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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1918)
TALUrr OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Ì, UU. FAGB ......... SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT* w morv com 2-m use eat more fith & beata use ju st enm su g a r U hm A-* and serve wie cause ofireedom U&. FTX)DjAf)MINISTWATlQN WHEATLESS BISCUITS. DELICIOUS CORN MUFFINS* these Here's an old fashioned corn muffins that revived and used with unusual success In several o f the larger New York ho tels : To make three and a half dssau muffins take one quart milk, tlx ounces butter substitute, twelve ourfeeo o f light syrup or honey, four eggs, pinch of salt, two ounces baking powder, one and s half pounds com m as! one and a half pounds rye flour, butter and syrup should bo thoroughly mixed; then udd the eggs gradually. Four la the milk sad add the rye flow mixed with comm eal sad baking pow der. excellent wbeatlees biscuits. die cornmeal—one-half a esp ia put In a shallow .pen placed In the orsa and stirred fteqnehdy until It la a dallante brown. The other Ingre dients are a teaspoon o f salt, a cup o f peanut butter and one and a half cupa o f water. Mix the peanut but ter, water and salt and heat While FlrM, which should also bo h ot Boat thor oughly. The dough abould bo o f aoch consistency that It cun be dropped from a spoon. Bake In small cakes In an ungreaaed pan. This makes 1« biscuits, each o f which contains one- FACE the FACTS ET ui face the facts. The war altuation Is critical. Unless the Allies fight as they never yet have fought, defeat threatens. Hungry men cannot fight at tneir best; nor hungry nations. France, England, and Italy are going hungry unless we feed them. L Wheat Savings—»They must have wheat It is the best food to fight on. It is the easiest to ship. W s alone can spare it to them. By saving just s. little— leas than a quarter o f what we ate last vear— we can support those w h oare fighting our battles. And we can do it without stinting ourselves. W s have only to substitute another food just as good. The Cara o t Plenty— Corn is that food. There’s a surplus o f i t Providence has been generous in the hour of our need. It has given us corn in such bounty as was never known before. Tons of corn. Train- loads o f corn. Fivt hundred million bushels over and above our regular needs. AH we have to do is to learn to appreciate i t Was ever patriotic duty made ao easy? And so clear? America’s Own Food— Corn 1 It is the true American food. The Indians, hardiest of races, lived on it. Our forefathers adopted the diet and conquered a continent. For a great section of our epuntry it has blong een the staff o f life. How well the South fought on i t history tells. Now it cAd help America win a world war. Learn Semething— Corn! It isn’t one food. It’s a dozen. It’s a cereal. It’s a vegetable. It’s a bread. It’s a dessert It’s nutritious; more food value in it, dollar for dollar, than meat or eggs or most other vegetables. It’s good to eat; how good you don’t know until you’ve had corn-bread properly cooked. * Best of all, It’s plentiful and it’s patriotic. Cora’ s Infinite Variety— How much do you know about corn? About how good it Ja? About the many delicious ways o f cooking ft? And what you miss by not knowing more about ft? Here are a few o f its uses: There are at least fifty ways to use corn meal to make good dishes for dinner, supper, lunch or break fast. Here are some suggestions) DESSERTS HOT BREADS Corn-meal molasses cake. Boston brown bread. Apple com bread. Hoecake. Dumplings. Muffins. Gingerbread. Biscuits. Fruit gSma. Griddle cakes. Waffles. HEARTY DISHES Corn-meal fish balla. Corn-meal croquettes. Mast and com-meal dumplings. Italian polenta. i, “ Cora The recipes are in Fanners* Bulletin Meal as a Food and Ways o f Using It, free n o n the Department o f Agriculture. .........» rate County Farm Salea............ Cash frani Deceased Paupe Refund by Douglas County Refund by Government . . , Refund by City o f Coquille, Refund By W. W. G a g e ... Refund by R. E. B a k e r,.., - 1,087.71 6.66 46.46 45.96 18.26 6.26 140.00 I o f the County Clark o f Coos County, Stete o f Oregon, showing the amount and number o f claim s allowed b y the County Court o f said County, for what I allowed, anuMfnt o f warrants drawn, and amount o f warrants outstanding sad I unpaid, from the flrst day o f July, 1217, to the Slat day of Decem ber, 1817, I both inclusive. General Rood Fund Righta-of-W ay, Building Bands, Main- 5 56,856.63 $417,642.92 | D istrict Order Fuad taming old roads, Salaries and Expenses 84,783A3 o f Roadmsator’s and Surveyor’s Offices, 210,252.28 Paid on County W arrants.................................................................... $ 88,686.49 Building and Maintaining Ferries and 5,262.96 Fold to State T r e a s u r e r ....,................ ........................ .................... 29,276.06 Bridges, etc. f Transfer to District Order F u n d ..,...................... ............................. 43,700.96 {Justice Ceart— Fees o f Justice o f Ponce and Constable, Jurors Transfer to General School Fund........................ ................................. 27,044.00 and W itnesses, etc.............................................................. .. 659.98 Transfer to Indigent Soldiers’ Fund............................ ........................ * 9.00 | Juvenile Court—Fees and Expenses o f Probation and Juvenile Transfer to General Road Fund........................ -.................................. 70,000.72 Officers, Jurors, W itnesses.......................................................... 846.20 Refund to Chas. Kreager— Peddler’s License...................................... 100.00 | Circuit Court—Salary o f Bailiff, Reporters, Jurors, W itnesses, Cash on hand December Slat, 1 9 1 7 .............. ............................ ; . . . 188,976.70 ala. Special Counael, etc..................................................... 2,865.29 |C«fsnty C oart—Salary o f Judge and Commissioners, Stenograph $417,642.92 er, Offlca and Traveling Expenses................ ............. . 1,666.08 ROAD FUNDS 1 Sheriff’s Office Salaries, Office Expense and Equipment............ 6,846.38 (General Road Fund and D istrict Order Fund) Clark’s Office Salaries, Office Expanse and Equipment............ 4,107.29 Receipts |Treasurer’s Offks Salariea, Office Expense and E quipm ent.. . . 789 07 Cash on hand Juno 80th, 1917— D istrict Order Fund............ ........... $ 89,668.06 Office— Salaries, Office Expense* and Equipment----- 2,062.98 Cashjsn hand June AOth, 1917— General Road Fund........................ 11,832.95 so l Superintendent— Salary o f SupU, Supervisors, Board of I Transfer from General Fund to D istrict Order Fund...................... 48,700.96 Examiners, Traveling Expenses, etc........................................ 1,903.49 [Transfer from General Road Fund to D istrict Order Fund............ 1,000.00 aerating Attorney—E nforcing Criminal Laura, Stenographer, Received from P. W : Laird— D ist No. 6 ...................... 2.00 Office ExpcKsee, etc.............. 1,916.62 Received from sale o f O ravel............................................ 128.62 I Sealer o f W eights and Measures—Salary and E xpen ses.............. 181.42 [Received from Donations— Dist. N o. 6 ............................ 218.00 Health Officer—Salary and Expenses............ ................................... 90.76 Received from M. T. Clinton— D ist No. 5 ...................... 50.00 I Jail—Board o f Prisoners, Repairs, Suppliea and Fixtures, e tc ... 2,096.88 [ Received from W. J. Strong— Dist. No. 6 . . .......... .. 10.00 I County fnflrmary—Salaries and W ages, Provisions, etc. at Poor Received from J. C. Strong— D ist No. 6 ........................ 24.50 Farm ....................................................................................... . 4,776.08 Received from G. T. Herman— D ist No. 6 .................... 50.00 I Other Indigente— R elief furnished other indigents........................ 6,017.96 Transfer from General Fund to General Road F und.. 70,000.72 I Widows’ Pensions— Relief fu rn ish ed ............ ................................ 2,940.00 Received from Stete o f Oregon— Refund.................... .. 28.40 I Insane— Examination and Expense .................................................. 56.60 Received from Rent o f Rock Crusher...................... ... 218.00 I Registration and Elections— Registration, Ballots and Supplies, Received from Rent o f Road R oller...................... . . . . 