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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1918)
Telttnf Abort People end Evento in the City and County. a a flunnland traveling reare- sentative o f the U. 8. Shipping Board, is down from Portland to maka his regular tour o f the m ills which am sawing ship timbers in this county. t . Smith want over to Marshfield E. M. Peterson, the Riverton store keeper, has traded his place them for n business in Portland and expects to gc up there soon. The new propri etor st Riverton is L P. Meter, who comes from Portland. Public acknowledgment has not be fore boon made o f the »10 the Loyal Order o f Moooe contributed to the Community Christmas Tree last month and it is mentioned now that proper credit may bo given. Word was received here the first of the week from Loo Angelos that How ard Smith, who enlisted in the Navy a short time ago, waa very low with pneumonia. Later ho was reported a>- being slightly improved. An adjourned session o f the Octo ber term o f court w ill convene here on Monday, February 18. The grand jury will begin its session the same day; and the February term will open a week later, on Monday, Febuary 26. Postmaster Lenovo reports several hundred pennies recently received at the poetoffice. Evidently they am com ing out o f the children's banka to invest in thrift stamps. That isn’t the kind o f news the Kaiser likes to O m a w arrested by tM H o w Guard last Friday night is «till to Jail. He warn stepped by Wm. Fer- bracbe a y th i right-of-w ay in front o f tba Sitka mUl, but rofuaed to taU who he was, where he had been or where he waa coin «. "Ferbrmche turned him over to the Officer o f the Day, who found he waa the hobo camping at Cedar Point and wanted by the sher iff’» office. Deputy Clyde Gage then took him in charge and after search ing him took him to the county jail. That he was an undesirable citizen was evident from his talk and insult ing manner to every one having any thing to do with him. A s yet noth ing definitely has boon found against him. Ho was wanted by the sheriff's office on inform ation from A. H. Pow ers that he was camping down at Ce dar Point in a Smith-Powers shack there which no one waa allowed to oc- eupy. H. C. Gets picked up another man Sunday evening who claimed to have walked from Powers and waa going on to Marshfield. A l he had but »1.16 he was given a night’s lodging in Jail and turned loose next morning. The Home Guard and the volun teers are doing an effective job o f guarding the mills and no one passes without giving a good account o f himself. J. B. Bellieu, the man o f whoso ar- n s t near the Sitka mill la narrated above, m anifests decided symp toms o f weakness in tho upper story and tho county physician has him under inspection. School Tomorrow it is thought tho physi cal examination o f all the young men Wonderful W ar Pictures. in Class One in this county will be completed by Dr. Richmond, except One o f tho moot remarkable events D. D. Pioreo, o f tho Catching crook, such as have deferred classifications. in New York’s Motion Picture history shingla mill, w m doing business on Their cases will await the action o f occurred this week when Path«’» new est Official British W ar Picture, “ The the district board. tho Bay W sdnaaday. John Belloni, o f Riverton, waa in Retreat o f the. Gormans at the Battle John C. Kendall, o f Marshfield, was town Wednesday. He had jugt re o f A rm s,” was shown privately to the attending to legal business at the big men o f the metropolitan newspa turned from a visit to his parents, Mr. court house yesterday. pers, after which Lord N orthdiffe and Mrs. George Belloni, at Grafton, F. Morrison, o f M yrtle P oin t w m California, where they enjoy home stated that tho film is outdoing tho tho o m navy recruit permitted to en grown oranges and am well satisfied newspaper in carrying tho truth o f the war throughout tho world. list at Marshfield this week. with their location. “ A s a newspaper man,” he said— Mrs. C. J. Sanford, o f Alaes, Om., B. A . Wernich returned home Tues and ha is'probably the biggest news Is visiting hem at tha horns o f her day night from Tacoma and Seattle paper man in world— “ I hate to cob - brother-in^Ar, .6 . C. Sanford. whom ho had boon in attendance at fm i. it, but tho motion picture is do Genomi Jack Frost spread his a mooting o f tho W est Coast Lumber ing mom fo r the Allied cause than blanket hem yesterday morning this men and Sprues Producers. He waa any moans o f thought transmission. accompanied by R. K. Booth, also o f Not everyons roads tho newspapers being his second visit in 1918. the Sitka Spruce Co. and thorn that do forgot what they Dr. Ira B. Bartle, o f North Bond, O m o f the songs to bo sung at have read but no one can forgot what m w with tho 44th Infantry at Camp “ Farm Folks” this evening is a pop be has seen actually happen.” Lewis, has boon mads captain. “ Those am tho boot war films Now ular war-time hit which has not be Byron Jackson, who came down to fore boon hoard in Cooa county. It York has soon in material, photog take Ms examination before the draft was written aad composed by Mias raphy, and in their connotation o f an board Sunday, raton ad to Portland Gertrude Buck, o f Ironwood, Mich., a ultimate Gorman d efea t”— The Now York W orld. niece o f F. A. Child, o f this eity. “The m w pictures fulfill adequately A. B. Campbell, o f Coquille, C. tho intention o f the British authori