The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, January 04, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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F R ID A Y . J A N U A B Y 4, I f 18.
Is Your Money Supporting
the Government
the C «M
th u
A t tills critical period in our history our manufac­
turers are offering their mills, and our young men are
offering their services to the United States Govern­
W ould you like to do your share and help by put­
ting your money where it w ill support the new Federal
Reserve Banking System, which the Government has
established to stand back o f our commerce, industry
and agriculture?
You can do this by opening an account with us, as
part of every dollar so de­
posited goes directly into
the new system, where it
w ill always be ready fo r you
when wanted.
T o do bn tineas w ith the srarid a fte r
tke w ar Germ any m ust sadist the
credit o f her foes, she must regain
their m arkets, and a
once m ore the use o f the ports e f her
foes, above a ll the use e f B ritish
ports fo r her merchant ships; fo r
less she can do this aha can i
compete w ith the m aritim e
whose colonial possessions
them to do business w ithout the per­
mission or aid o f Germ any. I f G er­
many is to go back into business she
must once m ore make use e f G ibral­
tar, A lg iers, Singapore, Genoa, Aden,
Bombay and Hongkong,
reclaim the B ritish and
m arkets.
Now , w hatever the eventual value
o f her conquests in th e Balkans, ia
W estern Russia, and in A sia M inor,
they can not ba o f any im m ediate
counterbalance value fo r Germ any as
compared w ith her last
lost sources o f raw m aterial. I f Gar-
ware to m ake peees on the
at the present
would s till have lost the w ar, so fa r
as te e present generation is
er, because, w hile ale
and N orthern France, every port and
colony o f the B ritish Em pire would
be dosed to her and
h erself a landlocked state, which, to
live, m ast have ou tlet upon the sen
and in the m arkets o f the m aritUse
untMrs, bot that ths tim « U not fa r
distant «k m thU P rivileg« w ill be
withdrawn and they w ill bo conscrfpt-
A ll British and Canadian sub-
Joeta are thorofoco urged to call m o r
communicate with Um at bla office
mitmonta to B ritain , Franco and
at the corner o f Third and Oak
Ita ly , «rill inauro clone rolationa a f­
atroeta, Portland.
te r the atruggle. When the w ar onda
our in ven tseata in B ritain, Franco
and Ita ly , «rill bo tram sndom , and
m erely to protect t h is , i f fo r no
other reason, w e ahall h are to bond
our effo rts in reh ab ilitatin g these
Although tho United States Be-
crulting OAcors no longor tako ra-
cruita voluntarily, who have register­
ed, the 'B ritish and Canadian Be-
cru itin g Mission can accept a ll B rit­
ish and Canadian subjects between
the ages o f 18 and 46 and in curtain
branches op to 54, provided the man
has only his first papers or no pa­
p er« a t a ll. Am erican eiUseas can­
not be enlisted.
The need fo r man to reinforce the
depleted B ritish A n n ies was never
N otice ia hereby given that the un­
dersigned, James W alterm ier, has filed
his final account in the m atter o f the
adm inistration o f the estate e f John
W alterm ier, deceased, and that the
County Court o f Coes County, Ora-
n, has se t Monday, the f is t day
o f January, 1918, as the day, and the
County Court room in the Court
House a t Coquille, Coos County, O re­
gon, as the place, fo r hearing objec­
tions to said final account and fo r the
final settlem ent o f m id estate.
Dated th is 18th day o f December,
James W alterm ier,
Adm inistrator o f the estate o f John
W alterm ier, deceased.
What “ KaHnr” D m
for Wonen
W hat A merican woman m ay ex­
pect i f Prussian B o lte r is not stam p­
ed from the fa ee o f the earth is
gathered from the observations o f an
Am erican bicycle tou rist who le ft
Germ any shortly a fte r the outbreak
o f the w ar, says the Janaary Popular
Mechanics M agasine in an Illustrated
article. The spectacle o f women do­
in g aO manner o f heavy labor was
never particu larly unusual in Ger­
a w ay even ia pre-w ar days, but the
sigh t o f fou r women, harnessed like
horses and pulling a plow , was a
Eclipse o f the S ot Coatee Jaae A
On# o f the grastest eclipses o f the
ami ever she erred «rill occur Jaao t
sad its v is ib ility w ill ba the greatest
in the Pacifie northwest.
The per­
centage at the total darkness produc­
ed by the ed ip ee in this part o f O re­
gon «rill bo «iosa to »9 per cent. In
Portland it w ill be exactly SO par
cent, according to astronom ers. The
moon w ill obscure the face o f the
Th erefore, te e German, s till know­
in g fortu n ate d a y « upon the battle­
field, perceived a year a ge th at Ms
sols salvation le y in ending tea w ar
b efore the fu ll karveet o f hate and
prejudice had ripened and w hile there
was s till n chance e f saving some o f
his vanishing m arkets.
