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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1918)
HYDRO-CARBONITE T H E H IG H G R A D E R O O F A N D IR O N P A IN T S old C o n tin u o u s ly f o r O r e r 33 Yearm M r. C r « » w ail, a United Brethren m inister praacbad at Dora Sunday. He fcaa fou r preaching p lw fft, John-11 aon’a M ill, W illow dale. G ravai Ford and Dora. Ha and his fa m ily ara aa- The Coquille Valley Sentinel for O N E Y E A R and the USES Waterproofs and Preserves Roofs, Protects Bridges and buildings, Preserves Fence Posts, Pro tects Inside of Silos, Waterproofs Cellar Walls, Preserves Foundation Timbers, Protects Wagons and Farm Implements. . Should be used on all subject to severe conditions. Oregon Parmer for TH R E E YEARS, all for $1.50 E V E R Y SUBSCRIBER paying $1.50 in advance for the Sentinel, from this date until further notice, will re ceive the coining 52 issues of the Sentinel and 156 issues of the Weekly Oregon Fanner for that amount CLEVELAND, THIS IS THE GREATEST A WORD to the WISE Club Offer we have ever been able to present to the farm ers o f the Coquille Valley and we believe many o f them will be glad to take advantage of it. W hen you need neat, new and nifty-^Letterheads, Envelopes, Circulars or other advertising matter, Tke Coquille Valley Seitiael is ready to fill the bilL W e also M ail us the *1.56 if you are a new subscriber or are already paid in advance, fo r the Sentinel and we w ill do the rest. I f you are in arrears on the Sen tend, send us enough to cover have a large stock of Business Cards, Fine P a pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can that at the same time, and yon w ill receive both papers for give yon something neat for your office stationery the time specified— the Sentinel for one year and the Oregon Fanner for three years. Q U A L IT Y PR IN T IN G 208 PAPERS FOR (HILT $ 1 . 50 ; TWO FOR PRICE F0 ONE Jury Lfct for Fol nrnry. Her N smm Was oa the Bottle. The follow in g is the Jury list drawn fo r the February term o f the C ircuit court which w ill convene here on Monday, the 25th last.: J. E. Noah, A llegan y, fnnuar. Geo. M. Solis, N orth Baud, clerk. G eorge H . N ay, Marehfteld, pUa- Some y ta r* ago, say* the C o m Bay Harbor, there w ee a ta ilo r at the nav al radio station a t Cape Blanco— which ie net, ne it in to often termed, the weeteram oet point in the United S ta tee. This sailor was the only unmarried man a t the station. B e naturally fe lt a little lonesome. One day he f e ll on the rocks end braised him eelf. H e opened one o f the first aid medical chaste need In the nary end secured e bottle o f Unamcnt. Be fore opening it he noticed on the out side snapper the name end address o f eome young Indy in Connecticut. A r that waa the state from which ho came, hie curiosity eras aroused end he wpote to the young lady and naked how it happened her name eras on the bottlo. The reply told that the young ledy worked in a chemical factory and that occasionally the g irls employed there would irrite their namae on a wrapper to see i f some sailor would w rite. It turned out that the Bailor and young lady had Used In the same part o f the state and their fam ilies were acquainted. The letter w ritin g continued, photo graphe w ere exchanged end the ro mance ended when the young map was discharged from the nary, end h n vtag Cape Blanee, went beck east and m arried the g irl. Another one o f the boys a t the sta tion became acquainted with the tele phone operator at Bandon with whom he eras required to U lk every night when sending in his reports. By tel ephone from Bandon to the lonesome cepe the courtship continued until the sailor came up to Bandon, m arried the g irl end took her beck to the cape. It waa w inter thne end the only way they could reach there was on horse back. " A . J. Hartman, Bandon, dork. E veret H. Hamden, Coquille, re tired. Louie P. Brans tetter, Coquille, cat- Chas. M ahaffy, M arshfield, farm er. Frank M. M arhoffer, Marshfield, merchant. B. C. Shull, M yrtle Point, farm er. R ay B. Dement, M yrtle Point, stockman. M arvin O. Hawkins, Coquille, ab stractor. 8. B. Cathcart, M arshfield, survey- John H. Pitney, N orth Bend, mer Frank B. Phillips, Coquille, m er chant. John T . H arrigan, M arshfield, m er chant. W illiam E. Sullivan, Marshfield, W . A . Bosk, Bandon, laborer. Wm. Bettys, Coquille, ferm er. E. E. Oakes, Bandon, reel estate. H erbert Brown, Bandon, carpenter. Wm. G. Lawhorn, M arshfield, me- E. C. Drews, M arshfield engineer. C. A . Sanford, North Bond, carpen. r. Basket Ball at the Bay. In discussing the basketball gam e Chas. B. Evland, Coquille, black - between the Coquille and Marshfield sitk. High school teams to be p'ayed at Z. C. Strang, Coquille, retired. the Bey Friday night, Coach Grannis T . P. Hanley, Lampe, farm er. says: This gam : promises to be the fast est ever played on M arshfield’s floor. Marshfield must win this gam e i f she expect to be in the race fo r cham pionship. I f Coquille loses they win be tied with M arshfield—both hav in g lost tw o games. There w ill be a prelim inary he-, tween the Coquille grade* and the M arshfield Eighth grade teams, start ing at 7:30. Marshfield won in a contest sim ilar to this last year. M arshfield’s lineup w ill be —F. G regg, H. Gloesop, H. Chapmen, E. ___________________ ____________Gloeeep, O. RongoU, C. Nelson, 0. aid o f Napoteou end la that o f Austria, ’ C ollver, H. W strath, a Pruaata and Russte aa well as the ne- C oiu ille’s probable lineup w fll be — Usual emblem o f the United States. C. Oadin*. W . Oerrfin*. J. Stanley, Bagpipes. ~ F. Lorens, H. Pike, P. Johnson. The bagpipes «r e an ancient Greek _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commercial Club every W ed n eS u , Caning Carda, 1M Cor $LM . Send All Orders to ing, Coquille, 0 r e g o n A tep Mount Dlable. A statistician la authority for the statement that from the top o f Mount Diablo, i|hicb la within eight o f Ban Francisco, one can see In whole or in pert thirty-five o f the fifty-eight coun ties o f California THE SENTINEL TO YO U R IT S W E E K L Y V IS IT S M alle D epart. Marshfield end Eastern 6.40 a. M yrtle P oin t 8:80 a. m .; 7:26 p. Marshfield 8.6« p. Bandon A80 a. a . ; 4:00 p. A ra go (b y b oat) 1:00 p. M alla A rrive. M yrtle Poin t 0:12 a. m .; 4:16 p. Powers I M a. Marshfield 0:00 a. m .; 7:40 p. Bandea 4 KM) p. B O U N D T O IN T E R E S T T H E M IN T H IS C O U N T R Y SHOW THE PAPER TO YOUR FRIENDS wH O ARE NOT TAKING fT. JBJ P a t h Ion (JHL Authority For Noorly 50 Y «oro I TH EY W IL L BECOME INTERESTED IN IT TOO. THE PAPER THAT IS IT IS D IFFE R E N T. ADDRESS T H E S E N T I N E L , C O Q U IL L E , ORE.