tell Frpd and fam ily I sent my best
wishes for the holidays and also give
all m y friends my holiday greetings
for me as I can’t do it m yself.
What to Da About the Hall-
Front Street Bridge Yet f
Ever since the present publisher o f
the Sentinel came to Coquille the city
ctuncil has taken preliminary action
which caused' the announcement that
“ Hall street is to ha im proved," to
appear ia these columns.
no prediction is made now, but ft
would not bo surprising if that mush
needed Hall street, bridge wap #ee-.
strueted this year.
Last month the council authorised
the street com m ittee to order the re­
pair a f the bridge on the city engi­
neer’s report that it could bo fixed up
fo r several years’ use at on expense
o f 9276.
However, when the proposition was
put up to the property owners that
the city would split 60-60 with thorn
on the expense, Councilmen Borrow
and Gardner objected.
The form er
wore w illing to spend from 9166 to
9260, with the city putting up s like
amount, to postpone the improvement
a few years, but the tw o councilmen
protested against say street im prove­
ment being m ods at the expense o f
the general fund.
Whan Councilman Mansell reported
the split in this Street committee ov­
er this point Monday the City En­
gineer gave the gist o f a conversa­
tion he had had with Roadmaster
Murdock concerning that bridge. The
streets o f Coquille fa n s s link in the
Coast Highway, soma o f which may
ha paved this year, and Mr. MUrdock
stated that 12 to 14 ton rollers would
have to ha taken across this bridge in
the pursuance o f the work. That It
would not stand up under such a
w eight is evident.
Ho ovoa hinted
pretty strongly th a t' failure to have
a substantial bridga at this point
m ight interfere with any state week
M arshfield-Coquille-M yrtle
Point road.
F ront streets, had told him that he
would not oppoao the improvement if
the council desired to make it this
Other property owner* also
In view o f the effect the lack o f a
bridge m ight have on the state road
work the councilmen fe lt that they
should order an improvement on Hall
i f possible and consequently Invited
all taxpayers affected to meet 'with
them et an adjourned session Thurs­
day evening.
Last evening only one property
owner was present to voice a protest
against any new improvement while
m aterial to so high, and after sevaral
o f the councilmen had stated their
positions it was decided to make an­
other attem pt to g ot all those affect­
ed by the proposed improvement to
attend the next regular masting,
March 4, and tell the council what
they desired dene this year.
The concensus o f opinion was that
the property owners’ wishes should bo
follow ed if possible.
If they wore
not w illing to either have a now
bridge or stand the expense o f re­
pairing the old one the council will
do what ft deems bast.
has to bo done with the present struc­
ture which has boon condemned by
the county highway department and
other engineers.
Barrow for Legislature.
Ä V ,-
The friends o f Hon. C. R. Barrow
are urging him to become a candi­
date for Representative from Coos
county in the next legislature and he
has the matter under advisement.
Mr. Barrow msdaqa fine record when
a member o f the legislature three
years ago which w ill win him support
should he decide to got in again this
oar. Reports from the Bay are that
Hon. A . K. Pack is undecided yet
whether to become a candidate this
year or not.
Th« Four-Minnte Men.
The four-m inute men who will
speek at th* Scente next week erst
J. J. Stanley, Monday night. Fab.
J. L. Smith. Wedneeday night. Fab.
Rev. B. B. Paul, Thuraday night,
Pab. 22. -
Rev. 8 . G. Kagers, Friday night,
March L
C. R. Barrew, Satorday night,
March 2.
; ». V
TO D AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1212.
L ieut Jenson, o f the Signal Corps,
w ill be here Monday evening to show
the pictures with which the govern­
ment is attem pting to stimulate in­
terest in spruce production.
meeting w ill be held in Masonic Hall
under the uspicce o f the Loggers and
Lumbermen’s Legion o f Honor and
will be free to all who can gain ad­
The total amount o f Baby Bonds
and Thirft Stamps sold in the Co­
quille district up to yesterday was ap­
proxim ately 9M00.
A t that rate
there is no doubt o f the entire 972,-
COO worth being sold this year. It
was not until February i that any or-
Bulletins received from W ashing­
ton by Postmaster Jno. Loners stete
that the daily sates o f stamps and
Matt Kerrigan, o f this city, is in
receipt o f the follow ing letter from his
son, Matt, written on New Year’s day.
