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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1918)
PARR’ L 1218b - rî?» T* \ .... the on ly m >y to do J ' . V A L E N T I N E ’S F E B . 1 4 A Y ' will soon be hare, and we are «specially well supplied this year with sentimental and comic v * V A L E N T 1 N E S Come In and see them. Any price from lc to 25c. Four, three and two for 6c, 6c 10c, 16c, and 26c. RACKET STORE MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. Oh, lookey, girls, Oh, heavens, g irls, It looks t o n e s frig h t! 'A new received from the an abundance of it, or both. W e are urged to knit w ith out cessation,— that are m ust do so i f our boys a t tea fro n t are to get the warm clothing that th ey are in g re a t need o f. This weak has baaa a busy one a t the rooau. > One day tha attendance waa so la rge th at extoa chairs had to be supplied fo r the crowd. Edward Joknaon, L . M yberg, J. D. Graham. C. W . Gardner, i n . K. J. W righ t, A . N . Gould, Doctor A . F. Kirshmad, W . H. Sehroodor. A . C. Kora, E. E. Fraedrick, J. P . Clauacn, Goo. W . N o n i«, J. H . Bogart, E. A . W imor, L. L . Buoch, i n . Cora W ll- aon, T . G. Barkor, Prod V oo Pagart, P . B. Phillip#, C. B. Shaw, M . H. Wickham, A . T . Beatul, J. L. Barkar, Mrs. G. R. Wickham , J. & Swoot, Mr#. N otti# Stanelilf, M ary Noalar, a a Murdock. A . L . Buell, C. V . W oodruff, W . E. Steward. E. T. Sehroodor, Mrs. L. A Ross, M.J. W il- Steward, J. A . Yates, a A . Myers, Wv H. Norton, H. W . Lamson, Clar ence Pish, B ert Beal, Frank Flam , G allier Hotel, a E. Shine, Hull Bro#., S. D. Pulford, Charles H arlocker, A . B. Roberts, lb s . Gao. W . Zerr, a A . Annin, S. K . G ulliford, Gao. 0 . Leach, T . J. W alker, John S. Coke, C. C. Robison, G eorgs Lester, Scandinavi- an-Am erican Bank, C lrra Summerlin, Mrs. a Hoberg, A . a Gant, a A . Anderson, Mrs. T . W . Drone, Mrs. Id a 'E . H arris, Samusl P . MUler, Mrs. W . J. Perbrache, Mrs. H. L. John son, M rs. D aisy Graham, B. J. Owen, M .. T . Clinton, J. A . Hatcher, D. 0. Krantz, L e ri Snider, E rnest PU p, J. E Culver, J. N . Jacobsen, a L. Shull, John Hickam, Mrs. Susie Mc Cormick, Mrs. Glenn C ollier, W . M. Hammock, Claud Lamson, L . M. G regory, G eorge Mathewsoa, 0 . a R ackleff, A . a WUloughby, M rs. L. L Albee, 0 . C. Sanford, J. N . Lari- m ore, C. E. McCurdy, Gao. Belloni, John Belloni, Richard Danielson, C. A . Schroeder, Menas ha Wooden ware Co., Frank Snow, T . M. Dimmick, C. J. Sanford. (T h oy'ro doing thMr b it.) Our munition plant# ara roaring And running fu ll «m ay. , They’re turning out tha shot and shall That*# goin g to win tha day. (T h ey’re doing their b it.) Thar# come# the toot o f donkey en ' gine# Proas a fa r acroa# tha hills, It's there that b ig men ara doing their And sending tha spruce to the1 m ills. (T h ey ’re doing their b it ) In our ship-yards strong msn are working, W orking both night and day, It's ships w e need, ships w e must have, _ And they’s doing their b it that way. (T h e y 're doing their b it ) M other, w ife, sister and sw eetheart A re a ll busy back there . K n ittin g things fo r their soldier boy, N ice warm things fo r Urn to wear. (T h ey 're doing their b it ) L a s t but not le a s t corns# our presi d en t W ho view s "ou r b its," large and sm all; He did his b it ten m illion âm es, ■ And now he's guarding us all. (H e ’s doing his b it ) N ow that you’ve read these lin#s, I'v e Just one m ore thing to say I f you haven't done your bit I n t o n e T a x M a n C o m in g . G et out and do it today. Jack L itte ll, U. 8. expert income (D o your b it ) ta x a ga n t w ill be in Coquille fo r Lana Leneve. three day# beginning February 14, to assist those liable to pay income tax L (tie lad. in m aking out th eir returns. Too young to fig h t P rio r to that 4tm e he ia spending Y e t you want to tw o weeks ia M arshfield, which is an your m ite. extrem ely unfair division o f his tim e Liston: / in Coos county, as there are m ore You can help your U nde Sam people, m ore property