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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1918)
<*■ ; MINOR MENTION. Erente in the City and MeOuUech County in Marshfield. COQUIU4I v W e have had bath heavy rains and bright, spring-like days w i’ b abund Ord Bohaaaon, who la to appear on ant » — -k i—» this week, but so fu r the Lyceum course Jan. 10 says “ Our this your Jack F lo a t baton paid as Am bition le to acqnire tiw habit o f happtoess; aad to pesa the habit of the a lea g through the medium o f music fam ily and m irth ." How w ell the Bohanaons OH fu lflll this croed is tostifled by the have tra il o f U gh ly plaaaed audiences they the bave le ft behind tbem in the past few Coulter s tre e t Dr. Juntos Richmond went over to e B ey yesterday to quarantine a searletina enea at ltanker H ill. This la outside the city lim ita so tho Coun ty Health Officer was callad to par- form that duty. People who a n liable to have any interest in Curcuit court m atters in this county w ill find it w orth w hile R. E. Johnson 1 to preserve this copy Off the Sentinel land this m orning < on account o f tho Jury lis t fo r 1918 elsewhere printed. Fisbtm p o f tho Q. C. Gouthisr, in town Monday. M s s E lla Ham lin, a student o f tho J. E. Norton was a visitor an neos a t the Bay Ban H an ey was over from Marsh Norm al School a t Monmouth, who has boon visitin g friends and relatives in field Sunday to v is it boom folks. Coes county during the holidays, lo ft M r. and M rs. J. A . Hatcher warn in on tho 8:12 train Sunday m orning to from F airview Monday morning. F orgot your troubles. H ear the a t the Scenic Jan. 10th. A rtiste o f the Bohannon type,, bright, a lert and ambitious, appear in g in pufts especially designed to fit th eir talents and temperaments, hare nine-tenths o f their success achieved before the curtain arises. Their mis cellaneous program includes melodi- (•us vocal dqets, tenor solos, soprano solos, interpretative readings, clever Impersonations, pianologues and character sketches. They w ill also present, “ T h eir M atrim onial Ven ture,” a little play w ritten especially fo r them by the celebrated play w righ t, Jean Constant Haves. It abounds in fine music, odd situations and an abundance o f humor. E very where H is certain to please every body fo r whom pleasure is possible. Fred Buchtel, state public service commissioner, came from Salem and CwiaittMR on AiraagtBMats. and M rs. R. & Mur- went on down the river to Bandon F or the m eeting to be addressed by doak w ent ever to the Bay yesterday. yesterday to hold a hearing on the the three Canadian officers this even proposed increase in electric ligh t A ttorn ey J. T . Brand, o f Mareh- in g the president o f the Commercial charges in that d ty . flald, was a business visitor dub appointed the follow in g commit C. E. Schroeder w ill start tom or tees Wednesday evening: Tuesday. row m orning fo r Haines, Baker coun M n . Jas. C ollier earns over To introduce the speakers— A - J. the Bay Monday to vis it friends and ty, Oregon, to vis it Ms son, E. T. Sherwood. Schroeder, who is superintendent o f relatives here. Reception— Jas. W atson, L. J. the Bock Creek P ow er House there. Frank Burkholder went out to He expects to return a b & t A p ril i. Cary, E. E. Johnson, A . J. Sherwood, J. C. Alm ack, A . B. Roberts, J. E. Portland this m orning expecting to be N o m ore cases o f searletina have Norton, R. H. Mast, J. 8. Lawrence, developed in the Stew art Lyons fam F. & P h illip «, W . C. Chase, J. J. Stan ily a t the C. McC. Johnson home in ley, C. R. Barrow, R. 8. Knowlton, the Lyons apartm ents and Audrey is F. E. McKenna, J. 8. Barton and over the attack. The other children, Geo. Robinson. Arrangem ents— A . B. Roberts, L. who were kept away from her, have Cloud Moon J. Cary, Geo. Falconer, F. B. Philips, era Wednesday H. A . Young, Chas. T. Skeels, Jas. t’ w same afternoon. W atson, W . H. Lyons, Ed Brewer, L. 1>e Woman’s Study Club w ill H. Hasard, J. E. Paulson and A . N. w ith M rs. Epperson Thursday, Janu Gould. ary llT, a t 7:10 p. m. Beats are to provided fo r every bit Judge and Mrs. John & Coka wont o f tho floor at H easlet H all possible, up to