This is the first letter we have had
from any o f our Coquille'boys telling
o f “ going over the top” and experienc­
es in No Man’s land. A s Matt wont
out from hose with Harry Oerding.
“ Curly” Larson and J. P. Michels,
July 22, it appears that it took only
500 Subject to Draft.
five months from leaving hare fo r the
boys to receive their training, go over
E ighty, men were examined here
the pond and get into service in the Monday and Tueeday fo r military
front line trenches:
service by Dr. Richmond.
This fin­
ished the examination under the re­
the tract was sold to private parties
Dear Father: As this is the begfn- vised rulea except for ten men who
for (4,000 the city would be out (hs ning o f a new year I will write you a will come next Friday. It will pro­
interest for several years and the pnr- Happy New Year and hope you have bably take a weak longer to complete
pose o f the original purchase do- many more o f them and have no cause the classification o f the question­
for sorrow throughout the year.
naires into a card index.
- Only four o f the councilman were
Most o f us got a day off today but
Hugh Harlocker, the clerk o f the
present but each one expressed 'the the whole company had their picture local board, thinks there are about
opinion that if the waterfront was a taken out in about six inches o f snow 600 men in Class 1, who are liable to
personal matter he would consider the ar.d if they turn out good I will try be called to the colors on the next
price offered a fa ir one. M*."Mnasell and send you one o f them,
said that when the citisens o f Coqplll#
You know I am with a new outfit
voted to buy the waterfront saute' o f new and none o f the home boys are
them had visions o f six to ten thous- with me but I like the new company
and ton ocean steamers discharging pretty well. Lots o f hard work and
freigh t at the docks here after the very little time to ourselves but the
creek had been dredged, but that not only thing that bothers me much is
in a hundred years would that sight the cold weather,
There are two “ deer” cases on the
be seen here. Personally he favored
Our company has been up to the
criminal docket, at the February term
selling but didn’t know what the tax- front and so that is over fo r the first
of the Circuit Court here opening
payers would say about it.
experience. We are not billeted right
next Monday, in which the defendants
Councilman Hawkins, Lorens and a; the front now.
are Palmer Endicott, Otto MagiUand
Gardner also favored the sale If the
A fellow ’s first experiences are apt
Milton Epperson, o f M yrtle Point.
city was protected in the matter o f to be lasting as I ltfiow I will always
The first is fo r killing deer out o f
bridge right-of-w ay over the property remember my first trip out in “ no
season, that is, after Gov. W ithy-
and the deed contained a clause g iv - man’s land.” When the fellow s are
combe had proclaimed the season
.. *
ing the city the first option should first given the order to get ready fo r .
the county ever desire to sell.
s trip out to no man’i land, they are
It was left with the mayor to as- on edge and are apt to swear at al-
certeia if all the city 's tpquireaasats moot anything and then when we get
would ha granted by the county court, started there isn’t a word said all the
and the matter w ill coate up again [v ay up there, as ft teems everybody
when the entire council is present
li* thinking pretty soberly; teen after
The investigation instituted by the
County Court and carried into affect
by W. H. Wann, public accountant,
reveals that Justice A . E. Shuster o f
North Bend, owes the county a total
of 9774.26. O f this sum is 1110
which Mr. Shuster told Mr. Wann
was remitted direct to the state treas­
urer, but upon investigation Treas­
urer Kay says was never received.
The County Court has asked Coun­
ty Treasurer Dinunick to make a
form al application to Shuster fo r set­
tle ment, which is the only course un­
der the statute. Shuster has.inform ­
ed the Court that if they will give
him ten days he will settlo the short­
age, which the Court has agreed to
do. 'The treasurer has mad3 the de­
mand and has Shuster’s signature o f
the service in his office.
It seems that under the law he is
not liable to prosecution unless he
fails to remit to the treasurer after
being officially notified.
000 mark and is still growing.
returns come from the Philippines,
Hawaii, Alaska and Cuba, as wall as
from all sections o f the United States.
The campaign o f education being
conducted by Loo J. Cary, chairman
’ or the Coquille district, to progress­
ing splendidly. Ten to s dozen speak­
ers have been attending sack o f the
school house meetings and Mr. Cary
Nobody Becomes a Citizen.
reitorte that no on# refuses to help
Every naturalisation case before
in this work, even though ho never
the Circuit Court here yesterday fell
made a public speech before in his down. Only throe candidates fo r cit­
izenship appeared.
