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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1918)
Bon W. Olcott, and McDonald A Vaughn sad tho ork"for preparing for tha w ry efficient aad of State, makes Mtuncoment o f hte tho I which commies 8800 acres Ivina SUIT IN EQUITY FOE PARTI 1 republican nomination for governor, o f Marshfield and north and south TION OP REAL PROPERTY. He has always bfsn a favorite in Corn I from tho old Straw boulevard are c .unty and two years ago received n.jto hu out over and Wm. Vaughn #*- Notte* io hereby given that by vir phenomenal majority hare for tho o f- timatod tho work would extend over tue of th* authority too tod in me by lice he now holds. | period o f throe years. order o f th* above entitled Court in The contract is to he drawn on 1 shall ha a candidate for tha R»-|stumpage basis, tha Southarn Orogi the abora entitled eauao dnly made of rocord *^*- r * r on the publican nomination for governor at I company to receive so much for all and the primary oisettoa to ha hold Pri- logs removed from tho lead. At- 17th day of -January, 1918, I will on day, May 17. I though tho first efforts will he ax, Saturday, the 88 d day o f February, 1918) at the front door of the County If I am elected governor, I shall ponded upon tho resign tho office o f secretary o f state I whits cedar areas, in order to help Court Houee at Coquille, Coee Coun and thus permit the pr— ■* governor I ai«ed th* government needs, all the ty, Oregon, at the hour o f 10:00 t> appoint my sm rm eor . [timber is to ho removed as tho log- O’clock in the forenoon o f said day Oftar for oak aad aall to tha highest This is a time whoa patriotism calls giag proceeds. This is for the greatest esenomy and affi- sary through the danger s f fires ia ciency in tho conduct o f state affairs, brush aad wants left from picking described real property belonging to There is urgent need fo r tho appUsa-1 trees. Mr. Vaughn oaid white dis- the above named plaintiff* aad de tion of businao* principle# to state | cussing tho earning activity there is fendant, to-wit: The 8 WH of the S R * of See. *7; business, from tho highest sffiss so Ian area o f tha finest white cedar a* the lowest, so those who pay tha tax-[the coast not far Tarheel point t* may got full value for the sums which is included in tho contract, they are contributing to maintain tha The pr esent arrangements coots state government plate taking all the timber out at To accomplish this will ha tha ax- Tarheel, which waa for several years omplificatton o f practical patriotism, an important logging center when tho and will most in state g overnment Simpson company was operating that which ia bring urged so strong- there. Considerable o f tho old work ly upon each cMsoa o f tho nation, at Tarheel will tar utilised by tho Me- uamely, conservation o f all our re- Donald A Vaughn company, sources so our full strength may ho the railroad grade leading fqpm the used in carrying to a sueeeasfel con- bay into tha interior in s southeast- elusion tho war in which w s are now arty direction; also the high trestle engaged. No deed should bo left un- which runs into tho bey wh NOTICE OP RINAL SETTLEMENT. done that will aid in winning tho war. !«*• will be dumped into tho Notte* la hereby g in n that the un No sacrifice is too grant for tease who Coastrutttaa work will bo dersigned has filed her final amount remain at I on the old logging grade and much o f in th# nutter o f the administration In every political campaign the 0 7 1 the trestle will have to o f the ostato o f Adam Besah baker, for economy and efficiency has boon | The dump trestle in tho to y will deceased, aad that tha County Court raised, and I believe the moOd s f tho [largely have to he rebuilt for Coos County, Oregon, has sot citizens of this etate is new Such that] Tha aid railroad grads which tep- Saturday, the 19th day o f February, they are going to saa that waste aad P#d tea aid timber b e » is three-quar » ' tha day and the County Coart extravagance are eliminated. They |t*™ of a mite in length, th a logging Room s i the County Court House in are going to insist eo business prin -1 osaeera proposes to extend this grads ciples being applied to the public bust-[a*® th# railroad for ntss, from the top down. |«nakteg tho entire length of tea n U It is in this connection teat I'is a l , _ I can give the