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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1918)
Why We The W ar 8avings Coquille, composed a pointed the follow ing com m ittees fo r field work, the chairman bota« the first named U each caso: First committee— C. W . Endicott, F B. Phillips, J. L. Smith, A . N Gould, C. T. Skoals, A. B. Roberta. Second committee— F. E. McKen na, E. H. Hamden, L. H. Hasard, i. W Noblet, R. A . W crulsh. J. A. Georgia Richmond, aa the country- kid« gossip, and Charles W illey, as the Jack-of-all-trades, were well sus tained. Herbert Lukena played the role o f a young New Y ork business man with credit and didn't “fa ll down” at all in love to the heroine, Flora Goodwin, the sweet country girl, sweetly portrayed by Edith W illey. Susie Folsom , as the marplot and dark schemer o f the play, displayed considerable histrion ic talent. In spite o f the trouble with U s tem porary goatee and mous tache, the form er o f which he finally chocked at the audience when he could no longer make it stick, George Bettoy made aa im pressive “ prosper ous fan n er” o f ample proportions, keenly sym pathising in U s daught er’s heart troubles. Ada Newell made a tan strike as the part hired girl; Anna M orrison su d s a model mother for the heroins and J. W . Noblet did the jilted country swain, plotting against the heroine’s peace o f mind, to porfaction. Verna Mast’s por trayal o f the unspoiled Now York so ciety girl was among the finest touches o f the play. The songs by the tiny too, compos ed o f Eleanor Folsom , Marvin Haw kins and A lta Balls Elwood, in their childish treble, was a unique feature which delighted everybody. The heartfelt applause o f the even ing and the m ost insistent encores, however, greeted the quartette con sisting o f Frank G. Leslie, Charles E. McCurdy, Mrs. M. Q . Hawkins and Miss Marvel Sksela, which sang s new war-tim e song with such fervor end tw i tes ssi as to arouse a whil hind a f patriotic enthusiasm in the lavorile eel KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE BELGIUM UNDER TH E GERMAN HEEL Bv BRAND WHITLOCK ti. & Minister to Belgium ■tumbling in the dark without the light being moved farther away from the bridge. It also leaves the hospi tal com er, around which about tw o- thirds o f tbs people living in the Uty coma to town, in comparator* dark A Ltaooln Birthday done* is adver ness. And the only ob ject to be thus tised by the Coquille Home Guard to attained was the providing o f a light be given next Tuesday, Fab. I k The in the svtrsm s north and o f town for mturic will be furnished by the Me- Lincoln Birthday Dance. tights and that dark spot o f a block aero«« from the Gardiner Garage is the poorest lighted section in town. I f s light was necessary fo r those liv ing outside the city and ju st inside, a new one should have been tnstallsd in stead o f im posing s hardship on lion- County Court Next Wednesday. appoint the coauuttte# lying CoquiU* territory. The only navy recruit who could be entailed is Coos county this week was Virgil Guy Clayton, o f Myrtle Point, who was sant up to Portlam; Monday W. A . James brought into th* Sen tinel the Urte o f the week four fine, smooth turnips from his garden on hill land north o f town, which weigh- Wednesday morning the barometer at the First National Bank here dropped to 88.07 which w m a now low record. The instrument at tbs postoffies ran about 6 points lower getting ysry close to 89.00. This was vqrging towards W est Indian hurricane conditions, but nothing ser ious follow ed, though the way the gusto o f wind wblppod the torrents o f falling rain into spray aa it swept up Second street in front o f tbs Sen tinel windows at 10 o’clock that morning showed the glass had not taken that phenomenal drop without Ha meaning something. Strange to ■ay, within half aa hour after tne worst o f this storm the sun was shin ing brightly and everything was as placid and pleasant as a midsummer morning. This section gives us some Kaleidoscopic changes in wssthsr that are sa astounding as anything they have in thoea sections o f the country where the yours are not as wii.terlesa as they are her*. On Wednesday o f next weak, Fan. 48, the county court will be in session at the court house here to hear all re- monstrancM, objections and sugges tions from voters in regard to the ap pointment o f