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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1918)
| Patriotic Work in the Schools. Harry Lauder, who lost a sen hi The •ducitiontl department of the the war two years ago—Capt John state of Oregon has decided to make Lauder, of the Argyll and Sutherland a big thrift campaign in the schools Highlanders—writes thus in the Am a t this state and School Superinten erican Magasina about a recent visit dent Raymond E. Baker, of Coes coun ty, has taken hold of the work in ear- to the weetarn front: neat. This week he has been mailing “I spent many days fat the trenches, circulars to the teachers of the ¿aun in the rest-camps, the hospitals, and ty requesting the co-operation of ev in the surrounding towns, and the ery teacher. He insists that daily meat definite impression I carried lessons in food conservation shall be sway was one concerning the spiritu given and says “what ere wish to have al atmosphere which surrounds the appear in the life of the nation most Preach sad English soldiers hi be put into the lives of the school France. I talked with some of these children. Let us strive to have every men for boors at n time about their pupil in Coos county become a credit experiences in battle, about ' their or of the United States Government thoughts of homo, about their feeling Let us put Coos county at the top or toward the enemy, but the one thing the list" I came away with, above all other im- Accompanying this circular he fur preesions, was the conviction that ev nishes blanks which every teacher Is ery single one of these men, no mat expected to fill out and send in with ter what manner of life he had lived the monthly reports with the follow before, now postpone a calm, dear ing information: MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop. conviction that if he falls in the thick No. of Liberty Bonds/ owned by of the fight, he will pass into the life teachers. No. of Liberty Bonds owned by pu- “'That's why we take such chances,' pile. man told me simply. ‘Do yon Amount invested in Liberty Bonds Considerable feeling was aroused onq, think for a moment that if we thought ownfd by teachers. here last Friday afternoon when it Amount invested in Liberty Bonds We do better writing at a nominal cost. owned pupils. . _ j __.------ ------- than the earthly body we possess, we Although I grew my soft, warm wool of the tour of the Canadian officer* would fight with such confidence and No. by of War Saving Certificates Expressly for n Sammy, in this state wanted to begin the eagerness ? We would not be able ($6.00 denominations) owned by Phone 15 A lady bought it, I have heard, meeting here at 6 o’clock and dose at because we would be doing every teachers. (And asay the fool fiends get her!) half past sevan, so as to return to to, thing in our power to preserve this No. of War Saving Certificates She took my patriotic wool Marshfield early in the evening, not life of oars. But seeing men die ns ($6.00 denominations) owned by withstanding they had bald a meeting I have seen them, I know better than pupils. there the previous evening. Indeed, to disbelhre a future life. And be Amount invested in War Saving there was talk of attempting to catch cause we hate in no fear of death, every Certifies tee owned by teachers; by pu The following, received by Miss the Dispatch at Bandon and call off one of us flings himself the bags pils. Clare Sherwood, chairman of the lo the advertised excursion to Coquill*, and on to the Huns with over a fierce, al No. of pupils owning Thrift Stamps cal branch of the Bed Croes, speaks as it was evident the boat could nut most savage joy. We are almost foi itself, and will be of interest to reach hare uatil too lata for the meet Japanese in our fatalism, and because Amount invested by school. Red Croes workers: tag if that program was carried that spirit is sweeping among our We have your letter of Jan. 10th It developed finally that there was men we are going to win this war. don’t believe it possible that men IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE and we wish to acknowledge receipt to be a dance at Marshfield that night We who go into battle, knowing that they STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR of hospital supplies. The number of and the party had been invited to fighting for a righteous cause, COUNTY OF C008. articles have not been checked yet be that presents The principal blame are pastor. Subjects: “The Challenge of John THE and unafraid of death, can be beaten tu t will be soon. H. West, Charles A. West seems to have been attached to Brace a Great Tank” and “life Bearings.” forever. Soma day, at some We are very pleased with the Dennis, chairman far Oregon of the back and Nannie Bright, Special music at both services next point, the enemy must weaken, and large amount of work that is coming Council of National Defense, who was then Plaintiffs Sunday. we will sweep over the tope and in from your Branch and wa will saa a good deal more anxious to enjoy nothing Epworth League at 6:50. The hold as back. We know that due mention is made of the that dance than to give the people of it just as will surely young people have good mootings. Lyv-, yr-M y - —»— Defendant. ns we know the sun splendid work yon are doing. Coquille the sort of meeting which Come end enjoy this one. We have received a shipment of had been advertised and to which will rise tomorrow.’ " SUIT IN EQUITY FOR PARTI Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:$0. TION wool today at $2 JO and expect to or they were in all fairness entitled. The OF REAL PROPERTY. The church intends to help folks der more at the same pries. It weald meeting was begun s little early, but Notice of Sale of Real Property. snd it cannot unless they attend. hardly be advisable to buy yarn at is hereby given that by vir S. G. Rogers, Pastor. tue Notice $4.00 as long as we can get the lower of the authority vested in me by price. We will let yon know next of thh above entitled Court in St. James Episcopal Church. order week when we can send yon yarn. the above cause duly made There will be choir practice tomor and entered entitled Thanking yon for the number of of record therein on the row (Saturday) at 8 p. m. supplies sent in during 1017, we are, 17th day of January, 101$, I will on January 20th. 2nd Sunday after Saturday, the 0th day of February, yours very truly—Marshfield Red Epiphany. Cross Chapter. Mrs. Carrie M. Cony, 1018, at the front door of the County Sunday school at 10 a. m. Court House at Coquille, Coos Coun mannarsd efforts to cali down soma Holy Comm union and Sannen at 11 ty, Oregon, at the hour of 10:00 of the speaker* before they wsre any- o'clock in the forenoon of said day wher* near through the meetiñg was offer for sale and sell to the highest kept going and- the party did not end beet bidder for cash the following leeve oa that special trata for Marsh- described real property belonging to field un til about half past ntae. the above named plaintiffs and de What we woold lika to know, ls Christian Church. fendant, to-wit: paid the extra expenses of that We have practically ready for ship who their neighbors and frisnds. Mr. The SWtt of the SEM of Sec. 27; speetal trata, anyway; and whethar Bibla School at 10 a. a . ment 84 pairs of socks, 0 pain of was obla to dhrert funda ta- Wilcox is a young man well known Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sub The WH of the NEM end the SE14 wristlets and 10 sweaters. vWe are Deanis for patriotic pnrpoaes to sncb and highly esteemed by a large circle ject, “The Church That Makes Good.” of the NW(4 of Sec. 34 all in Tp. 20 proud of ourselves—this la an excell tendad purely personal and aelflsh «mas na of acquaintances. Miss Harry has Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. S. of R. 14 W. of the Willamette Mer ent showing, bat we can do even bet enabllng been the teacher of the McKinley him to go over to the hay Evening Service at 7:80 p. m. Sub idian irf Coos County, Oregon, and ter when more yarn is forthcoming. and enjoy a dance that eventag, to school, n position which she will still ject, “What the Bible Teaches About containing 160 acres of land, more or less. Said sale of said land will be rtead of ramaintag haré and givtag retain as Mrs. Wilcox, and commands War.” the peo pie of the Coquille valley the the admiration of all who know her During the Endeavor hour, a Ser made subject to the confirmation vice Flag, in honor of our enlisted thereof by the court. M I inspiration of one of the great- by her graces of pttod and heart The unite« with their host of From the North Fork. men, will be unveiled. The flag is Dated this 18 th day of January, —and the chairman wishes especially est of war meettags. In any event Sentinel friends in extending congratulations M. J. Wilson, who lives sway up the gift to the society of the Misses to invito the strangers ta our city to raahing that meettag to any untimely and best wishes. These young people North Fork, 18 miles from here Custer'snd Mrs. Nina Noeler, the Red Cross rooms. At this busy end was unpardouable. had been planning to make their wed the was in to attend the war meettag last Prayer and Bible Study Meeting time it is impossible to make per ding one of the social events of the Friday and getting his mail for Wednesday at 7:80 p. m. sonal calls ta behalf of this great aad Watting for the Verdict. season in their _ section but wisely the first night time in four weeks. He says You are cordially invited to all urgent work, but is it hoped through Roadmaster Murdock is anxiously concluded The Celebrated to cut oth the frills and tnat this is the finest winter he has these services. these columns to ranch everyone. We waiting the report of the Vancouver have a wedding befitting war time A. J. Whiddon, Minister. seen in all the 88 years he has lived want the newcomers to join os and officers on his physical examination conditions. in Oregon. Still it is somewhat cool get acquainted for our mutual pleas for army service. Although mar- er up there than here and ha is ure and profit. Let everyone feel ried only three motnhs ago Jir. Mar- Awarded Gold Medal Buy Oregon Made Goods. watching his seed potatoes scattered Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915 free to call at the rooms—we