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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1918)
lire • • ■ *«rii 1818 . The Sentinel boaght of u civil lifs. cost of foods these w ar tones, the w riter has certainly found th a t rice goes farth er than anything else for the money. To evade the high cost oi potatoes a year ago we bought 20 ptunds of rice fo r a dollar a t a speci al sale and is seemed to us then th a t H took the place of several dollars’ w orth of potatoes. A t any ra te it is figured th e t a pound of rice has as much nutritive value as 1 pounds of potatoes and a t th a t time potatoes were coeting as much or more than rice, pound for pound. But when we began to dig volunteer pototoee from the garden in June the rice still held cut, and notw ithstanding the dosens of tim es it has formed a p art of our menu since then, th a t dollar’s worth is not gone y e t I t reminds us of the widow’s cruise of oil in old testam ent tim es which lasted until the rsm lne WILSON WINNING THB WAR. Prscidsnt Wilson’s nobis statem ent • f ton allied war aims is doing ex actly w het was predicted. I t is dis solving the unity of the contrai em pires. As long as tb s jingoes held tho stage in the allied countries the kaisers could docoivo their people with tho cry th a t Franco and England warn fighting for territo ry and col- «H unae* company in _______ FARM KBS AND INCOME TAX. In making oat k b income to* rs- torn U m farm or In allow 'd to dndoet ployes bat a lino ta drawn M to the compensation of women employee. If • woman’s entire tim e is employed in ♦-king care of too milk and cream prepared for sale, in the production of butter, cheese, etc., the care of milk cans and churns, or if a sep aratee table is maintained for fasm laborers and her services are used entirely in the preparation of their meals and caring for their rooms, the compensation paid her is a de ductible Hem. If, however, dm Is employed in caring for the farm er’s household, no deduction can be claim , ed. This principle is of universal ap plication in m aking income tax tsk turns. W hatever a man expends in keeping up hie own house, setting hie own table and clothing him self and his fam ily cannot be deducted Three states have already ratified toe Prohibition amendment to our na tional constitution, M ississippi, Vir ginia And Kentucky. The m ost signi ficant action, however, is th a t of Ken tucky. . Although th a t state is the greatest whiskey sta ts in the Union, bonded whiskey of tho entire country, ■ho took tho piange w ithout a shiver, tbs amendment being carried in tim house by a vote of 66 to 10'a n d ft tho senate by 27 to 6. This is very probably an indication of w hat soma of the other license states may do. There are tw enty more of thorn to act on tho amendment and sight of tho twenty m ust ratify the amendment, in addition to all the dry states, to make it affective. The Canadian food controller gives notice th a t he expects to forbid the use o f w hite Sour, beef end bacon, on account of the enormous amount of those foodstuffs required by the boys in the trenches. I t may become a, patriotic duty in this country, also, to take w hat is loft a fte r ws have ■sat to our boys in France and the al lies the most compact and readily transported forma of food. In fact, if this w ar continues for four or five years longer, and some who are well posted insist it will, ws can hardly see how starvation is to bo staved o f for many millions of people. But the end will come, to our thinking, either this year or next—and more probably this. Those who have read the newspa pers closely for the past four years know th a t no affidai in this country has ever been subjected to moro un friendly criticism end downright sbuoo than Josephus Daniels, who has been Secretary of the Navy sines March 12, 1818. New a congression al committee finds th a t the Navy i* all right in every way andar his ad m inistration of th a t departm ent and •van the man who has gone to 'th e greatest lengths in fau lt finding and denunciation of tho Wilson adminis tration—Colonel Roosevelt—now com- It may be toe much to hops th a t the Viennese strikes ere the begin ning of the end. But the mors d e a r ly the people perceive th a t they are fighting against their own welfare to uphold tho gory donjon of medieval autocracy, the sooner the end m ust «•me. President Wilson has dons by a stroke of his pen w hat armies millions strong m ight not have boon able to do a t ell.