and, no doubt In w ar work, fine and dandy, m ore incom e taxpayer# in this val 3y buying T h rift Stompe every day le y than in the Ceos Bay section. I~. stead o f sticky candy. R egarding the filin g o f the income If m illions m ore w ill buy them too tax returns, H r. L itte ll says: Just think bow much “ The call fo r income tax is just You a ll can do a t eaa#nt ial to tha success o f our T< wards sending food, and thing# b i# the tim e when U n de Sam expects every individual to do his or her duty. “ I f you are sin gle and received an income o f fl,0 0 0 during 1817, you must make a return. “ I f you are m arried, or head o f a fa m ily, aa¿ received an income o f 82,000 during 1817, you must make Livtle bits o f sugar return. L ittle grains o f wheat “ You cannot deduct livin g expenses jiv e the figh tin g soldier in arrivin g a t the amount o f your in- E n ergy and heat. Mrs. W ilcox, o f M cK inley, visited us this week to learn hew the Rod Cross organisation conducts its work, w ith a view to assisting in the work o f their now organisation, which w ill bo an au xiliary o f Coquill# “ I f you have any doubt a# to your lia b ility, you should at once commun icate w ith the C ollector o f Internal Revenue. “ You w ill have until March 1st, in which to file your return, but you w ill relieve a burden by filin g early. “ A fte r March 1st the state w ill be combed as it was never combed be fo re, and those who fa il to mak# re ports o f th eir incomes w ill be comr pclled to do so, and they w ill also Foote W aste to Come Back. Tu cfday» M u ti# Lyon*, A n n i« Yeung, Iren e Jones, Lu Luken#, M rs H . E. Shelly. W ednesday— V irgin ia Lam b, M rs. R oy W ernlch. M ary G a g * M rs. E E. Fraedrick, Genie Lorena, R itti# Len- Thuraday— D ell Johnson, D orothy T u ttle, Laura Brandon, Gussie John- Edna Hartson. F ^ d a T -V lo le t Lormm. U lli. S terl in g, Gertrude Lorens, Anna M orri son, Annie Von P u ffert M rs Rath Candì in handed in resignation as vise c h a ir m a n ^ local Red Cross bran di, a fte r months o f arduous and « a t t o service. M rs. Candita has H od position w ith g rea t erodlt *a as w ell as to tha organisation, her the «v e »# « h#r and Th e bride arrived by Wednesday The follow in g is from a San Fran n igh t's train from tit# Kansas home cisco letter published in the Coos Bay where the romance began that was consummated here yesterday. An other interesting fa c t is that their wedding day was also the bride's birthday. And that mak## the w riter o f these line# fe e l like a godfather to those young people, the 40th an niversary o f his m arriage also oc waa at Marshfield and he claim s be curring yesterday. W e certainly to# lost money at it. He vigorously think January 81 is a lucky day on denies that ho lo ft M arshfield with fou r or five thousand dollars in cash. Hs wants to come back but ha doesn’t want to face Recorder B utler’s sen tence and a round w ith the grand ju ry. .Someone told him that Marshal tarter was in San Franciaeo looking fo r him and it had him on the anxious sent fo r a little while. Joe Schilling, form erly o f the Cooe Boy Bakery and Inter o f t|m' Gardiner and M yrtle Point hotels, hat return ed to San Francisco a fte r n round o f Nevada and C aliforn ia m ining towns. H s didn't get rich on the trip. To Decorate Your Home How to plan your rooms—how to select the color r aatmant of each room with fllus- tratioua ia color by one of the foremost interior decorators of tad interesting bookie yours for the asking. Include« large samples of J918 Wall Paper«. This Stylo Book o f IS IS dssoratiom shows tho aowost W all Pap«r p a W e’re a g r e a t M g, honest nation, One hundred m illion strong, Ar.d one and all should do his b it To help the figh t along. .