- - ; . ▼ALLST ST. VALENTINE’S DAY F E B . 14 w ill soon be here, and w e are especially well supplied year with sentimental and comic this V A L E N T I N E S Come in and see them. Any price from lc to 26c. Four, three and two fo r 6c, 6c 10c, 16c» and 26c. RACKET STORE MRS. B O N N IE W ALK ER , Prop. Council Met W ednesday. Red C row Notes. Lack o f n quorum Monday evening A Red Ceses ( A f t e r ) Thought. caused the postponement o f the regu I wonder what the W ill French rsfu- lar council meeting until Wednesday evening at which time all council- men were present. For the repair o f the Hall street bridge, which the city engineer es timates can be made perfectly safe and good fo r three or four years fo r leas than $800, Mr. Mansell reported that ha had interviewed the property and they had all agreed to Riverton thia week, and eight new owners end pay their pro rata q o f the expense, members from McKinley, city’s general fund paying with the city's at least one-third o f the entire coat. The M cKinley auxiliary waa duly cost. The atreet street committee is authorised , organised fo r work Jan. Slat with the to go ahead with the repair work on follow ing officers: the atrength Chairman, Mrs. Frona La whom ; strength o f the agreement. agreeflient. Recorder Lawrence reported that vice chairman, M il. M rytle Glenn; own- aecretary, Mra. Sarah Forboa; treas- ho had interviewed the property own had urer, Mildred Most, ers out on Cunningham and they hod agreed to build a new walk out there Thia auxiliary has already received i f the city would furniah furnish the lumber, lumber. a ahipment o f auppliea from the local Thia w ill bo be done and a safe aafe side aide- branch and are getting buey. This Maaonic cemetery w ill N ext week we w ill have aome walk to the Masonic will be the result. resu lt startling information to give out con- adjustment cem ing the work done by the ladies The committee on the adjustment! o f F irst «street settlement tangles re- o f Roy d istrict That they are ln- p .rted four resolutions which were ' dustrioualy “ tending to their knit- adopted and it is thought the final ting” cannot be doubted, and they’re chapter o f that four years’ tragedy all busy housewives, too. “ Where baa been written. T o pay the full there’s a w ill there’s a way,” is aure- amount o f the contract on that Job job Yj tha slogan at Roy. an fixed by the court, with interest on the shortage, a warrant was o dared drawn fo r $840.62, which, it waa said, w ill be paid to Lao J. Cary as part payment o f the bonds held by him which were declared void by the court. . _ The council also decided to pay in terest on the rebate nude to those who paid cosh or bonded fo r the F irst street improvement about four years ago. In most instances this interest amounts to only a dollar or so. The resignations o f & V. Epper son as marshal and C. D. Hudson aa deputy were accepted by the council. Thia waa in line with a p re-deter mined action by the city fathers to separate the police and water depart ments. Mayor Johnson then appointed S. V. Epperson aa water superintendent, with police powers, and A . P. M iller The latest way o f helping in the a » marshal. The salary o f both o f great world struggle is to savs can ficer* was raised from |70 to $76 per celed postage stamps. The Belgian month. conaul in N ew York states: Mr. M iller’s bond fo r $1000 with “ The stamps are sent with a ship P . E. Drone, R. 8. Knowlton and Jas. captain aa a personal package (thus Richmond aa sureties was approved. saving mailing expenae.) They theu Three new garbage cans for use are given to the queen o f Belgium. on the streets were ordered pur From many o f them the dye la ex chased. tractad and some have been sold to The street committee was delegat be used fo r wall paper. The money ed to handle the repair o f Second obtained is used fo r buying milk ror street just east o f the concrete pav the babies and fo r hospital work at ing at the court house. The water the fro n t Stamps printed in enve coming down the hill to this point lopes are acceptable— color makes no is rapidly washing out tbs fill made difference.” there a year and a half ago aad boom Thia work has been started in means will have to be devised to car Portland, and it is work that the ry thia surface water into the gulch children cold do toward helping In to the south. A tigh t box drain was one o f the greatest o f needs— that o f Mr. Mansell’s suggestion as to what saving the poor starving babies o f ie needed there to preserve the con Belgium. W ill not some g rown per crete walk on the south side o f the son take the lead-in this? W e know street. the children would do their part witn Letter From Old England. Mr. and Mra. H. W. M iller are in receipt o f the follow ing letter from their son. Corporal Jas. N. Miller, who is with the American Expedi tionary force in France: W ell this is to let you know o f our rato arrival back to England. You no doubt will be surprised to find out that w