judges, and clerks of election in this county. The Sentinel recently published the name* o f these judges and clerks, and, if fo r any era- son, any reader deems any selection improper he will have the opportuni ty next week to tell the county court what he thinks about it. A fter that date the county clerk will immediate ly proceed to notify judges and clerks o f their appointment and request their acceptance in writing. Sotdter Boyi Remembered. SoM Biff Stock of Cheese. Wednesday evening 144 package* w m put up by the CoquiUe Home Guards for m ailing to the boys who have gone from hers to W rva their country. Tobacco w as tbs biggest item o f the shipment but fo r thoee who were known not ts use it toilet soap and tooth pow der wars mailed. Th# gifts w m sold to the Homs Guard by C. J. Fuhrman, th* Busy Corner and C. A . Machon at cote or below, the entire expense amounting to about |86. Claud H. Giles, selling agent o f the Cooe-Curry Cheeee Associa toon, was a caller Monday. He states that he has just moved the only large stock o f the 1917 product o f the association re maining to be sold which was at Se attle. at vary satisfactory prices and that the outlook far tote com ing year is excellant. By the time the Coos- Curry product goto as wall advertised aa the Tillamook cheese it will cer tainly be smooth sailing, fo r Coos erunty is much bettor adapted fo r dairying than is its northern compet itor. AN ABSORBING STORY, MASTERFULLY WRITTEN; CONTAINS THE OFFICIAL REC ORD OF BELGIUM’S TRAGIC FATE •EBRUARY 17 BEGINS SERIALLY OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL Some Storms This Weak. About nine o'clock last Monday night the lights suddenly wont out In Coquill*. There was a strong wind com ing in puffs and gusts at the time and many people thought a tree or brunch had blown across ono o f the lines her* in the city but it only took a glance out o f doors to m o that the whole town bad gone dark. Several times in the next ton minutes there was s Sicker fo r ju st an instant, but then it settled down to steady dark fo r h alf an hour when the lights cam* on again. The trouble was over at the bay on the North Bend line which branches off from the Coquillo lino at some dis tance from the power house. A limb had fallen serose that line and it was hoped fo r a while to put on current enough to bum through the lim b; but that plan, which recalled in the occasional flickers, had to be aban doned and the current cut off from the North Bond lino; and then ev- — Tuesday night there came another wind and rain storm about as se vere as that o f the night before. Then H im was local trouble, * limb falling on some electric UgLt wires which got crossed with the telephone wires in various places. Some time was spent by the linemen in hunting the cause o f this trouble. Th* same storm Tuesday night re sulted in the breaking o f all seven o f the telephone wires on the Coquille- Bandon 11 m near Fat Elk. Th* wire* SCENIC NEWS, Tonight, Fob. 8, we have Wm. Hart in “ Disciple Play,” also a two, reel Keystone comedy entitled, “ Nick o f Time Baby.” The. Keystone come dies com ing every Friday are the best; come and be convinced. Wm. Hart and Douglas Fairbanks occurred tag a tims o f about every other F ri day is as fins s program as comes to any town. Saturday, Fob. 9, we will have Wm. Desmond In the “ F lying Colors.” Sunday, the 10th, w* w ill have Louise Glaum in “ His F oot H1U F olly." Monday, the 11th, we will have fou r Vitagraph stars In the .play, “ Bottom o f the W ell,” also a comedy and that most popular serial, “ Fight ing Trail,” an 8000-foot program , ev erybody come. Tuesday, the 12th, no show. W ednesday, the 18th, Pearl W hits in “ Fatal R ing,” “ Path* News,” com edies, etc. Thursday, the 14th, “ Battle o f A r ras” or “ Retreat o f the Germans,' which will be the fourth episode. It is getting more interesting and sen sational with each episode. These are government official pictures, which mean* actual scenes. I f you are interested and want us to order war pictures you must come to this one for we are only charging 10 and 80c, while others charge 10 and 86. Don’t forget that there is always a food 6-reel feature with this war picture. Friday, the 16th, a Triangle pic- V * are now running ■ larger and w m ever in Coquille before. Come and be con vinced. *«ttor Bn* « f pictures than Eyes Tested Hasses Filled