^ W fW . • > ■ » T i r • • 'v 'A v * t« r ;y^«G5* .^5» • <.. j ' ■ And dflliver them promptly and carefully. And give you just what you order too—in quality and quantity. f t kaap a foil Una of atapU p t a n ln and gnarentaa than to ba para O U R teaa, cogero, sugar, batter, eheefle, eggs and eanned fru it are warranted to be strictly of the best grades F W 2$ I W. H. LYONS First National Bank Building The Danger that Lurks in Your N ose and Throat T h e noce and the th roat are the genpis’ easiest route Into the system . These germ s If allow ed to accum ulate, set up Irritation, congestion and fever in the a ir passages, cau sin g grippe, colds and th eir com plications. Germ destruction therefore becomes a du ty of the first im portance. An Atomizer Avoid grippe, colds and sore throats by spraying your nose and throat daily. The maximum atom iser having two bottles is best to F u h rm a n ’s P h a r m a c y mo Coquille, Ore. “W aste N ot Your Time!” W e w ill ssako your time valuable by coming to us fo r your Hay, Grain, Flour and Mill Feeds Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fire Bricks and Clay Direct Transferring from River Beet to Railroed “Where Rail and Water Meet” Phone 161 K a y and H u n t Warehouse Co. B glB red y.of awn who boOt a fireplace for W. H. [ CsrttU and a chimney for Gao. Bry- ant, return» home this weak with a apply iron tM fw in u n in e lor i ha winter farm work. Tha Kattaer brother« at Norway, | rim attend high school Bara, will I » town far tha balance of tho wi Aa accident occarred to Mrs. A . T. in which i, the hlo< freely. A maaaafa was aaat far (ha do-tor but in tha meantime tha family with the help of deavoriag to stow is now weak from tha loaa but dote* aa wail aa a healthy person could. Mr. Wann, tho axpar is bare looking over oar figures to where we may be “a t" or “ to." Mrs. 0. Green, of Norway, cool aa rather poorly. She baa two major operation». Oar Goo. Leo is now clerking in the is store in West Powers. He young to ba received as a vo tear in the army but ha continues to grow so that aach time ha visits Myr tle Point we have to look a little high er to sae Mm in the eyes. Ia regard to the Mr. Walker who is in aa argument with tha game ward en, wa have no fisherman by that m h aa reported. A. H. Peace has aoqnired tho Cen tral Meat Market sad now wa have bat ons shop, tha City Market; bat in day*'and laaa meat an ' ether days this shop may paoparly •apply aa alL Mr. Pane« say» hia at dealing with the public will ba strictly aneeeasary raise in | D. Mayan, of Pox bridge on North Fork, is vary low as tho result at a stroke at apoplexy. Ha waa a Mg, trong man «boat 60 years o f age. Ban McMullen, the timbarman, U with us again for a few buainaas sad to maat old friends. He “growed” in the next county to aa in Ontario—ha ia Horen aad w* in Perth. Tha arrival—always on time— at Wm. Candlin aad F. K. Alloa, of commerce—kelps ftu kaap tight with oar calendar; aad oar merchant» Wa are <|Bita as wail pleased to re ceive a dollar aad a half far renawal o f subscription as far a new ana— their appreciation. Wa hand yon A. L. Buell’» now. Hale and Peterson, who are an the Sentinel list, war« ia town this weak thair friends aad taking out a •»PPly of goods according ft» Mr Hoover’» ideas. They are and their address is Bridge. A telegram announce of Mrs. Lixaia Lahaherr at last Friday. She waa 1 wVa of John Lohahorr, son of Chrie Lahnherr, oaa of tha first pioaaars la Point and brother at Tall living on Flores creak. The waa a daughter of Captain Harris, the first atl Empire on Coos Bay. She laavoo two daughter«. Andrew Ellis, wife aad aon Melvin, are bare from Carry county for a bet tor place to winter. Attorney Claad H. GOaa with his family haa gone down to California far a couple of weeks, Ha will go to Sda Francisco and than to Camp Law. is where his brother, Dr. Clark Giles, is in tha Dental Reserve Corps. Mrs. 8. M. Landis ia holding dawn tha^f flee daring Me absence. Tha Farmer« ’ County Union of Gooe bold thair annua] mooting last Saturday and elaetad Pries S et them out now, they will grow JU S T A S W ELL and you can have EARLY ONIONS when the price is high. F O R A iB O R r Y ir o S '! W ashington Crisp) 10c A FE W C AN S LEFT W H ILE Com Flakes i p’k’g. THEY LA ST Pork ; fa brine Per pound 27 l-2c Less than W holesale cost today. a Fancy Mince Meat per p ou n d ............. ®OC GOOD APPLES Dill Pickles in bulk per dozen................2Q C 65 cents and 75 cents Fancy Mackerel 15c each per box Front «n d C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 641 «ht North Fork. Zano Bright is mas has padd Ma fine. 1 this weak. Mrs. W. C. Faaal1« hra bra. a . i 2 ï * t S tha skk list this wa■k aad Dr. Pam- blackberry «fato. berton was csllad. Pktriah <h» or, • « w h a t at 1 A t tha regalar am•ting of tha Ep- Pork, was ia this wask fa r Dq nual aUction at «fl Harold Drake waa « G ladra Cariar, riaa sa The law. Mr. Eby, who was an- mnead to hold a soriee o f meetings far tha Brothraa church here, will be to be hare on account of ¡11- Tho Farmers Union of Myrtle Point bald thair regular meeting Sat- ’, tho Mh, in Lundy’» hall. The wre all in thair places. There a bore attendance but a big ia all subjects brought for- for discussion. The wives served tha refrashmanta and we don’t it was “ quite equal” to bp tha husbands last diacuaaed of tolls on the Co- _ I f oaa wants but a box at matches ha has to pay toll etc., on the other hand tha fe r r y has to be operated for tha smallest patron, didn’t like it aad a committee appointed to make their ideas •ad wants known to tha proper au- tharity—the County court. Then ••»in , as tho baying and selling ia not the laaat of tho questions to considar, the Belling o f farm atock •nd to weak oat a workable plan for M M jjP B o f aa now, •oiling aach 00 « by himself and by The fine loach was according to Mr. Hoover. The ladies did it. I>r. O. H. Clarks reports a 9-pound boy arrived at tha boom o f Mr. and Mr». Vernon Bennett, o f Dare. He ■••• It’a a fine ana bat they didn't ••k him to asm« it so ha did not have F®* V tha usual acknowledge- N*w C m m fa Circuit Court. Jan. 4—Chandler H. Jackson v*. wwn also as Hel- aad also aa Nellie Rob- 8Mt far divorea. tretov ! r L T- ** •dminii' W O T of tha partnership of J. W. ” I and T. T. » T 'T - ’ ••“ «■ n y anown as Bennett. j ^ * " * ® * Bennett, vs. W. H. Miner W t for divorce. Treat'Co. va. Wil- COQUDJLE GARAGE, A. A Paoli, Prop.