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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1918)
rSRUY, JANVAtt h . in t . 10c PER ROLL In order to make room tor our spring stock we are closing out about 50 patterns o f wall papers, values up to 4 0 c per roll at lw . These specially low vriM Sttfieonettedc. p late*; b 0 * 1 ., _ ti ir s rS ¡ h 13T £D u her», spfar bowls, butter dishes« bowfo holders, wine glasses, water sots and F u r n it u r e a n d H a r d w a r e P a a ta f o f M rs. Lohahorr. we offer SPEC! Preaching at 11 aad 7:80. Sub jects, “ The Enlarging Sovereignty of Christ,” and “ The New Emphasis on the Church, 4Ó* the C hristie»’» Fra ternity." w fl be k id a s U c and everyone will be giren an opportunity to hdlp make Passed sw ay at her home, 66 Mich igan Ave., Pasadena, Cal., Friday a f ternoon, J a s. 8rd, 1V1S, Mrs. Elisa beth G. Lehnherr. Mrs. Lehnherr aras a pioneer o f Coos county, haring been born at the homestead on the Sooth Fork o f the C oqsills riser, Dec. 80th 1808. She was tne locona a iu fiittr ox Lapx. i f . H. Harris, who was one o f the first eettlsrs o f Coos county. Oh July 1st, 1883, she was married to 3. A . Lehnherr, who passed sw ay May 27, 1888. In October 1801, she moved w ith her tw o daughters to Papadena, where she has siacs made Mrs. Lehnherr leaves tw o daugh ters, Mabel 1. and Rachel M , and tw o sisters, Mary G. Harris, o f Lo« An geles, and Mrs. T. ‘C. N orris, o f Fort in the first haif^ff the basket baD nm i » . W s i I s s a S i l e sr — - A1- - * -------* X&mc WMnMday tM locftl high school five dost their amring ability and only amde tara points white the visitors wars shooting field goals aad fools fo r sloven points, the A M Mere taing. 18 ta J t 1» favOr of Red Cross euxUiartes which w ill be afilieted with the M yrtle Point branch are being established at Broadbent, Gravel Ford, A rago, Nor way and Bridge. W ork fo r those aux iliaries will be devised end put into operation as soon as possible. « Reward, $ 1 * 911 time was snjoyM by the mcmhershlj but according to the plan adopted hy so Many l«dm e, the «sdàü ■ ben qist was omitted. The Celebrated B. Annie Wfaner is organising s Ing class In bar heme diptrict ) for the purpose o f teaching all wish to team , to knit. Mrs. o f Coquine, ateo deserves spec «satten in this connection, she Elds Anderson, Deputy President. Ni G.— Elsie Jean Battey. V. G — Beatrice L Gets. * Sfc’y—Annie Lawrence. Trea».— Elds Anderson. Chaplain—Vasta Bojrtte. M. W . A. and Royal Neighbors. The R oyal Neighbors and the Mod ern Woodmen o f America held their join t installation la st Saturday ev ening with an attendance that filled the hall. Light refreshm ents ware served after the ceremonies aad late» a little dancing was indulged in hy Last Friday night our m arrying and Washington the sum ad $1,604,- 841 fe r taxes aad penalties asssssod and is preparing to pay the farther sum ad $71688, all o f which, it avers, should have boon paid by the rail- charged against it as money received on aeeouat o f the grant tends. The Government asks the court p> decree that title to all unsold on July 1, 19U , end to ell unpat- , anted lands fo r which the railroud wad entitled to receive patents, be quieted and confirmed in the United States and that the defendants “ be perpetually enjoined from using, oc cupying, teasing, selling or in any moaner exercising domain, use, own ership or occupation o f, or in any manner whatsoever interferin g with m id lands or sa y part thereof.” A fu ll aad com plete discovery and disclosure o f a ll money received from Bergmann Shoe Awarded Gold Medal P. P . L E . San Francisco, 1915 Andrew G. Aiken, the (fid soldier, who died at the Oregon Soldiers’ Home at Roeeburg recently, was » notable character In the Northwest, and had to his credit several feats T o Keep Your Post Dry Urn Th which brought him before the public Bergmann W stsr-P rasf Shas OiL notice et différant times in hie Ufa. Theodore Bergman According to news dispatches, he Was the first men to scale M t Adams, Shoe Manufacturing Co. which was done while he was s mem 621 Thnrman 8 t Portland. Orego ber o f a surveying party, fie was the original owner from the Govern ment o f the tow nsitc o f Coos Bay, la- ter disposing o f the tract by trading it fo r s horse end saddle. Mr. Aiken eaa the first man to discover the pres race o f coal in commercial quan ti tea in Com county, and was among W ANTED— Middle aged woman to help in housework. One, who is thorn who first took stops to devel ip sacking a home end win work fo r reasonable wages. Inquire at the Brewster Apartments, Coquillf. I ft l