will be dock did "not seek exemption on that glad to welcome you. Open every af account but patriotically placed him The Commercial Club passed a res on the barn floor closely, to see that Wednesday evening meeting at 8 ternoon in the week except Saturday. self ta class 1, ta filling out his ques olution at its meeting Wednesday ev they do not get frost bitten. In se o’clock. The itrongest snd nearest waterproof ening urging everyone to use Oregon lecting them, he says, be takes no Sunday school at 0:30 s. m. made for Loggers, Cruisers, The Honor Guard Girls cut 4,000 tionnaire. He has been advised by Ma made products as far as possible In potato, no mater how smooth it is, Free reading room open ev Shoes grn-wipas at their tea last week, did jor Bowlby, former state highway en these days of strenuous war activities from a hill that contains rough ones, ery day, public Miners, Sportsmen and Workers. Sundays snd holidays, well financially aad had a good time gineer, who is now musterjng a regi when millions of dollars are being as they are all of the same lineage. from 2 to exoept 4 p. m. ment of engineers for service in sent out of the stats for Red Cross, France, that if he passes the physi Y. M. C. An Liberty Bonds, etc., it Mrs. Gao. Goodman, of Coquille, ar Corner Third and Hall streets cal examination he will appoint him te the duty of every citizen to con- rived in this city last night, having Hoftor Guard’s Good Work. second Presbyterian Church. lieutenant ta his engineer been at Myrtle Creek for the past few Teaching The girls of the Coquille Honor company. service from 10 to 11 n. m. and one way is to buy Oregon days where she attended the funeral of Morning service Guard deserve commendation for the The position Mr. Munlock is now way 11 a. m. articles wherever possible. her father, Grafton Worthington, who Evening service at at 7:30 Theodore Bergman patriotic work they did ta raising seeking will not k^ep him out ofthe produced p. m. was laid to rest there recently, left Uncle Sam advocates, “Buy local pro Shoe Manufacturing Co. money for the Red Croee snd sub danger sons, as the road work of ta« ducts;” other states era doing it, and this morning for her home.—Rose- Rev. J. A. McVeigh, pastor. Thurman S t Portland, Oregon scribing for the aeeond Liberty Loan engineer corps is right up close to Oregon is, but should not be, behind burg News. bonds. The $260 promised to the Red the front lines where the roads must in loyalty to her factory output. Marriage Licenses. Cross was paid ta the time allotted be kept open to permit the moving Jan. 11—Vane Curtis Gartta an: snd it was with great satisfaction of food, munitions and nil kinds of Rets Gertrude Mars, both of Ba lor. Á April Weather Today. that the final installment of the $100 supplies to the front line trench*«, Jan. 12—Wm. A. Klper, of Port Liberty Loan bond eras paid on Tues and for carrying the wounded back Today gave os a genial sunshiny weather If they would use a good oil land, and Bern« M. Irvin«, of Coquille. Oes Col a W*r4 lack bscrtiee day of this week. to the hospitals. Owing to the im spring morning such as many of our light body refined from asphalt Jen. 12—EJwmrd F. Roberts snd Nearly forty dpllars had been raised portance of these roads they are un eastern friends would be glad to see of base crude,” said A. B. Campbell, Johnson, both of North Bend. SLED OATS—for sale by Geo. S. by the girls ta their Round Robin der constant shall fire by the German hi mid-April. Indeed, if the fuel reg agent for the Standard Oil Company, Agnes Jan. 12—Mason Archibald Wilcox Robison at the Roy place. Phone teas snd the tea at the Red Cram artillery, and as there is no cover ulations which go into affect sast of in discussion* cold weather lubrica and Wanda E. Harry, both of MeKin- 08x1 ita* rooms last Monday. Thee# teas have there fh* position is even more has- the Mississippi today, had been for tion yesterday. been effective ta other ways than the entire country, of our mer “In the Ford motor, the clutch is ited to etoee their combined with the engine and lubri- If Mr. Murdook is aecopted for ser places of business becs ass they seen cm tad from the crank case, If the oil vice he expects to resign his position prohibited from heating thorn. goto thick and sluggish in cold weath FOR SALE—$ wagons, 2 mules, as roadmaster and go to the front at er, the discs of the clutch stick to Probate Court Not««. stout snd general, $360, or for hire an early day. gether. This is what causae hard you can have their use for the cranking and that perststaat creeping In the Probate eourt Jan. 14, Judge or feeding. Apply to Gee Chow Laun John F. Hall flled a Petition for the forward as if the clutch were pertly appotatment of a guardian for LUsie dry, 826 2nd St. N. Marshfield, Or. engaged. “New an oil refined from asphalt Thomas, William Thomas, Jack HOG taken up. Red and baas crude flows freely down to sera. Thomas, Lillia Thomas. George STRAY black; weight about 150. M. P. Thomas, Charles Thomas and Frank Jarabeen, Coquille. 6H6* BOTH DAY A N D E V E N IN G SPEED IN GREGG? Join our SPEED class. Individual attention Bergmann Shoe W fs n i“ fid • s ' w