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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1918)
INCOME TM.1 N “ = ïs Jack / ______ __ L ittell Miller’s Office To Be Here Next Week. COQ VILLI Y ALLST SENTINEL, COQl/tLLR, ORBGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY A 191¿ P ad flc'a N ow folder map of Oregon by the Southern Pa dflcL TW map will be of ser cific l toa*. i nes, This vies to our people in gaining a better knowledge of our state, and will also direct the attention of residents of ether states to the resources of Ore of the first publication of this to-wit from the 8th «lay of February, I01A Dated at Coqtdtte, Coos County, Oregon, this 4th day of Fehnuury, A D. 1018. L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. 4t2 By A. B. Collier, Deputy. Saturday,'the 23d day ad February, 1918, at the front door of the County Court H«ma* at Co«]uills, Coes Coun ty, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 o’dock to the forenoop of said day offer for sal* and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described reel property belonging to the above named plaintiffs and de fendant, to-wit: The SWM of the SEU of 8*c. 27; The WH of the NEK and the SEK of the NWH of 8*c. 84 all to Tp. 29 S of R. 14 W. of the W illamette Mer idian to Coos County, Oregon, and containing 160 acres of land, more or less. Said sal* of said land Will be made subject to the confirmation thereof by the court. Dated this 26th day of January, 1918. John S. Lawrence, 2t5 l. Referee. PAGB IT T I The Modem Spirit of «»operation, the spirit which animates oil suc cessful business, prevails in the organization of our Federal reserve bank. We own stock in i t We keep our reserve cash in i t We have a voice in electing its directors and through them in choosing its management It is our bank, and its resources enable us at all times to meet the legitimate banking requirements of our community. You, in turn, pan cooperate with us in maintaining the Federal Reserve Bank ing System, and at the same MEMBER time share in its benefits FEDERAI. RESERVE and protection, by becoming SYSTEM one of our depositors. map is carefully drawn, show NOTICE. aack Littell, the income export and tog The all the lakes, streams and prtoci Notice is hereby given that Hag- deputy collector of internal revenue, pal mountain peaks, as well as the will come to Coquill* on the after railways and highways. All the eit quist A Bjorkquist, Contractors, have noon of next Thunday, the 14th tost, les and towns are plainly indicated, completed their contract for the on piovement of a portion of the Ban und remain until Saturday night To and an alphabetical index enables one don-Curry County Section of the help farmer* and give them a clear tc readily determine the location of Coast Highway, from Two Mile to the idea of the sort of report of their in ang town to the statte. come* they are expected to make he On the back of the map is a brief Curry County Line and that the County Headmaster has filed hi* Cer irivea the following euggeetiona: but very complete exposition of Ore tificate the completion of the work “Item* allowable aa deduction* un gon’s resources. The geographical don* on of such contract, with the fol der the head of bueineea expeneee are divisions, with physical features, cli lowing exceptions: ditching all amount* of expone* actually paid mate, productions and scenic attrac and picking up and burning, piling of lumber during the tax year in the conduct of tions, are set forth in detuil The taken from old bridge at Two Mile, u busineaa, trad* or profeeaion. settler or the tourist will two hundred dollars; and any person, "This includes all amounts actually prospective REDEMPTION NOTICE. find much valuable information. firm or corporation having objections paid by a farmer in preparing hi* here All of the work on this map was All Coos County warrants drawn tc file to the acceptance of said work, land for a crop and the cultivation, done to Portland. Copies can be ob on the general fund and indorsed may file the same in the office of the harvesting and marketing of the crop, tained from any Southern Pacific rep County Clerk within two weeks from prior to Jan. 1st, 1916, will be paid on 'i, ■ ■ ■* ■■* - the coat of the seed* and the fertiliser resentative. presentation at my office in Coquille, the date of the first publication of Coquille, Oregon used, the amount* expended for labor this notice, to-wit: from the 8th da* Ore. No interest will be allowed on used in caring for liveetock and the Th e O l d e s t N a t i o n a l Ba nk any of these warrants after the 8th cost of the feed, the cost of stock Queen Will Ron to the Rogue. of February, 1018. day of Jan., 1918. Dated at Coquille, Coos County, -in Coos County purchased for resale. (It should be It is reported that the gasoline 191& 'understood, however, that if such cost schooner Queen, owned by the Gra-* Oregon, this 4th day of February, A. Dated Jan. 8th, T. M. Dimmick, is claimed aa deduction, the entire ham Bros., of Coqullle, Is being over D. 1018. 