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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1918)
Jardinieres from ........... ..........26c to 12.00 Hongin* Baskets. __91.09; $1.26 an4 $1.76 . Vasca . . . .................................25c to $3.00 Flower Bowls with frogs................ 60c te $2.00 ttMlmiteinitMttf Wklffttl Ms 1. O c 2 for 1 5 c MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. W tt GtVfi “Farm Folks“ Neat Friday. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will give a pi “P am Folks,“ Friday evening, February 1st, with the following Cast of Characters Philip Burleigh—A Young New York Business Man..............Hart Dave Weston—A Young Farmer................... Amos Goodwin—A Prosperous Farmer, Flora's. Father,............. ( C oq utile f a t i Belated Credit. Editer Sentinel: A Coquille lady secretary of «he Marshfield club whose Red Gross Christmas ssels wars sold so plentifully in our town. The ex tract which follows is salf explana tory. F. E. E. the Sad rCoss from the proceeds of “I thought you Bight like to know the returns of the mail sale in the last night's performance. The ladies at McKinley have organ Coquills Valley. ised for Bad Cross work—-an auxili “I had bean given to understand thatyw one was sailing in these ary af the Coquills branch. townibefore I sent the letters, so I Hero is s letter from Lieutenant G. suppose the returns cover all that H. Lash, of Portland, to his cousin, was sold in each community. Miss Beatrice Lash, from which ell “If there has been any mistake and who have friends at the front in you should happen to knew of seine Francs whom they would like to re one soiling seals in your town, will member can derive many helpful you explain the situation to them and hints: ask then to write to Mrs. Dunbar, “To begin with, I will answer ques "(the secretary of the Oregon Associa tions. You ask what to send. Ci tion for the Prevention of Tubercu garettes era always welcome, especi losis,) reminding her that both ally in Francs. Beading matter is amounts be credited to CoquilU. The always welcome. Papers like Life, $10 worth ordered by your organisa tion, tiw Coquille Sad Cross, is in cluded in the $32.00 from Coquille. Coquille ......... $32.00 Powers ........................... 17.50 Eandon ..........................................86.50 Bullards Riverton those returns printed in your local papers T They will appear in the Coos Bay papers also. The Red Cross seal campaign was a big success ell over the stats this year, end I am sura it is gratifying to us ell that Coos county has again mors than held up her end." New Classes in Gregg both daj and evening. Special classes in Typewriting with provisions Mme work, We furnish typewriters. We do Letter Writing at a nominal cost Phone us and we will send you a stenographer. do your copying and put out your circular letters. Phone 15 Coquille, Oré. Methodist C hsrch. Do you go to church T If not this church will welcome you. -j Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11 and 7:30. Sub jects: “America’s Place in the World Task," end “What Coquillo Neeos Most." Epworth League at 3 40. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30. It' U planned to make the Sunday evening service a popular community meeting, end of interest to aQ. S. G. Bogan, Pastor. Now is the time to get your seed Homemade candy is always enjoyed. potatoes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A package of plain sweet biscuits There are lots at potatoes in the Notice is hereby given that letters comes in handy and makes a change county, but most of them are just testamentary upon the estate of Wil bread with the users of jam. An common every day potatoes. ber Albee, late of Coos county, Ora- Waa a Unique Wedding. from automatic lighter, one in which a There is no great surplus of No. 1 An interesting wedding took riace piece of frit or punk or something spud» for sale, which are known te be in this city Saturday evening, Janu like that is ignited by flint and shell. of pure variety, smooth, uniform sise, county court of said county. All per ary 12, at 8 o’clock whan Miss Berne Do not send anything which requires true to typo and guaranteed to bo sons having claims against said es Irvine, only daughter of Mr. and M i l gasoline er other absolutely free from any disease. to work with. tate required to present them, Robert H. Irvine, wee united in mar A small pocket spirits searchlight with a If you have- aeed for sale, which St. J tm m Episcopal Church. with ere the proper vouchers, to me at riage te Mr. William A. Kiper, of spark battery. Remember meets the above requirements, we will make the office of W. C. Chase, in the city Portland, Oregon. The ceremony was mid