O f those N. C.
Next week the local committee for
Larson, o f Powers, had no certificate
canvassing Coquille will get into the
o f arrival in United States.
field and no one will be missed nor
Nestor Lynda, o f Band on, had only
fail to have an opportunity to loan
one witness and will be given s
their mite to the government to assist
chance to come with another next
Percival H. McDonald, o f
North Bond, had a witness who, ac­
WU1 Repeat “Farm Folks.”
cording to instructions racsivsd from
The Methodist ladies in view o f the the Department o f Labor, was not
largo number o f people who wore not qualified.
The papers furnishod by Fred
able to bo present when they put
“ Farm Folks” on the boards at Ma­ Stone, o f Coos River, wars too old,
* again
"i. ht feet
sonic Hall three weeks ago aad the and ha “ has - to • begin
inclement weather on that occasion with the single exception noted above,
all the cases were dismissed. There
have decided to repeat it at the same
i- only one German enemy alien on
place on Saturday o f next week,
Wo are sure that many o f those who the list. They all have to wait until
While up there and at work the
Fritzies send up bombs that light up
the whole territory for about three
minutes and if they see a group o f
men working, their artillery com-
menees throwing shells at us. If we
see their rocket, start up we either
fall flat or elm stand perfectly still
urtil it gets Cterkagain when we re-
sume work. Friteie’. flares act on the
same principle as . sky rocket and if
we happen to be looking we can me
them go up. The light seems to be
held up in the air by a parachute. A
good many o f the shells pass over our
heads, back and forth, as each side is
searching out the battery o f the other.
Believe me • fellow can hear them go-
ing past.
Then when they shell us s fellow
tries to get his whole body hid under
his steel hat or helmet as it is called,
We also have a couple o f gas masks
to wear in case they try to give us a
taste o f that, and believe me they sure
use enough o f the stuff under favor-
able conditions. They use it in the
form o f hand grenades, bombs and
shells from their big guns that hold
as much as fifteen gallons and then
they use it in the form o f gas clouds
or banks where they shoot it in
streams from their tanks in the
treenhes and the wind carries it over,
When it first starts a person can see
it in the form o f a vapor but only for
a moment and then it becomea invisi-
ble, or nearly so, and can only be da-
tected by smell and a person don’t
want to take to big a smell or make a
hog o f himself, as the saying is, or H
is curtains for him, as it is very dsad-
ly. The Bodies have about half a
dosen different kinds o f gas that kill
instantly or nearly so. If gas is de-
iv v
u w w iiow ,
Loáis J. Simpson’» Platform as
a Candidate for Governor
of Oregon.
In announcing m yself o r a candid-
date for nomination for governor on
ih* Republican ticket at the primary
election to be held on May 17, 1218, 1
dt sire to appeal to the voters o f Ore­
gon as individuals, who, as such, are
well qualified to judge the issues o f
the day and will vote as their judg­
ment shall direct.
I am a republican and believe in the
principles o f the Republican party, and
above everything I am sn American
and believe in the principles o f my
country. I am not a member af, nor
affiliated with any particular faction
or pert o f the Republican party; nor
s I pledged to support any a f the
candidates for office et the coming
primary election. I pledge the people
o f Oregon that, in conducting my cam­
paign I will not support any particu­
lar candidate for office in preference
to the other candidate far the same
office; that 1 will not promise appoint­
ment to office or political patronage to
anyone; that if nominated and elected
I shall enter office with neither prom­
ise nor pledge to redeem, except those
which I give to the people themselves;
reserving the right to make such ap­
pointments and to conduct the office
The other suit against these de-
fen(UnU u for mutii . ting the car-
o f a doe to disguise it.
^ ^ 2
lic tr in theM
in cold storage
# ^ Rtate is safe as venison
it _oin- u_ all ^ Ume
¡ 5
has another “ out o f sea-
of ^
Wnd agmin, t
M d Georriann,
b t
hunting was done
flv, ^
mfUr J
n .
Meu3c doesnt Iook M
Thar, aPe two eases against
£ £ parties, too, botl, for “ unlawful-
• killinir deer ”
* ' '
_ .