52t5 County Treasurer L. W. Oddy, County Clerk. hauled and remodeled at Bandon and proceeds received upon a sale of the 4t2 By A. B. Collier, Deputy. stock is to be returned as income.) will be used to transport fresh salmon W NOTICE TO CREDITORS. from the Rogue river to the railroad “The amounts actually paid in Notice is hereby given that letters ing repairs to farm buildings but not at Cedar Point up the Coquill* river Redemption Notice. the house, repairs to fences, farm for reshipment to Portland and other All Coos County Warrants, drmwn testamentary upon, the estate of Wil machinery, etc., the cost of materials points. The Queen is a sea going' on the general fund, and indorsed pri ber Albee, late of Coos county, Ore craft of about 00 tons, equipped with for immediate use and farm gon, deceased, hove been issued to or to April 1st, 1016, will be paid on mt which are used up in the course of a powerful engines and has been am presentation out of and under the seal of the at my office to Coquille, year or two, such as binding twine, ployed to government survey work Oregon; no interest will be allowed cocnty court of said county. All per during the post year, but a sold star having claims against said es stock powders, pitchforks, any of these Warrants, after Feb. sons tate are required to present them, etc., and the amount of rent paid for age room is now being built to car* on for the fresh salmon. The craft will 1st, 1018. with the proper vouchers, to me at a farm may also be claimed. 1st, 1018. the office of W. C. Chase, to the city “The amounts paid for live stock be operated during the coming sea Dated this Feb. T. M. Dimick, (f Coquille to said county, within six which is to be used for breeding pur h by Bari Graham and Bert An 8t6 County Treasurer months from the date of this notice. poses are held to represent invest derson, Coos county men, and is ment of capital and are not allowable pected to make a round trip every NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE Luna L. Albee, Executrix of the es three or four days.—Gold Beach Re tate of Wilber Albee, deceased. as deductions. MENT. Dated at Coquille, Ore., January 26, “The value of grain, stock and oth porter. 101a ei- products produced on the farm U The Queen has had a varied exper not considered taxable income until ience, going ashore at Bandon near Partien cf Elliott’s Street, to ElHett’s reduced to cash or the equivalent of the south jetty tipo years age to tne F U R N IT U R E NOTICE TO CREDITORS.. cash. Therefore, if «ropa and stocks imminent risk of the crew owing to a Notice is hereby given that letters Notice is hereby given that the were produced in 1016 on a farm own rope getting tangled about he Common Coucnil of the City of Co testamentary upon the. estate of Wil ed by you and they were sold in 1017, pollar. liam Albert Shelly, late of Coos coun quills did by resolution duly adoped ty. the total amount received therefor is have been issued to me White Cedar Tract Sold. at a meeting of said council bald out deceased, to be included under Groas Income In of and under the seal of the coun the 21st day of January, A. D„ 1018, your 1017 return. Crops and stock Sale of six million fast of white ty court of said county. persons produced in 1017, and on hand Dec. cedar near Bandon belonging to Mrs. and which resolution is kept of record having claim against said All estate are to the office of the City Recorder to 81 of that year need not be consid Jaa. Nemo, formerly Mrs. Elisabeth required to preeent them, with ered; but the amount received there Leon, cook at the county rock quarry the records of the proceedings of ths proper vouchers, to me at th* office the of for should be included in your return on Coos river, brought wealth to the Common Council and reference to W. C. Chase, to thq city of Coquille = rendered for the year in yhich they Nemo family. The sal* was made which is hereby made as a part of in said county, within six months this notice, duly declare its inten are sold. through Indian Agent Chas. E. Coe, th* date of this notice. “If a farmer exchanges produce of Roeeburg, to the Fyfe-W ilson Lum tion and purpose to improve that por from Lodiscia Shelly, Executrix for merchandise, the pnce placed by her company and probably involve« tion of Elliott Street to Elliott’s Ad of Lydia the estate the merchant upon the goods should at least »10,000. The land came to dition to Coquille City, Coos Comity, ly, deceased. of William Albert Shel be reported as Mrs. Nemo through inheritance from Oregon, from the north ski* of First Dated at Coquille, Ora, January 26, Are authorized Thrift Stamp selling stations. Indian ancestors, and consists of 100 Street ins aid addition to the south 191& side of Second Street J|— aid addition, Woman Pays Income Tax. scree lying south of town.