greatest earvise to tha The company will open a camp a mraram ' ‘ three To the McDonald A will need of contract may ho placo or may ha deposit o f flKAO. Tho right is reserva or all proposals or to 1 posai os proposals ds s||y Pointy COUNTY COURT OP COOS COUNTY- Jeams Watson, County Judge. Gao. J. " County Archi* Philip, County Attest: L. W. Oddjr, ItS County Clerk. Coquill*, Oregon, January Srd, 1918. REDEMPTION NOTICE. All Corn County i tho general fund prior to Jan. 1st, 1918, win b# paid on presentation at my office te Coquille, Ora. No interact will bo allowed on any o f those warrants after the 8 th day o f Jan., 1918. Dated Jaa. 8 th, 191A T. M. Dimmiek, 52t6 County from Is Your' Money Supporting the Government ▲t this critk al parted in our history our manufac tu rers are offering th e ir mills, and our young men ara offering thuir — rvtem to tha United States Govern m ent Would you like to do your share and help by pat ting your money where it will support-the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the Government hua established to stand back o f our commerce, industry and agriculture? You can do this by opening an account with us, as part o f every dollar so de posited goes directly into the new system, where tt will always be ready for you when wanted. First National Bank The Oldest National In C o o t C o u n t y Bank STOVES STOVES STOVES with the proper Touchera, to me a« the office of W. C. Chase, ia the ehy ( f Coquille ia said county, within six months from the date o f thia nettes. Luna L. Albes, Executrix o f the os tate o f Wilber Alb**, deceased. Dated at Coquille, Ora* January 26, 1918t Quick’s h u ft large variety of Cook Stores and Ranges. Wood and coal Heaters. Pipes, elbows and dampers. Dishes, Granite ware. FURNITURE Jean Beds, Spring Mattresses and Wooden Beds. Giairs, tables, square and round, English Breakfast, Kitchen Queen. aad a Are You Ever 111? Much o f the work SMB ha o f a tho Moldings are 1-1 / bn The When you are, you will especially appreciate an extension telephone beside your bed. if you are well, you spend a third of the time in bed and will find the extension handy. It costs but 60 oents a month. Order it today. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT. certified cheek for sa amount equal to at least f par mat. o f the total amount o f the bid. A corporate surety bond will bo re quired for the faithful performance of tha contract in a sum equal to one- half the total amount of tha bid. Proposal blanks sad full informa tion foe bidders may bo obtained at tho office of the County Clerk o f said County, or at tho office s f tho Deputy State Highway Engineer, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plena and specification of contract may bo men privato appoint if it did not have at its head a asan who fully devoted his Urn* aad capa bilities in applying business judgment and business economy to its affairs. Neither can the state’s business rust Notice is hereby given teat tes un dersigned h u filed his final acoouat natter of the estate sf O. W. Temple, deem sod, endetest the Coun ty Court for C om County h u sot Sat urday, the 2M day o f February, 1818, » day sad tho County Court at the County Court House in Coquille, Com County, Oragon, as the for hearing objections to mid final account and tho sotttemsnt of said ostete. Doted this 24th dsy o f Ji 1912. A. j , f l | Administrator with the Will o f the estate o f G. Professional Cards deposit o f f I f AO. Tho right is r so erred to reject say or all proposals or to accept the pro posai or propoenla dean, ad bast for said County. COUNTY COURT OP COOS COUNTY. Coos and Carry Telephone Company First. THE ONE INDUSTRY IN COQUILLE its your Laundry. and bed, it ho* boon su the job. Wo have a number of custouMre that have patronised it from tes beginning. Wo era grateful for this appreciation s f ear Our ate* Is to improve the service ia Wo wash every thing washable. COQUILLE LAUNDRY * Archie Phillip, County Co ICE COMPANY Str. Elizabeth Bandos to San Francisco J, R. WALSTROM.Agom.1 DR. C. W . ENDICOTT F h s t B V I B ank B ’ W’ g A I E . & E . T . Kruse, Mgr*., 24 Calif. f t . * F. J. E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore M aio 11, O ó q a in * , d ra g o n . J. J. STANLEY UWTft provai—by 14J A . J. SHERW OOD A 1 T M M Y AT U W Vues IM ytosmpm M e ween Lnaogingr •4 at •*»-.* 1 ■