16.76 Salary o f Judges and Clerks, etc............................................... 69.60 Received from solo o f sewer pipe—rS. P. Log. Co........ 44.89 •M ■ | Court House Expens e Salary of Janitor, W ater, Fuel, Lights, Received from Sale o f Rock to K ellen bcrger.. ............ 8.00 Repairs, Furnitura, etc............. ......... ....................................... 9,689.87 Received from W ittott— Balance on Gateway.............. 24 A0 Advertising— County C ouri Proceedings, No- Donation from W . H. Gamble E state. .-¡--. ttvtv . ........ 120.00 etc.................................... ........................................... ; . . . . 880.86 I Publication Delinquent Tax List— .................................................... 989.60 $166,620.16 [T ax Rebates Taxes R efunded............ .................... ..................... 801.40 Expeaditures | Surveyor’s Office (G ov. Centers)— Establishing Government Cor- Paid on County W arrants— D istrict Order Fund............ .................$ 76,861.69 ..................................................................................... 18.00 Transfer to Road Bond Fund frbm Diat. Order F u n d ................. 228A0 jOstareyiag Prisoner*— Expense o f conveying prisoners to Stete PaW on County W arrants— General Road F u n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,612.89 Penitentiary ........................... .......................................... * ......... 22.66 Paid Interest on Road Bonds.................. ............................................ 11,870.00 I Auditing— ............................................................................................. 649.87 Transfer to D istrict Order Fund— D ist No. 4 .................................. 1,000.00 Donations— (A ll were fo r Fair purposes)...................................... 609.36 Transfer te Road Bond Fund................................................................ 14,000.00 I Cattle Indemnity— Indemnity paid for slaughtered cattle which Paid Express on Cancelled Coupons........................ .............................. .25 were affected with T uberculosis.................................... ........ 968.75 Cash on hand Doe. 81, 1917, General Road Fund.............................. 6,799.87 Itery Census— Expense incurred in registering men fo r m ili Cash on hand Dee. 81, 1917, D istrict Order Fund...................... . 8,756.90 tary duty................ ............................................................................... 6.00| | Food Conservation Cam paiga— Expense incurred in connection fl66.820.15 with a campaign fo r encouraging food conservation.............. 166.76 SCHOOL FUNDS Tax— Stete Tax paid by T reasu rer........... ..................... ..... . 29,276.06 Receipts | Scalp Bounty—S tete—8tatc Bounty— One-half paid by C ou n ty.. 188.00 Cash an hand June 80th, 1017— General School Fund $ 72.38 ■eastratien Farm— Salary and Expense o f County A gricul Transfer from General Fund to School Fund.............. «7,044.00 turist— paid under State supervision. . . . ................................ 760.00 Received from State.......................... ............................... 12,576.46 | State Fain—Expense incurred in connection with Coos County ‘exhibit at Stete F air.................. ......................... ........... ...........- 209.18 $89,691.84 I Supply o f Station sry— A supply o f paper fo r all office* and not Expenditure* yet apportioned to each cffic*........................... 618.00 Paid on County Superintendent’s Orders..............................................$37,874.55 | Revenue Stamp*— Stamp* fo r solo by the County Clerk, but not Cash on hand Dee. Slat, 1917............ .......................................... ......... 1,817.29 an expauco o f the Clerk'* office.................... .......................... ■* 100.00 fu m sh ed ........................... 