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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
E vento in th e C ity an d revenue «tem p, which the postm aster w ill have to eeU, on the package in Mi di tion to the p ottage «ta u p e. V the poetagt ie anywhere f r o « 26 to M cents, a one cent internal n v - would become a part o f France again inu e w ar tan stamp w ill be required aa it once had been. M r. T e r r « ’ fath er drove a wagon ov in addition to the poetagt, from $1 er the h ill« from M a lgin « in to Ger many and back fo r fifty y a a rs , m aking the trip several timea a week, m ore fr e quently in the summer, less frequently 1 «re e l port b u a in e« waa started with a ••peeing stamp d ifferin g from th j m L . A . L iljeq vist ~Ç7kere it isr out for that tack!! B etty Zentner, the five-year old daughter o f M r. and M rs. O tto Zant- ner, o f Bandon, is su ffering from con clusion o f the brain and perhaps in ternal in ju r i« caused by the rollin g o f a b ig lo g upon her a t the Bandon tric t No. 20 a t Fishtrap on W ednesday evening, O e t 17, that netted $106.76. M r. and M rs. Fred Belloni returned Saturday evening from their v is it to Saa Francisco, and report s very en joyable outing. i F ire deetroyed a h o e « beioning to M Steiner, ia the H a b erlj plat at Bandon. The Ioes it placed a t about |760, w ith WOO insurance. The build Sheriff T gx Statement. in g wna unoocupied, and Just how the fire originated is not known, says tha Sheriff Gaga, a t ths Novem ber term W orld. . o f the county court, made hie report O w ing to tha condition o f tha road, on the t a x « o f 191«, showing the Bupt Gatos, o f tha C om A Curry Tel- amount collected on county taxesv port ephone Co., announces that they w ill t a x « and the t a x « o f each school dis have to peetpone the construction o f trict o f the county and also tha Ia tbs last six m il« o f ths now line to amount s till remaining unpaid. tha G ravel Ford d istrict until next this report, which was approved by the county court, ws find ths follow in g spring. itom s, which w e aCe sure w ill interest W ord was rsceived from V ictor Pet- ten r ill by his b r o th « ea rly this week $692,108.6» , in «,,6 ot ha Ua ---- a _ g -n n A nc m u J - p -- is o -- v - u a go o u awawiina exam iria- tion a t Vancouver fo r entrance into the aviation service. H e le ft W e d p «- oay fo r Houston, T u n a , where, he wii receive his prelim inary training. I f N orth Bond succeed« in landing thoae ear shops fo r which U J. Simp son is pulling w ith n il his w eight, it w ill bo tim a fo r M arshfield to look to her laurels. Although the tw o c i t i « are certain to grow into one, M arsh* field m ay lone tha lend to her |jstar city before the m erger occurs. E s n Sm ith w u up from Riverton Wednesday m aking his final settle m ent as adm inistrator o f the estate o f his fa tk w , Benjamin F. Smith. The estate coo slated o f both real and ps*^ sonal proparty to the value o f $1700. Mr. Sm ith went on over to North Bond where he w ill take a position as *n rin ser la ths ship yard there. J. B. P o in t « has Just begun on contract to rem ove 1000 yards o f eartn from G oa A . Robinson's lo t ut the c o r n « o f H ell end F irst streets, whore it is in excess, and use it in fillin g hi* residence lo t on H enry street opposite the court house. This w ay o f bring in g things to a level is what m s k « a city. Ph otograph »—$ ta d d * » in every Saturday. Coquille Don't flirt with Brida night. Go where you want to and gat what yarn go after, and do it decently. Take an EVBKKADY into the night— and «saw« things 'easy. You’ll need it KNOWLTON’S Jack Goes to Gold Beach. Jack Guyton and John J o in and fa m ily started on Tuesday fo r Gold Bsfich w h an M r. Guyton t a k « over the Gold Beach Reporter and Mr. Juxa b eco m « m anager and editor, •h e p a p « w ill bo incorporated with ‘ 1,09464 terest* The R e p o r t« is ths official 1,326.98 county p a p « and has n good patron age from tha county and also receives $694,62AM considerable business from ths In i* $677,666.73 office, in publication o f land notices, m ineral and horn«tends. They go 1,804.87 from Bandon in o m o f th e now cars 114,841.56 M r. C atterlin ia taking down tha const M r. Guyton returns to M arshfield the T otal ............................... $694,628.64 la tter part’ o f ths week, and he w ill O f the total ta x le v y o f $16,407.64 not go to Curry county fo r the pres fo r the P o rt o f Bandon there has been e n t at least, to id en tify him self with collected $1836436 and there is yet the R eporter. M r. Jusa has worked due $8,060.71. at Coquills and waa recently w ith ths O f ths total tax o f «10,679.60 levied C ow Bay H arbor at N orth Band. Ik s In the C ity b f CoqnUle fo r 1916 there R eporter w ill install a linotype, and baa bean collected $8383.71 and there thus increase its efficiency.— Record. is $134639 rem aining to bo collected. In the Coquille school district, No. A o f a total o f $8,667.28 t a x « , there has been collected $7,086.78 and there re mains to he collected $1,480.88. o f the patrons o f the b eq a ille V alley Creamary and the b a s in s « men i f Cdquille nt the cream ery a t 11 o’clock next T u « day m orning. The question to bo discussed is an im portant and in fa ct a serious one, nothing I s « than whether the cream- ahut down. O w ing to w ar conditions and what is claim ed to bo. the attem pt o f a Portland company to absolutely control the dairy products business in this stats, prices have been read ere. 1 *o uncertain and erratic that 'i t Is claim ed the cream ery w ill have to be Chiragh.