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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1918)
V. $ < • / * * * . rAUTWO _____ _____ _ «— - • • • tè#-- 1 «T r * »!«. : „ m ;' v -, mW M ; : Strang to ham visiting ement and haring some ane by Dr. Gilss during I-.:. ■ ‘ and daughter, Ora, to Marshfield Saturday to coa- sult aa stmiHst E. E. Johnson and Riley CUaton «seed through town Saturday on their way to Dement creek where they am carrying on extensive log- W e are apt to follow, and when good advice b given us, we ought to observe it When you are told to come here for your groceries, that is good advice— the best that can pofirihly be given to you. And you will be glad to take it when you find that in quality, price, and prompt delivery of orders, we easily lead competition. ______ Phone 251 ________ W. H. LYONS First National Bank Building Mys. Frank Strong, of G revel Ford, ms operated on Saturday in tl 'imbsrtwi hospital. The Perkins Music atom is moving into the rooms next door to tho Per kins Drag stem. Mr. Feumley, formerly ef tho Pa cific Drag Co. of this place, was ov from North Bond to spend tho wee sd with his family. The proper patriotic spirit is shown mong tho young people o f our town. The Eighth grad# alone has invested fM & lfi in thrift stamps and bsny bonds. The Myrtle Point branch o f tho Bed Cross shipped twenty suits of pa jamas Monday which makes s total of 86 suits. The work has boon given great praise by the Marshfield cnap- * Rexall Catarrh Jelly is a spadai tonic that strongjh- gives instant rslisf in nasal ca- up against catarrh by ------ ---- the delicata tissues so that they am able to resist ths attacks of catarrh gonna. Taken internal ly, in conjunction with local treatment, it ncovary. Boxali Mucu-Ton* to mondad particularly for effective „ irritation aad discharge. __ It r readily cling* to thus insp ths delicato i surfaces surf lag prolonged ection of tho __ ___ __ | Rexall Catarrh Jolly to pleasant ta sse because K to sold in tubes with special nos sis for convenient applica tion. Can be readily carried in the for nao whoa needed. 25c and 50c. ; to catarrh aad to a treatment in and 81.00. Rexall Catarrh Spray An effective local treatment. Germicidal, antiseptic, heeling. 60c per bottle. Rexafl Catarrh Tablets Very efficacious wherever a mild antiseptic cleanser to required. 60c per box. Every Sufferer from Catarrh will find in these and other tested remedies the ones best adapted to their particular condition. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy a. Coquille, Ore. - » tota lino of ut FACTORY 1 filC fifi, up. Tb IO N y » frit Tritt .••BANGEM** Meyele yon 15000 piJLd H u i n milV"-’ u n lM h p & fitaS«Sw £ T JÄ T Ä Ä i Have You Secured Your SEED? WITHOUT DELAY who waits Two questions you should be prepared to answer in f there in 187fc. H* few maided them moat of the time since, except ing the Inst three years when he has made his home with Ms son, Qeorge P. Mullen. He was a soldier in the late rebellion and a grand army man. The interment was at Enchanted Prairie, the funeral being at one o’clock Sunday. The funeral sermon was preached by Rsv. Thomas Bark* Mr. William Berry went on a busi ness trip to Powers Saturday and rd. turned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Cole will mom to Marshfield next week when M l Cole will secure employment in the ship yards. Another large supply of yarn was received Monday at the Bed Cress rooms. Messrs. W. J. Walsh and N. B. Ed mondson, of Portland, am this vicin ity looking for timber for war pur- u t il feront crop not be carried in etock but will Many a dif- will aeeda Protect Yourself! Don’t Wait. L a s t C all EXTRA SPECIAL Onion Sets, 3 lbs. 25c California Petit Prunes (Whslsstis Fries Ifijc to. sadgstofi M ^sr) White Oats 3 lbs. 25c The Wartime Fruit, healthy omical, a sugar saver econ Bulk Garden Seeds Now in Stock 0 Back Your Patriotism With Your Dollars BUY WAR SAYINGS STAMPS Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon P boÉ *sttU iK Ì5 4 1 ¿' - _______ Items From Arago. Jamas Guerin has recently pur chased a tract of land, known as the James Perry estate, directly south M. R. Loe, ef Powers, is bom vis iting his family and looking after Posters and tickets am out for tha Bad Cross benefit dance to bo given Fob. 22. Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins and Attor ney Claud H. Giles loft Thursday morning for San Francisco to visit Mrs. Giles who is in a hospital thorn. O. 8. Colemon, of Forest Grove, to ham visiting with miativts and friends. Dr. Pemberton went to Marshfield Thursday to attend a medical asso ciation. Harry Th ese«, of Milwaukie, Ora, win aeU at public auction on the Fair Grounds at Myrtle Point 24 heed ad registered cows on March 14. A. McDonald is reported seriously m at his home at Broodbont Mrs. Tho«. Guerin, who teachers the girls’ sawing class of the gram mar school, will conduct the -!««« Saturday at the Bed Cruse rooms whom they will make bed socks for the soldiers. M O ’Riley, from O. A. C , J. L. Smith, county agriculturist, and C. E. Mulkoy, tho county school super visor, worn in town Thursday and ad dressed the schools on patriotism, em phasising tho individual duty of each. Mr. and Mrs. Hannan Tucker warn here from Bandon to spend a few days visiting friends. Bat. Dr. Anderson and Henry Bchroedsr went to the Twin Oaks dis The man w ill probably plant are ao high that they •pedal order if poaaible. Seed« are acaree this $3.35 per cwt Grey Oats Sold Out You Must Strike at the Cause Rexall Mucu-Tone ■ for a few dajt To Relieve Catarrh Catarrh is the result of irritation o f the mucous membrane caused by germ infection. Catarrh manifests itself in various ways, and requires varied treatment The reme dies below are each bast adapted to its particular purpose. • V tain Glade. Wednesday morning the greuad was coated with a blanket of snow about an inch thick, tho first snow storm of the winter to give a white trace in the valley. If Senator Chamberlain had known as much as ho thought ho know, ho is pom bunk. Por the Stem and Stripes were already flying from the flagstaff« in Prance mad the boys la khaki warn not only in the front lino trenches hut hud gone ever the top in greater nembers than he had im agined. The feet that a man enlists or is drafted into the army jdoes net necessarily eonvart him to ways of righteousness and patriotism in Ua soul. Sum, them have been instances of foul abuses and nogiect of duty the same as them have been Incidents of tbs soldier’s uniform clothing the car cass of spies. Tho out like tho other !■ an exception. Something like seven or eight years age in a Portland hospital Dr. Laurel Stemmier and other patients worn maltreated and abused without stint, end if I am not mistaken, the eeasi of that hospital was ana of tha chief Bull Moosers of tho state. That hos pital was ons of the exceptions in tho •tata of Oregon; sad if anyone had said that wus the condition of all the hospitals in tho state he would have “distorted the truth.” President W il son U on the job. Secretary of War Baker is on tho Job; and from his statement made before the Senate military committee the people of tho United Statse and of the world know ot Wa* B* k*r to on the job. This la no time for tin horn ***& • n * the giving oat of infor- Italian, tho Armenien, of ail men work and fight for life, liberty About thirty went to Norway Sat urday night to basket ball. E. J. Meyers had to double up on boats to ate ao many. The Myrtle Point, Arago aad Norway girls only playod one game; 82 to 2. Gravel Ford boys and Norway boys 12 to 14. ' Arago boys and Norway boys 12 to ¡** A local entertainment to to be giv en nt Arago hull in tho near future, entitled, “The Squire's Daughter," with eight characters which will oc cupy two hours. There will be a bas- kot luncheon. The dates will be giv- B. J. Meyers has boon taking Mi **•»•*> “ the Rawleigh man,” in hi launch all along tho river to his cus On* wise woman on Ftohtra; (them may bo others,) who has houseful of little ones, eliminate much of tho seemingly necesssr bard jobs of housekeeping by havini Provided a pair of slippers for eaci msmbsr of tho family who am to ex change their shoes at ths door. Thu their feet am dry, floors are cleai and thorn to much toss soiled cloth “ W to wash, to say nothing of tn wear and noise of heavy shoes, cau tiens and scoldings about cleanlni ^ •k®** well, which wears on i >thor’s nerves besides almost stunt ing a child’s growth. And last bi< “ ot toast the slipper to always hand for tha »fits Extended to April I. Milton A. Miller, Collector of Ii teraal Revenu« for the state of On gon, has boon notified by the Tree; ory Department at Washington, 1 C.> that the time for filing the 191 Iwome Tax Return«, including ind vtaoab and corporations, has be« extended to April 1, 191* thus gh *W jti0,ta] month to that pr. bT the War Tax A rt of Octal* ». 1M7. Aa aoon as tha blanks a> each corporations will be n< tflod. Collector Miltor would appn «lin g o f raturas, , £ * * the work of his office may n