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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1918)
---------- W f Hr a , f r' * . # ;:e - - . a - * r w ' - V1 , ’ # • FRIDAT, FEBRUARY «. I t l f YALLRY PACK TWO PO IN T ITEMS. to We are apt to follow, and when good advice to given Mb we ought to observe It. When you are told to come here for your groceries, that to good advice— the best that can possibly be given to you. And you will be glad tQ take It when you find that in quality, price, and prompt delivery of orders, we easily lead competition. Phone 251 W. H. LYONS First National Bank Building Don’t Neglect a Cold Stop It NOW The necessity for prompt treatm ent of colds cannot be too strongly emphasized. Every day’s neglect gives the cold-germs a strong er foothold on the weakened system, and decreas es the likelihood of a quick recovery. Unless the cold is treated when the first symptoms appear, it is liable to become chronic, causing great discom fo rt The dull ache, sneezing and watery eyes that generally precede a cold are Natyire’s warning. Prompt measures must be taken if you would prevent the cold making fur ther headway. One of the most effective rem edies to ac complish this is R exall Cold Tablets Their prompt uao will driveout the ache, reduce the fever end break up the cold. Ae a protection against cold* you should keep e box of. Rexall Cold Tablets constantly on hand. IS Tablets ttc. . Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup Lessens the irritation and loo*one the cough. It is absolutely pure, harmless, and highly effective. Quickly checks the cough and as sists the natural recovery. Pleasant to the taste. Does not derange the stomach. 25c, H i sad $LSS l Fuhrman’s Pharmacy e. Coquille, Ore. Powers last weak to care for her sis ter, Mrs. Elsie HpUiway, who is ill at n m th at jrfftfa. Mrs. AI. Kite, of Bancroft, arrived hoc* lost week to visit-her sister, Mrs. El wood Carey. She remaii days and visited other relatives and friend r A new club known as the “Nu Be tas,” and organised by the young peo ple mot a t the C. C. Carter : on Tuesday evening, Jan. 22. Those present . were initiated into the “Realms of Mystery,” which was an experience enjoyed by all. After this ceremony refreshments were served. Mrs. Earnest Hermann, for many years a resident of Myrtle Point, is now critically ill a t her home in Port land. Her daughter, Mrs. M. McDon ald, her sister, Mrs.. A. H. McCloskey, and her brother, J. M. Wagner, went up thore to be with her. The attendance a t the work rooms of our local Rad Cross is «tally in creasing, thirty ladies reporting for duty Monday. A large shipment of yarn has just been received Those who were successful in en tering the high school Monday of last week ware Vada Davis, Golds Billings, and Kenneth Cutler. As they made their appearance one of the brainy eeniors remarked, “Why, they taka them right from the cradle now, don’t they?" Mrs. Tom Morelock underwent a major operation Monday in Dr. Pem berton’s hospital. She ia reported oa doing nicely. 'lir a . Steve Reed, from the Twin Oaks district, has been staying in town attending the meetings at tha Brethren church and also helping at the Red Cross rooms. Daniel L. Anderson, aged 94 years, passed away Jan. 24 a t the home of. his daughter, Mrs. J. Stinson. Tha services were held a t the Brethren church and were continued a t me grave by the Myrtle Lodge No. 78, A. F. A A. M., ot the Norway cemetery where he was laid to root. Jack Shull, son of “Bon,” who has been absent a couple of years, return e d recently for a visit. He in the woods in Washington on tha Columbia. Hs now leaves his purs# in tha bank and goes to tha mines in Arizona. Tha farmers are buying more seeds than ever this year. See them load ing up* Charlie Edwards is another boy with a lame foot which he received in the Woods on the “choker." In the Coos Boy shipyards from Myrtle Point are Dick Buell, John Giles, Willie Weekly, Geo. Mullen, Si mon Albaa, Ray Dye and John Lehn- herr. Goldie Michael is bookkeepeer and stenographer. Spencer A Shelley have dissolved partnership and the store is now the Spencer General Merchandise Co. William Slingsby has bought the Jim Guerin farm near Norway and is moving on to i t His son, Earl, who was recently married, will remain