Portland and a fter a ll chairs and benches ob fo r the grand opera tainable are moved in benches w ill be made. It is thought that 600 or Mrs. E. Johnson, o f Johnson’s M ill, 760 people can g et in (h e hall and went to M arshfield Monday fo r a visit that it w ill be jammed fu ll. w ith tho H. A . Fergus fon dly The band has offered to donate A a evening o f rani enjoym ent. The their services fo r the music, and the Lyceum, Scenic Theater, Jan. 19th, program w ill begin a t 8:18. A sec program origin al and d ifferen t tion in fro n t is to be reserved fo r old Third Lyceum number Jan. 19th. Miss Edith Thomas, daughter o f soldiers and another fo r the crowd Ord Bohannc Deputy Game W arden Thomas, who which w ill be here from the camps a tor; Jana Bohannon, p ian ist A t was form erly employed as a sten and other points down the river. I be Scenic Theater. ographer here in Coquille, now has a situation at Berkeley, C alif., in the C ap t O. W illard, who has bean vis itin g friends in this section, returned offices o f the aviation school o f the Last Saturday the replevin suit o f by yesterday*» train where be now resides. to Mrs. T . M . Dimmick, d ty librarian, want over to Marshfield Saturday to attend a m eeting to organise n boun ty Library sasoc A t the M ethodist personage here Monday C. P. Coleman and Jessie Curry, o f Takeeide, w ere united in m arriage by Rev. B. G. Rogers. A home had been prepared fo r them on Ten M ile lake to which they repaired a fter a short stay a t the Bay. Jno. W . M iller, P a t R ackleff, and F. E. M -*’*~ ~ * want over to Marsh Mr. and Mrs. L. Crandall and field Wednesday afternoon to daughters, o f Conlogue’s camp, re an E lks' m oating th a n that n ig h t turned W ednesday evening from their Henry K ern has bean named by the visit a t Ceres, C alif. They say they council there as m ayor o f N orth Bend found better weather in Cooe county to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the yesterday than they had seen since resignation o f M ayor E. F . Russell. they l e f t fogs having been constant Mrs. A- B. Campbell returned Sat urday from the Bay, accompanied by County Road mas ter R. B. Murdock her brother, W illiam Sleep, o f Marsh and County Commissioner Archie field, who came fo r a week-end visit. Ph ilip went to the construction work The Honor Guard G irls w ill serve tea Saturday and Monday afternoons a t the Rod Cross roonu. The pro ceeds from which go to help a Lib erty bead. on the Glasgow-Hauser highway yes terday afternoon, to does a new con tract w ith Charles Bloomquiat, who is doing the jobs there at 80 cents fo r m oving dirt, and 60 cents fo r rock A t the annual m eeting o f the Fat Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Lutsey and tw o E lk Drainage district association held recently L . F. Brans to t ter, W . W children came down from their home in Coquille Monday, and are visitin g Sanders and E. H. Hamden at the Dave M cKensie home on Elk elected trustees. river. On their w ay down they vis Follow ing the adjournment o f the ited at the E. B. T h rift home at Lang- County court Tuesday evening Com lois, where they w ere m et k y Mr. missioner G. J. Arm strong started M cKensie in his auto.— P ort O rford Wednesday m orning fa r A llegan y to Tribune. inspect road work there. F. E. Conway started Tuesday fo r A . T . Beetul, who owns a fine ranch Loo Angeles and other southern Cal down a t Cedar Point and form erly iforn ia points, combining business lived here, le ft this week fo r hie with pleasure—sellin g the cheese in C algary, A lberta, a fter spending a mode at the factory here* last weak in and around Coquille. year s till in his hands and enjoying a M r. end M rs. Claud H. G winter vacation a t the same time. M yrtle Point, w o n passe« Mrs. Conway and their son preceded unlay morning fo r Los A ngste., him some weeks ago. where bueinees and pleasure w ill Mrs. James C ollier, who had been keep them until January 20th. in this vicin ity on a visit, returned The m eeting tonight is to no hold north this m orning to Necoma, on In H easlet H all, as the Masons would the Shis law river, where M r. Col not rant their hall fo r a noisy lier is engaged