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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
P A G I RIGHT Mrs. Henry Lorens on East First street next Friday afternoon, Wash ington’s Birthday. Feb. 22. from 2:80 to 6 p .m . Everybody invited. Post— star Jno. Leneve reports that six alien enemies registered hard as required by the government. He says these six are ail th at he knows except one, who — y have registered , at an office down the river, although he said he would net recintar. Secretary of State Ben W. Oleott . has our thanks for an election pam phlet which win enable us to keep our A wall known Coquille burin— man oa j * that ha only recently k a n - ed that hit fathar. wh— ho— ia in ona of tha central atataa. visited Ore gon long before the Coquille — n was born. Tha fathar and hia brother were sent out to tha Pacific coast fifty or sixty years ago to find an investment in timber for $80,000 for the old gentleman. They wont boose and repbKed this country n. g. They said it wouldn't be settled in a thous and years and that it was idle to think at civilisation here. Much tha s u m things, indeed, were said in the Have you ENLISTED in the Army of Savers T Buy War-Savings Stamps! restaurant, a t 7:80 last the p liff look H. W. Miller, end hia eon,' George, a t th at time end af- the young« Milter • poke a t Mr. Barr, who haa in conducting the restaurant for t M ill«. Mr. Burr grabbed a pok er end lam hasted the young man ov er the heed so forcibly th at gore wes spattered ell ever the floor and oat into the stre e t A physician waa needed to dress ths wounds. A inter version of the affair is that whan the Milters-entered the restau rant the senior M ill« told his son to lock the d o « . Whan ths young man started to do so tha elder Burr, who ia over seventy years of ago, that ho and his son would be teseiy outclassed in o « ra p , seised the peker and struck young Milter over the head aa 1 m waa about to lock tha d o « with tbs results stated. Both tbs Burrs were arrested tor with a deadly weapon and into Justice Stanley's court, where they waived a preliminary ex amination and were bound over to the grand jury which will meat next The old man was hold ia $600 bonds and the young o m in $260. Ws hoar talk of other legal pro ceedings against tha Miners in this ease with tha Milters as defendants. On Thursday this week at the office of the Rev. Frederick 0 . Jennings, Deer Increasing Now. Rufus C. Colton and Mabel Iona Dem Game Warden J. M. Thomas was s Ths river was up and almost all ons, both of Riverton, were married. caller at this office lest Saturday tha lowlands of ths valley flooded The witnea— wore Rev. Jay Claud morning. He says he ia certain that Black, Mrs. Wickham and Mrs. Wal- the deer are increasing in this sec again Tuesday. tion of the state now. The departure Cm i n k s l days have coos, but County Agent J. X Smith says the of so many hunters for tbs war hag there isn’t any ban on fish—nor ia response to ths question nairas sen« diminished the amount of hunting and there likely to be. the farmers last week has been very the logging off of so much land has Tonight a t the Scenic a Triangle prompt and gratifying and that every tended to concentrate the herds. Mr. show, "Bad Boy" and Travel pictures one is anxious to hia part in aiding Thomas’ district is now greatly en —7,000 foot of film. tha government’» campaign for big larged and it keepe him busy looking after the violators of ths game law— C. A. Holvorstott and W altar Nor ger crops this ysar. ris c a m in tram Fairview daring Alva. Shelton,, who ai.listed from especially those who still persist ia Tuesday’s downpour. down ths river below Coquille, w rit« banting wjth dogs. Hs had a couple Mrs. Norman Jameson returned home from across the water to his of man in Justice Dodge's court at Murdock Called for Examination yesterday to her ho— n t