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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
meals, a n t h « n u r f c il Ont at th* 21 aséala » « n 1 t | * to r each fam ily was • 17 meatless and 12 «n a ta l« o f all the fam ilias raportii •ra ge o f maaia w ith maat fou r fo r tin antira « oak. (• c ia lly rem ar kabla rep ort the re lie f o f her fam ily. W elter D. Crook was appointed tain o f the county’s caterpillar eny Hans Hansen was given sa al anee o f 1 « days fa r good conduct the finishing touches to th eir booths a t the hall and, encircling the entire room, they present a very attractive featu re, hastily as they have been im- The city schools have a rea lly won derful exhibit in the southeast corner section, the H igh School and all the grades from the flret up being vary creditably represented. The w ater colors by the m ere advanced pupils evince much artistic talen t; aad that turkey, by a first grade youngster, being led up to a Mock, looks abwost good enough to eat. The center o f the room la given to the exhibition platform 40 fe e t long and sixteen fe e t wide. On this are I f one hundred-ear entrieo o f corn ar ranged each in a spa rs to circle nearly three fe e t in diam eter and those ere flanked by fo rty m e n 10-ear entriee o f rad, w hite and yellow specimens in ra y shaped arrangem ent. This exhi b it contains 8,000 aura o f Corn eoun- The Sentinel has no* beau able to to ho r epr maatod in tp e “ P atriotic Parade“ here a t 10:20 tom orrow morn ing, but the Red Cram organisation, Woman’s R e lie f Corps, the G. A . R. aad the G irls’ Honor Guard w ill have th at every other society that earn pos sibly do to w ill be glad to m anifest its steadfast aad deep restad Am er iesnism by takin g p a rt W e believe it w ffl be the b iggest parade Coquille The petition o f F red _A . Baker add otiiers fo r a bridge at Brewster valley waa granted, the county to appropri ate $800 to match the 100 days’ taker and $10 in cash donated by the people BOUGHT THE PI- FIELD BÖILERS J. J. Burnt, .the bridge tender at South Slough, who was discharged tw o months ago, still continues to p u s sat his b ill fo r that Job. W . H. Wann has bean employed to L ast Monday tbs cass o f E* B tr ftr * on, tba Coaledo storekeeper, against Gao. Oaddaa and w ife o f tin same place waa triad in Jnstuea Stanley’s court hare. The amount sued fo r was 2*4.67 and tin Jury a fte r being out until. 10:20 a t night g a r « a verdict o f |2J6 fo r the plain tiff, which also carried costs am ounting to about $46. C. H Barrow, o f this city represented the p la in tiff and L. A . L fljeq vist, o f M arshfield, the defendants. F o r tin amount sued fo r this was an exceedingly Involved ease, and al so one o f long standing. Tw o and a h a lf years ago Bargeron brought an action against Geddes in the Circuit court hero fo r 1121.40 and attached property o f the defendants in aid o f suit. This ease never came to trial, being compromised on an agreem ent that the defendants would pay in in stallm ents. TTieeo payments w ere made until only $14.20 'rem ained o f the account and there stopped. That was the first item Bergeron sued fo r, the second was one o f $6.46 which Mrs. Geddes had computed as a balance agreed to he due Bargeron on book account and had so noted in his books in her own handwriting. The third item was fo r a le t o f potatoes Bargeron had Sold the Geddea, some Hems o f store ac count and a bill fo r plow ing he had done fo r them, a ll totallin g $48.22. The defendants testified to having ■nods payments o f cash, once o f $10 on account when the bookkeeper- was not in so that they did not get a receipt, and again $26 fo r ’th c potatoes charg ed against thgas— this dim e not s t the Store bat a t th eir house w h en B arger- an had talm a supper w ith them- Than they claimed loaning B arger on harases to the value o f $8.50 which hed not been returned and asked fo r $26 as punitive damages because he •o poorly that another man had to be employed to do it over. Bargeron had charged $14 and the next man did it fd r $7. The m atter e f a pasturage b ill fo r B ergeron's stock and o f pasturage fo r tw o horses end a cow also enterad into the accounts. So there was a dispute as to whether It was fou r or five aecha o f potatoes Bergeron had sold the de fendants. A s against the $6.46 ad m itted to be due Bergeron it was. claim ed that be had borrowed from then that, which he had never return Holiday for One Hour. By virtue o f the authority vested in me ea M ayor o f the C ity o f Goquille, and in compliance w ith the expreseed d ty , I hereby set apide the hobr from 10:80 a. m. until 11:30 a. m. on Sat urday, Novem ber 17, 1917, as a legal holiday in said city on the occasion o f the P atriotic Parade to take place at that tim e. E very citizen is requested to lay aside a ll other business during this patriotic parade and devote the hour to the honor and glo ry o f our common country. ,E. E. Johnson, M ayor. SHE SCORED A TRIUMPH Lest we fo rg e t le t us m em tioa at the start that th4 entertainm ent at Masonic H all last Saturday evening was not only as great a musical treat as had been promised, but th at every •eat was filled by an appreciative and enthusiastic audience, and the net amount turned into the Red Cross treasury waa sixty dollars. Miss