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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
.M.agw S ervie» o f U iii Sommons ia M d « by publication thereof in p u n ua nee o f an O rder made by the Honorable Jaaaee W atson, County Judge fo r Cooa Coun ty, Oregon, on the 14th day o f Novem ber, 1917, directing that aarviee o f the same be made by publication thereof la the Coquille V alley Sentinel, a weekly newapaper published at the City o f Coquille, Corn County, Oregon, once a weak fo r a period o f aix weeks commencing with the iaaue o f Novem ber 16, 1617. and ending w ith the is sue of December 2 * 1917. A . J- Sherwood, residing at Coquille, Coos County, Ore. 44t? Attorney fo r plaintiffs. N O T IC E O F S A L E O P L A N D S B ID IN B Y COOS C O U N T Y F O B TAXEE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue o f an order made by the County Court o f the Stats at Oregon, fo r the County at Coos, on the tn l day o f October,« 1617, delivered to ro on the 22nd day at October, 1917, by ÇoquiHe Hardware Company int roll .for other t a x « and to be M leeted in money by the tax collector and turned over to the 1 County Treasurer in the seam manner I a s other taxes are collected end turned ' ever and to be kamt aad credited by the Treasurer to m account o f said Bond D istrict N o. IS and expended under the supervision o f the County Cdurt upon roods within the rood die- I trict voting such tax in the manner provided by la w ; the said meeting rich. Layton N o d a r, H arry W artwa, Helen Lyons, N eil H a ritk «, Marga r ite H an ey , Stanley W arren , G eor- gianna Johnson and Lisbeth Plop. Fourth G rado: G eorgs Belloni, H arold Gould, Cahterine W ernleh, (MI- ver Lerrim ore, E lsie Thornton, Garnet Stew art, Lots M orrison, Z a ia u Cros by. M alls Brandon, R alsigk Moon, O r ville Formosi, Boss Kistner, Alyee Dell Johnson, A ld a V ow ell, John B row n, Ralph Noah. H sian Boyrie, Eleanor W ilson. Laster W ilson. at land hereinbefore mentioned w ill The Juniors suffer a second loss, not be sold fo r a Issa sum than B » L illian H um bert, o f the th ird year price flxed by said çourt la said order. class, w ill eater the M arshfield high Dated this 80th day o f October, school next Monday. 1917. Preparations are being m ad# fo r the Corn Show. A num ber o f pointings have been produced by high school IN T H E J U S T IC E C O U R T F O B riudenta fo r this purpose. J U S T IC E O F P E A Ç B A N D C O N * N O T IC E T O C O N T R A C T O R S. Fred flarleek er and E a rl Stew art C O U N T Y , have again returned to tha high school after g taw days’ absence on account o f sickness. It is the and o f the second report week fo r the high school. M onthly r e port cards w are given out Tuesday. Children know that S N O W F L A K E S are fo o d to e a t -a a d good fo r them, too! Made o f the purest and beat materiale in oar M g daylight factory. P A C IF IC C O AST B IS C U IT CO. FARMERS UNION STORE Third G rado: Charles Sickles, Ed w ard Johnson, Katherine Peart, M ar- , W ilbert Hum bert, Alice A lice Com er, Flossie Gilpin, » « r y , John S eel ey , D d e » , G lenda Johnson, 'Florsnoe A corporate surety bond wtff be re quired fo r the faith fu l perform ance of the contract in a sum equal to ono- h alf the total amount o f the bid. Proposal blanks aad fu ll in f*r*m - tion fo r bidders may be obtained at the office o f the County C lark o f said County, or at the oflee o f the Deputy State H ighw ay Engineer, in the Court House, Coquille, Oregon. Plane and specifications and form s of contract m ay be m m a t the earn# proved by said County Court by en- dsr s ssnsnt upon said petition as pro- vided by law , the County Court o f Coos County, m ats o f Oregon, sitting for the transaction o f County business baa duly sailed s district road m eet ing o f said district end has flxed the 84th day o f Novem ber, A . D . 1917, at the hour o f One O’clock In tho a f ternoon o f m id day as tho time and at F eirview School House in said Road D istrict as the place ter bolding each meeting, and has fa r ther ordered thst notice thereof be Coos County, Oregon, once a week for a period o f six weeks Commencing Novem ber 16, 1917. J. J. Stanley, Justice o f-th e Panes. L . A . Liljeqvist, residing st M arsh- To, A lbe rt Graham and Jennie G ra ham, his w ife, end to H iram Thurston and also a lfo th e r persons or parties, known o r unknown, claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in and to the rani estate herein described: In The N am e O f The 8 U te O f O regon: You are hereby required to appear and answ er the C om p laU I, M ad deposit o f $16.00. The right is reserved to reject m y against you in the shovs entitled suit or s f] proposals or to accept the pro within six weeks from the date e f penal o r proposals deem id best for the first publication o f this summons, to -w it:— within tlx weeks from the said County. 2nd day o f Novem ber, 1917, the same CO UNTY COURT OF COOS C O U N T Y IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N IN A N D F O B T H E C O U N T Y O F ODOR. snid quarter-quarter section line ex tended to s point w here the «— if #o extended would intersect the righ t bank o f the N orth P ork at the Coquille R iver; thence running down stream along the said righ t bank to a point due South o f the placo o f beginning; thence N orth 1A00 chain, to the r 'n~r o f beginning, containing 60 acres o f land m ors or Isas in the last described tract o f land, all ia Coca County, Stete at Oregon. Forever barrin g you o f a ll right, titla, interest or claim in and to the te m e o r any p art thereof and forever quieting title in and to the boom in the above named plaintiff. Service o f this summons ia - H t bv publication pursuant to an O rder m ade John H . W est, Charles A W est and N an ais B right, by the Hen. John 8. Coke, Judge o f the Circuit C ourt fo r the Stato o f Oregon, in and fo r the Coun- ^ « f Corn, which «O d order bear, P laintiffs, « * * * Q U IE T - October, 1917.