e are in Blighty once more. Blighty is what they all call England. W e were acrops the channel in France but now we are detailed for a line o f communication and I think we will make good a t it ,too> Well, I only wish I waa back in the States once more as things here seem so old fashioned and no life whatever to anything. Oh, say, you’d oe sur prised to see some one pushing a baby buggy down the street with a young one smoking a cigarette riding in it wouldn’t you? Those French children know three English *v« rd; they are “ peony,” “ biscuit” and “ d - help and encouragamont. High School Wins Again. The high school basket ball town took another jump in the direction o f the county championship by defeat ing the strong North Bond team on the latter’s floor by the score o f 18 to 18. The game was fast and rough from start to finish, and white the email floor prevented goad team work, there were evidence* tost the Coquille team is steadily improving. W ill Oerding deserves credit tor scoring most o f the points, mixing a little luck with some good work. He did especially well on shots from the foul lino, but was counted out o f two by the referee because he overstep ped the line in making the shots. Pike «aged two baskets by spectacular shooting In the last part o f ths gam* when the excitement was at he high- ee pitch, and when the outcome was decidedly in doubt. The Coquille team was In good shape at the dose o f the game, and apparently were in better condition fo r a hard contest than their rivals. They were weak on shooting, and had all the chances taken been resolved into baskets the score would have stood fully » > « times as high. The ball was in the hands o f the Coquille players three fou rth ) o f the time. It was impossible to get an out side referee, pnd the gam * was handled in alternative halves by Me- Nay, o f North Bend, and Superinten dent Almaek, o f Coquille. A large crowd, full o f enthusiasm fo r the home team, waa in attendance. Co quille also had some supporters in Elmer Neely, Pete Miller, Austin Clinton, Otto Davis, Gordon Nelson, Catherine Hersey, and Ben Horsey apd w ife, o f Marshfield. The boys returned to Marshfield to spend the night, and some o f them took advan tage o f the opportunity to attend the Junior Prom at the Marshfield high school. The Coquille players were: fo r wards, Pike, Oerding; guards, Lor ens, Oerding; center, Stanley; substi tute, Basket Ball Game With Marshfield. A game will be played at Marsh field to night, Marshfield vs. Coquille. This is to be our second sehedulea game with Marshfield. I t is believed that we w ill be able to put up as good a game as our first played with them Jan. 18, which was a decided victory fo r the home team, the score being T h rift Stamp Campaign. J. E. Norton, R. £ . Baker, C. W Mulkey, W . J. Kistner vtrftefl the high school Monday, Feb. 24, where they delivered several talks in the interest o f the T h rift Campaign. To encourage the buying o f thrift stamps the Farmers A Merchants bank intend to offer a th rift stamp to every pupil in the grades. Card with the name o f the student w ill be hand ed out. Students may then call at the bank fa r their stamps. The num ber o f stamps necessary fo r this dis trict will be 820 High Scbeel Service Flag. Material fo r a service flag has been received. The work on this flag will be done by Londy Church and 8usie A le il. It la to hav>. six stars repre senting the aiumRi end student* in to’ > ice. The t*ae when finished will be hung in the fci..’ i school assembly rot m *l* r mother< Mra. Mary A H ist to the Aged. I f people post sixty years o f age could he persuaded to go to bed as soon as they take cold and remain, in bed fo r one or two days, they would recover much more quickly, especi ally i f they take C'homUrlain’e Cough Remedy. There would also be lees danger o f the cold being followed by PAG E THREE tU A B Y t, central odlee at Washington as soon as possible. The information asked fo r refers principally to industries in which U m registrants are qualified to week. Leo J. Cary, chairman o f the local committee on th rift stamp sales, ad dressed the high school this morn- ing. . The Freshman class o f the high school intend to give a party soon for the honor o f the mid-Freebie#* Mra. Morrison aad Mrs. Nosier were visitors in Miss Fitzgerald’s room this week. The Fourth grade has now raised $170.76 in Liberty bonds, baby bonds and th rift stamps. The Fourth and Fifth grades com bined the opening exercises Wednes day morning. The Fourth grade dramatised “ Princess Who Would not be Silenced.” The F ifth grade dram atised, “ T ig e r," “ Brahman,” "T h e Six Judges,” and “ T it fo r Tat.” Evelyn Oerding is the first student o f the Fifth grad* to become a mem ber at the “ Rainbow Regiment." She has sold 266 thrift stamps. Eugene Allen ia the second student o f the Fifth grade, who has sold ths most th rift stamps. He is not a member o f the “ Rainbow Regiment,” however. Ellm McCue ia a new student In