Cmine’s mother that he went over on the Myrtia Point recently on that charge, County Roadmaater R. B. Murdock transport Tuacania on a voyage, it but let them off as easily as he could is in receipt of a letter instructing seems, Just previous to her fatal one; on account of their circumstances. him to report a t Portland next Mon and th at W in G . Barrow, of Coquills, de for examination before the medi L m Goodman Appointed. was a ship— to on th at voyage. ^ cal board there. Mr. Murdock is not A short council s— ion was held Lika the Farmer» and Merchants certain which application this latter in the recorder's ofeee Tuesday af E»i ir here, the B i r k of Southwestern is in response to, as he has three on Oregon a t MarshfWhi is offering to ternoon to confirm the appointment file now, hut is of the opinion th at it a t a water superintendent. Mayor start out every school child ia ths one for a commission in the E. E. under 14 ia Marshfield with a thrift Johnson announced that four applica 20th Engineers, ths. largest engineer tions for the appointment had been yesterday moraing stamp. There are said to be 900 of rogiment in the army and p a rt of expecting to ratal them, so this bit of patriotic work made and of the four he would ap wh— staff was on tha torpedoed point L ee Goodman, eubject' to the will cost tbs bank something over ta * . . Mr. and Mrs. Murdock council’s approval, who would accept Tuscan ia. W. *E. Cleghorn informs the position for the $76 a month it will go out to Portland Sunday morn- letter ju st received that he has now pays. The appointment was Don't W ait moved from Clovis, California, unanimously confirmed and Mr. Good DO IT NOW! Empire in ths soma state. man was also clothed with police Buy War-Savings Stempel Everybody who pays tor ths powers and named as deputy mar tinel for a year in advance now gate shal. His bond was fixed at 1260. As Reported to Salem. the Oregon Former for three years In a report mads to State Superin without extra charge—as a prs Thrive by Thrift! tendent of schools J. A. Churchill, the Buy W ar-8avingt Stempel Alex McDonald, an export sign first of this weak. County Superin painter a t Portland, who used to live tendent Raymond E. Baker gave the Sm ith Powers Sued for $6000. here, ia ia the city now for e few days following figures for Thrift Stamp and may bo found a t the Baxter Ho Henry Ware began suit in ths Cir soles made by pupils of the Coquille tel. cuit Court here this week against the schools: Yesterday morning Mr. end Mrs. Mary Esther Johnson, fifth A, $193; Smith-Powers Logging Co. tor $6000 J . A. Collier, who Uve three Avis Hartson, fifth A. $60; Helen damages on account a t injuries sus down the riror, became the happy Lyons, fifth A, $61; Maxine Paulson, tained when hia lag wes broken by parents of s bouncing ten pound baby fifth A, $60; Eugene Allen, fifth A, a trip line a t Camp 2 near Powers boy. $6$; Alyce Dell Johnson, fifth A, 68»; March 14, 1917. Ha was in the hos pital for sight months as a result Tbs first eleven days of February Margaret Shores, fourth A, $61; Lois of the accident and is still disabled. Morrison, fourth A, $64; Clarence Dorman In bis "P rim itive Superad- was a period of greet dearth a t the Barton, second A, $00; Evelyn Oerd- tlous” telkrm f an Indian who bad been County Cterk’t office here. Not badly h u rt by a grisxly bear. The med marriage license eras issued during ing, fifth A, $60. icino man prw crlbed a m ixture of rat- Mr. Churchill says th at the chew ell th at time. ing here made by the seven pupils ilttmakee’ heads, 'woniout tnocraslna and For Sale—New set at Encyclopae named of the Fifth grade of our city iotuieco, aeaKoued with petroleum and dia Britannic« (11th Edition) bound schools was the best report th at had n il pepper, of whk-h tbc puticut was to Why Not “Valerftine” State? in aheap morocco a t e vary reasonable been received tor any one grade in take a pint every h alf hour. “He w as a When we note that Oregon’s birth brave man, but be died w ith the ut- price. P. O. Box 668, Marshfield, sny school in Oregon. Coos county Oregon. 