774.00 $89,691A4 Stete o f Oregon ) Total W arrant* Issued by the County Cl irk , and Stete Tax County o f Coo* J ** paid by the County Treasurer, fo r the six month* ending De L T. M. Dimmick, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cember Slat, 1 9 1 7 ............... ............................................................. $489,681A0 correct statement qf the amount* received, and paid out and remaining on Stete o f Oregon j hand, in the County Treasury o f said County, for the six months ending on County o f Cooe j ** L L. W . Oddy, County Clerk o f the County o f Cooe, State o f Oregon, tbo Slat day o f December, 1917. W itness my hand the Slat day o f December, A. D. 1917. d« hereby certify that the foregoing la a true and correct statement o f the T. M. Dimmick, County Treasurer. number and amount o f d a ta * allowed by the County Court o f raid County for the six months ending on the Slat o f December, 1917, on what account the •am# were allowed, and the amount o f warrant* drawn, and the amount of Seui-Anaoal Statement 1917 warrant* outstanding and unpaid aa the same appear upon the record* o f my O f the am ou n t.of money received office and in my official custody. for taxes and paid to the County W itness my hand and the seel o f the County Court o f said County this Tieasurcr by the Sheriff o f Coos 4% em _____ * ________ ._______:______ , . X7. A jJj a O. County, Oregon, for the six months L. W. Oddy, County Clerk ending on the Slat day o f December, By A . B. Collier, Deputy. 1917, fo r the State, County, School, Special School, Road, Special Road, Cities, etc. Amount received and paid to the County Treasurer during the months I o f the Financial Condition o f the County o f Cooe, Stete o f Oregon, on the Slat day o f December, 1917. SEMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT | Tv W arrant* Drawn on the County Treasurer, and Outstanding Mud unpaid G w iitil F in d .. . . . » r m r r r r iT r T « ir r r r r ^ .$264,443.401-8 I To Estimated amount o f Interest accrued thereon...................... 26,000.00 To Road W arrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and Out standing and unpaid.................................................................... 42,024.66 I To Estimated amount o f internet accrued th ereon ..................... 600.00 |To Road Bond Fund W arrants drawn on the County Treasurer ' and Outstanding and unpaid...................................................... 11,107.10 | To Indigent Soldiers’ Fund W arrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and Outstanding and unpaid............................... 129.00 Not R esources.......... v............................................... ......................... 173,144.25 2-8 Total Liabilities By Fund* in hands o f County Treasurer applicable te the pay ment o f County W arranto............ ; ........................... ........... . . By estim.ttod unpaid current taxes applicable to \he payment o f County W arrants .......................................................................... By Read Bend Fends in hands o f County Treasurer............ — . $188.976.68 | 188,342.78 I 129,088.93 [ $506,408.31 SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT! v f the County Treasurer o f C o m County for the six months ending Dec. 81, 1917, o f money received and paid out, from whom received and from what Source, and on what account paid ou t GENERAL FUND Receipts Cash on hand June 80th, 1917.......... , ........................................... . . . . ^ 96,678.08 j T r y C o lle c tio n s State and County Tax $292.906.21 Penalty and Interest 16,314.72 . Advertising Costs 886A6 , ‘ «j Delinquent Certificates 6.60 < Tax Deeds 78.00................... 810480.791 Sheriff’s M ileage........................................................................................ 846.80 Interest on Bank D eposits...................................................................... 4,796A4 Clerk’s F e e s................................................................................................ 8,749.41 Scalp B ounty................... 117A5 I 487.60 6% Game Licensee........ ...................................................................... .. 41A01 o f Common C orner B l a n k s . . . . . 761 November December 6,660.56 11,826.91 $498,606.20 State o f Oregon * County o f C o m j “ I, W. W. Gage, Sheriff ar.d Tax Col lector o f C o m County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct ; W itness, my hand this 7th day o f January, 1918. '. W. W. Gage, Sheriff and Tax Collector o f C om County, Oregon. •— Bjr C. A. < h fk