Miss Spencer's room. Mr. Mulkay and Mr. Norton were visitors in the Sixth grade on Mon day. They talked to the children about th rift stamps and war savings cer tificates and sneouraged the children tc save their pennies and buy thrift stamps. The Sixth grade has saved enough money to buy a card o f th rift stamps. Miss Spencer will change this fo r a baby bond. In 1923 the money will be returned to the Sixth grade and they will buy different things which are needed in the room. The Sixth A class is holding the pennant fo r the best spelling in the room. The A class is holding the pennant for the best spelling in the Fifth giade. Miss Anderson visited the Sixth and Seventh grades this week. She expects to leave Saturday fo r Mon mouth. Thursday evening the Seventh A class, Eighth grade and Freshman class met at Miss Treadgold’s and surprised Mias Anderson. L evi Wilson, a student in the Eighth grade, had a birthday party Friday evening. Mias Spencer visited the Eighth grd* Friday morning. The Seventh grad* will have the piano fo r the month o f February. East Through California Costs But Little More Scenic Sbasta Route, Sacred 81akiyoua, ML Shasta, San Francisco, Loe Angeles, Southern California. Choice o f routes. L et us make an Itinerary for your trip showing train sehedulea, stopovers, etc. Ask nearest agent or write JOHN M. SCOTT General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC in iM im I a m a h A A iw crB o n Methodist Church. ed bmb . Annual Election o f Officers. Sunday school a t 10. Com* and study. • I f you are not a regular church at tendant this church w ill welcome you. Preaching at 11 and 7 JO b y the pastor. Subjects: “ A Man’s Response to the World Appeal,” and “ W het is a Christian.” Epworth League a t 6:80. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 :80. Monthly Official Board meeting Monday 7:80. . & G. Rogers, Pastor. A t the annual meeting o f the Coos County F ir* Patrbl Association at Marshfield the first o f the week the following officers were elected fo r the ensuing year: President—Geo. R. Sailor. V ic* President— Geo. W. Marshal. Secretary—Carl L. Davis. Treasurer— John D. Goss. Mr. Goes succeeds Mr. Armstrong who asked to be retired. The officers named and Mr. Armstrong constitute the board o f directors. A levy o f two cents per acre was mad* on the tim ber last year fo r fir* fighting purpos St. Jamas Episcopal Church. es. Secretary Davis reports that al There will be Choir Practice to though a considerable area was burned morrow (Saturday) at 8 p. m. over, recent examinations showed the February 10th. Quinquagesima damage to be much lees than waa fo r H oly Coaununion at 8 a. m. merly supposed. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 Commercial Club every Wednesday a. m. evening at 7 JO. The opening service o f the Paroch ial Mission at 7:80 p. m. * f Ohio. Cl tr at Toledo. Missioner— The Rsv. Jay Claud ■tat* Lam s County, sa. Frank J. Cheney make* oath that ha Black, S. T. B., Rector o f Emmanuel la Mnlor partner o f the Arm o f T. J. Church, Marshfield. Everybody w el ebener a Co.. Ooin^ business In the CUy come. Start right by attending the o f Toledo, County aad State opening service. ONE H UND RED D O LLARS for each Under the German Heel. and every esse of Catarrh that cannot be February 13th: Ash Wednesday. cured by the use of H A L L ’S C A TA R R H The tragedy o f Belgium has awak Holy Coaununion at 6 a m. L ite r jr MEDICINE. F R A N K 1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and eubecrlbed In ened the world to the full significance and Penitential Office w ill be said at o f Pan-Germanism— that over-ambi the service fo r Women at 8 p. m. (Seat) Notary Public. tious policy o f territorial ana econ Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken In There will be a daily celebration ternally and acta through the Blood on omic aggrandizement that reckons o f the Holy Communion at 9 a. m. the Mucous Surfaces o f the System. Bend not with treaty obligations and hum Service fo r Women at 8 p. m. Chil for testimonials, free. F. J. C H EN E Y A CO.. Toledo. O. an considerations in its accomplish dren's Service at 4:16 p. m. and a Sold br all d n n h U . He. Hall’s Family PlMafor constipation. ment. Mission Service every evening at 7.30 Belgium was the quickest highway p. m. The season of Lent is an op to France. Therefore, Belgium must portunity fo r all thinking Christiana T h « Célébra tad be sacrificed regardless o f Germany’s to set aside as much as possible tom- previous guarantee o f Belgian neu I or.ilitiee and draw nearer to Christ trality for, declared the Prussian ma, in thought and prayer. It is a season chine, a treaty is only “ a scrap of fo r re-vitalising the spiritual life. Let Aw arded Gold Medal paper” and “ necessity knows no law.” not the opportunity pass unheeded. P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1916 For more than four years the Uni Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, Vicar. ted