8t3 has for some time had the habit of day as a state was on St. Valentine’» most expedition,” and a t the tribal. In- day, we wonder why she has never i|uest It w es agreed th a t the remedy The County Court is advertising in getting to the front, and Coquille been known as "the Valentine state." «roa ÍBuItleas, but th at death wee due this week’s Sentinel for proposals to here won a signal victory by distanc Oregon made the country the biggest to the dootdP» om itting to dance and g rav e l th e rem ain d er of th e new high ing the rest of the county and Mow kind of a valentine present when she yeil. way from Bandon south to ths Curry ing the whole state. Hell G ate Bride*. gave herself to the Union. And but Hell G ate bridge in New T o rt re p ra county line. for the casting vote of F. X. Mathieu aeots a m aas o f UMNO toad of steal Minta* Men Here. A. L O'Reilly, of the O. A. C Ex a t Champoeg on May 2d. 1842, Ore- alone. Its arch spans an Interval tension Service, came in Tueeday. He Dr. J. F. Reddy, of Medford, mem of 1.017 feet, m aking It tlie longest is a government man eant out to ber of the State Bureau of Mines, steel arch la th e world and tb s heav stimulate interest in pig clubs Henry M. Parka, director of the Ore iest bridge of any description ever L ast Number 5 Days Later. poultry dubs. gon Bureau of Mines and Geology, built serose en obstado. T w o masetve The next number of the Lyceum Improvement taxes on the lots in und W. C. Moiras, of Seattle, a min course has been postponed from Peb. tow ers support tbc euonnoua w eig h t ing promoter, were here all day last ths east and of the city where the I I to Feb. 26. This num b« will be They rise to s bright of 200 feet <m streets were planked and sidewalks Friday investigating mining matters s lecture by Arthur Walwyn Evans, each side of tba river. T he ends of the built two years ago will be due Fab. in this section end Mr. Parks was bridge rest upon ro a r ponderous shoes here again Tuesday. He plans to Walsh wit and humorist, and accord of cast steel, each w MOjOOO 20, next Wednesday. spend two months this coming sum ing to the advance notice« it will be pounds, th a la rg e st caatlags ever made. Ths County Court has purchased mer in making « mineral survey of highly entertaining and instructive. C*nttged»a as Pat*. from Albert H. Dym throe lots in the Powers district. Lately It baa been discovered th a t the for $1600. They or* to be Money Saved Works ■ dreaded centipede o f th e eontb w estern to build shads to bouse county Day and Night for you. $140 Raised on K. C. Drive. states bos its good u— . Tlie centipede Buy War-Savings Stamps! Lest Monday, Feb. 11, Leo J. C ary has a pair of strong Jaw s and feeds Jock Guyton, of Marshfield, has ac and F. E. McKenna in four hours exclusively on sm ell h o u s e h o ld poets, F ifty Dollar» Reward. cepted the position of secretary to raissd the $140 which was Coquills’s each as fleas, moequltoc*. mot Us and- Robert N. Stanfield during his cam quota of the Knights of Columbus A reward of $60 will be paid to any roaches. It Is o u t of the most valuable Feign to secure the republican nomin drivs. This was just one-fifth of ths person giving information that will household pet-i one can have. As the ation for U. S. Senator from Oregon amount subscribed to the Y. M. C. A. le*d to the arrest and conviction of bite of th e centipede U poisonous, M la The Joss donee for the benefit of in the Coquille district and corres- the culprit or culprits that broke into oo proper plaything for the baby, but as an ex term in ato r of peats It Works the Home Guard was quite well pat (.