—Bandon This profitable, simple, and safe investment, by constructing a sidewalk Women with independent incomea World. dong the weet aide of said portion of NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. draws four per cent interest, compounded quar sufficient to make them subject to the said street. Mm. Fairchileg Gate Divorce. Notice is hereby given that the un income tax are few on Coo* Bay. But terly, with the privilege o f turning it into mon Said improvement will be made to dersigned has filed hi* final account one so far has come to Deputy U. 8. Mrs Isabel Fairchilee was last Mon accordance with the plans and aped' to the matter of the estate of G. W. Internal Revenue Collector Jack Lit day granted a divorce from Clifford ey upon ten days notice. Save for those who of the iCty Engineers, filed Temple, deceased, and that th* Coun tell to make her report. Mrs. Sarah Fairchilee, custody of their on* child, fl to cations office of said City Recorder on ty Court for Coos County has set Sat are fighting for you, and do “ your bit” to Yoakum, of Coos river, who has one and alimony of »20 per month, to the the the 21st day of January, A. D., 1018, urday, the 28d day of Fobruary, 1918, of the prosperous dairy ranchee of court of Judge Coke to chambers at and the estimate of the probable cost as the day and the County Court the county, is that on*. Last Satur Marshfield. The case went by de of said day she mad* application and gave fault. Desertion and inhuman treat »189.91. improvement is the sum of Room at the County Court House to Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as th* her check for the amount which goes ment were the charges brought by improvement will be made at place for hearing objections to said to Uncle Sam. Roy Landrith, anoth Mrs. Fairchiles and the recent troub the Said cost and expense of the property final account and the settlement of Service First. er Coos river rancher, did likewise. le to Powers involving Mr. Fairchnes, benefit tod thereby as stated in said said estate. Mr. Littell is kept comfortably busy was cited to the testimony. C. I. Rei- resolution. **-' Dated this 24th day of January, though not so busy as local conditions gard was attorney for Mrs. Fair- Any end ell persona = interested may 1918. would seem to require. He resnai chiles.—Times. eke end file with the City Recorder A. J. Sherwood, on the Bay only until noon, February written objection to or rexaor Administrator with ■ñl the Will annexed 14, and though many have already Mammoth Coo« Potatoes. trance j against 1 said improvement of the estate of G. W. Temple, de- com* to consult him the proportion is within twenty days from the first ftl low and indicates that others will be Mr. Larson, of Allegany, has grown publication, to wit: within twen _ 4,200 bushels of potatoes, most of left without Information and with i froto the 25th day of January, ports to make by Marsh 1 without which he has on hand at this time. Re days A. D„ 1918. recently selected the largest potatoes aid. Late reports are subject to J. S. Lawrence, ‘ and placed them to a bin by them penalty.—Coos Bay Timm. that bos operated continuously since its establishment some fourteen City Recorder. selves, 626 weighing a ton. This, so yean ego ho* been your Laundry. J. A . RICH M O ND who have seen them declare, is Myrtle Poiat Aviator in Europe those Rein or shine, good times and bed, it has bean on the job. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. the largest potatoes ever shown in NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. W* have e number of customer# that havs patronised it continually The Roeeburg Review says: “Mrs. the county.