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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1918)
” : '* ' I T. M Y R T L E P O IN T Û To nat lea you will if you try i vegetable#. We know appetining garden produce. r*, ^ v-i _ _. T ¡sly I ' We Have Fresh Supplies Daily o f all the vegetables in season and you will never be dis appointed with their taste, flavor, or sweet freshness. As for our prices; you will admit that they are no higher than you pay for common truck. Phone 251 W. H. LYONS First National Bank Building LESPER1NE INTRODUCTORY OFFER The Safe and aw e antiseptic 25c package FREE! W ith any Fountain Syringe Purchased Next Week at $1.60 or more This ideal antiseptic is composed o f non-posinous ingredi ents which are as efficient as caustic formulas and are not aa severe on the tissuee. M AXIM UM FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Made by hand o f the beet quality Pure rubber—a full ca pacity two-quart bag with overlapping seama. Trifly r$i»- ftr tti. Extra rapid flow tubing, four pipea and screw at tachm ent The pipea are o f chocolate rubber to match the bag. The syringe built for service. Guaranteed for two years. Price, 92.25. SYMBOL FOUNTAIN SYRINGE One o f the best values on the m arket Moulded from one piece o f rubber. Has a plain surface, high gloes finish making it sanitary and easy to keep clean. Equipped with a five-foot tube, patent shut-off, and hard rubber attach m ent Moat popular size—two quarts. Guaranteed one year. Price $1.60. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy » Coquille, Ore. “ Waste Not Your Time!” W e will make your time valuable by coming to ns for your Hay, Grain, Flour and Mill Feeds 1 g Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fire Bricks and Clay - - 4» Direct Transferring from River Beat te Railroad Located: “Where Rail and W ater Meet” P hone 101 Kay,, and H u n t Warehouse Co. WITH EXPERT EYES « « scrutinize «neh part o f the auto sent here for repairs. Even i f ws have to take the entire mechanism apart we keep on until we find the canee o f the trouble. Ones found, our pie equipment and hi such work make the repair ing sure and thorough. COQUILLE GARAGE, A A Prell, Prep- the Port- last Saturday s ear o f is. He says there are plenty left far the home butchers and he knows whore they are. > Stella Alban tor now mistress o f the Millar ice cream parlor. Mias Leila Miller, o f Coquille, came up and took it over from W alter MUler who had H for about a year. It le new put in fire shape and new faces are behind tha counter. Bert Allen is now the manager of the pool hall reading room ana rest place of H. B. Steward. You wil. know him whoa you see him Wm. Caadlin. unj,vl c f commerce, does not sometimes wait fo r the car*. He has no wings but he can walk and he does ■ against time. One o f the Grammar school boys whs would like to see the outside of this county did not plan rightly fo r he was intercepted and brought back to his eighth grade studies and in the round up ho got spanked. When P rof Nosier does not do it. P rof. Barnhart j — i da sn u e y -g o od -M i, * The Pacific Drug Qo. is leaving us. They are packing and will sMp large stock to North Bend where the proprietors have another store with a trade one man cannot handle, and proper help Is scarce. So Mr. Fearn- ley will take this stock and Join Ms partner, Don Snyder, and properly conduct the two in one more econom ically and profitably. These gentle men while here have established themselves in the good opinion o f M yrtle Point and It is with regret we see Mr. and Mrs. Fearnley Isavs at this time. Their leaving will be felt in every sense o f good citisensMp a loss. Frank Fish, the railroad tie man o f Rock creek up the Middle Fork, is in this week fo r a load o f supplies. He has other interests but the tie busi ness is now paramount. A lot o f the ties are held up by a fa ll in the river, and meantime he is developing a rich gold mine which he owns nearby. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gary have a baby and Just like the other one they have, it is the finest ever. The neigh here say it looks ju st like John. If •ho were a boy there would be pros pects o f her being "Judge Gary,” but even now it receives great honors for the high school will name this scion c f the Gary branch o f good Ameri cans. P rof. Gary is at present teach ing "the young idea how to shoot” and the young ideas are coming close to his home. W alter MUler who conducted the confectionery on the north side for past year, located Me fam ily at the center o f Spruce and Second and en tered the employ o f the Smith-Powers Co. in Camp 7. A few days later while walking a trestle end feeling that he would faU, he jumped at a height of about 20 feet. He was severely in jured and will be-laid up for several weeks. Earl Corbin went out to world the first o f the year and got as far as Ssn Francisco but soon re turned for, like Noah’s dove, he found no rest for the soles o f his feet. He saw the numerous James fam ily, who were here at one time in the steam boat business and reports them all "skookum.” Crawford Annin was out Sunday with some of his school fello# s when one o f them threw a lassoo from a horse and caught Crawford’s foot, which jerked him in such a mar that Ms collar bone was broken. A very active boy has to lie very quiet. Dr. Pemberton is in attendance. Mrs. Ida E. Harris is would be pleased to be placed on the subeertp. tion list o f the Coquille Valley Senti nel. She has been reading her neigh bor’s but now wants her own. Her P. O. box is 262. Orin Johnson, who lives on the Joe Mayes place and alone, is said to be very ill. He la quite an old man but has good neighbors. There have been cares where people didn’t like their neighbors. A picture o f L H. Pearce in Ms aviation suit has been received by Mrs. Pearce. He w ean a Glengarry cap and looks fine. Joseph Mitchell, who recently here from