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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1918)
The «aid monetary »took (cota and MUaa aaad m money) to the United State* on Noveeabor I, 1917, ia ea- tkrated in Secretary McAdoo’a an nual report at $8,041,600,000. The in creaao in the paat 10 month» haa been $174,600/100, and in the paat throe year* $1«2*6,600,000. In fie* year, the portion of the world'a gold mone tary Block held by the United Statoe haa tncreaaod from approximately c no-fifth to more than one-third. Borkman, who violated tha law, claiming that it was not valid, have each bean sentenced to a year in jail and to pay a $10,000 fine. Thor* are plenty of others in this country who are trying to help Germany by arson aad other erfaaos, who deesr vs oven wore* than tha Goldman woman got for several miles out from the shore —a very rare occurrence—and the farmer* are sitting up nights with their potatoes to keep them from freezing. And here potatoes have been growing ia the open ground for weeks and am now nearly a foot high while cattle find abundant pasturage on the range and the aspect of tbo country is that of tho meadows in mid-April rather than midwinter. Last fall w* read about tho fuel conservation department s* Washing ton which during tho semi-tropical days of October eras keeping a big building so hot that ovary window had to bo kept open, at aa outlay for War credits extended to foreign as great as would have bean governments since tho United Statoe coal in midwinter. Aad we not* entered tho war total $4^*6,400,000. needed that each weak bom clerks he Wash Of this Great Britain received $2/MK,- ington keeping busy sending out 000; France, $1^000,000; Italy, tons of are of needless letters $600,000,000; Bornia, $*26,000,000; to every thousands in tho country. Belgium, $77,400,000; Serbia, $4,000,- Too many newspaper men are nursing noodles» 000 . - jobs when rial conservation demands that they all gut busy producing something tho country and its allies sorely need. amounted to 41 millions. Six hun dred per cent annual income on an in vestment as Inrgo as that and as se cure, certainly looks pretty good. Tho lid ia off her* now and tho fad- oral food commission gives notice that everybody in Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, California aad Oregon can oat nil tho moat they want providing they will carefully refrain from pork and nil hog product* on Tuesdays and Saturdays—also for one meal on the other days. In other words people her* most eat all the earns as the Jews for II meals a week. Nothing will oo quickly atop the turning of ammunition factories and food depots In this coantry by enemy aliena as the hanging of a few of tho Kaiser’s agents caught rod handed in that nefarious business. It is high time for tho American government to toko drastic action, aad save the army and food of American soldiers, even though o few Welter »poer- melna do hove to stretch hemp. According to tho records of tho co lectivo Service, country boye do not show much phyeteal superiority over thooo of tho cítiso. For parpóse af com psrison saleetion wss moda of eit- lea of 40,000 to 600/100 population, and n correspooding set of countioo of tho samo total oteo. In tho phyeteal ezamtnation» 28.47 por cent of tbo dty boyo wer» rejocted, as against 27.96 por cent of tho country boye. an .incere a Iowa of coantry. aad giv ing aa much of their manna aa any claaa of people to suppqyt the gov MUST USB POTATOR ernment ought to rS«! Samuel G. In r-g *— A the feed Blythe’, article on “Dive, and the nc unces that it ia goinj Demagogue.” ia the Saturday Eve use of a certain perce* ning Poet of Jan. 12. And thooe newapapora which, in view of what thaoa men are doing to aid that.* coantry, arc now advocating the con- flacatioa of private aatataa for the na tional needs, are doing their bit to help the Kaiaer conquer the world. * TRET.DON'T FEEL THAT WAY. The military maatora of Germany have maintained an attitada of aa* turned groat contempt for America’* war preparation* and America’* par ticipation in the war. The Kaiaer, An electric motor can Hindenburg, and Hertling have all voiced thia contempt. Tat there are lift anything. Let us tell you how evidence* in plenty that ia fear of America’* entry in fore* into tha war next apring Germany ia meaning tre mendous force* on the western front, is preparing to hurl masses at mon lifting mortgages offhundreds into the jaws of death in a desperate of farms throughout the country. effort to reach a conclusion before tha might of America becomes effec tive. Tha taro Liberty Loans in thia coan try