with the Southern Pa etration downstairs on the night fo r cific in constructing an overhead their regular convocation above, crossing. The work w ill be finished Roy O. W ernich, s f the Sitka in another week and tho crew w ill Sprues Co^ w ent out to Portland on return to Coos county fo r the sum- business test Sunday and Mrs. W er nich follow ed him on Monday to en jo y a season e f M rs. W alter N oel and non, Evan, o f Coquille, are aa the guests o f M n . N oel’s M n . A ! Flanders, o f Ban O. C. Jensen against Mrs. H attie Bledsoe to secure possession o f fu r niture she had taken on a rent ac count, was tried in Justice S’ .n le y s court here and decided in fa vo r o f Mrs. Bledsoe. Some weeks ago D avid Dennis rented a house o f Mrs. Bledsoe and placed in it $87.60 worth o f fu rni ture, which he had bought o f Mr. Jen sen and on which he had paid $10. He paid "Ao rent and remained in the bouse three or fou r days. Some tim e later Mrs. Bledsoe found the house was vacant, and having an opportun ity to rent it took the furniture out and stored it, taking it as Dennis’ pro perty to secure her unpaid re n t Jen- sen claimed that the gcrads w ere sold under a contract under which be was to remain the owner o f the g o o li and Dennis was to fo rfe it what In bad paid i f he did not pay the rest o f the bill. The attem pt to substan tia te his claim eras unsuccessful, it appearing that a notation to that e f fect had been w ritten on Jensen’s bin a fter Dennis disappeared. 8uch in deed, was the purport o f the testi mony o f 8. V . Epperson, who had seen the bill both before and a fter Dennis disappeared. W alter Sinclair appeared fo r Jensen and 8. D. P I l ford fo r Mrs. Bledsoe. Will Wrestle at Marshfield. . FRIDAY, JANUARY U . IM S =!*■■■'JS 1 '■!! City School Notts. quills high school wiU A t this tima I -JgBBS Co- ül U w ill be tin class fo r beginners w ill be enrolled an tho 21st. A ll children o f legal school efie them to eatar thte them on Monday or Tuesday. N ew elides from tho state univer sity ware shown Thursday a t the This w ith the developm ent o f the telephone system throughout the world. A now jan itor baa boon appointed fo r the high school, M r. H . L . John son, who began his work this weak. H erbert Lukens expects to return to high school and continue his sen ior work so that ha can graduate with hit class. Ha is a t praasot w orking fo r E. E. Johnson Lumber C o- which position he intends to s till hold. J. H. N . Hundon, head o f the Pub licity departm ent e f the U. & bu reau o f food fo r O regon sent oat a number o f food poolers throughout the state to bo distributed to tho d if ferent schools. Tho week commencing Tuesday, the 21st, is to be set aside as a nation al T h rift week. The object la to con duct n campaign in a il tho schools and encourage the children in economy end particularly to indue# teem to invest in the T h rift stamps now sold by tho Government. A new form o f report curd is to bo introduced next sem ester which w ill enumerate the causes o f failu re o f high school students. E verett Briner returned to high school this week. Paul Thompson enlisted in the navy this week. B efore leavin g the Sen- ioi class presented him w ith a leath er French w ritin g ease. Tho next Lyceum course is to he given here Jen. 19th, by toe Bohan- r.ona, who are entertainers. A basket ball goose between M yr tle Point and Coquille w ill be held on tonight a t M yrtle Point. Grace Richmond Is a new pupil in Mies F itzgerald 's rasas. E lla Cray, who has been livin g in North Bond, returned this has entered the Fourth A lyce Dell and Florence 1 are absent from school on account o f scarlet favor quarantine. Lorin Cray re-entered the F ifth grade, this week. Seventh grade g irls o n during the opening exercises. Ifirs. Charles Schroeder gave a din ner Party Thursday evening in hon or o f Mies Anderson, who w ill be leaving in about three weeks fa r Or egon Norm al. Those present Mieses Spencer, N ew ell, Sweet, Tread- gcld, the guest o f honor, Misa son, and the bootees, M rs. S d The eighth grade w ill have the pi ■no fe r the month o f January. Those who have purchased T h rift ■tamps and Baby Bonds in the F ifth grade are the follow in g: T h rift stamps— Ellen Baker, 8 M argerette H an ey, 8; A llen Young, 6; H al H ow ell, 6; Maxine Paulsen, 1 M axine E lliott, 1; Lola B all. 1; Dens Ellingsen, 2; M ary Esther Johnson. 