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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1917)
'! " .................... o f G m . B. Owrta, k b soo, G « o . B. Dvia, Ms daugtater-in-law, M n . W ar- ren Da via, whose husband racently enlisted, and their son, Byron D ari*. Th irty-six *a t down to dinner a t this gath erlog, among other* ot vhom wäre Justice and M n . J. J. Stanley. M rs. G. F . Boutelle, o f M organ H ill, M t, and M n . G. A . Robinson, Miss Eva Schroedar and Schroedar’e tw o granddaughtars, Pearl and R u ty u arby. H e is interested in the se curing o f gold and platinum from the sand and w ill be follow ed, it is re ported, by a la rger party, who w ill be gin fa irly extensive operations— Coos B ay T im e . attend tbs C ircuit court. I OOK out for that tack!! " a * Dont let the dark trip you. D on t stumble over a chunk o f night. Don’t tripon achairwrapped inblacVneee. D ont fall victim to the farden rake; or the hab/g tin aoldiera that Ue in wait fer poor bare feet F. B. Conway and A . O eberg w ere over from the Bay Monday. M r. Os- berg is M rs. Conway's fa th er and ha and Mrs. Os berg are on th eir w ay from Seattle to Loa A n gel ee where they w ill spend the w inter. M r. and M rs. N els Osmuadson in tend leaving Sunday m orning fo r San Bernardino where they w ill spend the w inter. Mrs. Eugene W ickham and baby w ill accompany them to Join Mr. Wickham a t the e a rn piece Y o u ’l l mad it KNOWLTONS J. C. Savage and fa m ily came over here from N orth Bond Wodnooday to DRUG STORE Um i nmCSTKN B artsty aeon e fa ta l accident last F riday ev ening when bis car, in which w ere hie w ife and children, le ft the county roadway at the rear « f . J. 8. Law rence’s home and crashed into the sidewalk. Ha was coining from the north and instead o f m aking the turn [be car shot across ths gu lly and tors up a suction o f walk. Ono o f tbs childrvh was rendered unconscious, SCENIC NEWS. Vaudeville com ing Saturday, Doc. 1st» between the two Bluebird shows, also an axtra reel on Ore goo Re source* and a short talk* on the d if- that our M yrtle — W rist watches, a t V . R. W ilton ’s b . A ll grades. C all $10 a Gallon for Rivsr Water. R igh t Reverend W a lter T . Sumner, O f course, w e m ildly wonder where bishop o f the Oregon diocesi, arrived thorn tunnels betwoen Conlodo and Ce dt ths Bay Tuesday evening, K m - dar Point are to bo located and how prnied by his mother, M rs. C. D. Bum- a pile d river is to work in tliem any- e o ja ty churches. H e w ill preac.i at the Episcopal church hero Sunday m orning. M r. and M rs. B. H. Burns enjoyed a box o f fresh straw berries fo r dinner last Saturday. They ware grow n by R. C. Tapley who ,wo believe, brought the earliest berries to m arket last spring as w ell aa the latest ones tide fa ll. From M ay till Novem ber is a straw berry season o f some length. Mr. and M rs. F. G. Leslie le ft W ed nesday m orning fo r Portland where they w ill eat Thanksgiving dinner with their children, Mr. and M rs. E arl Leslie, K eith snd Julian. The two younger boys w ill be there to attend the U. o f O.— O . A . C. footb all game. K eith is playing center on the varsity More Arm y Registrations. E m il Eugene Gordon and James W illiam Robison, who have recently boon registered fo r w ar service in this county, have boon given as their or der numbers 672A and 1436A. This means that th eir numbers fo llo w thooo which-such registration numbers aa theirs would have taken had they boon made earlier in the gam e. However, under the latest regulations elsewhere published in this Issue it w ill probably make bo difference whether n men’s order number la • or 1600. Whan hie class is called he w ill be called. Ths follow in g story is told by the Benton County C urrier: Some weeks ago a fallow dropped into Albany and made him self a "good fello w " with the club men, and those who had boon In the habit o f “ taking one” occasionally before the prohibi tion cork was tw isted in w et Oregon. A fte r he had made him self solid snd picked out h a lf a dosen o f those who jugsd to bond the elbow and who R eferrin g to this m atter Roadmast- er Murdock says te a t as ths county road wort: constantly requires ths uss o f explosives, he has bean taking stop« to secure a license to handle them ; but has not boon able to gut in touch with the authorities as yet. Indeed, at Portland ha waa inform ed that there was no one in Oregon in charge o f th at m atter and that ho would have to w rite to W ashington to find out shout it. Forester Volunteers Wanted. M ayer E. E. Johnson hands us ths follow in g letter from M ajor Robert A . Johnson, o f ths Forestry Engineer Corps, w ritten from the oMce o f the W estern Departm ent Headquarters at San Francisco: This departm ent has been authoris ed to accept recruits o f skilled men fo r a battalion o f the 20th Engineers (F o rea try .) W s are raising s battalion a f F o r esters fo r duty across ths w ater. F irst show starts a t 7 sharp. Phono 107S fo r reserved sosta. W o induced the T rian gle Co. to book us down in Cooe county w ith the "F lam e o f the Yukon.” You win no tice in the Coo# Bay Tim es that ths Nobis theater hasn’t had standing fo r the "F lam e o f the Yukon1 fo r tw o nights. It fa lls to our lo t to gat this film on Sunday and fo r that reason wa won’t got out bills, but it's your last chance to see this wonderful play. Please don’t fo rg o t you can too this at the regu lar price o f admission. E very Tuesday, a special Mutual program . Wodnooday, "F a ta l R ing,” with Coquille Orchestra free. Thurs day, good T rian gle programs. F ri day, "R ailroad Raiders.” Coming in the fore part o f Decem ber, Grace Connard and Francis Fo.-d in "P u rp le M ask.” W s w ill run this per night and throe nights per weV*. W s a rt goin g to soil tickets fo r the whole serial at an exceptionally low price. Coming December 10th, Theda Barn in “ The D arlin g o f Paria” in six ro ils. Coming Dee. 16th, "Sirens o f the Boa.” Coming, “ H eroic France.” account o f bar health aad they eon- tem plate rem oving to a A rier clim ate ta lly a t the M. E. church and court G. H. Estes, better known aa D esile, was brought down boro from M yrtle that was put In last summer to ra Point Monday and was examined as to pisce the C ollier bridge. Jitney ser- Ms sanity by Judge W atson and Dee- iSH BRAND LICKERS. illkeep^j