(A r e you doing your b it? ) H ere’s som ething new : W e are naked to make pillow s, sise 14x18 from flo o r or sugar sacks (w a ll laaa- cered, at course,) the stuffing to hs made from the sm all pieces o f spa in g, too m u ll tar gun rags, cut very finely. This w ork w ill nek be a t the rooms, but in p rivate E vory Indy ia asked to contribute a t fo r this w ith 18 TH IS BOOK TELLS HOW I i you cannot oo the ocean sail W ith Uncle Samuel’s fleets You can stay at home with H oover And help to save the “ dato." We cam aave y o u m oney N o w ia the time to decorate OtU,t a>riut tr fk tn tftr t* fj * f th* I ç i 8 Bttk H O. ANDERSON F urniture and H ardware C all on us fo r Stationery. Sunday school a t 10. Come and study. Preaching a t U . S u bject “ The N ew L ife ,’’ a consecration service. The communion w ill be observed and new member# received. Epw orth League at 6:S0. The train ing service. Preaching a t 7:80. S u bject “ Th * Spiritual Law o f A ction and Reac tion.” P ra yer Service W ednesday a t 7:80. I f you have no church this church w ill welcom e you. H a Cdahmtad Bergmann Shoe Awarded Gold Medal P - P . L E . S a a Francisco, 1918 St. June« Episcopal Church. There w ill be Choir Practice to m orrow (S atu rd ay) at 8 p. m. February Srd. Sexagesim a. Sunday school at 10 a. m. H oly Communion and Sermon a t 11 Jan. 28— Anton Monson and Lela a. to Berge, both o f M arshfield. They Them w ill be no Evening Service. were m arried the sam e day by Justice Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, Vicar. Pennock, o f M arshfield. Jan. 28— John Thomas Royer, o f Bandon, and L illie Curtis, o f Pros B ible School a t 10 a. t o per. They w ere m arried on th / 27 th M orning W orship a t 11 a. m. Sub- by Rev. Thomas Barklow. Christian Endeavor a t 8:80 p. rn Jan. 28— A rie t Noah and E lsie N or Evening Service a t 7:30 p. m. Sub- ris, both o f Coquille. They .were Prayer and Bible Study M eeting m arried the same day by Justice J. Wednesday a t 7:80 p. m. J. Stanley. You are cordially in vited to all Jan. 80— B. P . N ille y and Lilian those services. Cameron, both o f M arshfield. A. J. W hiddon, M inister. Jan. 80— G eorge A lb ert D w yer and Eva Faabor, both o f Powers. Chrtetton Science Society. Jan. 81— Howard W . M ather and Hasel Hemsnway, both o f North Services next Sunday s t 11:00 a. m. Wednesday evening m eeting at 8 Jan. 21— Paul Herman Peterson o’clock. and Froda Siihsmuth, both o f A rs go. Sunday school a t 9:80 a. to Proe public reading room open ev- M arried the same day by Rev. S. rry day, except Sundays and holidays, from 2 to 4 p. m. Corner Th ird and H all streets. O il Hooted Fruit Reaches Now York. Specially prepared, oil heated box care are arrivin g in N ew York with Pacific const fru it in p erfect condi tion. Even the 'sever# cold encoun tered in the central, western and east ern states did not in ju r* the fru it. Sam G. Cam pbell, who w ith Goo. W . F riday arrived in Now Y ork in charge o f a train o f 28 specially pre pared, oil heated cars w ith apples o f the Hood R iver Apple Grow ers’ Asso ciation, w ired, “ F rid ay and I need baths and sleep, but the apples in Htm* D tc trttü » W A N T E D TO B U Y— A spring wagon.— J. N . Phone 887, Coquille. one-horse Jacobson. 3 tf FO R S A L E — Out hay, 228 a ton; bar ley 826. E arly seed potato##— th# P r'sc Taker, the best in Am erica— 2 cents a pound. C hrb Terre*. Phone 98x4, Coquille, Ore. 3t2 FO R R E N T — L a rge room w ith fire; bath in connection. A pply at Sen tinel office. FO R S A L E — Berkshire brood sow. W ill com# in In March. B y Chris Torres, 3 m iles down tho river. Phono 88x4. 8t2 FO B S A L E or rent— 160 acre Rranch. F or particulars see Fraedriek a t the Farm ers' store. LO ST— A w hite Scotch C ollie with -brown spots Monday evening. Last seen at Farm ers’ Union store in Co quille. Finder pleas* n o tify R. Bock, Coquill*. it FO R R E N T — A good 8-room furnish ed house. Closo in. Inquire a t the Ladtee Basaar. SUED O A T S - fo r sale by Goo. 8. Robison at the Roy place. Phono 98x1 r lt8 * S T R A Y HOG token up. Red and M ack; w eight about 188. M. P Jacobean, Coquille. t it » » FO R S A L E the b u t and cheapest va cant le t in the etty o f CoquiUe. Speak quick i f yen smut it. A * the C allin g Carda, I M ■ to r I • R I f äjfi& Ea vSrofE-il r >■ [ j