The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, February 01, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. XIU. NO. 8.
■?. 1 ■
$130 T H E Y R A B .
F R ID A Y . F E B R U A R Y L 1916.
About that 2,500 Aere Sale at
South Slough—the Coun­
ty Crai««.
in valleys like that o f Catching creek.
H e says that th e value o f the tim -
A n a rticle in regard to tha sate o f
2600 acres o f spruce and white
tim ber a t the head o f South Inlet,
about 10 m iles northw est e f Coquilte,
te republished elsewhere In this to-
Tha statem ent te there
th at there are approxteaaUly 200 asil-
1km fe e t o f spruce in this tract. This
statem ent put us oa inquiry and so
w e went back to tha figures fo r Dan­
nie M cCarthy’s cruise o f the
o f the county, which te re-published
below, and learned that he found only
684 m illion fe e t o f tim ber in the en­
ter* county. That tw o-fifth s o f this
spruce was located in sixteen quarter
sections in one tra ct w s denn ed ex­
trem ely im probable.
Since w ritin g the above w e have
talked w ith M r. M cCarthy and he
says that he feels sure there are lees
than 100 m illion fo o t o f tim ber on the
2500 acres Just sold, and th at net
m ore than 26 per eant o f this to
spruce. Th at w eald make the figu re
fo r the sprue« in this tra ct about 20
m illion fe e t instead o f 200 m illion.
And o f that 20 m illion n et to eaeeed
8 per cent w ill bo available fo r us*
in aeroplane construction. Be only a
little m ore than a m illion and h a lf
fe e t e f spruce w ill g o into flyin g n s -
chines, even i f the whole 8600 acres te
logged off. These facte indicate how
big a task H te to provide the
tela our governm ent must have fo r
the w ar in the a ir—a lee how reckless­
ly some people throw in figures in tutea, the “ fifty -fifty ” order, requir
F ollow in g w e reprint frees the Sen­
tin el o f Sept. 4,1914, the article on M m
county cxqtee o f tim ber then Just
completed, which la o f greater In­
terest now than when published, ow­
in g both to the unprecedented do-
in g the tim ber lands o f Coos county,
has this week turned in bis final re­
port to Assessor T h rift, and furnishes
us the follo w in g summary o f hie flg-
T ota l acreage o f tim ber in Cese
county, 609386-
T otal acreage not tim bered, 244,623.
Grand total acreage o f county,
No. fe e t o f old grow th fir, 8,428,-
866 , 000 .
custom er must buy 8 lbs. o f corn meal
or other substitute, and that the ratio
o f three-to-one must be strictly ad­
hered te fat a ll sales o f wheat flour.
Th is ruling, he points out, does not in
any w ay m odify or effect the lim ita­
tions on the amounts o f flour that a
customer m ay purchase, as determ in­
ed by previous rulings. The purchas­
er w ill be lim ited in the quantity he
■toy buy, Just as before, and in addi­
tion must purchase on* pound o f sub-
N o. fe e t o f sesead g ro wth fir, 8<■
No. fe e t w hite fir, 68,280,000.
No. foot spruce, 584309,000.
No. o ffs e t w hite cedar, 496,086(000
No. fe e t o f rod cedar, 98,142,000.
N o. foot o f hemlock, 390,964,000.
No. foot o f sugar and yellow pino.
A t an estim ate fit only $1.00 par
thousand it w ill be seen that this dm.
ber stands a t a valuation o f about 19
m illions. But he adds that anything
whichs boosts the lumber m arket, as
the reconstruction o f San Francisco
did, m ight easily double that figure.
And a t the asm# tim e a ll the tim ber
is being held now a t a figu re higher
than tha $1.00 a thousand mark and
H is probable that by the tim e it is
cut a ll o f it w ill have averaged ai
Club to Hold Aaanal Election.
Gets Te Work Today.
The new Board o f Appraisers fo r
assessment purposes began work over
a t the Bay this m orning.
A ll tho
members met here in the county court
room with Judge W atson and A s­
sessor Beyers yesterday afternoon.
Thoso present w ere Dennis McCarthy,
A . A . Selander, H. J. Kim ball and J.
