1 ■.emeus «us» m t i f m . cornu* ■ ■' ■ » taras billions for the nation to war far three la Of edil veto ton th a t sum to ban And were lit by than two years. Than it took nanrty «n* ^ ta n *f HeU flaw three dollars ef paper money to buy a And ths Dhvil it and re- dollar in gold; now it’s fifty-fifty be- tween greenbacks and geld. Then T rich men mode millions by swindling *"* of th s records of 10,- the government in army contracts, | ^ ¿ S b c k o y ^ f i r a t o d withftor. mon passed for military servbe He shouted over his shoulder, by local boards and then rejected by In a voice bud riser. “ camp surgeerm show th at nearly 99 NO EGGS WITHOUT GRAIN. |"Come on you devilish imps, cent of the final rejections were ceased by defective eyes. Teeth wme We are in receipt of n weekly news I Ws have no business bars.” responsible for 8 J0 per cent, hernia, U-tter from the U. S. department of |.,w# m ujt beat it away from hare T.47 per cent; ear, 6^4 par cent; heart Agriculture urging increased poultry I tM| ^ r- to roam, ih.eaae, 6B7 par cant; tuberculosis, pi oduction, so th at eggs may more and ^ av s the land of brimstooo M 7 per coat. Attempts to evade m1'- more take the place of meat and help which we have itory duty by deception regarding win the war. They want nil the physical condition were vary few. farins of the county to average 100 to n . each, iratoad ef t o T S i well 7 « don't Brazil b a big country and it pro end good. Bot to save wheat and . poses to do big things in ths world help win the war, the amount of grain I »ubmarined on the sulphur son, war far democracy. They are talk that* can be fed to poultry has b een |Tb*n * leg n g h t qumk,^ ing about having two million soldiers cuf down by the government No And on the western front next yenr-r-ssv- other feed equal to wheat can be “l have sense blood rotation, •ral hundred thousand this year if had for the tame money, and lota of Who’s due to arrive down here; they can got transports. A tenth of people are putting their hens in the But I don’t want to moot him, 1 would be enough; and if all nations which have declared war “In fact he calls ms brother, Germany during the past year I But ha's got dm skinned a Mils, id do even as wall ae that, it would For ha’s a dirty, tricky beast i be a question of knowing what And full of things moat vile.* to d# with all the men there. “Whan I sea the man behind him, We don’t hear So much about do That are in th at German ring, ing ogr bit in the garden as we did a I taka a glance a t my shoulder year ago but there is even more need For fear I’m sprouting a wing.” of the war garden than there was “i haven’t time to linger than. D en t waste efforts on the Or explain any more. parkings, though. Raw d a y doesn’t So pack your grips and coma with me promote vegetable growth. There And we’ll hit for a distant shore.” the Stuff resot das- and th at the matta to stop mah I iff 1 »Mi they'd had Electric«, when I wtt a bey” • i *1 was forever tuning the grindstone, churning, or as wine LndKng when I wanted to go swimming, or fishing—nevsr had s chance to net—always milking, cutting feed or grinding com. Electricity has taken the drud- gery out of farm labor. Almost every routine task on the farm, in the dairy or about the house can now be done by a G-E motor in A fraction of .the time formerly re quired and without physical exer tion. Costs less than hiring farm hands, too! Let u s show you how - OREGON POWER CO. Phone 71 lf-170 Hark! Don’t you hear the American gunners? They’re busy with shot and shell; And the first one that sights the known to man, the savings In grder that our soldier boys may vott a t the November election this year, Governor Withyeombe is to be asked to call a special state election a t the same date aS the primary elec tion to vote on an initiative law or amendment that will confer this right upon them. This is in line with what was done in the Civil war when all the men in the field wero permitted to east their votes. But where the vote is close , think how long wa May bo in suspense waiting for the ballots from France. There seam to be lots of people unwilling to do it voluntarily—that is, save wheat and sugar for the ar lies—but one of those days a Hoover deputy I« going to coma around and make them 4» it. Fine and impris onment is liable to be the lot of those who are bound to do ju st as 'they bank book to th s one that will We used to hear a great deal about the to \ dodgers, but tbs war has de veloped an entirely new class—the th rift dodgers. No m atter how loud ly anyone may vaunt his patriotism he b helping the Kaiker if ha insists on Ms old time peace diet regardless of the needs of mu- allies la Europe and of the impossibility of supplying thorn with bread and sugar unless we coeds of the sale of lands within her And yet, in any event, imagination t orders for her own reclamation pur-1 was bound to fall fk t short of the ra- P«**s- I ality. No doubt some of th at spruce - 1----- — ----- - will illuminate the