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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1918)
The Sentine Aaff The Cagatile Harald A OOOO M K S M A 0009 TC ■ T R W . YOUNG. tfnCE, MITI EN» I f » STREET By- ly held to private ownership. It must be ram w h ored that the O. A C. loads e f alternate see- to the original grant and that ipany can profitably purchase without ting the rest o f the tra ct The ex- this bin authorises would render it possible to get the timber in solid blooks where logging operations were to bs attempted. A rancher at Tenmile who raised a heavy crop o f potatoes last year, claims he cannot sack and sort the po tatoes and deliver them at the rail way station and make more than 40 cents per hundred p rofit— Record. starts at Pert The result «1 that Port O rient, .'# • * M | fc .......... to T ie Juana, Mexi- co. T h isjs o f especial interest, as whsu a representative o f the League visit ed here last summer, it had not been felly determined whether the route o f this highway from North Bend to Baadon would be via Coquille or Shoreaeres. The introduction o f the bill in its present form indicates that this question has been settled. The second line o f defense is known as the Pacific Highway and c m down through Seattle, Tacoma, Port land, Salem, Eughne, Roseburg, Med ford and Ashland and then through the two great central valleys o f CaU fernia to Calexico, M exico.- The third line, “ El Camino Sierra,' begins in Okanogan county, Wash., and comes down through North Yaki ma, The Dalles, Prineville, Klamath Falls, Truckee, to Independence, Cal ifornia and thence across the Mojave desert to Los Angeles, where n strikes the Balboa Highway. M h e market before the ___ enable to sell any at their Jsftsrsii products to Uncle Sam and are finding their stocks pil ing up on their hands to a way that threatens them with bankruptcy. Meanwhile w e have been paying higher prices far fresh milk because so large a part at that product has gone to the condensaries. All o f which leads us to repeat again the trite old saw “ Honesty is the beet policy." It is a peculiar fact that a railroad ticket fo r Coquille cannot be bought in the ea st Every ticket agent to the country will trii a traveller that to you f ” It i* easy to add a m otor or he can only sell him to Marshfield e* tw o, and central station pow er is always Myrtle Point. Recently Jno. Hickam on tap in any quantity y ou require. and Jas. Medlock returned from Mis _ N o m atter what pow er you are souri and were told there was no such place as Coquille to which tickets lybk using now , if you need could be sold . , Other partiss have "> \ V | — . more we can help you. bad the same experience. le n t It | ] M | L et us show you the best time the Southern Pacific put Co J| /IMf W m and m ost econom ical w ay. quille on their tariff sheets sq passen IT MEANS LIFE OR DEATH. gers from the seat can buy a ticket ______ Here is what Lord Rhondda, who clear through? GIVE COOS TOO MUCH CREDIT. speaks fo r the wheat control o f the THE KAISER’S PRAYER. T) m Oregon Voter M y* that the French, English and Italian govern Federal Reserve Bank In San Fran ments, said in a recent cable to our Mine Gott, rill you be mine pardner Phone 71 You don’t know who I am. cisco has made a big mistake in its food administration at W ashington: I am the German kaiser—- official publication o f the figures for "Unices you are able to send the al Der Emperor W ill-I-yam . the second Liberty Loan subscription lies at least 75,*M ,M « bushels in Coos county. It puts this eounty wheat over and above what yen have You know I whipped them Belgians w h an German alien Und mitt bullets filled Russia fu ll; at the top o f the list in Oregon and exported up to January 1, and ia ad Und I’ll whip France and Italy, to to the post office to register last credits ns with a subscription o f 243 Postmaster Luneva found per cent o f our quota. The mistake Und blow up Johnny Bull. “ up the stump,“ as he was in figuring 12 per cent o f the sponsibility at assuring ear people New all them other natione been furnished no blanks a t tostruc- bank deposits o f this county at $184,- I do not give a dam, that there will be feed enough to win tfr— o f any kind as to that work. 152, while it should have been |4U.* the war. Imperative necessity com If you will be mine pardner Und whip dot Uncle Sam. 000. It adds: “ On the basis of the pels me to cable yen in this M oat way. known to man, ths savings B oom one is suggesting changing unofficial report, the deposits in all No one knows better than I that the You know I got dem submarines, tbs name o f N orth.B end to “ Port A ll Europe knows that w ell; bank book is the one that the banks in Coos county ju st before American people, regardless a i na Coos.