Friese, o f Bandon, and C. W. Cum ties in making them, that is to have bers, o f Marhsfleld, all agents for tho ia perpetuity a picture history o f the Standard 0 0 Co., will leavo Sunday struggle in its various phasts and for Portland to attend tho semi-an- they aroused intense interest the nual mooting o f representatives o f more so because the conditions they the firm which is hold February 4th showed am those soon to be faced and 6th. by American troopo.” Our Myrtle Point notes am locking L. C. Douglas, a teacher In our city “The Battle o f Arras” will be this week owing to Mr. L s m ’ b resig- high school wont over to tho Bay shown at the Scenic hem next Thurs nation and tha fa ct that bis succo#sor Tuesday to moot tho medical ad vis- day n igh t is net yet on thè job. cry board them. His is a transfer F or Salo—New set o f Ency elopm case from another Local Exemption Orchard Grass 3 Foot High. dia Britannica (llt h Edition) bound Board and for this mason his examin C. A. Schroetjer. o f Norway, was ation waa handled by tho special c m o f our callers Wednesday. He board at Marshfield. says that he measured orchard grass One o f those old time advertise growing on the railroad right o f way ments which wo see so seldom lately is there this week that w m three feet in o m o f the Bay papers. A North and two inches in h eight That’s an Bond man spends good money to an other item which will mad like a ro nounce without any frills or techni mance to our oostorn friends. One cal form alities, “ I will not otand any other previous winter he recoils that expense o f any kind, made by my could bo classed with this in tho per w ife, till further notice.” petual spring class, was 18 years ago Judge John F. Hall came over hem when ho sold fa t cattle right off tho Monday, and as representative o f the range that hadn’t boon fed anything government, appealed to tho district else nil winter. toard at Eugene the seven cases o f ycung men who claim exemptions Potatoes Are Best Holt. from service ia tho army on account Germany plants mom than twice me may be, while o m ia <1 m In right o f having contracted marriages since greet an acreage in potatoes as the away from Myrtle Point and another tho draft law w m passed on May 19, United States. Germany gats mom from North Bond. 1017. then twice as many bushels per acre, Mayor E. E. Johnson is quoted as It will bo interesting and perhaps and she oats three times ea many po saying that tho 9-hour day has proved consoling to our eastern friends to tatoes. Germany’s wise, use o f pots so satisfactory in the mill businees Uam that the streets hem in Coquille toes helps her hold out against the that H is doubtful if the mill hem will worn whitened with sleet early this Allies. Hoover calls the attention of ever return to tho 10-hour schedule. afternoon. It doesn’t show, though, the AmerMlh people to theee facts Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage tele in the parkings whom the fresh green and asks everybody to oat potatoes. graphed to tho asylum at Salem yes grass is several inches high—end it Am you outing your sham ? terday to sand in and got Elisabeth disappeared in a short time under the From, a lady o f 77 years, from Myr gonial spring sunshine. O m Thing A fter Another. tle Point, who has bean adjudged in- The Odd Fellows’ lodge hem has Clifford Fairchilds, o f Powers, a offered tho free use o f their hall on ploying to hard luck just now. When Tuesday evenings to tho local branch we wrote our item about a delinquent o f tho National Council o f Defenaa. girl last week bo w m hi jail charged This local has boon organised for with aiding her to eeeape from the two or throe months but has slot custody o f an officer, but an order heretofore ia the eity hall, which ia not so private as desired. The Odd Follows am to bo commended. Paul Lamson, who enlisted in tho Nevy and wont to Mam Island Jan. m ry 9, w m made a radio landsman and in five days received a »4.60 ad vance ia pay and w m put on duty guarding tho radio trail, o m o f tha moot important positioM on tho Is land. He writaa home that they get everything good to oat in tho Navy. W hy W e Have Chosen The quicken and stir up the spiritual life o f the community, to load people to a definito religious conviction and to correct prevalent misinformation con cerning the Episcopal Church. Don’t jydge the Episcopal Church unheard I Reserve your judgment o f this par ticular Church until you have had an opportunity to become acquainted with its nature and purpose, which opportunity will bo given you in this Mission. The chief interest will cen ter about the evening meetings whieh « ill last about an hour and a quarter. The principal part o f the meoting will bo the address followed by the an swering o f questions. A box will bo provided at the Church into which written questions may be placed. Thorn will bo answered s t the even ing services. No offerings will bo second box will be placed at the door irto whieh contributions may bo put, while passing in or o u t Thom will be u daily celebration o f the Holy Communion at 9 a. m. A service for women every afternoon at 8 p. m., also for children at 4:16 p. m. Those services will last only half an hour. The Mission service every evening will commence at 7:90 p. m. Everyone is invited to attend. Begin with the opening service. Bo prompt, attend system atically. Maka out your pro gram in advance so as to know ex actly what services you w ill attend. Make