skies of northsast- D raft timaa today aren’t much like I ern France aa they fall Maxing to the those in the Civil war. Then we re-1 earth. What prodigeee of valor and member that a number of young men I daring may be performed with ethers wc knew went to Canada to evade the I as the air sUpa of which they form a call to the'Colors. Now goihg to Can- part are steered ap and down and ev- ada wouldn’t help a little bit, because leu loop the loop to outwit the Huna. Canada and the United States stand In the biasing coals before me what together . -Then our township issued pictures are to be seen of th at war in bends and hired its quota of soldiers the air which may be so waged as to from among the newly arrived immi- put an end to all wars.' grants from Europe. 1 ■. ............. Now mil Europe Is at war and all I If Hoover wasn’t on the job and immigration has ceased. Then there seeing that sugar was economised, we were no restrictions, except those lm-1 should probably be paying to or 40 peoed by a lank pocket book on using I rents a pound for ft and finding H all the white flour and sugar one cared mighty aqgrce at that. Saving sugar to. Then government bonds were I and wheat for oar allies is the way ih sold by men who made a commission which everybody can help to win the on them ; now'the Rod Cram and lib-1 war. The man or woman who isn't w ty Bond worker« receive no pay far I willing to do this b ths worst sort of thoir services. Then it cost lass than 'a slacker. to Get one of account with this bank. I t doesn’t take muck to sta rt an account and it will grew emazingly if you give H at- lis only * cents. In other words, con gress in its inscrutable wisdom has mtacted th at four pounds of mail shall go th at f a r for just half the price that two can be se n t Honestly, wouldn’t you rather take President Wilson’s judgment about any m atter than that of the whole caboodle of senators and representatives who lmve emeshed Uncle Sam in such a snarl of red tape? ______ ‘ * FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Commercial and Saving Deposits OREGON COQUILLE LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete Estimates for all kinds of building GLADLY FURNISHED draft bw . Elght per cent of the 9,684,506 men re giste red undec the selectivo Service b w are colored. Of theee nearly 909,000 heve been cailed and more than 76,000 ha ve been certifled for Service. Out of ovory 100 colorad men cailed, M wera certifled for Ser vice and «4 w e n rejeetad. or dis- cbarged, while out of every 100 white cítisens cailed, 96 wera certifled for handiest these books by opening aa DON’T MISTAKE THE CAUSE. There are said to be people in Ore gon so wanting in patriotism and so utterly selfish that rather than cut down their rations of sugar and white flour they are willing to risk having the Germans do it for them—and then they would probably get the chopped straw and turnip mixture those Ger mans have already been reduced to at in days of trouble. PLEASING THE KAISER. The attack Senator Chamberlain ade on the administration of Preai- two, it seems to os, th at the slacker I dent Wilson in a speech at New York at the fable is a Tittle meaner ban Saturday is one of the most that other slacker, who is bound to heartening things the Kaiser has keep out of tbs army to save his {heard since the victory on the Italian precious hide. troni. Any indication of dissension E gesassese land divided councils among our bad-. Every school teacher is asked by in* men implies th at the division Commercial Club every ’Wednesday the government to volunteer immed- •m#®» Wa enemies for which Ger- evening at 7:S0. iately for urgent and important work A»”? u all the while working is I The Senator’s course indicator that -> ■■ u i , be must be suffering from a bad case The only criticism the Sentinel has of megalomania. Incidentally it re- fa a u k s of the Chamberlain Bill for caU* pronostications we have clearing the title to the Southern Or- >»tely seen in tjrn press and met in egon lands, paying Coos and Douglas o '* private correspondence, that counties the delinquent taxes on them Chamberlain was slated for a place and opening them to entry a t 92.50110 President Wilson’s cabinet If so, an acre, a synopsis of which is else-Ih* has evidently' spilled that kettle os where published, is that only 26 per cent of the net proceeds will go to the —■ - .............. ........ ■ two counties in which the lands are I FROM THE SAME TREES, located, while 40 per cent goes to the The writer has been burning spruce reclamation fund bringing water on millwood mostly in Us fireplace so far soma YOUR ORDER falling. Doan’s Kidney Pills always relieve me of the trouble in my back, put my kidneys in good working order and stop the dizzy spells.” Price 60c a t all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pill*— the same that Mr. B l a c k had. __ , Fostor-Milbum __ Black Co.. M igri., Buffalo, N. Y. will have our special attention E. E. JOHNSON GRAVELY $ a»»PG rw s