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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1918)
H ' : y - * FORSELECH * ». » » -n-; FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. PA G E S IX = Neu 11 Neü a Boards Appointed by the *ty Coart fa r A l tha 88 ' The follow in g are the member» o f the election boards o f Ceos county appointed a t the January masting o f the County court. In every cnee the first name is that tbs chairm an o f the board, the second that o f the other judge end the rem aining three the clerks. I t w ill be noted that most o f the city precincts w ill have n second board: Precinct Neu 1 L ekooldo Chao. St. Donnie, Carl Sckroeder, Jaa Cowan, Ida V iola M agee, M yr tle V . M iller. N a. 2 Tem pleton W . F . Bo wren, W illiam McCulloch, Emma L ig g ett, George W alker, A l; bine Roberto. Neu 2 N orth Sloagk Oscar Ohman, Cheater R. Bear, Grace H. Bear, Annie. A . Olson, A u gusta M. Ohman Nau 4 Haynes Sleagh M. H. Reiher, A lfre d Lundstrom, G reta Moosen, M ary H art, A u le M. Peterson. N a. 8 Allegan y W alter Stull, Samuel A . Cparo, Thee. Porter, M. D. Price, Ludw ig Noes. N a. 8 Ken tuck Sleagh A . O. KJellsnd, Ernest C. Lloyd, Gertrude Kingston, J. G. W iley, C. E. Brown. No. 7— WiUsach Sleagh V ictor H . Stauff, J. R. Rand, Carl W. Johnson, A . A . Ray, J. E. W alker. i* McLeod, R . H. Hull, F . W . Wood, :**• Second Board— John A . D oria, H. J , Fackle*; Edna Hartman, Jonnio W . G regory, Savarin .Regatad. „ No. U North Bend Central Polar Loggia, J. W . Groat, Iaabollo Brainard, Dorothy L K iblor, Lolio M ay Holm or Second Board— Arthur H. D e n shire, Charleo P . McCullom, N ellie J. Philip, WUhelmina Kaiser, Katharina Monde. > if ^ . * y jïe É B fô V : i - , ». r,i r , .* ; Na. 12 Norm___ ____ T z TTTT The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society - H IBERNIA BANK IN C O R P O R A T B D 188« O F F I 6 Z is t e r a n d J o n es 8AN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA S t s . $ Assets Na. 18 N orth Bsad North E . M. Shriver, C. M. Byler, Jen- nie L . Hexer, Jennie A llen , August H oelling. Second Board— R. L . Gavanaugh, John H. Greves, C lara M, Falken- stein, In a s ' E. Evens, Elisabeth K. H oelling. Is Like Finding Money T h e Coquille V alley Sentinel for O N E Y E A R and the O regon Farm er for T H R E E Y E A R S , all for $1.50 E V E R Y SU B SC R IB E R . paying $ 1 .5 0 in advance for the Sentinel, from this date until further notice, will re ceive the coining 52 issues o f the Sentinel and 156 issues o f the W eek ly Oregon Fanner for that am ount THIS IS THE GREATEST Club O ffer we have ever been able to present to the farm ers o f the Coquille Valley and we believe many o f them will be glad to take advantage of it. M ail us the $1.50 if you are a new subscriber or are already paid in advance, for the Sentinel and we w ill do the reet.' I f you are in arrears on the Sentenel, send ns enough to cover that at the same time, and yon will receive both papers for the time specified— the Sentinel for one year and the Oregon Farm er for three years. $ 1.50 208 PAPERS FOR ONLY $1.50; TWO FOR PRICE FO ONE Send All Orders to H. W. Y oung, C oquille, O r e g o n _ 0» -JrË m - : , ' C. A . Smith, F . E. G lasier, Mrs. Ida Thomas, Miss Rosa E. Livingston, Mrs. E. A . Rose. Second Board— G. A . Perkins, P . N . Re berg, E. T . C offelt, Genevra A . Arm s, E lla E. Gi Neu 14 Geo. W atkins, Geo. W itte, Jennie W. H all, Wanda Germond, Maud B .1 W atkin s.. N a. 18 Eaetaide N orth Alonso Henmenway, R. A . Nass, B. M a r k et , M c A ll L. Arnot, M. L. Hunt, W . L. W a lk er.' — Nau 18 KaetaUe Booth C. P . Keating, L. W ilde, G en evieve' F. Beck, Minnie M cLaggan, Mrs. Jean Brown. — Nau 17 M ankfleld North N A 1 A . E. Diment, Louis T . Sweetman, Ruth L. H arris, M adge B arry, M rs. Edith A . Irish. Second Boar d— David Jones, E r- ( mine S. M otley, Josephine G