Idaho with his fam ily and bought the Root acreages, is building him self s house with Percy Peel, the chopper, as head carpenter. Dr. O. H. Clarke removed tonsils and adenoids for Mrs. E. Slingsby, o f Catching creek, last week. The service was performed fo r Mrs. Bart lett Jr. In there measly, scarlet fever, diph theria times, it is well to know that a white flag means measles; red mean searlet fever; and green, diphtheria. Lawrence Machado, youngest soa o f the late Jason D. Machado, left Tuesday morning for San. Francisco where he will join his sister Mrs. George Shelley is now the preprictor o f the Spencer A Shelley store at Powers. There are a few flags but going f a h ONION SETS 3 lbs. for 25c Won’t last long at that price SPECIAL Pickled Fork in Brine 27 l-2c lb. Fancy mackerel 15c lb. PEAN UT BUTTER 5 lb. tin $1.00 SPECIAL SPECIAL Hominy, largo cans 10c 20c Bartlett pean CHESTER RAISINS per pound 10c Peaches- 17c Apricots 21c “— UBj I leW Bit AUNT JEMIMA pancake flour pkg. 16c AUNT JEMIMA .___ buckwheat flour pkg. 15c their COFFEE YOUR CHOKE , COFFEE Ü Galvanized pails Hite, net Wt. Milk pails ” ” A high grade steel cut coffee; a bargain—try it. Grey Seed Oats Blue Stem Wheat Valley Club ftl Wfc W hite Oats 1 Red Clover Crimson Clover W hite Clover mi Aisyke Rye Grass Busy Comer Grocery Coquille, Oregon Front and C Streets Phones 691 and 641 This time o f year the board Jump ers are busy. The landlord keeps them at it. Elmer Bell has brought in 100 bunches o f new turnips, five cents a bunch and they are all gone. L. W. Pears, o f Floras Creek, is in with his usual good humor and stories we had not heard before. A ll’s well on Floras. The Rev. M. L. Anderson. Pres byterian minister, last week exchang- td pulpits with W . H. Smith, o f Baa- don. There will be special musk at the Presbyterian church here next Sunday evening. Andrew Houge is holding his own against sickness aad we hope to hear c f Ms eventual recovery. Mr. Anderson, 90 years o f age, father o f Mrs. Jim Stinson, is report ed ill, past recovery. The city council says that all houses now must be connected up with the sewer system o f the city. Nc excuses to be accepted. The Junior choir now sings morn ings in the Methodist church. Mrs. Dr. O. H. Clark Is director. Little Lyla Holloway turned over *3.71 in interest o f the Junior Red Cross. George Tonney, our C. E., with Dr. O H. Clark inspected the city water works Wednesday, finding all in fair condition. Otoe o f their horses fell and broke the buggy pole in six pieces —but they rode home. Rev. L. H. Eby is here now conduct ing special meetings fo r the Church o f the Brethren. Services began Tuesday and will continue indefinite- E. A. Roberta, o f Ediaon, who with hi* fam ily cam# here last summer and to stay If he liked this country, liked it but is called back by bust- boss and Iw and fam ily leave this week for their old home, but expect to return here where they like the climate, the soil and the people. C. C. Carter is walking dreum - spacUy. There is a big, vicious boil on the back o f his neck. How could he help itT Have you had one? Mrs. Wade, living in Myrtle Point, is pleased to learn o f her son’s pro motion in our army somewhere in France from sergeant to quartermas ter. She knows he’s a good boy. Irriny Cribbons Is in town and looks as well as anyone with his head nearly covered with cotton. The doc tor did it. He says K is "boil on the eye." Four Myrtle Point men took prises at the Corvallis shows fo r corn and potatoes. They are Wm. W eekly, S. 8. Reed, C. H. Bryant and J . a W hit tington. Mr. Ford is again employed fo r the year by the Coos and Curry Counties Dairymen’s Association. Attorney Claud H. Giles is employ ed fo r the current year as — t—»nan by the Coos and Curry Cheese-mak ers. Mr. Giles is at present in San Francisco earing for the Association's interests. Some D raft Decisions W e find an interesting »tory in the ilies under a Eugene date line, which gives some pretty »traight tips aa to how the district exemption boards are handling request» for ex em ption: The district exemption board has paassd 4m two questionnaires which created some interest, both being from Corvallis. One was that of W alter Hill Cline, leading merchant o f Oorvallia, whose exemption was asked on the grounds that he is nec- m ry to the business life o f the ns. President Kerr, o f O. A. C., is one o f the many prominent Ben ton county men who signed affidavits in the effort to secure a deferred classification fo r Ctyne. The board unanimously refused to grant the plea. Cline la unmarried and worth $ 260 , 000 . Dr. Henry Joseph Anderson, of Corvallis, also asked deferred classi fication because o f dependents. Mrs. Anderson has property valued, in the questionnaire, at $24,000. Her property brings her $644 per year in- me. Her mother lives with her. Mrs Anderson has bean fo r the past year acting as general obstetrical and surgical assistant to her husband. A m ajority o f the board dacided they could w orry along on her income and Mrs. Sarah Robbins was in town what he would bo able to aend her, thoroughly recovered from especially as he could probably soon ■•cure transfer to the medical corps the great need o f surgeons. The board also sent a long letted to the faculty o f the Oregon A gricul- trrnl college, taking the position that no member o f the faculty or students would be given deferred classification unless engaged in work that could not be done by a man over draft age « by a women, and In work which was helping to produce food or some thing needed to m eet the present emergency. The board holds that a r **i*n n t is not necessary to an ag ricultural enterprise when he can be piaeed to permit Mm to gw away •**" » «* o o l o fs g - O" t™ investigating matters commoted with Indhn allotm ent, to t ^ s p u t h e a r t r f* ^ . It is reported *oW to U ut CrJItag °* ,ndUn >n»d has been — Bandon W orld. W far $ 1 . 00 .