“ T o a own up a tree it looks the subscription campaign aggregat tional and individual sacrifice, have so But dot Edison got a patent now w ill tom o in handiest in as i f Marshfield and North Bend Vot blows them all to hell. ed $3,200,000, those o f Marshfield fa r ref need nothing that ia needed for ought to coalesce under some such days o f trouble. Get one of Mine Gott, if you will do this the w tr, but It adw lies with America name as “Cpos C ity" or “ C o m Bay.1 Den you I’ll always love, theee hooka by opening an to decide whether or not the allies In Und I’ll be Emperor e f do earth Europe shall have enough bread to Te keep the record straight tl account with this bank. It Und you be Emperor above. hold out until the United Staton la Sentinel calls the attention o f tho Or Put Gott, if you refuse me fits, doesn't taka much to start able to thrown its force into the field. egon Journal to the fa ct that tbs Tomorrow night at eleven, I have not minced words been nee I am an aeaount and it w ill grow frost oo January 20th I’ll call all my Zeppelins out, . convinced that the Aamricaa people, ported as “th e first o f am azingly if you give it at- Und declare war on heaven. if they know, the truth, will net hesi t ut the first o f the year. There I wouldn’t ask dis from you, tate to awet the emergency.“ probably tw o or three nights to De- But it can be plainly aaen, tom s toes needed a blan- NO NBBD TO IMPORT TRUCK. Mr. Hoover repliod: “ We will ex Dot when Edison pushes der button The Sentinel has so many times I got no submarine. and often adjured Coos county peo port every grain that tho American pet pie save from their normal con A lot o f quarreling ia going on over ple to raise the vegetables required sumption. We believe our people will Little the question o f whether Latin and fo r their tables instead o f sending not fail to meet the em ergency.” Little grains at powder, Greek should have as prominent a their good money to California to buy He also says that in addition to this Com m ercial and S atin g D eposits Little pelts a t lead, i h g ia the schools o f the future as thorn, that It takes this opportunity amount far the allies, we must find Help the mighty Americans they have now. And a much bigger to suggest how wide a range we would 15,000,000 bushels fo r the Belgian re COQUILLE - - OREGON Kill the Germans dead. quarrel ia going on over the question have fog our menus even then and to lief, or these people whom we have o f whether or not the whole world show that we practice as well as Little stripe o f canvas, We have on hand at this supported all these three years will shall speak nothing but German.— preach. Little sticks at spruce, starve; and we must also furnish time fourteen kinds o f vegetables, Savanah News. fou f o f them being canned and eleven some 10,000,000 bushels for Cuba and W ill make the darned rid Raiee the flag o f truce. Tha O. A . C. people announce tin t, fresh from the garden. This may not other neutrals upon whom we are de while no hens will be sold from the add just right but the tom atoes are pendent for other foods in return. “ O regon" breed both fresh and canned. O f the four We estimate the -American people The Commercial Club oo many prises for teen there are ju st tw o not o f our own have saved as much as 30,000,000 production, a limited number o f raising—and these are cabbage and bushels out o f last harvest, and if we Wednesday evening at 1 cocks o f that breed are for sale and Swiss chard. Besides the three men are able to meet the increased de one invited. that If early application is made a tioned the list includes canned peas, mands we must rigidly reduce our BACK GIVES OUT. considerable number o f eggs for beans amr corn, and fresh broccoli, wheat consumption to 80 per cent be hatching may be obtained beets, lettuce, turnips, carrots, par low normal until next harvest. Pleaty e f Cedutile Readers Have Tfcto In addition to wheat, we aro ship snips, oyster plant, and potatoes. ping large quantities o f corn and oth A Portland paper tolls the -tory o f There isn't a day ia the year but that You tax the kidney»—overwork tern— a sum there who has solved one phase more than half o f these fourteen va er cereals with which to mix in their They can’t keep up the continua) o f the high cost o f living problem by rieties can be kept growing in the bread, but Europe must have a wheat