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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1918)
Walter Laird's, fall over a bluff, broke a lac, bruised his hips and body so* thoroughly that any part of his body was about as eomfortabto as his broken log. His brotbar-in-law, Al bert Christenson was with him at tbs time and it took him two hours to get to Walter Laird’s for help to get Marshall out. Wilma Bunch, Majoria Marcy, Charles Culbertson adn Lloyd Shep herd are the pupils in Diet. 32 who took the eighth grade examination. I expect to vote at the primaries and on election day for Ben W. 01- cott for governor. Also hope to vote Order yours to day for Spring delivery. Send $25 as a deposit of the 90,000 acres, more or lose, at the Coos Bay Wagon Bond grant, the suit against the Southern Oregon ctmpany, now pending before the Su preme Court, will be dropped,, the lands will be taken over by the gov ernment and be disposed at th e ------ as lands of the O. A C. grant. The essential features at the Chambertoto- Sinnott bill ere as follows: Emma Goldman end Alexander That upon the execution and deliv Berkman got cold comfort from the ery by the Southern Oregon compa Supreme court of the United States ny, of Oregon, at n deed satisfactory when the draft law was upheld by the to the Attorney-General at the United company aad also for all taxos paid court ea e thing mode olive by the States, reconveying to the United Pursuant to the provisions of section M w s u tu iio n o i in c v t in e a o votes. States eO the right, title and interest two of this act Whet pussies me is why those anar of the said Southern Oregon company See. 7. That the sum of 960,000 be, chists, Emms Goldman and “Doctor" in and to the lands situated in tha and the same is hereby, appropriated, Berkman, would think of asking the counties of Coos end Douglas, Ore out at any moneys in the treasury not courts to settle anything, for that gon, end embraced within the limits otherwise appropriated, to enable die pair hove been working for years try of the grant made by the United Secretary of the Interior, in co-opera ing to make people think that there States to aid in th * construction of n tion with the Secretory at Agricul is no right, no lew, or anything else military wagon road from Coos Bay ture, or otherwise, to complete the that they or their kind should re ro Roseburg, commonly known as the classification at tbs lands as herein spect, provided it belonged to some Coos Bey Wagon Bond grant, and provided, which amount shall be im body else. now involved in litigation pending in mediately available add shall itonain When they denounced the draft lew the Supreme Court of the United a valla bis until such cassificatkm shgll and urged people to pay no attention to it, they found they had run up coma a part of the public domain, aad against e real thing law that put the United States shall pay to the them in prison, and then they asked Southern Oregon company the sum the Supreme court to sey the law is of 1232,483.07. The execution aad no good, so they might get out of delivery of the deed within 30 days prison mid help Billie 2 some more. from end after the approval of this The Supreme court of the United act shalf constitute A s acceptance of States is not an anarchist, therefore, this set by^ths said Southern Oregon the members know why law exists— company; and upon the approval at for the greatest good for the greatest such deed by the Attorney-f&Mral number. The only member that an the aforesaid suit shall ha dismissed archist, or anarchist socialist, is and all matters of litigation between thinking about is number one. If the United States and the Southern m y pacifist or Boeitliit or Amrchiit Oregon company arising out at said socialist would read “The Sourge of grant shall be deemed fully settled, God” by Newell Dwight Hillis, as 0 adjusted and terminated. published in “Successful Farming,” K Sec. 2. That the taxes accrued aad unpaid on the said lands on the date of the delivery of the deed shall be paid by iha Treasurer of the United States as soon as may ho after fide act becomes effective, and a sum suffi cient to make such payment aad itoo to provide for the payment of the said sum at 9282,483.07 to hereby appro to thirty dollars. priated out of any money in the Trees- amounted The Arago Cheese factory dosed “scourge of God” phrase, far that or week on account of a scarcity of iginated away back when the Catho Sac. 8. That the aaid lands shell tost milk. • of Spain jumped onto the Nether be classified and disposed of in the Raleigh Newton, who to grading lics lands. This war is the scourge of the Marriage Claims Appealed.. - manner provided by the act of June lumber at North for the govern ‘'educator” 9, 1916, for the classification and dis ment aeroplanes Bend end near educator. And Government appeal agents are di was over to visit his position of the Oregon St California parents last Sunday. it to the damnation that comae from rected, an order just issued by the railroad grant lands: Provided, That Bov. Howard Cromwell, of Portland, our listening to end swallowing the Provost in Marshal at Washing such persons who, bring citixena at the United Brethren minister, who knowledge (?) of the educator and ton, to appeal to General e district board ev the United States, her* continuously has been given the WUlowdale church near educator that we are now get ery case whirs e draft registrant Isesed from tha said Southern Oregon at Fish trap and Johnsons Mill church, ting. A teacher in Geramny did na> hac married since May 18, 1917, who has company for e period not leas then 16 will preach next Sunday at Willow- qr has not a chance to own hie soul, been granted deferred classification years any of said lands classified as the educator or near educator were by his local board on account of bring church. He expects to move his tne agricultural, not exceeding 180 scree dale things that exalted “German effi married. Here is the language of the family-here soon. ciency" and outlawry. And our edu regulations in regard to men who have been quite e number cators and preference right of six months to of There near educators bow-wowed have married since the law became new eases of whooping cough de which to purchase such lands from veloped at Arago lately. J. D. Carl's or-er the excellence of German efflei- effective: the United States by paying therefor infant son has had a very serious ercyr the efficiency without a soul, “On May 18, 