no doubt had a great psychologi cal effect upon the German mind. The ease with which the tremendous sums of money were raised, the enthusiasm of tha workers and of the subscrib ers and of, indeed, the whole nation, and the heavy oversubscription to both loans are evidences that cannot be disregarded that tha American peo ple are in earnest, that they are be hind the American Army aad the American Government, and are will ing to make the sacrifice*, required and known to man, tha savings to support to tha utmost our Nation bank book is the one that at war. will soma in handiest in That money talks ia aa old proverb, and the voice of the billions of dollars days of trouble. Get one of representing the First and Second Wo are not naked to go hungry— Liberty Loans was heard acmes the yet. There are plenty of substitute sea and carried conviction even to the graine—corn, barley and oats amoag them. The ninety million bushels about to bo shipped to Europe will bo OUB MEN NEEDED IN FRANCE followed by other millions of bushels From an old Kansae friend, who re cently returned from e trip to Europe where be had unusual opportunities for learning about conditions on the western front, w* learn that it is expected there will bo 600,000 or 600,- 000 American troops in Franco by spring; by midsummer there should bo at least a million and most of them on the firing Une. But he can-' veyed one very disquieting piece of COQUILLE OREGON information end that was that there were French regiment* which, before the Americans entered tha war had lost their nerve and determined not to continue any longer a fight which they deemed hopeless. No one could question their valor, for they had doae all that men could do in tha fighting before that time; ami since the Sammies began to arrive they have recovered their pop. Still, we had never imagined that any portion of tho French army had cosn* so hoar going to pieces as the Russian troops did entirely and the Italians partially. GOOD NEWS. Certainly we did not get into thia war a moment too toon; but now that we are in we all fully realise that we are there to see the finish. Our weight added to that of the anise is going to bo enough to win tho war—and tho more heartily we stand behind our soldiers and our government, the fow- or American Hvas will be sacrificed and the quicker will victory perch up on our banners. It is so true no to bo self evident, that it win coot us leas to win tbs war now timn it would to loco it KERR WAS SQUARE The doubts that arise In some quar ters as to tho integrity and square have always given groat satisfaction dealing of President W. J. Kerr, of O. I couldn’t recommend them too high A. (X, most nil fads away before the ly.” Price 60c a t all dealers. Don’t statement of tho facto in the case by simply for a kidney remedy—get the Beard of Regents of that institu Doan’s ask Kidney Pills— the same that tion- It is aa wo thought probable Mrs. Stratton had. Footor-lUlburn at tho time tho daaial of the regents Co, M fgrs, Buffalo, N. Y. of tho Kansas Agricultural College that they had offered Dr. Kerr a $»,-, 000 salary to come to Manhattan wore first published. They had not made an outright offer but were no doubt GRAVELY* feeling him out to see if he would ac cept such an offer. What Dr. Kerr *t*t*d to the O. A. C. regents was that ha was “being considered” for the presidency of another position but that he had not boon elected to E Boards do not usually elect presidents until they are assured that the pref erred honor will be accepted. Wows no reason on account of anything that has occurred in connection with Dr. K errt course in this matter to hold hhn in ony lose esteem than hereto fore. Tho Sunflower state wanted him and was bidding high for hhn. Oregon tolt that she could not af- G-E Electric Motors are OREGON POWER CO LUM BER Our Retail Stock Is Complete Estimates for all kinds of building GLADLY FURNISHED YOUR ORDER will have our special attention THE PLUTOCRATS ARB PARIOTS There are some people who per haps naturally think that because so many of the plutocrats of the busi ness cantors on the eastern coast got their groat wealth by shady moans Of cours* there hay* been, as there always will be, men who ears only to fatten off their country’s necessities in times like this; but that there Is any such sentiment or purpose now amoag tho millionaire* of Wall street They are giving their own servies* to tho government in hundreds of In stances without - any compensation whore they could continue to on joy income* of from $28,000 to $60,000 a year by drawing their old corpora tion salaries. Mar* than this, they A