—-Coes Bay Harbor. Richmond-Barker Building. Notice is hereby given that the un from th* beginning. We nr* grateful for this appreciation of our Coquille, Or*. B. W. Maddox, who was her* from dersigned has filed her final accotint service. Our aim is to improve th* service in every way possible. Myrtle Point on a few days’ business Phones, Office 626, Res. 214. in the matter of the administration W* wash every thing washable. and departed for her home this morn the estate of Adam Porshbaker, ing, states that she received a letter I am to the market for all kinds of of W . C. CHASE CO Q U ILLE L A U N D R Y & ICE C O M P A N Y Geo. T. Moulton. deceased, and that the County Court from her son, Woodson Maddox, re Furs. for Coo# County, Oregon, hoe set OT 0 RN 8 V-AT-LAW IM N É tIM m cently, stating that he had arrived in H— I8 B E8W I Saturday, the 19th day of February, Europe with the 186th Aero Squad Call on us for Statiohery. Riehnxmd-Barker Bldg a* the day and' tb« County Court ron, of which he is a member, on the Oregon • Coquille Room at the County Court House to When Yon Have a CeM. 2d of January. According to the let Coquille, Coo* County, Oregon, as tb* ter, the boys had a thrilling trip It is when you have a sever* cold place foe hoering objection* to said ♦ DR. a . W . L E S U E you appreciate the good quali across the Atlantic, with many hair that of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Final Account and ths« settlement of O steopathic P h ysician raising experiences. Young Maddox ties Mrs. Frank’ Crocker, Pana, 111., said estate. Bandon to Ban Francisco only referred to these stunts briefly writes: “Our five-year-old son, Paul, Doted this 17 day of January, 1918. Graduate of the American School cold last winter that Aimes Fahy, Executrix of the Last of Osteopathy of Kirktvilla, Mo. in his letter to his mother, saying caught a Fare, Ffrat elan—»10. Office to Eldorado Block. on his lungs and he had tor- that he could not go into detail on ac settled Marshfield > Oregon Will end Testament and of the estate ribie coughing spells. We were great Sail, frees Central Warehouse Comps ay count of the censorship, but that he ly worried about him as the medicine of Adam Porehbeker, deceased. It6 J, E. WALSTROM. A*.nt. Bandon. Or*. would tell her fully of their exper we gave him did not help him in the DR. C. W . ENDICOTT iences in case the opportunity af least. A neighbor spoke so highly of E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t , S. F. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy that I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE forded itself. Mrs. Maddox says that got DENTI ST a bottle of it. The first «loe* ben- OF OREGON IN AND FOR from the ton* of the letter their ships •fittorf him so much that I continued STATE THE COUNTY OF COOS. Pint N t’l Bank B’ld’g Phone must have been chased by submarines giving it to him until he was cured.” John H. Wert, Charles A. Wert the greater part *f the distance. Male 11 , Ooqallie, Oregon. and Nannie Bright, NOTICE. Plaintiffs Notice is hereby given that J. D. 40 Hog* Fattened on Mast. J. J. STANLEY For rebshio Abstracts of Title end information V a ’ Bennett, Contractin', has completed Wilson West, about Coos County Real Estate see E. R. Miller, of Gold Beach, owns t his LAWY» contract for the construction of [inch at Lobster Rill on Rogue river TITLE QUARANTHB A ABSTRACT COMPANY Defendant. Gravel Ford Bridge over the Sto— a t Caeqte. CHr. On. her* the hogs fatten on the acorn the Office to Farmer* 4k Merchants SUIT IN EQUITY FOR PARTI J attention paid to lookmg after —«eminent* and payment of tax**. nts. He says that U s sons have North Fork of the Coquille River, and TION g. Coquille. Ote. OF REAL PROPERTY. I Marshfield Office Phone Coquille Office the County Headmaster has filed jst completed killing 40 hand of that 14J HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Manager 191 his Certificate of the completion there Notice of Bale af Reel Property. tea* mast-fed hogs. With bacon ana of, approving the work done on such Notice is hereby given that by vir A. J. SHERWOOD ird at their present price it geos contract, and any person, firm or cor tu* of the authority vested to me by ithout saying that the high cost o* ATTORMTY AT U V of the above entitled Court in objection to tile to ring is not causing Mr. Miller any poration having Phut National Beak Building entitled cause duly made anc* of said work, may file ms of sleep.—Pert Orford Tribune. of record thereto on the the same to the office of the County from the date 17th day *4 January, 1818, I wffi on Calling Cards, 100 for »LOO. First National Bank W •» - •*— ;«* STOVES STOVES STOVES Quick’s has a large variety of Cook Stoves and Ranges. Wood and coal Heaters. Pipes, elbows and dampers. Dishes, Granite ware. Jean Beds, Spring Mattresses and Wooden Beds. Chairs, tables, square and round, English Breakfast, Kitchen Queen. TELEPHONE OFFICES WIN THE WAR Coos and Cony Telephone Company THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE Professional Cards Str. Elizabeth J. J E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore. 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