send batteries regularly. the Socks, you of plenty of men who are will There will be Choir Practice to cf Coquillo in said county, within six performed by Rev. 8. G. Rogeis, >wa khaki handkerchiefs, bachelor but tell morrow (Saturday) at 3 p. m. ing to pay you a high price for it. months from the date of this notice. ter of the Methodist church, inter tons, a small penknife, ink tablets, Wo doubt if there is e men in this January 27th. Septuageeima. Luna L. Albee, Executrix of the es preted in the sign language by Mrs. ten tablets. Do not wests year mon county who has for sale any hill se Holy Communion at 8 a. m. tate of Wilber Albee, deceased. Arthur Graham, the bride and groom ey r Sunday school at 10 a. m. on cocos tablets. If you want to lected seed from e high yielding strain Morning Prayer end Sermon at 11 Dated at Coquillo, Ora, January 26, of potatoes. Such seed would also a. m. Subject: “The Church’s War 191&. sell for a very fancy price. few friends. _ ___ —___ This year expect to take up witk Call.” The wedding day had been set at a NOTICE TO CREDITORS. some of the beet potato growers of There will be no Evening Service. later date, but on account of the Beginning on Sunday, February Notice is hereby given that letters the county some demonstration work brother of A s bride, Mr. Lloyd Irvine, e copy of Ufa, the comic supplements, in kill »election, disossa control, etc. 10th a Parochial Miaaion will bo held testamentary upon the estate of W!1 of Powers, having enlisted with ex a small towel or half a bath towel, or If e sufficient tber are interest- for eight days to which everyone is liam Albert Shelly, late of Coos coun pectation of Boon being called to ser with a part of tho newspaper contain ej in the subjeet of botter seed we invited. Further notice will bo given ty. deceased, have been issued to me vies, H was determined to have the ing nows which you think mly inter would like to ses a Potato Growars’ as to details. out of and under the seat of the coun wedding at once. Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, Vicar. ty court of raid county. AH persons Association orgaaised in thia county est the receiver. When possible, do The couple were the recipients of having claim against said estate are wrap your parcel» in paper. Sew to take up the work of producing eer- many handsome and useful gif*s 1 r.ot required to present them, with the Christina Church. tifled seed, co-operative grading, mar them up in some cotton doth. This numb« of -the Indies of the Royal doth comes in handy for deaning keting, etc. proper vouchers, to me at the office of Bible School at 10 a. m. Neighbor lodge, of which Mise Berne mess tins aad so forth. A cheep W. C. Chase, in the city of Coquillo Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sub- has been n faithful member fjr the watch such as a doll« Ingersoll is If you are interestd in trying to Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. in said county, within six months the very beat potatoes possi past two years, gathered at the Ir an invaluable present. In sending produce the date of this notice. ara always in great da Evening Service at 7:30 p. m. Sub- from vine home Wednesday evening as e things be careful to send things which n ble, s nd, which Lydia Lodiacia Skelly, Executrix this office will be plersed to Prayer and Bible Study Meeting of the estate surprise for the bridal pair, ach ere in flat cases. For instance, if you ho« from of William Albert Skel- Wedneaday at 7:80 p. m. you. bringing some pretty gift After ere sending e safety raser do not You are cordially invited to all Dated et Coquille, Ore., January 25, congratulations and a short time send one which will be bulky. Get spent pleasantly in conversation the one in a flat metal earn. Flat, thin Tribute to President Wilson. A. J. Whiddon, Minister. 191A ladies departed. In the New York Sun the veteran «tie*»# are carried easily hi the pock Mise Irvine hue made her home Li or in the haversack. John Burroughs writes: The Celebrated C hristies Science Society. this city with her parents for the et “Soma court' piaster or adhesive pest few years end by her bright and tape is useful, while a bottle of as Woodrow Wilson is a rhetorician Services next Sunday at UiOO a. m. cheerful mann« has made many pirin tablets will be appreciated by only in tho boat and noblest tense, as Wedneaday evening nesting at 8 who knows their uses aad val St. Paul waa, as Napoleon wag, aa o’clock. Awarded Gold Medal Mr. aad Mrs. Kip« left Thursday anyone Lincoln was. There is nothing of Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. ue. To pipe smokers sand a pipe P. P. L E. San Francises, 1915 morning of last weak for Portland a« w mad then, finding out first wether mere sound and fury ia hi» sentence» Free public reading room open er- ' where Mr. Kip« is employed end they prof« a straight or curved stem. —his words ere blows; they are bayo ery day, exeept Sundays sad holidays, 2 to 4 p. m. The strongest and nearest waterproof where they will make their future send them some c le a n e r s .