C ollier. MV. Kim ball said he
thought ha had been selected because
he had learned te stand lota o f cuss­
in g from people who w ere displeased
w ith hie official acts and wouldn’t
mind a little m ore o f K.
Everyone w ith an axe to grind or
a low assessment they want te stand
is now tryin g to g et tho ear o f some
member o f the board and the amount
o f argum ents to which they w ill all
be compelled to listen in the interest
o f partial and ewe aided assessments
would fin volum e*.
It is probable that the board w ill
finish up its work at the north end
o f the county w ith M r. Kim ball as a
A ctin g on an authentic tip Marshal
Epperson and Deputy Hudson went
down to the Dispatch last Saturday
and nabbed a bootlegger who has pro­
bably been w orking the gam e fo r
some tim e. H e is the fireman in the
Dispatch, PMnoeaa Hauser; and three
bottles a f whiskey w ere captured,
tw o in a travellin g bag which was
standing on a b ox in the freigh t room.
The bag had a lady's name attached
but Epperson picked it up and pried
it apart enough to see th e boose. He
then came up to the Recorded’* office
fot a w arrant w hile Hudson remained
on watch, ridin g down to the w are­
house and back.
When the Dispatch returned to the
city dock, Hauser picked up the bag
to cooes up town, but Hudson invited
him to taka a trip up to the city hall,
w h en they arrived Just as the w ar­
rant was ready to serve.
fined $96 and coats which be prom pt­
ly paid. The third bottle was found
in his overcoat pocket.
But his troubles didn’t end there
as 8 h eriff Gage wanted him next.
W ith tw o state charges starin g him
in the face, and a conviction in the
follow ed the Budget law , either la
preparing, advertisin g or approving
budgets, as required by the law pass­
ed upon. It is evident that their ac­
tion a t that tim e is as fu tile as the
Pope’s bull against the comet. The
amount thus fru itlessly voted was
In the various districts the sums
voted ware as follow s:
No. 1— Lakeside .................. $4,200
No. 2— Haynes Slough . . . . . 1,000
No. $— Larsen Slough ........
No. 4— Ken tuck Slough........
No. 7— W illanch Slough . . . .
A n im portant m eeting o f the Com­
m ercial Chib is to bo hold s t tho city
boll next Wednesday evening. It is
Ì -----------
tho date fo r the annual election o f
Organization to
officers and a large attendance is de­
Promote Thrift Stamp Salee
sired. J. E. Norton, who has so ably
presided over the club’s destinies fo r
Now at Work.
the past three years, feels that he is
entitled to a rest. On tho other hand
The Coos county school T h rift cam­
the members feel that it is a poor
paign com m ittee consists o f Charles
tim e to trade horses w hile crossing a
H all, chairman, o f M arshfield; H enry
stream and i f poesible that he should
Kern, o f N orth Bend; Hugh M cLain,
I s retained at the club’s head.
poetm aster at M arshfield, through
whose office a ll the supplies and
Found It in the Delaware.
ftam ps are distributed to the poet-
The follow in g are some o f the an­ efficee in the root o f the county ; R ay­
swers found on the recent Eighth mond E. Baker, county superinten­
grade exam ination papers:
dent o f schools; J. E. Norton, o f Co-
G ive the origin Of Christmas T
quille, president o f the ComaMrcial
Christmas was discovered when Club here;
Dorsey K reitxer,
W ashington crossed the Deleware.
M arshfield, cashier o f the F irst N a­
W ho was Frances E , W illard T
tional Bank o f Coos B ay; and Geo.
Frances E. W illard was a member E. Tonney, president o f the Commer­
o f tho first Continental Congress.
cial Club o f M yrtle Point.
W hy is Spain not one o f the leading
Ib o e e gentlem en constitute an ex­
ecutive com m ittee fo r the county.
Spain was not started o ff righ t.
They have appointed a sub com m ittee
o f three, consisting o f Messrs. Baker,
Th« Four-Mfarato Men.
Norton and Tonney, which m eets here
The four-m inute men who w ill today to district the county.
Besides there w ill be local com m it­
speak at the Scenic next week are:
F. E. McKenna, Monday night, Feb. tees in each district, o f which the
poetm aster and superintendent o f
schools w ill be mem beta. The local
com m ittee fo r the Coqullle district
consists o f Leo J. Cary, chairman,
John W . Leneve, J. C. Alm ack, J. 8.