1917, every person the sum of 92£0 par acre: Provided apd it was a fight for their lives that to registration had notice of further, That where any of such leas- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Johnson came teachers had to put up to keep from subject his obligation to render military ser being garroted by the educators and vice to his country. back to their ranch from Aasen’s The purpose of the same extent and to the same man camp Saturday, where Mrs. Johnson near educators’ stranglehold of effi the Selective Service Lew not to ner at to required under the home will remain while Mr. Johnson left ciency. We kn9w now that German suspend the institution of was marriage stead laws, since December 1, 1918, by Monday for a business trip to Port- efficiency and the educator and near among registrants, but boards should any person duly qualified to enter such hear educators’ efficiency is an infern scrutinize marriages since May 18, lands claiming adversely to such les Miss Mary Pierson, of Norway is al lie. and especially those hastily ef see, and who has Improved the land assisting Mrs. J. D. Carl during the BiHie 2, me boy, I only have one 1917, fected since that time, to determine and devoted stase portion thereof to children’s Illness. tooth and a few snags left to my whether the marriage relation was agricultural use, and who shall have Stanley Halter, while caring for tear, yet I have not lost my taste entered into with a primary view of maintained his residence to the date some unruly calves last week, fell for sweet things; but I don’t get any evading military service, and unlees of his application, the claim of such and broke a rib, which has been quite over allowance of sugar these days. such to found not to be the case boards My wife weighs out the allowance are hereby authorised to disregard to that of the lsssss, and ho shall be painful. each week, a pound and a half for the relationship so established as a Clyde Lillie to doing a very good allowed the preference right at entry business with his new wood saw the two of us and it has to last a condition of dependency requiring de afforded actual settlers by section five which works the same in wet or fair w est U doea last a weak and n little ferred classification under these regu of the set of June 9, 1916. more, and there is no kicking. For lations.” weather.. Sec. 4. That the title to all money Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Schroedrr if it to necessary to do mors to help arising out of said lands and now on are now living in their new bungalow lick the stuffing out of you we can Material For Motor Boats. deposit to await the final outcome of which has been under construction halve the sugar ration and sat more raid suit now pending to thi Supreme since starch syrup. Billis, whan won For motor boots for the navy, 60,- last Aagust The workmanship corn Court, as aforesaid, to hereby ranted certainly drew out your little old choose knife C00 feet of Port Orford coder was does credit to the builder. in the United States, and the United and made your brags, I commenced shipped last week from the C. A. States to subrogated to all the rights' Convening With the King. to pray for you and I am still at it Smith Co. yards in Marshfield to be and remedies of the obligee or obli morning, noon and night aad be constructed in the Bremerton navy CYCLE COMPANY ^ gees, and especially at Harry E. Hie following story perhaps may tween times. When I pray I am will yards on Puget Sound. About 60,000 feet is yet to be sent Laughlin as commissioner, under say not Interest our readers as much as ing to get in and work on the job. contract for the purchase at timber it did us—as ws are personally ac R. A. Easton to complete the order, which was left before the rush to supplying airplane quainted with two at the people men on said lands. material opened. Because of the de tioned, both at them big men to the Sec: I. That all moneys received FMi Meal for Cows mand tar airplane material, filling of M. W. McCormick and C. A. Peter This is excellent but Coquins from or on account at said lands and Fish meal, a by-product of the fish this order by the navy department has son left Tuesday morning for Coquille dossal lag at all along that lino. timber and tha timber thereon under cannery, when used to a ration for milk passed through the hands of tha air- where they will prepare the pump and Statements by our own banks pub the provisions at this set shall ha de production, proved to be worth from plans sprues bureau which has the machinery formerly used at the Peart lished not long ago showed sn in posited to the Treasury of the United 20 to 26 per cent more than cottonseed right to claim priority of shipment mine for shipment to Riverton where crease at 9160,00 in deposits witb’n Statae in a separate fund to ha desig meal and has no ill effect upon the for airplane demands. Only recent they are reopening the Eureka mm«. twehre months. nated “The Coca Bay Wagon Bend flavor of milk, says the annual report ly was H released. Hie mine machinery has been pur grant fund,” which fund shall bo dis of the Bureau of Animal Industry, chased from Hoary Songstackon for GLYCERINE MIXTURE It to probable that material other posed of in the following manner: A United States Department of Agri several hundred dollars. than Port Orford cedar will bd used separate account shall ha kept to the culture. Potato silage waa found to Officers in the company developing FOR APPENDICITIS hereafter far motor boat bulla, ac General Land Office at the sales of cording to A. P. Jones from the Brem the Eureka mine are expected here Coquille people can prevent appen erton yards, who was here to inspect from Eureka inside the next month. dicitis with simple buckthorn berk, the two counties of Coos and Douglas, the shipment end who left today. —Coos Bay Times. glycérine, etc., as mixed to Adler-ika. and after the proceeds from such Either a change in material, or the ONE SPOONFUL flushes the EN- sales amount *• a sum equal to that use of a grade other than that needed TIRÉ bowel tract so completely it re applied to pay tha nserusd taxes to for airplane construction will be re lievos ANT CAM! sour stomach, gas quired if orders will be filled for the or constipation and prevents appendi citis. The INSTANT, plees&nt ac tion of Adler-4-ka surprises both doe- ISAAC R. TOWER Authorized Ford Sales and Service MARSHFIELD, OREGON • ns if desired. Write me for special term pay ment proposition.