on the home place. Mrs. R. B. Dement has returned from San Francieco where she went to visit her mother and to bid adieu to her brother, Joe Schilling, who left Jan. 19 for Texas where he will enter the aviation corps. Mother Whoberry, of the Whoberry brothers and sisters, after several months in Sacramento valley, California, has returned. Joe Devault who sold out here, m t to Or land. C al, bought a ranch there, underwent a severe surgical eperotion, sold the ranch and b here bet will return to Orland because it suits him better. The Grangers danced in Lundy’s Hall, J tjr a s of course no fancy ball; But as they came each one was masked And ao with each the other danced. |! The fiddlers played all tunesthey knew tr ¡The dancers fa it and faster flew, !• Till after while ’twas time to dine, •e | Which all enjoyed and without wine. raw fruit«, IÁ - " > a. | Did you ever attend e dance ■ In Iowa or Spain or France, j And with the farmers have a time? J | « ’• hard to beat. Ay! It’s just fins. 5 | Harry Luttrell, whose funeral was m held Wednesday of last week, reeeiv- » ed ell the honors we knew how to con- ,fer. The casket was wrapped in a S '!fla g ; the procession was headed by *• the few remaining members of the IJ. j j A. R. here, the Honor Guard girls he find by many members of the Red J Cross society wearing the insignia on lh® enn. Rev. Mr. Andersm. ,,f 5 th* Presbyterian church, preached the to ««w en end some selected singers »• sang appropriate hymns, ftsrry »,« f well known as an honorable hoy and • young man and was a Joy to his per i l erta. He enlisted in the country’s ■to service and Met his daath from slek- «g ness in a camp in Texas. He was ft} bon* Oragon, August 23, 1**2 the b órnela. W h « the boweh badly constipated, however, the ire *"d H*«d a t Rome until the time of way is to taka one or two of Cham berlain’» Tablets immediately after Plant Are Yon We have a supply in stock of White Oats and Grey W inter Oats. Seed is high and hard to get, thto year. We advise you to secure what seed you need A T O N C E W hite Oats $3.35 per cwt. Grey Oats $3.75 per cwt. SPECIAL PRICES IN TON LOTS Received two cars of feed. Now in stock: COCOANUT MEAL SCRATCH FOOD BRAN EGG MAKER SHORTS CRACKED CORN MIDDLINGS . ROLLED BARLEY SOYO BEAN MEAL . ROLLED OATS CALF MEAL SEED WHEAT For a short time only. This Is I t* than half the Market Price. BULK GARDEN SEEDS NOW ARRIVING GET THE HABIT Busy Com er Grocery Coquille, Oregon F ront and C Streets Phones 691 and 641 ins Saturday afternoon in the Unique Hooton, who is a t the Good Samari theatre. A resolution was offered tan hoepital a t Portland, are glad t and unanimously adopted to organise hear that she is rapidly recovering, committees to sail enough treasury Mr. Patrick, the engineer, and wif stock to pay off the indebtedness. The have returned from San Pranciacc board for the ensuing year consists of where Mr. Patrick went to the hos W T. Dement, president; J. O. pitaL Mr. Howard took his place a Stenunler, secretary; and Ellis De- engineer but will now resume Mi ment, J. S. W hittaker, J. A. Black, former position. Jas. Yoekam, board of directors. Those who were brave enough t< J. C. Brown, who has been our city face the storm Monday night wen marshal for the preceding nine years, given a rare treat a t a musical pro has resigned. Daniel Barklow tern- gram given by the high'school and i porarily takes his place. few others. On account of the stars Geo. Laird, of Band on, brother of the attendance was not as great ai P. W„ was here last Saturday. While was expected. The proceeds will b< here he purchased from Mrs. S. V. used to p ajfto r music for the schools Johnson a registered bull of the Milk Mr. Smith, editor of the Coos Conn Durham strain, which had been pre- ty American, is moving his plant u vicusly purchased by Mr. Johnson in the rooms recently vacated by the P a Suisun, California. ” eifle Drug Co. We are glad to se< Ellis Dement and Joe Sell who have this valuable enterprise moved to i been batching on their stock ranches more favorable location. Mr. Smith’i in the hills near Eckley, are in to family arrived Monday and will 06 spend a few daye in town. -They say copy the rooms overhead, il is an “easy winter” in the hills and Mrs. Newman, who underwent ai the stock is