strain. roundation fo r the loa f ju st as our ■ m H«H brickbats in coal oil, which garden here in Coquille. The back may give out—it may ache selves. he daim « enabled him to keep warm and pain; U n nary troubles may set in. for throe nights at an expense o f fif FOOD W ILL WIN THE WAIL Don’t wait longer— take Doan’s Kid- teen-cents. Even so, and supposing If you have given a son or brother the brickbats never crumble, kerosene or husband to fight; if your w ife or has nothing on millwood here in Co daughter a t sister is nursing at the Coquille people quille. fron t; if you have subscribed fo r Li It requires but a glance at the map bert Bonds or Red Croes; if you aid to show how central a location Co war orphans or cripples; If doing quille occupies in Coes County; but these things you think you have done disorder ever since the Civil War. i probably most people will be sur your share. often get pains across my kidneys and prised to learn that it is nearer the at times I can hardly straighten Knew the Grim Truth. northern line o f the county than the A ll the blood, all the heroism, si) southern— SS miles from the south the money and munitions to the word Doan’s Kidney Pills and H requires ernmost point o f the county and only will not win this war UNLE88 OUR ooly a box or two to fix me up in fine 80 miles from the north lire as the ALLIES AND THE ARMIES BE shape/* Price 60e at all dealers. Don’t crow flies. HIND THEM ARE FED. simply ask fo r a kidney remedy—get They will NOT be fed unless we 2 ° * " ? ?Jdr,e/ j* '118— »he same teat The first o f the new three cent h»ke care; indeed, if w e are not pru Mr. Lewis had. Foster-Milburn stamped envelopes ws have seen came dent we, too, shall go hungry. Pro to us Tuesday bearing a Powers post tect our supplies, then, that they may mark. The color is a dead and dirty M fed, that your sacrifice o f life and [ t h e o l d ~ s a il o r AND THF purple which suffers immesurably by money be not in vain. RECRUIT comparison with the bright hues o f Lest we lost the Great Cause, do the old three cent stamps, with their you stand guard, each day, in your beautiful lively tint. Indeed, the new home, over your supply o f stamped envelope looks as if it might Wheat, Meat, Fata, Sugar, Milk. have been printed with an inferior Use here the foods that we have'to TN W T5TH I I D tA -A quality o f mud in the dark o f the spare so we will be able to supply the SATISFYING A N D r- C L tA N C H E W I p P T M tH .i- • J We meet the statement that 14 A GRAFT THAT FAILED. German spies havs been shot in tins FOR THREE PACIFIC HIGHWAYS AJ1 o f us have heard about the fool country since we entered the war. It The Commercial Club o f Coquille is wbo killed the goose that laid the ought to have been fourteen hundred in receipt o f a letter from Hon. L. J. golden egg. W ell, he has a modern but we feared it was none. There is Simpson enclosing a copy o f the Pa prototype in the milk condensary men nothing rise that will discourage the cific Coast Defsnss League bill just o f the Pacific Northwest who thought spy business like cold load. A iri the introduced to Uhe senate by Senator o f the spies means the loes o f Poindexter, o f W ashington, and in supplies for our boys in the house by Representative Baker, France and thousands more o f them o f California. ' sacrificed. Give the spy his due by This bill provides fo r a triple high thought they ought to have, so the all mmns He courts death when he way from the Canadian line on the government testers went to work and to the spy business. north to the Mexican boundary on the soon learned that this milk was re south, with connecting laterals, one markably deficient in butter fat. The right along the coast, another through condensaries had been tempted by the at the Coquille issM a il W ell, what of i t The writer has sprouted potatoes that could be for no more than 18 cents per bushel or 30 cents a hundred after hauling them for five miles to a railroad Forty cents a hundred on a 250 bushel crop would mean $60 an acre. With a 400 million bushel crop in the Unit ed States last year, excessive profits like those o f last spring are of course out o f the question. And it is well fo r the nation that they are, or the world would be a great deal nearer starvation than it is today. OREGON POWER CO Of All the Books FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete Estimates for all kinds o f building GLADLY FURNISHED ^ YOUR ORDER will have our special attention E. E JOHNSON ilgh price o f butter to toko out the cream and sell our Uncle condensed ■Ummed milk. 8 m m o f them then