etting, = ■ = = 8. Reid, Geo. N . Geo. W eis teed, Helen Doble Nash- B. Sudden, burg. Bolt. Neu 18 M erakleM North N o. 2 | Second Board— Arthur S. Blan- D. L . Rood, Jaa. H. Flanagan, E lla chard, Thomaa Coke, Edna Asplund, M. Rood, Ellen B. Rudnas, Annie Lillian M. Curtiss, M yrtle Gulovson. Smith. I N A 22 Marshfield South Neu 2 I Board— Geo. A . Bennett, Jea. T . Byars, Edw. A . H arris, Em- H cnry H oggins, Francis McLeod, ma L. H arris, W in ifred G. Robertson, A lice M cLain, Frank P . Norton. E llen E. K elley. Neu • Em pire Neu 18 M arsh!eld Central No. 1 | Second Board— las. Bennett, A u g- G. G. Hockstt, Geo. W . Jackson, R. C. Cerdas, 8. B. Cathcart, Jan- ust Friseen, Eva L. Dresser, Belva Ann!# W ickmsn, Helen Hockett, M a e M. H all, N ellis A . Owen, Pearl Flanagan, A n eita Grannla. bel C. G etty. R iley Owra. I « Na. 28 South Slough Neu 8 North Bead Want Second Board—Geo. M. Black, R. T . ' C. M. Rhodes, E. B. Anderson, Roy J. C. Young, Geo. M. Sella, Emms Kaufman, H arry J. Kim ble, Ida P . W iggin , Ernest Johnson, Ralph Bar- E. Culbertson, H attie Cousins, M ary J. Chappell. ■ ■ 70 , 965 , 421.80 Brockm uller, D aisy Codding, Maude C. D ufort, Carrie Chatburn, M yrtle F erguson, Bello McClure. Second Bond— H erbert Brown, E l Geo. Roes, W illiam Eiekworth, Jo bert D yer, Dorothy B arr*, Caroline sephine Bessey, H. 8. Bonebrake, Ida E. Bedillion, S ylvia Lenove. Matson. E lgin L. Strader, Kenneth Perkins, Neu 27 Coes R iver E. L . D exter, J. A . Smith, Sarah A . Ada A . Pish, Blanche Faulds, M ary Yoakam , Oscar Carlson, Annie M or Lockwood. Second Board— Chas. H. Chandler, gan. Ph il W . Pearson, Adelaide E. P ear Neu 28 Burton T . G. Barker, Russell, Sage, E lla son, Minnie Chandler, Daise D. Dark. Nou 48 Parkersburg P. W illey, Lew is Sage, Joan F its- Jas. T . Jenkins, H . J. Banks, Clara garaU. B. Sloan, Cora A . Topping, J. F . Auer. Neu 28 Samner N * 88 Lam ps O. N . W ilson, Wm, H. Norton, E dgar Bean, John M. Long, Sam M ary Smedberg, O live Richards, Tar- Clinton, T . H. Hanly, W . J. W hite. Keu 81 N orw ay Percy G. Sc brooder, W m . H . Stauff, Sarah A . McClockey, Edith LaM ar, M argaret Aasen. Second Board— John D. Carl, E . E. Hampton, Bessie Schroeder, N ettie H alter, J. F . Schroeder. Neu 82 F ea r M ile Chas. T . Blum eorother, Jas. F . A l- umbaugh , Grace Ensign, M ary C. Pom eroy, M innie E . Perdue. N o. 88 Catching Creek M Isaac Barklow, J. B. Lu ttrell, John A . Preesler, Thoe. R oot, C. H . Bath- Gilman, D ella M. Lund, Maud L Brockman. Neu 28 Dora _ F. A . Baker, Z. T . Young, E thel Laird, Inas Easton, K . E. M arcy. Neu 2 « M issouri (F a irv te w ) J. D. Bennett, J. L . Crosby, M rs. M. B. B right, Sophie T . M e re «), Mabel Minard. Claud Clinton, No. Frank Neu 84 M yrtle P oin t N orth C. A . H arrington, R. H . Bryant, J. A . Parrish, F lora M . Laird, Lois P. Giles. Second Board— K . H . Hanson, E. Schneider, H. A . Guerin, Lena M. Schneider, Clara M. Craw ford. No. 88 M yrtle Paint South E. C. Roberts, M ary E. K innkutt, Ethel E. Dodge, Agn es K . Mabel D em ent No. 87 Lea ston W . Laird, E. A . Dodge, C. W . W aters, Mack Baker, Ruby Fensler, Catham E. H oling. Maud M a st N ora Lew is. No. 88 S u garleaf 28 Canaille North W est & S. Darnell, C arl Belial, Grace Burkholder, Geo. Goodman, R deliffe Peel, Mrs. Jessie Huntley, 'Ruth M ary Wade. N o. 87 Enchanted (B rid g e ) C. S. Murphy, J. G. Houser, F lo r ence Jennings, M ary E. Price, Opal L. Barker. Brewster V alley. The A rtistic N e e d le w o rk s « dub m et a t the heme o f M r*. A . Christen sen Thursday afternoon, the 10th o f January. I t being the beginning o f a new year the dub officers w ere in stalled. Phobia H arry was elected president; M ildred Laird, vice presi dent; Fannie A lfo rd , m onitor; M yr tle Christensen, secretary, and S tella C row ley, reporter. D elicate refresh ments w ere served a t 8:80, consisting o f potato salad, chicken sandwiches and hot coffee. Plane o f w ork w efs discussed, including the k n ittin g o f socks and com forts fo r tbs soldiers ns m eet o f the members b d on g to the Red Cross. There being no other business the m eeting adjourned n$ 4 o ’clock end e ll went home w ishing w e could have m ore o f these pleasant a f ternoons. N ex t m eeting w ill be Jan. 24th a t M rs. H ilda D arrels.’ . Thoe. O. Krswson has gone to Pow ers to run one o f the donkey engines fo t tbs loggin g camp and his w ife * w ill fo llo w in e fe w days, ns soon as he secures a house. Ed Abernathy’s saw m ill is running at fu ll M ast cu tting road lumber, lo cal orders and lumbar fo r the new bridge across the E ast Fork a t O. M. Dun-els’ piece. ^ The w ork on the bridge is progressing n icely under the supervision o f F . A . Baker. _ Ernest Krewson and w ife have moved back to the va lley a fte r being absent several months w here he has been w orking in a lo g g in g camp a t M cK inley. W e are glad to see th eir sm iling faces in our little va lley again. H e cornea to put In the crop on the ranch he has rented from E . N . H arry. Ed Bushnell and son, Ned, w ere over from Boston, Douglas county, a fs w days ago. H s came to buy a horse end having secured one from J. D. Laird, returned the next day. He says his son, Archie, who Was hurt a fe w weeks ago in an autom obile acci dent, is recovering and w ill soon be •b le to return to F t Stevens, where ho was in training, j The school is progressing nicely under the direction o f M iss M innie T a ylo r from Tenn. Four months have already passed. Wanda H arry, teacher from M c K in ley end Mason W ilcox made q fly . in g visit to the home o f her fath er, E. N . H arry, Saturday, returning Sunday. Na. 88 Rowland (P o w ers) Sam A . H a ll, R. P . Carman, H arriet O. Holcomb, Ellen Varney, H « m i j. Matthews. Second Board— R. L . M orris, T . 8. tic Leslie, Tracy Leach, Florence Zimmerman, A lice H arrington, E llen Irene Jones, Laura C. Brandon. Sheehan, M. E. Raymond. Neu 41 Coquille South East _ L J* T h r ift Edwin H. Kern, B elle H enry Charlton and Jess Cotton T . Lowe, M yrtle Knowlton, Vesta R. have returned home a fte r being ab Boyrie. sent several months w ofld n g in a lo g Second Board— H. L. Johnson, W . g H. Schroeder, M ary A . Pierce, A . O. last week, makes it evident that the in g camp a t Broadbent ■. F « _A Baker is su ffering from an W alker, Bonnie W alker. offleials preparing it should have It attack o f muscular rheumatism, be No. 42 Riverton revised and corrected, says the Coos E. Mu Peterson, J. B. R. Shelton, Bay Tim es, which adds, “ It contains ing confined to his home the last few days. Cora Richardson, L illia n Steward, not only the names o f m any who have J. Albina is home a fte r being ab- Catherine McGee. le ft the county to im t f th eir homes Neu 42 Prosper “ w in r wood * t elsewhere but also the names o f many R. W . Bullard, E. W . Fahy, Ruby who have died. It is to be hoped M cK inley end G ravel Ford w ith his wood saw. L. Falter, Girda Pederson, B ertell P. they w ere good men and true but they W edding belie ere rin gin g, Hoxie. can no longer serve in m eting out g e t your old tin cane and Neu 44 Baadoa South W eet justice or disentangling the ready. C. B. Zeek, R. C. McKinnie, Rent Mare, H. E. Beak, O ra M. TurnbuU. Second Bond— E. H . Divelbisa, Rob ert E. Buck, Erm a B oyle, (H ive But ton, V ictor Brener. Na. 48 Beads « N orth W ent Geo. M a ciet Chris Nora Morrison, Joint N . Langlois, E. W . G allier. Second Board— J. H. Jones, F . L. G reenough, H enry C. Dipple, H arry •with o f P ort O rford, and are now H u n t O. A . Trow bridge. running a location line north towards Na. 48 Bsndea N orth Boat ~ Lpaglois.— P ort O rford Tribune. A f J i Hartm an, W . D. M arshall. John Neilson, J. W . M a s t Rebast W . Coveil. Second Board—Joseph H. H Galling 100 for $ L 0 ft