A rloin e Andrews charmed ev ery e n e w ith her singing and gave aa such s taste o f operatic a irs as wa have long gone hungry fo r. H er ex quisite contralto voice poured ferth waves o f m elody that thrilled her hearers from start to finish, end the pathos o f M r songs touched every M lm Bonnie Francos Smith, o f whose abilities aa a D elsarte actress and Greek poseur w e havo boon hear ing, more than justified the praise that has been • warded her. H er dancing and her characterisa tio n o f the th irty principal human emo tions w ere the perfection o f grace and beauty and every one present wonder ed how this Riverton g irl in the b rief tim e she has devoted to praatioo could have acquired such inim itable grace and each p erfect commai.d o f every movement and exprescion. She cer tainly has a wonderful future before her, when she can already sway her a editors like ripe grain b efore the W hile governm ent bonds bearing only fou r per cent interest have been sellin g by the hundreds o f thousands in this county, it is no wonder that coullty warrants bearing six are be ginning to be looked on as a g ilt edged investm ent and to be bidden fo r eager ly. A s it m ay be tw o or three years before the Southern Oregon case gets through the courts, it is clear that the warrants issued now w ill run fo r some tim e, and their desirability as an in vestm ent is unquestionable. A t the same tim e the taxpayers should remember that It is not the county, which in the last analysts is the goat in the payment Of this six percent interest, but that the taxes the land g r * » ( company owes are paying the county double that amount, so that the county not only la receiving m ore interest than it is paying but piling up a surplus o f tana o f thousands on Say They Were Buncoed. 1 A n interesting case was begun in the Circuit court here last Saturday between M yrtle Point parties. The p lain tiffs are an old couple, Orion" Johnson and Amanda M. Johnson and their grand-daughter, May- R. John son. The la tter being a m iner about 16 years o f age, fo r the purposes e f this suiTJustico J. J. Stanley, o f this city, has fieejt appointed her guardian. The defendants are H. B. Steward, and w ife, F. A . Pierson aad w ife and Joseph W illiam s and w ife. This case arises out o f a rea l es tate transaction in which it is claim ed that tile principal plaintiffs w ere, on account o f their advanced age and fa llin g powers, easily influenced to make a bad bargain, though s till o f •oqnd aad disposing Mind and leg a lly com petent to do business. They owned some sm all tracts in or close to M yrtle Point said to be w orth $1,860 but incumbered fo r $860. Death of Unde Jerry Haines. Bhip Trainload of Cattle. I s o J. Cary, John Yoakam , and L. P. Branstetter shipped a train loud e f stock tp Portland Sunday. There were five ears o f cattle, averagin g about SO hand to the car and tw o cars o f sheep, averagin g about 226 head. A n other car waa picked up at N o r ti Bend and by the tim e they le ft Eu Train Dispatcher Q. C. Biddle gave them righ t o f w ay over everyth in g and they made the run to E u gpie In five b oon and ton ssinutos, the Coos Baj Lim ited having to sidetrack fo r them. The loading was done a t the S. P stock corral n ew Cedar Point. Mr. C ary returned Wednesday m orning. subject to revision a t tim »ra t ion o f the court the last o f December to con sider a ll the appropriations: $6,000 fo r the im provem ent o f the Kastaide ferry. $12,000 fo r the G lasgow to North Bend fe rry . Lota o f things prepared fo r this is $8,000 fa r the South In let bridge. $16,000 fo r macadam ising an tim sue most go ovdr until next weak, in ird e r not to have the whole paper g e ever until tom orrow. Am ong them is som ething about the splendid X Ray machine Dr. Richmond has ju st added t- his office equipment—absolutely the best thing in this line that ran bo pra- Uncle Jerry Haines, o f M yrtle P o in t passed away last night at the age o f 89 y e a n , at the home o f his daughter, M rs. James A rrington, as a result o f old age. He waa bora in Ohio and waa one o f the pioneer set tlers o f Coos county coming hero about 1868. D uring his active business life he has bepn e dairym en, hotel keeper, logger and saw m ill proprietor. E v erything he touched in a business way proved a success. He is w idely known •specially among the old tim er*. He was one o f those old-fashioned people who believed that the truth is worth i hundnd cents on the dollar every day in the year. In politics he was alw ays a staunch republican. Be sides Mrs. A rrin gton he leaves three w n i and another daughter, one o f the sons livin g a t Corn C ity and another daughter at M cKinley. AD Three Got Conmimkms. The Tim es says Inform ation was re ceived a t the Bay yesterday that J. E. M ontgom ery, o f M arshfield, aad Henry Bergman, o f N orth Bend, who have been attending the U. S. O fficers' Training School a t the Presidio, have been awarded commissions as first I ioutenants in the gonstruction divi sion o f the A viation section o f the sig nal Reserve Corps. K. E. Hodgman, who was connected w ith County Headmaster Murdock’s office, has hem commissioned as a cap tain in the same branch. - They w ill probably be oraded to Portland fo r duty about Novem ber 20. In a ll 120 commissions w ere awarded