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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
Laughlin Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting Bookkeeping in both th« plain and bordarmi puttana, aa w«U as a larga •uppiy of ftll-fa pieces. YourJLast Chance to gat auch hige-grade China at such prices. Wa can't dup licate the price on another shipment We have also received another shipment of GOLD BAND CHINA. - MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. Class 3. / Wail the local board here u d f u a man to Claaa 4 on account of a de pendent family; but be has also asked to be excused frees military service because be is indispensable in run ning a farm. That necessitate« send ing bis claim on that lino to the dis trict board, which will approve of it and assign him to class 2. - His as signment still stands for Class 4 but Class 2 he concludes that he is no longer in Class 4, end haa no chance of escaping military duty on account of his family. Then he writes or perhaps telegraphs the local board to know hqw about it, whether he la in Class 4 or Claaa L As s matter of fact ha is in both but it is always the one that gives the greatest exemption holds over all others. Tbs matter hasn't been explained. Ten Hoae Guards fa.State. became Mrs. Bedingfleld at the house of her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. E. H. Kinley, of Bandon. Wedneaday morning the young couple went north to Camp Lewis. The wedding is the culmination o t a romance which began when both the Coquille River. University New Claaafu in Gregg both day and Evening Special Classes in Typewriting with provisions The characterization of defective for home work. We furnish typewriters. generalization aa s “typical American stunt“ appeals to the Sentinel. For WE DO LETTER WRITING half a century the writer has bean at a nominal cost Phone, us and we will send protesting against that' kind of gen eralisation. There is no more nearly you a stenographer universal error than tbs illogical one of making general deductions based on isolated facts. It is exactly like arguing that because people . are sometimes killed, on railroads there do your copying and pat oat yoar circular letters fore it behooves us to tsar up every track} that because some men cut Phone 16, Coquille, Oregon, themselves with axes and bleed to death, therefore the manufacturing of axes should be forbidden; that be cause city improvements involve hardships in some instances therefore ye should per# no more streets and build no more sidewalks. People of limited education and narrow vision can be pardoned for such errors; not May Be Boat Line from Portland Methodist Church. so easily men like Roosevelt and Sunday school at 10. Coses and J. E. Norton recently received Chamberlain. study. word from the Columbia Navigation Preaching at 11 and 740. Sub Co., at Portland, that they were flig- Oregon 59 Tears of Age. jects: "The Fine Art of Winning uring on putting on a boot to run J. F. Schroeder calls our attention Man” and “How to Bogin the Christ from Portland to the Coquille river, to the fact that Oregon was admitted ian Life.” and asking if there would be suffi to the Union 60 years ago yesterday. Epworth League at 040. cient business to extend the run ea She is by no moans a newcomer in Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:80. far up aa Coquills. The company the family, fifteen, states having been Sunday School Board meeting Mon now haa two boats and ara building aumitted since her natal day. There day evening. a third, and while the flour and faad are only eight states larger then Ore If you are not a regular attendant shipments of an Astoria mill will gon, but there are 84 that have a at any church this church has a place form the principal item of their ship larger population. Oregon haa only for you. ments down here they expect to do a 6 2-8 people to the square mile, but 8. G. Rogers, Pastor. general freight business. Riverton there are a few states that have leas. ccal will be the chief'cargo of the Nevada, for instance, has less than return trip and with an 8-day sched one, only 81,000 people to 110,000 There will be Choir Practice to ule they will doubtless do a good >quaie milee.' Coos county with 12% morrow (Saturday) at 8 p. m. business on the lower river, even people to the square mile, notwith February 17. First Sunday in Lent. though they should decide to come no standing its large area of mountains Holy Communion at 8 S. m. farther up than the coal minee. and forests and the small percentage Sunday school at 10 a. m. of its tilled land, has just about Communion and Sermon at 11 double the Oregon average. Outside a. Holy m. Celebrant and Preacher will be of Portland, however, Oregon has the Rev. Jay Claud Black, rector af only four people to the square mile Marshfield. 4 nd Coo# county has three times that the evening at 7:80 p. m. will be average. Isn’t there lots of elbow the In dosing of the Mission. room out here In the northwest, The subject service of instruction though. Why, before the w*r, Bel “The Prayer Book Church.” will bo gium had 700 people to the square Tonight end tomorrow night the mile or nearly 200 times as many aa Mission services will be held Oregon outside of Multnomah eounty. regular at 7:80 p. All the Church asks is Referring to Mr. Schroeder again, a hearing. m. Have you attended this he says he left Baltimore for Ore Mission T Good music. Bright ad- gon just seven weeks before the state was admitted into the Union and so has not boon eligible to membership in the pioneer association. The num ber who are eligible now must be an extremely select few. A Portland paper says: . . “Reports received yesterday from Coos County that five home guard companies have been formed there and are to be properly equipped, brought to the mind of Acting Adju tant-General John M. Williams the fact that there are bow in state, out side of Multnomah county, 10 such unite. “there has been commendable ac tivity through the state lately,” said Colonel Williams, “in the matter of forming home guards. Coos county now has five companies. La Grande has two companies. Baker two and Couaty Court Meeting. Pendleton one. There are nearly 2000 of these heme protectors in the At its meeting here Wednesday the state outside of Portland, and the County Court revised the membership of the election boards in the county, making new appointments in case# Go South to VMt Mother. where the judges and clerks appoint Claud H. Giles, accompanied by ed had not accepted end also where Mrs. Giles’ mother, Mrs. N. G. W. appointees had moved away or there Perkins, both of Myrtle Point, passed were protests against the persons -' through Coquille yesterday moraine previously nsmod. oi- their way to San Francisco to he The court also authorised tbs pay with Mrs. Giles, who is at the Child ment of bills for material and labor ren’s Hospital recovering from a seri on the approaches to the bridges ous operation. Recovery from the op Ladd * Hattie ate building on the eration, which was perfumed a month coast highway north of Coos Bay. ago, has not been so rapid as had There are three of these bridges all bean anticipated and though her con with draws and they cross North dition is not critical, a visit with Slough, Haynes Slough and Larsen home folks m s thought advisable. Slough. The amount now to be paid Mrs. Perkins will remain in the south for the approaches is 8217740. about e month and Mrs. Giles until New C u m fa Circuit Court. Feb. 14—Chandler Investment Co. vs Matlock Investment Co., a corpor ation, Flanagan & Bennett Bank, a corporation, J. Albert Matson, Vlr- Christian Church. Bible School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sub- Christian Endeavor at 0:80 p. m. Evening Service at 7:80 p. m. Sub- Prayer and Bible Study Meeting Wednesday at 740 p. m. You are cordially invited to all Bergmann Shoe Rsv. J. A. McVeigh, pastor. BIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN COQUILLE People are surprised at the IN STANT action of simple buckthorn berli, glycerine, etc, as mixed in Ad- ler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so complete ly it relieves AftY CASE sour sto- FOR SALE-Usod Ford in good con dition. N. N. Neiman. WANTED—Chrome, Manganese and Molybdenite oras. Might purchase or take istreet in proven mine. Western Reduction Company, 24th A Nicolai Sts, Portan d, Oregon.