-onds to the national figures of $7,- 000,000 for the K. C. and $86,000,000 it tie Puet-luteUI- day and Light.' ronised considering the bo4 weetii for the Y. M. C. A. gemer. that evening. The receipts were oi Never Mod It. .„.J,.... . $72 with something over $69 « r a r m n - T h i s eccentricity yon apeak Don’t be a SPENDER. of tn your d a u g h ter—tau’t It. a fte r all. a BE A SAVER! Thors will be an adjourned seesl m a t t« o f h ered ity ! (H rtV M o th e r- Buy War-Savings Stamps! of the Circuit Court next Monday, No. sir. I’d b a re you know th a t lbene Feb. 18, and the grand Jury will con was never any heredity In our fam ily.—“ Washington's Birthday. vene the earn# day. The regular Feb ItoHton T rsn w rip t. The ladiee of jtbe Presbyterian ruary term of court will open Mon Church will hold an Apron day, Fob. 26. WORDS OF CHEER. and Silver Tea a t the residence of Lieut. F. C. Barbasetto, of tba U. Mrs. Henry Lorens on Ernst First 8. Hospital Service and Lieut. H. C. »treat next Friday afternoon, Wash- Word* of cheer are word* *1 Peterson were in town this wei helpi w ards e l gloom are werde in »ton’s Birthday, Feb. 22, from 2:80 They have been investigating the sa of harm . There, is a bright old* to 6 p. m. Everybody invited. itery conditions of the logging comps as well a* a dark ride t* every and miirs in Corn county. phase *f NIe and te every hear. Lest Saturday wes pay day on the Bey end on Monday the postoffica a t Marshfield issued 180 money orde aggregating over $2,000. Outside men who have coose ia to work in the shipyards were sending money hoot i- A War 8AVER is A Life SAVER! Buy War-Savings Stamps! If we »peak of the bright aide we bring the b riy h lress into promine n t« ] If we apeak ef the dark side we deepen its shadow«.' It 1« in eu r pow er te I trip *r te hinder every pSreen w th whom we «erne In eentaet. Which 6« you d e f Why We Have Chosen The Pathephone to Offer Oar immediately Bui the Mg I b e e r your p la y e d th e Prie* l t r* KNOWLTON'S DRUG STORE B E L G IU M U N JP E R THE GERMAN HEEL Bv BRAND WHITLOCK “ * U. S. Minister to Belgium AN ABSORBING STORY, MASTERFULLY WRITTEN; CONTAINS THE OFFICIAL REC ORD OF BELGIUM’S TRAGIC FATE BEGINS SERIALLY FEBRUARY 1 7 IN THE * OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL OF PORTLAND - Save tha QUARTER8 SCENIC NEWS. See the DOLLAR8 Grow. Buy Whr-8evings Stamps! Calling Cards, 100 for $1.00. AT COQUILLE P08TOFFICE. Mails Deport. Marshfield and Eastern Myrtle Point 8:80 a. m.; Paw— Marshfield Bandon 660 a. m.; A rogo (by beat) Molla Arriva. Myrtle Point 6:1» a. m.; Powers Marshfield 9:00 a. m.; Ba ndon 6.40 a. m. 7:28 p. m. 2.00 p. m. 866 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:16 9:00 7:40 4:00 p. a. p. p. m. m. m. m. Fashion Ü B L Far N e a r l y 3 0 Y a a r tl A S B ? - Authority ja C A u V im ? ■aatn'fc» 52 ? ' Friday, the 16th, tonight, a Tri angle picture entitled, "Bed Boy." Saturday, the 16th, a play entitled, “Devil Dodger," featuring Roy Stew- Art. Sunday, the 17th, Margery Wilson in "Mountain Dew." Monday, the 18th, an 8-reel program including “Fighting Trail," i. tirnal serial th at draws a full every Monday. Tuesdaf. th e 19th, no show. Wednesday, the 20th, “Fatal Ring," Patiie News, comedies, etc. Thursday, the 21st, “Battle of Ar ras” or “The Retreat of the Ger mans.” This is very interesting, don’t miss i t Friday, the 22nd, we will have the famous actor, Douglas, Fairbanks in th at fins play sntitiad, “Doubls Trouble." Also e 2-reel Keystone comedy. They ere extra good. Coming, “The Tate of Two Cities." W orth T r y leg. . P hotographer— W here te th a t new efl- •oo boy? Asolatane—H e te up In the d ark room. P h o to g ra p h « — W bat In lie doing up Utero? ------—- 7 •Vestetent—When I now lilm a few minutes ago be was bolding bin pay envelope In front of the enlarging ma chine.—Exchange. j Copy Eyes Tested Glasses rated liAAaeeJ lc H M m—«.». _ , K ptffC opmuist