w m m m rn m . This Tear — Strive for big returns. S p ecial C a ta lo g *— i s ill have to hunt him a cook, aa his ■ mother w on't bo with him alw ays? Arthur Crosby was a G ravel Ford i visitor Saturday. Elm er Olson was also a visitor at i G ravel Ford Saturday .from Coquille. ! W . H. Bunch was down from Mc K inley last wash on a business trip. Quite a number o f people attended the G ravel Ford church last Sunday , in spite o f the mud and m in. Miss Velm a B iclow was a public school visiter last week. Arthur Crosby went to Coquille this week. Mr. Wood apd fa m ily and Arthur Crosby ware visitors a t the Iverson home Saturday. Clyde M cGary, o f M arshfield, is a new student a t the academy. The M yrtle was up ths river Sun day a fte r a loud o f potatoes a t ths Summerlin ranch. Several o f the students o f the Gravel Ford Academ y w ere visitors at the boms o f Hr. Landreth, o f Co- quille, Saturday and Sunday and re ported a good tim e. as entire absence o f taxes against im provements whore the owners are reaping good incomes. It is probable the county court m ay com pile a Hat o f such places and print them fo r the benefit o f the real taxpayers o f the county. Tw o notable instances o f this kind have already bean found in Marshfield. Record. members, and if it is not tea trouble to tall John to sand Note. The lodge r e fin e d to is Odd Fellow s, and ths dues of members o f that order a re reasr while they are in scrrlsa. by day YQ ggp ■ y ' * - • t * ■ * r. 9 * ' T LOREN KNIGHT, Coquille, Or CURRY, AND D O U G LA S C O U N T IE S Builds m Big Dyke. DAY' r m iles an h ou r on ll’i a hummer i COOS, unmatched ¿Record W >n ; i v r It’s a World-Beater at the Price S. P. Buying Tide Lunds. Tha Southern Pacific Railroad com pany recently filed a dead a t Co quille fo r a la rge tract o f tide-w ater land in A a vicin ity o f Glasgow. The tract contains som ething over 160 o ctet and is In the im m ediate neigh borhood o f the G lasgow tonwiste. The property was puchased from Gay Lom bard. I t is believed that ths com pany has soma intention o f opening the coal on the G lasgow property, since there it a Southern Pacific sur vey from a point on N orth slough, to ontans ■ W Í R em em ber that the B U S H is not B U S H Cars hove been In service fo r ye Calling Cards, 100 fo r «L 0 0 . W Sm • • * m y it t BEE s u m ía s FERTILIZERS at ths prion. About eight years ago, Jao. Clinton, of Norw ay, on thioo secsseeiva even ings rods his horse, "Skipper” by name, down to the pasture and round ed Up the cows and drove them up Is the barn fo r ssHking. The f ourth e\ ening as ho started fo r the pas ture to b rin g up ths cows, ho no ticed "S k ip p er" at work getting ths cattle bunched. M r. and Mrs. d in - ton waited and watched te see what would happen and soon, the Intelligent horse had tha entire head at ths ham. And not one evening since that time has this fa ith fu l animal failed te round up the herd et the proper time and bring them to tbo born. He ia quite a pet o f tha fam ily and at timos exhibits alm ost human intelllganao W We can Serve Yen to Year I Profit and Satisfaction NURSERY sto ck POULTRY s u m isa cor for $873. N ow here in Amorten on* j “Skipper* Was O r the Job. m agH r west Guarantees that i l W /a iJt « i B H s æ n i l Peter Cowan recently cem pleteo the dyking o f 170 acres e f his farm o r Smith R iver. M. Cowan has «00 N O TIC E TO C O N TR AC TO R S. acres on his place, which is located six m iles from Gardiner by the r iv e r ., The w ork was preform ed by the Umpqua Developm ent company * ith th eir dredge. The dyke is seven fast high and 40 fa st in width at the base. It is a m ile end a h a lf ip length and the Bandon-Curry County Section has a m ils o f river frontage. P rtv i- o f the Const H ighw ay in ' Coos oua to dyking tha land was a marsh County, Oregon, w ill be ye- sad o f no value moot o f the tim e, ceived by the County Court o f said The company was SO day* doing the j County, o t its office in the Court work and a t «6-80 por hour the work House, Coquille, Oregon, until 10:00 coot M r. Cowan «2600. M r. Cowan o’clock A . M. March 7th, 1018. states that ths w ork enhanced the N o bid w ill bo considered unless ac- value o f his land «100 par acre.— eompanied by cash, bidder's bond, or Gardiner Index. certified chock fo r an amount equal -------- to at least 6 par ce n t o f the total This item calls to mind the fact «m ount o f the bid. that there are thousands o f s e n s o f a corporate surety bond w ill bo ro- land In Coo* county which are now quired fo r fth e fa ith fu l perform ance absolutely uaelaes fo r any purpose be- 0{ the contract in a sum equal to one- cause subject to tidal overflow , that h a lf the total amount o f the bid. tien fo r bidders m ay be obtained at ths office o f the County Clerk o f said County, or at the office o f the Deputy State H ighw ay Engineer, in tha Court ■ flfc Company produced a larger amount o f business during 1917 than produced hi the Statu o f Oregon by any life insurance company in any previous year. Ill Life Insurance deposit o f «16.00. Tha righ t is reserved to reject any or all proposals or to accept the pro posal or proposals deemed beat fo r asir County. C O U N T Y CO U R T O F COOS C O U N T Y . Jamas Watson, Coanty Judge.