S u rPlu8
B * 1* B o n d «,
The Lyceum course committee at
the closing entertainment o f this
year’s course at the Scenic next Tuee-
day will announce that they are about
9U 0 to the good as a result o f the
very liberal patronage the people of
Coquille have bestowed upon these
entertainments for the season of
A part of this sum was
however, carried over from
season. The-question whether to ex-
pend that amount in securing an ad
ditional entertainment for ticket hold-
ers, or investing it in Baby Bonds to
carry over as a nest egg fo r next sea
son’s course has been up for debate,
and will be decided hy those who un­
derwrote the Lyceum this season by
guaranteeing the sale o f the required
number o f tickets,
A t the Commercial Chib Wednee-
day evening the committee having
this matter in charge decided to in
vest the money in Baby bonds and
keep it fo r a nest egg.
T h o m a s in R a ce fo r S h e r iff.
° " ° U:
m“ kJ
J. M. Thomas m s . caller Wednes-
keep it on till told to remove H by .
, fternoon. H. says be is going
som ebodythat is in authority. It to t0 * to
campaign for the R e ­
quite a job to g rt used to wearing K
for iheriff with
qnoyod it before will bo glad to see
it again than—and that many others
whs only heard o f k then will bo Mysterious Lights on the HiUs.
•* nr,t~
^ ^ J
Mysterious lights on the hill east
there to see the fun next time.
,v .
7 .°"
.ng the atrocities and c r u e lt ^ o f the
Boche please m il them a liar wfth my
New Read to Shipyard.
As an exam ple; a
The County Court on Wednesday
large bunch o f them captured one o f
decided to build a road at Bunker Hill
our sentries from the 16th Infantry
about 600 foot in length to connect
and after capturing him they eut h i.
the Coquille-Marsh Arid road with the
throat from ear to ea r- That is just
Coos Bay Shipbuilding yards.
one instance o f their damned culture,
It is estimated the road will eoat
One o f our men was injured by a
between 92,000 aad 92,000. Souse ar­
high exploeive shell up at the front
rangement whereby the shipbuilding
and a corporal from C company was
company would meet part o f .the ex­
killed ahd a few others wounded, but
pense asay be reached, but the coun­
such to the fortune o f war. I haven't
ty trill probably stand good fo r the
both feet; and that if he wins there
he will burn h i. bridge, behind him
b rM^ ning the office he has held sc
and fllled eo well as Deputy
S u ta G m m Wanton,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
,__ ,
Y oa k * * ta e C om m tosh m or.
John Yoakam, one o f our oldest and
beet known settlors, who lives about
, five miles west o f bore on the Marsh-
field road, to «aid to have decided to
become A candidate for county corn-
missioner at the republican primaries
in May.
with whatever unprejudiced indepen­
dence the beat interests of the people
o f Oregon end the development, peace
end welfare o f the state shall demand.
If the voters decide that they do not
desire that I be their candidate I will
give my undivided support to the Re­
publican candidate o f their choice.
I shall, os far os possible, make a
personal campaign, with the object o f
meeting as many individuels as time
will permit, end shell endeavor to es­
tablish end maintain e close personal
relationship with the people o f the
state, so that I may the better know
and understand their needs and re­
In the present struggle for world
peace, democracy and the very exis­
tence o f the nation itself, the first
solemn obligation of evory man, wom­
an and child is to the land o f thetr
birth or adoption. Faithful to that
obligation Oregon is proud o f its con­
tribution in men, money, food, lum­
ber and ships. The entire wealth ana
all o f the resource* o f th* state have
been placed at the disposal o f the
Government, and if nominated and
elected, I shall accord the nation and
the administration that fu ll and com ­
plete measure o f support end assist­
ance which ite patriotic citizenship
has already exacted.
The people o f Oregon have placed
upon tlie state books certain laws
which, if nominated and elected, 1
shall, with all the power and authority
o f governor, rigidly and uncompro­
misingly enforoe. Tho spirit o f tha
times end th? vital importance
state-wide prosecution o f the Govern­
ing* war activities require that law
end order shall prevail. I shall con­
sider ft my sacred duty to preserve
such a condition.
I favor th* establishment o f a na­
tional, universal eight hour, day for
all classas o f tabor except for agri­
culture, tho very nature a f which
niakee ft impossible to restrict th*
working hears to any set number.
I am firm ly convinced that the prog­
ress, prosperity and development a f
Oregon demands that all linos o f bost-
r.ese, with due consideration o f the
absolute necessity o f practicing moat
rigid economy, be maintained as near-