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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1918)
Why We C. S. Barrow. He dlscusaed at lM | tt te c o f the reasons why Am erica had gone to w ar w ith Germany. The lin t was the thorough preparation fo r w ar that eGrmany had been mak ing fo r a generation and the unifica tion o f the w ar plans o f the Central powers which enabled th en alw ays to strike at the weakest point and con centrate th eir forces where they were c. C. Robison, o f H all’s Crash, call- sd Tussday-jaorn in g to s a lis i as a Sentinel subscriber. Frank Burkholder, o f this eity, was in Portland last Friday, stopping at th * Multnomah hotel. E igh t Band on moa worn here yes terday fo r physical exam ination be fore the local d ra ft board. D. M cCarthy came over from the Bay Tuesday to look a fte r his loggin g business up th * M iddle Fork. J. A . Hopgood, the now travellin g passenger agent o f tbe Southern Pa cific, waa a caller this morning. A . N . Gould, Goo. F. Falconar and J. K. Cavers went over to Lakeside yesterday on surveying business. The Scenic has a b ig attraction hero tonight in the film , “ Am ericano,” in which Douglas Fairbanks w ill ap- agricultural production. I t w ill be unloaded at A tla n tic ports and the price w ill be *7SJM a ten. fre e <■ board cara a t port o f arrival. Farm ers a re to pay, la addition, freig h t from the port o f a rriva l and the state fe rtilis e r ta c fee. Applications fo r a p ort o f the 100,- COO tom o f n itrate bought by the governm ent w ill be received only The second was the lack o f coordin ation am ong the entente alliee which bed made it possible fo r Germany to strike a t one a fter another because they failed to do team work. That the entry o f our country into the w ar had been follow ed by President W ilson’s insistence that the antes should g et together and w age on# w ar instead o f everyone figh tin g on his own hook, was a change which made it possible to achieve victory and p et the Huns oat o f business. s local bank, association, or iadivid- ual, designated by the Secretary at Agricu ltu re te act as the farm ers’ agent fo r that purpose, money to cover the coat o f the fe rtilis e r ex cept the fre ig h t charge. A fte r the money is transm itted to W ashington the nitrate w ill be shipped to the farm ers. I f applications fa r the ni Hotel Cooking. Far too many hotel im.piietors over tra te exceed the supply o f about 100,- the Hu ion hislst on trying to i-at tern 000 tons the governm ent wiU allot their hotels after the Msnbuttaii island the supply so a pro rata basis among mode and succeed in reproducing it In those who applied. Application* notblug except the price tariffs. A na must bo received by February A A p tive cook who cun do wouuers with a frying also pullet aud « hot skillet plications Monks m ay be obtained by makes a woeful mess of the job when exiling on or w ritin g te M r. Smith. bo tries to render tbe poor fowl up in s casserole with Frenchified trimming*. Russian dressing for a salad is all very well so long as you bare two Russian* bandy, one to make It und tbe ¿it her te eat I t It seems to lose Its savor when constructed lu s hot kite lieu by an open pored female Afro-American i.noo miles ttom tidewater.—Irvin H. Cobb In B at urday Evening Poet. His Brother's Clothe*. Fountain C. Torras, san o f our Any one who has been the youngest friend, Chris T o m o , has enlisted in boy o f tbe family and has consequent ly bad to wear bis elder brother's out grown clothing con well appro-late tl»e feeling that prompted Karl's reply in the following story from the Chisago Tribune: One autumn Kari entered the same kindergarten that bla brother Rolwrt bad attended during the previous year. Very frequently, tbe teacher called him Robert by mistake until she became provoked at beraelf and said to him. "W ell, Karl, 1 don't kuow why I al ways call you Hubert." “ I guess 1 know." answered Karl se riously. "I'v e got oa Robert's waist to Offer Oor Customer* I h oar your played the 1 M i KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE A WORD to the WISE W h e n y o u n e e d neat, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte rh e a d s , C ir c u la r s E n v e lo p e s , o r other a d v e rtisin g m atter, The Copille Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill the bilL have a W e also large stock of Business Cards, Fine P a pers and Envelopes, plain or linen finish, and can give you something neat for your office stationery Q UALITY PRINTING to«rid*s Oldest Bird. J. F. K eating, o f the governm ent airplane board, casm over Tuesday to see bow the spruce campaign is pro gressing in th * Coquill# valley. The N orth Bend Council has just passed aa ordinance hairin g minors tram pool halls. Coquill* has hpd on# in force fo r a couple o f years. The ladies at the church her w ill hold an and servo a silver tea ton’s Birthday, Friday, Presbyterian apron baaaar on W ashing Fsbruary 22. G eorg» Lester says th * bests he planted last spring fo r stock feed The oldest bird known Is culled tbe archaeopteryx. This Is > Greek word, which really means "ancient wing.” It was an sxtraordinary Mrd. It had a long tell, not all feathers a* a bint’s tell Is now. bat like a Hoard* tall, long and thick, with bones and flesh and with ftotbers growing from It. It had two logs with wbk-b it could walk or perch In the trees, but It had two other Umbe Uke band*, which It prob ing in Hobard’e eyas, and conversation fo lio , fa st thereafter. Behw te ranees, youthful p n o f the old tim es and o f fo rty -five y e a n agt union a moot happy o Tims*. SANITARY RESTAURANT This new restaurant formerly known as The CLUB CAFE will be opened _ SATURDAY NOON under the Muuiafement of the Sanitary Market. We propose to furnish the best the market affords at a fair price. COME AND SEE US. Meed o f flying from bough to bough, os birds now do. It had a curious eye fitted with s sort o f armor shield, as th* reptile# have, gnd Its beak was armed with great strong teeth. Thar* la no such bird aa this now. T h e Crew e f Columbus. The fiat o f tbe officers end sailors la the first voyage o f Columbus was el- moat coamopollten in Ite character. Among them there wore a Jew, Lais d* Torre*; an Irishman (rum Galway. Ireland. William HiirrU: sn English man. Arthur Laws; Italians, Portu guese, Spaniards and several other Da ltons I Ules. although, o f cours*, too 8 [teníanla were largely In the major - It Is maintained by some authorities, with coaaldarabl» plausibility, too, that there was a Scotchman In the Hat and that after Columbus blmself be was tbe first man to treed tbe soil o f the new world.—Exchange. Ferente e f Afriee, One o f th* groat natural treasures at Africa Is the Immensa extra tropical forest that extend* almost unbroken from the extreme southern end along tbe eastern highlands to tbe equator. There are gaps to ft, and the tress rbangs la kind somewhat with changa o f latitude, but updo th* whole it has the same character throughout. The altitud* abore th* sea changas regu larly with decrease o f latitude. Near the cape the forest grows at sta lavai, in Natal and th* Transvaal Its altt- tode increases to 4,000 and B,000 foot, and oa approaching the equator It rises to 7,000 fM t sad finally to MMX» fa st In th* equa tarisi highlands th* growth Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted “SEE WILSON 1 1 SC MORf Coquille, Oregron 3 SCENIC NEWS. ^ F #f a VJX Naarlg 50 Y amt»!