a business o f the M ission. Re member, “ A task well begun is half done.” Above all pray fo r the Mis- Pathephone to O ffer Our Cu.tomer. Coese la today aad hear your fa vorite eeloetloaa played the KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE SANITARY RESTAURANT This new restaurant formerly known CAFE will be opened m The CLUB SA TU R D A Y NOON More Men To Bo Accepted. Wo lo a n from a yesterday’s press dispatch from W ashington that it ts growing easier to got into Uncle Sam’s service every day—o r herder tc keep out, which over way you may put it. Hem is tha dispatch: Now regulations which am to bo observed during tho phjfekal examin ation o f draft registrants have boon announced. Under tho now regulations the height aad weight lim it and other conditions am changed. General Crowder also announces that partial m ilitary services will bo provided fo r men who have failed to pass the tests owing to slight defects. Local boards o f examiners am now directed to reject no registrants on account of foot or tooth defects, and to accept in moot cases men with temporary or remediable dkfoets. W ar Stamp Premiums. Last Monday Superintendent Bak er received n telegram from L. J. Simpson, o f North Bond, asking for information about tho children and schools o f Coos county. W hat Mr. Simpson wonts is some plan for awarding W ar Savings Certificates to tho pupils in tho schools hem as premiums fo r soiling Thrift Stamps- He wants to encourage tho solo aad purchase o f T hrift Stamps and baby Use More Potatoes. A now use fo r m yrtle wood has been discovered by H. W. Smith, a Se attle traveling man, who makes this tirrH ory. Ho figured out it-w ould under the management o f the Sanitary Market. W e propoae to furnish the best the market affords at a fair price. COME A N D SfeE U S. Engineers An Omission Supplied. Owing to on unintentional over sight, in last week’s paper the names o f the stop-children o f Mm. E. Church worn omitted from tho announcement o f her death and tho list given ns. Those who were then omitted are Mrs. E. M. Aboil, o f Coquille, Om .; Mrs. Sarah Keoch, o f Delaney, A rk.; Mrs. Mary Yearington, Mt. Aetna, lew s; swd Henry Skkels, Bridgewa ter, Iowa. __ Card o f Thanks. W e wish to thank all those who so kindly and willingly gave o f their services during tho recent sickness and death o f our mother and sister, Mrs. E. L. Church. C. A . Sickels, Mrs. E. M. Aboil, Dr. Anthony Lehmann Seek Jobs. The Douglas county roadmaster has been asked by the U. S. government to furnish a list o f all the engineers employed under him on county road work. W e may not have any engin eers loft hem to keep up the rood work tha com ing season fo r if tho government wants them all it will In talking with County Roadmaster Murdock about this matter ho in form s us ho has received no such- re quest fo r a list o f engineers working under him, but ho is in receipt o f a good many application from outside engineers fo r positions as substitutes, in case his present force is called on by tho government to go to the front. Maa for M aa, Potato far Potato. NOTICE. On account o f my health I w ill son my shop at a bargain, if sold at once. “ I f wo ore going to win this wmr,” a conservation speaker said recently, Commercial Club every Wednesday “ wo m ost fight tho kaiser man for evening at 7:80. man, shell fee shell, potato fo r pota to. Let ns make the potato tho back bone o f our diet. It is wholesome, palatable and reasonably priced. W o need tho potato as a national food Triangle picture tonight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ resource, and lot us encourage the Saturday, Feb. 2, Bessie Love in potato grower T»y buying Ms product tho play entitled, “ Polly Ann.” regularly. A t tho same time wo will Sunday, Feb. 8, Dorothy Dalton in be conserving other food by eating potatoes. Keep potatoes in your the play entitled, “ Ten o f Diamonds.” Monday, the 4th, 8000 feet. W il pantry and have them on tho table liams in a 6-reel feature entitled, "L ove D octor," and a com edy; also “ Fighting Trail,” featuring Carol A m YOU Bating Potatoes 7 Holloway and Wm. Duncan. The Have an Irish potato on you table same stars come in “ Vengeance and every meal. This is the advice and the W oman,” (a m ost popular serial.) request o f Federal Food Adm inistra Tuesday, Fob. 6, no show. te! W. B. Ayer who asks every fam ily Wednesday, Fob. «, “ Fatal B ing," in Oregon to m t potatoes every day. 8 reels this time. Thursday, the 7th, the third epi Little Helps to W hi. sode o f tho "B ottle o f A rras,” or tho "R etreat o f the Germans.” They are Little cubes of sugar official government scenes on the field Little grains o f wheat— o f battle. Everybody should see Save them with the bacon these pictures. They show what m od ern warfare is like, they am educa tional. Then them is always a good 6-reel feature o f 8000 foot. Friday, Fob. 8th, Wm. Hart is fea tured in the Disciple play including the fam ous 2-reel Keystone comedy. This fine program needs no further SCENIC NEWS. Hart o f Fairbanks will come ovary other Friday, also Keystone comedies. F ifty Dollars Reward. A reward o f »60 will bo paid to any , P ««o n giving inform ation that w ill! let d to tho arms* and conviction o f ! tho culprit or culprits that broke into the Fairvlew Union Protestant church I between four o’clock on January 2d sad the evening of Jan. 6th and d a m -' Eyes Tested— Girase» Fitte "SE USB MD SB KM” _ Coquille, Oregon