J. L . Smith, Friday night, Feb. 8. Lawrence and Chas. H. B axter.
F. G. Leslie, Saturday night, Feb. •.
Myrtle Point’« Good Work.
native but to come through w ith the
inform ation as to whore he g o t i t
A ctin g oa this Sheriff G age went
down to Bandon and arrested M. T.
Baker, ascend engin eer on the steam ­
er Brooklyn, who was taken before
Justice o f the Peace C. R. W ade Mon­
day m orning. H o pleaded gu ilty, was
fined $600 and sentenced to fiv e
months in Jail, and is now servin g
Jen. 1, 1916; and this weak he makes
another call fo r a ll issued prior to
A p ril 1, o f that year. Just as fa st
as hs can g e t the necessary interest
computations made he is callin g
f« r m ore warrants and stopping
They Averaged $25.
The mon­
Tho first school report Superinten­ eye received last year, it should bp
d s Raymond E . Baker received in noted, must be parceled out among
regard to investm ent by pupils and many differen t funds, road, school and
teachers in governm ent w ar bonds port, as w ell as county and state.
and stamps came from Locust Grove, This w ork, however, la don* in the
D istrict No. 76, on Tuesday.
This sheriff’s office.
school is located about 8 m ile* above
M yrtle Point near the confluence o f Want (hit to Work on Rond.
the South and M iddle Forks o f the
Tw o o f the boose peddler« in Jail
Coqullle and is taught by Miss Ber­
here, M. T . Barker, who went in this
nice Chandler.
O nly eleven pupils
week, and Jim Anderson, who has
are enrolled but five o f them bold
been there fo r three months— both o f
Lib erty Loan bonds to the amount o f
them ship engineers w ith b ig wages
$260, w hile the teacher has three
who thought it would be fine to make
W ar Savings C ertificates and tw o pu­
easy money on the side m onkeying
pils have T h rift Stamps amounting
with the Oregon Bone D ry law ,— are
to $130. I f a ll tha schools o f this
cow dead anxious to g e t out and work
county and o f the nation averaged
out th eir sentences on the county
a# w ell as this— ovar $26 per capita
roads. Commisisoner Ph ilip is tryin g
— the total would be $660,000,000.
to make arrangem ents to have Ole
Paulsen, who is clearing out brush on
the Hauser road north o f the Bey
with a donkey engine, take them on.
Can Key Be Safe-guarded?
O ver a t M arshfield the city officials
ore building a big burglar proof box
to hold th% boose that la being com­
mandeered by the police there. It is
announced that there w ill be only one
key to this box end that Recorder
Butler w ill carry that— whether in
his stocking or next te his heart sus­
pended from a strin g around his neck
is not stated. N or are w e told wheth­
er the recorder w ill be conveyed by
The Crouch Divorce Case. an arm ed guard w hile on the streets
The contested divorce suit o f P erry end a patrol stationed a t his reei-
Crouch, o f M arshfield, vs. Eleanor S.
Crouch, new in Eastern Oregon, is
set fo r next Monday in the Circuit
court. The application fo r suit mon­
ey end alim ony was beard a few
months ago, resulting in the ear* o f
the cildren being given to tho father.
Desertion and im proper conduct are
alleged by the husband. It has been
stated that tho defendant m ay w ith­
draw her answer thus elim inating tha
The question o f a m eeting o f the
County Court and a Good Roads A sso­
ciation com m ittee w ith the State
H ighw ay Commission next week is
still a good deal in the air.
The secretary o f the State H igh­
way Commission w rote to Judge W a t­
son th at a t the regular m eeting o f
the commission a t Portland next
Tuesday tho distribution o f the road
band fund available *«..1 8 1 8 would
bo made to the various road projects.
The judge im m ediately w rote to all
the commissioners explaining how
w ell nigh im possible it would be fo r
the County Court o f Coos county te
be at the Portland m eeting on Tues­
day and g e t beck here to hold the re g ­
ular term o f the County Court on
Wednesday, so he sugeeted th at the
commission hold a session either at
M arshfield or Eugene on Monday.
w rote him last night that it would be
impossible fo r the commission to do
that and hold its regular m eeting in
Frrtland Tuesday.