States has been represented at The strongest and nearest waterproof the seat at the Belgian government rm s r thl* rsr&Jsss'"- Bergmann Shoe flnwiswtaRfl s u rp ris e d . The Senior clast o f the high school are discussing at present the wearing o f cape and gowns fo r thia year’s Commencement exercise fo r the pci- pose o f economy. F y the order o f Dr. Richmond, county health officer the high school on Friday, Feb. 1, wss clocad and thoroughly fun.igated on account o f a esae o f m ess's« having developed .in >he high teh -L There are, how- •; or, very few ¡r the high scho-'.l who h’.ve not had this disease so «.be dan ger o f contagioe is slight. The teachers o f the high school have volunteered their services at the court house fo r the pnrpocc o f filling out cards containing information from the questionnaires o f the draft L IN E S W rite for folder on the Apache Trail o f Arizona by Brand Whitlock as minister. Mr. Bible School at 10 a. m. On Monday evening, Feb. 4, a sur Whitlock became famous in this coun Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sub- prise party was given in honor of try during the four year* he served Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. as mayor of Toledo, Ohio, when his Evening Service at 7:80 p. m. Sub- broad understanding o f civic prob Prayer and Bible Study Meeting lems was evidenced in his writings. No more suitable man could have Wednesday at 7:80 p. m. You are cordially invited to ^11 occupied the Belgian legation during this critical period that Brand W hit these services. A . J. Whiddon, Minuter. lock and his account o f Belgian’s tragic experience which will be pub- Christian Science Society. lubed serially in The Oregon Sunday Journal beginning February 17, is Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. the biggest story that the war has Wednesday evening meeting at 8 produced. o’clock. Sunday school at 9 JO a. m. T hrift Stamps at Norw ay. Free public reading room open ev The T h rift Stamp campaign has ery day, except Sundays and holidays, proved a success in tho Norway from 2 to 4 p. m. Corner Third and Hail streets school. Following or* the names of U ta a Death o f M rs. M ary Fawcett. Miss Hazel Fawcett, who taught in our city schools fo r several years, writes Mrs. J. S. Lawrence from Jor dan Valley, where she is now toach- mt , COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, City School N e t « . If a body love a body Just as I loss you Should a body send s body Just s lino or two? Yea, aad send a hurry atom "Tie the only way to do When s body tores sqateon* Just aa I tore you! ;■ SI Shoe* made fo r Loggers, Cruisers, Miners, Sport «mea and The Bergmann Farsene* T * Keep Your Feet Dry U s* The Bergmans W ater-Proof Shoo OIL Theodore Bergm an Shoe M anufacturing Co. 621 Thurmaa 8 L Portland, Orogoa Want Ads Oat Cm! a Ward lack W A N T E D TO B U Y — A spring wagon.— J. N. Phone 887, Coquill*: one-horse Jacobsen. 3tf those who have purchased T h rift Presbyterian Church. Sum ps: Leo Marovish, Harry Moore, Fanny Pierson, M argaret Pierson, Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m. FO R S A L E —Oat hay, $28 a ton; bar Mark Pierson, M ary Schroeder, Haz Preaching services at 11 and 7:30. ley $26. Early seed potatoes— the el Schroeder, Ruth Schroeder, Leona Rev. J. A . McVeigh, pastor. Prize Taker, the beet in America— Kerry, Helene Karry, Itha Clinton, Morning subject, “ The Other Fel 2 cents a pound. d itto Terrea. Merle Clinton, Helen Dean, Elbert low’s W ife.” \ Phone 98x4, Coquille, Ore. 8t2 Dean, Galen Barkiow, Martha Keilen- Evening, “ A Friend o f Mine.” burger, A lfred Kellenburger, Hilda FO R R E N T — Large room with fire; Schroeder. _ C O Q U IL L E P E O P L E bath in connection. Apply at Sen tinel S H O U L D E A T P IE D A IL Y New Sawmill in C uiry County. The Fyfe-W ilson company, o f San Francisco, has Just begun the con struction o f a new sawmill o f 80,000 or 40,000 daily capacity on the coast road in northern Curry county, two miles north o f the Sixes river. That company recently bought the old mih at* the dead boom city o f Lakeport and is dismantling it to use all the material available in the new mill which is midway between Langiois These moat be scat te the sad Port Orford. Pie is wholesome, combining both FO R S A L E — Berkshire brood sow. fruit and grain. Those who have W ill come in in March. By Chris trouble digesting pie should take Terrea, I miles down tho river. O NE S P O O N F U L simple buckthorn Phone 98x4. 8t2 bark, glycerine, etc., aa mixed in Ad- ler-i-ka. Thia flushes the E N T IR E FOR S A L E or rout— 160 acre Branch. wel tract, removes tool matter For particulars see Frsedrick at which poisoned your stomach for the Farmers’ atore. months aad relieves A N Y CASE stomach, gaa or constipation and pre FOR S A L E the heat and cheapest va cant 1*4 ia the city o f Coquille. vents appendicitis. Loaves stomaca 8Desk auick If you want i t A t the ia condition to digest A N Y T H IN G . C. J.