—Portland Journal. MRP*> Electricity has taken the drud gery out of farm labor. Almost every routine task on the farm, in the dairy or about the house can now he done by a G-E motor in a fraction of the time formerly re quired and without physical exer tion. Costs le u than hiring farm hands, tool Lot us show you how ORESON POWER CO. Of AH the known to m an, th e savings bank book to the d m th a t will ooasa in handtost .In days of trouble. G et one of these books by opening an account w ith th is bank. I t doesn’t tak e much to s ta rt an account and it will grew am axlngly if yex give it a t- Drilling fa r Oil W. F. Kernin, «is oil drilling Thompson pines a t Camas Valley. who has charge of operations a t the a t Camas Valley, favorably sad th a t the drillers have reached a depth of 860 feet end th at the indications for striking o liere ex cellent. Pour man are employed s t the drill end the work Is being pushed * right along. Mr. Kernin stated they are prepared to go down 8000 feat If nscesanry^R oosburg News. 1 Tho Comi Wednesday one invited. TWICE PROVE N. disorders, don’t experiment, mce from this locality doubly Emme K irkpatrick, 668 W. S t, Eugene, O ra, says: "I an advocate of proprietary I, in general, although I be- SOLDIERS’ INSURANCE. The following which the Sentinel has ju st received from tho Treasury D epartm ent a t W ashington puts In n d ear lig h t the m atter of soldiers’ in surance about which eo many have been uncertain! The T reasury D epartm ent is mak ing every effort to have every mem ber of America’s fighting forces take Doan's Kidr.ey Pills— the seme that advantage of tho Government insur Mrs. K irkpatrick had. Foster-M ilburn ance plan, which Secretary McAdoo Co, K fgra.. Buffalo, N. T. asserts to be “the m ust ju st end hu mane provision over mads by any na tion for its soldiers end sailors.’’ The purpose is rapidly being achieved, the insurance having passed the third billion m ark in tho total ef policies w ritten, and there are many m ilitary units in which every member has token inerfrance. The autom atic insurance provided by the law is only partial and limited protection, payable to wife, child or widowed m other and ceases a fte r Fab. 12, 1818. I t is im portant, therefore, not only to the soldiers and sailors of the country but to their fam ilies and dependents, th a t before th a t date they avail themselves of the full Govsrn- it protection, which can go as high as $10,000 and Is payable to s w tfs, husband, child, grandchild, par- sa t, brother or sister. The lew also provides for the re education and rehabitation of the to tally disabled and ■atioa to The limited insurance, w ith which » mush fault has boon found was, k ckaace to rest—always rndkinf, cutting feed or grinding cont.” Phone 71,—- Every fresh jingo howl for vin dictive conquest gave fresh strength to the Prussian junkers. The very best friends they had ware the loud mouthed w ar maniacs in tea allied countries. The cry th a t ws m ust fight till tb s German em pire was broken up was particularly helpful to President Wilson has deprived the w ar lords of this useful aid. His d e a r and friendly statem ent ef war aims leaves the junkers no ground to stand on. They cannot urge the Germans end A ustrians to fight to the lest ditch “to save their coun trie s’* because nobody w ants to harm their countries. They are only asked to stop harm ing pthar countries. This makes a to tal change in the psychology of tho w ar. It puts the w ar lords la a ridiculous plight, strips them of tbair halo e f glory, exposes toe hideous nakedness of th eir hy- procrisy. Before s groat while it will’ prove to be their death sentence. They m ust fail before the psychic power of President W ilson’s political offensive which daily dem onstrates itself more d early aa a diplomatic m aster stroke. Already ws can begin to sos Its work in A ustria. As long as the people feared the intentions of tho allies there was unbroken unity of purpose throughout the empire. Now th at Mr. Wilson has shown them there is nothing to four, their unity “I wish thty*d had Electricity when I was a boy” . Fines i Kulms bai CMUMcrial and Savins Dopoaita COQUILLE - - OREGON LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete Estimates for all kinds of building GLADLY FURNISHED YOUR ORDER will have our special attention E. E. JOHNSON