He suggested a
later session o f the commission In
Coos county, where they could go
over the road that has been prepared
fo r paving and m eet our “ loyal bunch
o f booster*.”
It is the opinion o f the court here,
however, that they must be repre­
sented at the Portland m ooting next
Tuesday. Three alternative plans are
ptopoeed fo r this. One that the en­
tire court go up Monday and return
V edneaday in tim e to bogin their
February m eeting here W ednesday
evening. Another is that one o f the
members o f the court go to Portland
and the other tw o go on with the Feb­
ruary m eeting her* on Wednesday.
A third la that Charles H all, presi­
dent o f the Good Roads Association,
bo authorized to represent the court
at Portland on Wednesday.
The plan fo r a m eeting o f the
H ighw ay commission subsequently in
Coos county meets w ith approval,
provided our interests are safe-guard­
ed in tho m ooting to be held Tuesday.
I f the money is all to be appropriated
then, w e must have a representative
there a t that time.
‘Teddy Bear” On Fire.
The gasoline tug, “ Teddy Bear,”
owned b y Aasen Bros., was bedly
burned about six o’clock Monday ev­
ening down s t the Sitka boom. Tad
Tester was having trouble with the
engine which backfired end exploded
the lantern sittin g near. The flam es
quickly spread sll over te e cabin and
com pletely charred It inside.
grabbed a 6-gallon can o * oil and
got safely outside where he dumped
that and a drum o f gasoline over-
braid. E veryth in g inflamaMe in the
cabin waa burned, even te the wooden
A t M yrtle Point yesterday Chas.
H all, Supt. R. E. Baker and Geo. Ton­
n e) spoke to the pupils o f each room
on the T h rift Stamp cam paign and
between the dose o f school last night
and 9 o’clock this m orning $146 w orth
o f stamps had been sold at the post-
office. The school board there decid­
ed to purchase $40 w orth o f stam p»
to be sold under the teachers’ direc­
tions. H ere in Cequille the board has
deeided to advance $4<k fo r this pur­
pose and a t Bandon $60 w ill he ad­
vanced by the board.
Tho intended v is it to our c ity schools
today by the T h rift Cam paign com ­
m ittee, who went down to Bandon
W ednesday, has bean postponed un­
til Monday.
The developm ent o f a
to dismiss the high school and the
Eighth grade today in order to fum ­
iga te th eir rooms.
Simpson WUI Offer Prize«.
L . J. Simpson, county m anager, has
made an offer o f at least $200 worth
o f W ar Saving Certificates to be di­
vided between the scholars o f Coos
and Curry counties, who make the
best showing in the sale o f stamps.
P ro f. Baker w ill work out the details
o f the distribution and announce ,t
A t the end o f the first sem ester in
our city school* Mrs. M ulkey, who
teaches the F ifth grade, found that
o f the 47 pupils promoted in that
grade a week eg o Friday all except
two owned either T h rift Stamps or
kaby bonds. And to Stake it unani­
mous each o f those two had a job
promised fo r Saturday, pay tor
which they w ere goin g to invest In
T h rift Stamps.
Bank Will Start Them.
The directors o f the Farm ers and
Merchants Bank h ere have decided to
do a fine thing to help alon g the
T h rift Stamp cam paign In tha public
schools o f Coquilte and the adjacent
territory included in the Coqullle dis­
trict. This bank w ill .present to every
pupil attending the schools in the
g ic d c * a th rift card w ith one T h rift
Stamp attached. It is estim ated there
w ill be about «00 pupils thus given
a «ta rt tow ard* g ettin g a baby bond,
end we know o f no other w ay in
which the Farm ers and Merchants
could have done m ore good with
the same amount e f money as in g iv ­
ing such a boost te this new m ove­
ment te teach the children in our
public schools the duty a f doing some­
thing fo r their governm ent, at the
■ « tim e they are ferm in e ah bits e f
saving end gettin g a course in th rift
whteh m ay be w orth m ere to them
than any other course in th eir entire
school education.
The H igh School basket ball five
plays tee North Bend H igh School
ever there this evening and n ext F ri­
day plays M arshfield at the Bay. Se
ftu the loeal team has loot but one
grjwa, te a t to M yrtle Point, which
has waa throe and test none.