doing fine. operation Sunday a t the home of hei Another exciting game of basket mother, is reported as doing well. Dr ball was played in the Oaks Pavilion Clarke performed the operation. Friday evening between Myrtle Point The Myrtle Point branch of the A and Bandon. The visitors brought R- C. will give * grand h«H *t th< with them a fine bunch of rooters and Hermann Hall on the night of Febru % large crowd witnessed the game. It »*7 22. ended with a score of 22 to 16 in fav- Mrs. ¿. Ray Clinton was operated or of Myrtle Point. This was the on a t her home a t Nroway Tuesdai fourth game, also the fourth victory hy Dr. Pemberton, for the Myrtle Point boys. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lane took Wed- Mrs. M. H. Dement has received "•■•day’s train for Marshfield on theii word that her Sister, Mrs. Earnest way to San Pyancisco, where they Hermann, who has been critically ill will remain indefinitely, at her home in Portland, is now better Rev. T. B. McDonald, pastor of tlx and the doctors have hopes of a rapid Christian church of this place hat rtcorvj. purchased a farm near Norway, and The Myrtle Point branch of the A. on Wednesday moved his family tc R. C. is to have an auxiliary a t Are- their new home, ro. At present the work will be Pemberton reports an 8U knitting exclusively. pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Henry The evangelist, L. H. Eby, of Fruit- Brymnt on Tuesday, land, Idaho, will preach his last ser- Saturday evening, Feb. 2, Mrs. O mon here Sunday morning. He will 11 Clarke gave a musical for her pu- tlten leave for Bandon and will preach P*1* “ “1 friends. About forty were there Sunday evening. present. After the pupils’ program J. M. Bright underwent a major op- Mrs. Stemmier gave two very pleas- «ration Saturday at Dr. Pemberton’s ,n* voc»1 »oloe, followed by readings hospital. He is reported to be doing !‘F Oliver Clarke and Flossie Knight extremely well. ‘ "d • baas solo by Dr. Clarke. Ro Isaac Barklow has been for several Leshmenta were served of punch, «Lye confined to hie bed on account of wafwe and cryetaHaed popcorn sickneas. The troy! le la thought to Mr- Cartila brought hie eon down >e a bronchial affection. ¡from Powers to be treated bv Dr E. J. Michael was miyrantined Sat- | P**barton, urday morning with 'measles. . He Finley Schroeder’s daughter She is reported doing well. The family of Mr. Doakins, the de pot agent, is now living in the Bryant Mrs. John Barrows, 4 Bandon, is here for a short visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Stacy Panter. P. M. Colo returned on Thurs day from Portland. Chos. Harrington went to Powers Thursday to attend the Masonic lodge a t th a t place. Mrs. Tom. Morelock, who was oper ated on last week, was able to be taken home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T .M. Hermann re turned on Wednes<lay’a train from Richardson Hot Springs, California. Mrs. Hermann’s' many friends are glad to know th at she is much im proved. A fter the game Friday evening the basket ball boys were given a fine turkey supper by Kay beep and Verl Johnson a t the home of Dr. K. A. Leep. Although one of the boys re marked th a t he felt like he had “swallowed the basket ball,” they a f terwards betook themselves to the dance where they finished a long to be remembered evening. Mrs. Ray Dement has measles at the home ot R. C. Dement. Items From Arago. There w as a la rg e attendanc the M asquerade dance given at A rago school hall la st Sato night. An oyster supper was se The proceeds were collected for school's hot luncheons, which i daily w ith quite a v ariety of edi The F u h U a p school’s playsh« brushed and is very useful for school as a play roon b u t i t is 1 '1 uiPPed. fo r hot luncheons. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Sehroeder Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jo .u so n , of way, were visiting a t J . D. C Sunday. The young people have basket practice twice a week a t A rago s< hall and are enjoying it very n Rome of the more elderly ones joy. looking on . 1 .^ Mr. and Mr*. J . g. Hoot and fai who removed to M ontague. Cal abou-. a yaar ago, are now *? bn‘W » ■ o d era bung Und- They appear to lil there very much. Mock a t the Sentinel ofike .„ d 't r * »HI! selling a t a nickel a bund