— “ Bern bunting Cor « > s iHy year«, and, by Gsorgs, I don't Intaod to atop now I" H. H. Harmon o f B luffa eighty years old, trot s sportsman still, mads ths ttatement the other day whan be ap peared before City Clark Davenport to secure s bunting lissom . HSrmoo, according to Ms convarsa tion, bad triad to sacare a U c e a « s t Jacksonville, Petersburg and other Piacw nearer U s home and on failure there bad gone to Springfield fo r that express p a r p o « Mr. Davenport |p explaining the rea sons for Harmon's failu re to get a tt- cenw « i d thatMt w u probably doe to the first that the license blanks and forma bad not yst been distributed to the piacw where the old gentleman had tried to get hie perm it FORE REGIMENT OF WOMEN. and discuss tha situation and decide upon the beat c o m m to pursue that this m eeting has been called. The dairy business is so vita l to Coquille that it is hoped a ll ear b a s in s « men w ill accept the invitation to attend r the river. There w ere grave com pli this m asting. cations in the case and the patient ia in a serious condition. This County Bsrghhi JJ rjta For Telegram. court this m orning made an appropri The rem a in d « o f the present mouth ation to help take care o f her. until D m . 1, ia tbe bargain period of Since the downpour and gate la w the E vening Telegram , and w e can Sunday night, oar weather has been make tnbecriben o f the Sentinel a on its very best behavior and w e have special rate for the tw o papers for had such d eligh tfu l Novem ber dayffaa that tim e. The Sentinel price is $ 1.60 are seldom seen elsewhere in th il la ti a y o u and the bargain price of the tude. And everybody has b e « more Telegram is $A76 a y o u . This makes than delighted to see t h e « golden In $636 for the tw o, but w e can make dian suss mss days con tinned until Co the combination to our subscribers nt q u ill«’« annual show has been staged. $4.7A And not only w ill that pay It w u «shat w e had all £oped fo r but fo r the Sentinel and the D aily Tele gram both o m y e w ; but we w ill add to that fo r good BMasure a tim e y e a n ’ subscription, to the Oregon F a rm «. The o f f « o f a ll this fo r $4.76, how- • v «, not be good beyond N ov. 80. B etter fix H up at o n « i f you want y o u papan a t a low price. A t m idnight last night Dr. Rich mond perform ed an operation tor a p pendicitis nt Grayce Hospital. Ths patient was M ary Blalock, a g irl o f U , who is the eldest o f a fa m ily o f nine DRUG STORE • stators' W tvee tfi OSIatieiwe and T ex as Ready te Ge Abroad. Ban A ntonia Tex.—An organization o f women in Texas and Oklahoma law been quietly formed and offered to the government « e regiment to go to France and i f ntceoeary to fight la tb f trenches. The women qre the w lvw o f soldiers in tbe regular army, national guard and o f mon 'w h o are entering tbe national army- They enroll tbelr membership to train and enter the army either as a fighting unit, LOdO strong, o f fo r such other service as ths war department may designate. B elieving tbs war department would not accept them u « m ilitary organi sation sim ilar to tbs Battalion o f Death o f Russian woman, they are taking tbe places o f 'tb e men soldiers on guard duty, petrol and eeoet work and other service fo r which w o rn « are CAT SELF IMPRISONEa L. MYRBERG Has removed his Shoe Repair Shop to the building opposite the Bax ter Hotel and just west of Rose’s Store. Call and See Him. W E’L L SOON PU T TO U R CAR back into good condition a fter w e once g e t it here. W e have every fa c ility fo r auto repair in g and plenty o f skill and ex quick and thorough work. D on't neglect your little auto troublw . The s o o n « you have us sttend to them the better fo r your ear end your pocket. COQUILLE GARAGE, A A. Paul, Prop. Americanism. T h at in us which more distinctively then anything e l « we can call Am eri canism—our faith in humanity, our love o f equality. One ran Dot claim that Americans o f Baglish o flgln ’ are alone the d ep o sito r!« of this belief, this passion, « « a Tha Ideal Am erica, which is the only real America, la not in the keeping o f any one race. Her destinies are too large for that cuo- SCENIC NEWS. F riday commencing nt h a lf past two. W e ran a fine 8 reel fou r « r i a l com plete. “ G n a t Stanley Secret,” 8 reels, adm ittance 6 and 16c. , , The strongest and M an at w aterproof A t night “ R a ilin g R aider»,” regu 8 h o « made fo r Loggers, Cruisers, la r price, and on Saturday at h a lf past M in en , Sportsman and W orkers. tw o we ran “ H ell M organ’s Daugh ter.” Th is grant picture has been a ll the rage fo r months and needs no com ment. Everybody m m so w e can rank« it aa cheap aa poaeible without goin g fat the k o la Price 6 and 16a win AY ■vary pin« In tbe neighborhood f hate a cat might hide or become con cealed bad beei} visited by tbe York fam ily. Than soma o m saggMted that C O Q U ILLE PO STO FFIC E .