----- net» aad »wor ds, they are branding from Corn« Third end Hall streets. home, followed by the begt wishes of Also Shoes msds for Loggers, Cruisers, irons. They have made the tough- As water la very bad in the battle their many friends. Miners, Sportsmen and Workers. areas sad all over Belgium I would hided and thick-meated Hun writhe Presbyterian Church. suggest that in the summer time you and foam at the mouth ia impotent some lemonade powder so that rage. Their placidity does not con Teaching service from 10 to 11 a. m Where is ydur seed corn. Will you send ho can it up with the water lit his ceal their high seriousness; their Preaching services at 11 sad 7:30. luve to buy or did you raise your bottles, mix taking the taste aad at turning irony does not blur their Morning subject: “How to Come In." own? Ia it in a dry place? Are you the same time away making a more re treed humanitarian ism. His sentence Evening: “How to Stay Out.“ ru n it will grow after you plant it? freshing drink. Before sending the “intolerable thing’’—the ir any about Rev. J. A. McVeigh, pester. Have you tested it yet, and do you responsible | German government—^ know what per cent of it ia of strong worth e whole army corps. “This in Were Well Plenned With Coquille germination. ti ¡arable thing of which the masters Now 1s tho timo to do that little of Germany have shown us tho ugly After returning to Portland here is stunt of seed tasting before tbs rush face, this menace of combined in whet Major Frank B. Edwards, of the Muriate Licensee. of work comes oa in the spring. This trigue end force, which we now see point is important and should not be Jan. 21—Robert Leo Van Fossen so dearly as the German power, a about the w« in Europe, said about neglected, for upon it deponds the suc and Helen Laura Foote, both of Nor thing without conscience « honor or their reception in Coquille: cess or failure of your corn crop. If way. They were married the same capacity far covenanted peace, must “I waa greatly pleased at,Coqlvh, you wish to raise better com this ye« day by Rev. 8. G. Rogers. Jan. 22—Wm. Hackwood aad Sarah A .Crew, both of Powers. I W m h - mony was performed by Justice J. J. by word and deed wherein end wher Stanley. | ever we can bring op * power to bo«. Jaa. 28—Harper Leslie Hale and Tho high function of tbs president of Ray Lenou Dunham, both of Marsh the United States is to meet the on field. slaughts of tho “intolerable thing“ with words that a n a trumpet call te battle. In these crucial times let us forget that we era either Republicans or Democrats, remembering only that we are loyal Americans. ' mitted into the living room where sat the guest* and little Mias Cupid en throned amid a bow« of greenery and pink ribbons, awaiting her, the sur prise was indeed complete. The show« proved a veritable del uge of lovely gifts, proving the sin cere affection in Which Mias Sher wood is regarded. After a jolly evening i t Mrs. Ban- ford’s the company was invited te the Tuttle house, where a most de licious luncheon was served at three large tables, artistic heart-shaped place cards being in evidence. The tables were prettily decorated in pink and green, the bride’s table having additional boqueta of white narcissus. When the enjoyable session in the again invaded tho Sanford home, where music, including a song writ ten expressly for tho bride-elect, was highly appreciated. At a very late ho « tho crowd dis persed, haring spent e moot delight ful evening—one long to bo ramem- The invited guests were the follow ing ladies: Mesdames L. J. Cary, A. 3. Sherwood, J. W. Lenovo, Chas. Bv- land, J. A. Collier, J. A. Lamb, Ed. Lorens, H. N. Lorens, Geo. Lorens, T. B. Currie, C. L. Tuttle, M. J. Hsrtson, Chas. H«lock»r, C. J. Fuhr- man, W. H. Lyons, E. E. Johnson, C. W. Endicott, M. O. Hawkins, H. A. Young, Ida Owen, 3. 8. Barton, A. N. Gould, Chas. Skoals, Jane Wil liams, Aaron Wilson, J. S. Lawrence, P. L. Sterling, Hal Pierce, F. E. Mc Kenna, Bert Folsom, F. W. Jonos and O. C. Sanford and Misses Edna Jame son, Mery Davenport, AlHe Phillip#, Clare Sherwood and Edna H«lock«; Meedamee L. A. LUjaqriat aad Fred Slagle and Mias Ella Walshooe, U Marshfield; Mrs. Iris Elrod, of North Bond; Meedamee 3. Stanley Don«, Cal Slagle and T. H. Mahl, of Van couver, B. C.; Mrs. R. H. Cake, of Portland, and Mrs. C. A. Howard, of Seed Potatoes. Gregg Shorthand Touch Typewriting - — Bookkeeping BergmannShoe