1; Lcrtn Cray, I ; Hasel Johnson, 1 Georgianna Johnson, 1; W alter Paul son, 1; L yle Beyort, 1. M arian N or ton and C lifford Crosby have Baby Bonds. Home Guard Organizes. The CoquUle Home Guard, to the number o f fo rty , met a t the court house last Monday evening and made their tem porary organisation per manent by electing Geo. P. Falconer as chairman and J. W . N oblet, seere- tary. F or the commissioned officers o f the company, Wm. Brown was chosen as captain; H. C. G ets, first lieuten ant and H. A . Young, second lieuten- ant . It was decided to rent the upstairs c f H easlet hall fo r d rill purposes at $10 per month. The d rills w ill be held Monday evening a t 7:80, and while there are only h a lf enough rifles to equip the company, it is expected that Sheriff Gage w ill be able to se cure as many m ore fo r use here. M. G. Lutsey, o f Coquille, champion w restler o f Coos and Curry counties, and Frank Jackson, o f Seattle, w ill go to the mat a t the Noble Theater in Marshfield Sunday afternhoa. The match w ill be catch-as-catch*^ can. From his appearance Jackson; who Hand bills have ju st been g o t out was here last week, w ill be able to give M l Lutsey a good bout. A spec urging e ll parents to perm it no child ial train is to be run from Pow ers fo r ren under 18 to attend the w ar mast ing tonight as e ll the space to the tnir even t ball w ill be weeded fo r adults. In the divorce care o f Eva Lapp vs. Frank Lapp in the C ircuit court here, Judge Coke has awarded tho p lain tiff $76 fo r costs o f suit, $80 par month alim ony and the custody o f the child ren, one fou r yours and the other tw o months old. Although both am quite young the w ife alleges cruelty ead inhuman treatm ent. THE PATHEPHONE is the most satisfactory of music producing machines—uses inde structible SAPPHIRE BALL in stead of metal needle——cannot scratch or injure the record-plays any disc record. PERFECT IN TONE Neat in apperamce Call and examine than at KNOWLTON’S DRUG STORE SANITARY RESTAURANT This new restaurant form erly known as The C L U B C A F E w ill be opened S A T U R D A Y N O O N under the management o f the Sanitary M arket. W e propose to furnish the beet the market affords at a fair price. COM E A N D S E E U S. Hoed Committee to PertluteL When the members .of tho County court o f this county g o up to P ort land on tho 20th to present th eir pe tition fo r toe proper im provem ent o f tho Marehflold road and to urge the fulfillm en t o f tho State H ighw ay Commission’s prom isee to im prove too M yrtle Point-Roseburg rand through the M iddle Fork canyon, they w ill bo accompanied by Charles H all, o f the Coos Codnty Good Association, P eter L oggia , o f N orth Bond. W . U . Douglas, o f M arshfield, Goo. E. Tonney, o f M yrtle Point, and probably by representa tives o f the C oquille and Commercial clubs also. A bboobccs for Goveraor. Elsewhere in this issue o f the Sen tinel w ill be found the announcement o f Senator Gus M oser, o f Portland, as' candidate fo r goveraor at the ro- puhlican prim aries next M ay. dona tor M oser’s 7*fo rd has much in it tc commend him to the voters and ho certainly has a strong follo w in g in his home city, as w ell as in the state at large. Don’t fa il to read what he has to say. Neck Broken, Yet Live*. O. C. Sanford has Just received a letter from Wm. E. Steward, who is S son o f Mrs. W m . Rohm, o f R iver ton, and a brother o f G eorge A . and Freeman Steward, o f that neighbor hood, who w rites that he has been fo r 10 months an inm ate o f a hospital at Sultan, W ash , su ffering from a brok- Would to ll Road aa Junk. Jbaroo, Mass.- T h e directors o f the Sharon. Canton and Norwood Street railroad have decided that tbore would to more profit In telling their roils for Jnnk than In ronttnulrg the rond In operation. They notified the «ele tmen o f the three towns of tbelr Intention to HP np tbelr tracks Reoideuts have started .a movemeut to appeal to the Public Service Commission to compel