Th at por­
tion o f Germ any which Is moderate»
not because o f p olitical or m oral
ideals, but because at
business concerns, lo st year
sd peace, and to its daman
forced by the w ar-weariness o f the
■issses o f tho Gorman people, the
governm ent replied by a peace pro­
posal abortive, probably w holly dis­
honest in real purpose, but in its e lf
g iv in g evidence o f the true state at
affairs in Germany.
N ow , a fte r a year, Germ any Is to
make a new peace proposal. 8o fa r
as tbs m ilitary situation is concerned
the Germans are not much w orse o ff
then they «rare s year ago, save aa
th eir submarine cam paign has failed
and le ft them no weapon against
their ch ief fo e— G reat B ritain. Th ey
have lost battles and ground in the
west, but they have accomplished the
dow nfall o f Russia and have g rea tly
by th eir Italian cam paign.
Th eir
Turkish a lly has lost Bagdad and J e­
rusalem, M esopotam ia end Pslsetlna,
but they have lest nothing and in tho
m ilita ry side ora threatened w ith no
im m ediate disaster.
But on the m aterial side the G er­
man position is in fin itely w orse than
s year ago, and it is to tho ssaterial
side that the «rorld «rill leak m ore and
m ore henceforth fo r the eolutem at
this grantset o f «ru e . U tk e Inst
year Germ any
Ia the C ircait Court at the State
Oraguu, In and F a r The
The Oldest National Bank
P lain tiff,
John E . Hoopoe,
Suit fo r Divorce.
T o John E. Hoopoe, the above
named D efendant:
In the Nam e o f the State o f Oregon:
You are hereby notified and required
to appear and answer the Com plaint
filed against you in the above entitled
■ait within six «reeks from the date
o f the first publication o f this Sum-
ms, the sam e being the 7th day o f
December, 1917, and i f yon fo il to
pear and answ er in the above en­
titled suit on or before the 25th day
o f January, 1918, the sums being the
last day o f the tim e prescribed in the
fa r fo r publication, judgm ent w ill
be taken again st you fo r want there­
of, fo r the re lie f demanded in the
Com plaint o f P la in tiff, n succinct
statem ent o f which is ns follow s: That
I m arriage contract th at exists be­
e s * you rself and p la in tiff be dis-
•eivad; that p la in tiff be awarded an
undivided one-third o f nay real es­
tate or interest in the some hold by
you; th at you ba required to pay onto
»in tiff the sum o f 820.00 per month
fo r the support o f p la in tiff and child­
ren and that pla intiff be given the cus­
tody at her tw o children sad fo r each
and fu rth er re lie f as to the
Court m ay seam equitable.
Service o f this Sbmmona is made by
kblication in pursonaoe o f an ordar
made by Hon. John 8. Coke, as Judge
o f the C ircuit Court o f the Stats o f
Oregon, in and fo r the County o f Coos,
■aid order bearing date o f Novem ber
27th, 1917, mad d irectin g publication
in tea C oquille V a lley Sentinel, a
newspaper published a t Coquille, Ore­
gon, fo r n period o f six
has a large line of Semi-Porcelain table-
ware and Scotch Granite enamel ware* A
full line— Teakettles, Coffee Pots, Water
Pails, Preserving Kettles, Dish Pans, Stew
Dishes of all sizes, Caps, Bowls, Dippers.
7-IN-ONE Coinbination Cooker on each $10.00 sale
Every Saturday this Month.
Coos and Curry Telephone Company
d e a d # H. Giles,
A ttorn ey fo r P la in tiff.
Date at first publication December
th, 1917 .
PrefessioBal Cards,
that has operated continuously since its establishm ent some fo urteen
years ago has been your Laundry.
Rain or shine, good tim es and bad, it has been on tbe job.
W e have a number at custom ers that have patronized it continually
from tee beginning: W e are gra tefu l fo r this appreciation o f our
service. Our aim is to im prove the service in every way possible.
W e wash ever y thing washable.
P H Y S IC IA N and SU RG EO N .
Richm ond-Barker Building.
Coquille, Ore.
Phones» Office 626, Bee. 214.
Str. Elizabeth
DR. a . W .
O s te o p a th ic P h y s ic ia n
Bandon to San Francisco
Graduate o f the Am erican School •
at Osteopathy o f K irk eville, Mo. ♦
Office in Eldorado Block.
nm irvi Bank B’td’i Phone
Fare, First cliuw-llO.
— .
Sefie from Central Warehouse Company
J, E. WALSTROM, Agent, Beaden, Ore.
E. & E. T. Kruse, Mgrs., 24 Calif. S t, 8. F.
E. Norton, Agent, Coquille, Ore.
M ale 11, O oqnille, Oregon.
For reliable Abstracts o f T itle end inform ation
about Coos County R eel Estate see
Office in Farm ers A Merchants
Bank Building. Csquills. Ora.
Stws«IM t seS CeeaMs CM t. on.
Special attention paid to looking a fte r assessments and payment
Phone Marshfield O ffice
H E N R Y SE N G 9TA C K E N ,
i .
Phone <
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