Only 4 to go at the remark­ ably low price of from $45.00 to $52.50. Colonial at $70.00. Doprt forget, on these chilly evenings and cold mornings, that we carry the best line of heaters in town. * H. O. ANDERSON Furniture How did you «pond hurt Sunday Wa* that the beat way? Why set attend at least one service at earn« church next Sunday? What church? That is “ap to you.” But da it The Church studying the Bible at U:30 a. m. The inspirational sarvioo at 11 a. as. Subject: “Repentance, a Secret of the Christian's U fa.” The Church in training 6:30 a. m. The service for decision 7:30. Sub­ ject. “Repudiated Friendship." The Church’s business; Monday ev­ ening 7:80 p. m. The Church learning how to pray Wednesday 7:80 p. as. This church off era a eerdiai welcome to ail whs will coots and worship. 8. O. Bogun, Pastor. 84. Jamas Episcopal Church. There will be Choir Practice tomor­ row (Saturday) at 8 p. m. November 11th. 23rd Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 Hardware Calling cards 100 for $1.00. An Old Man's Stomach. As ws grow older and lass active, less and lass food la required to meet the demands of our bodies. If too much is habitually eaten the stomach will rebel. Whan a man reaches the advanced aga of 85 or 90, you will find that he is a light eater. Be as cartful as you arili, however, you will occa­ sionally eat amra than yeu should and will fael the naad of Chamberlain’s Tablets to correct the disorder. These tablets do not contain papain, but strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. .Mae musa sad s o n of our bays and mas w drafted into service aad is like portion will «or intarm i nad the of our labors increase. Teaching sarvica from 10 to 11 a. m. Morning henries at* 11 a. m. Evening servies at Tifl0.p. m. Rev. J. A. McVeigh, pastor. Dont fail to n o * » the Hospital supplies at Lorens’ atora made by the Indies of the Coquille Rad Croas. groups of poor mothers and little sent than by social workers. Any ana who pa mad along Edges If. the town that nasties unde: PallmSeo opposite One Hundred Thirtieth street, four or Jive years oa the river road there for many years attar Its foundation by Charlea D. Kel­ logg, drat general secretary of the Charity Organisation society of New York city, who flout established It be­ side the site of the statue of Liberty aad called It Bartholdi Cree be. There It had averaged 6,000 to 10,000 visit* of mother* with children In a summer. In the Attesa years or mora tt stood at BOgawater the creche averaged 12,000 The number of pajama ratta com­ pleted by our ladies la nearing the half-hundred mark. A splendid shov­ ing! > Durinff the peat week the following new names have beau added ta the Coquille Brandi of the Bad Crass: Mrs. Lulu Nodar, Miss Gladys Traal- gold, Mrs. May Pointer, Mrs. Alma Christina Church. Bible School at 10 a. ja . Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sub­ ject: “Throe Facts for Christiana.” Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. Topic: “Soaking Worth While Things." Evening Service at 7:80 p. m. Sub­ ject: “The Great Question and its An- Cut filli in shoulder chest ttd oims-camfcrtabte. stung Prayer and Bible Study Meeting Wednesday at 7 JO p. m. A series of consecutive Bible Studies will be con­ ducted by the pastor. Ton era cordially invited to make this your church home, unless* other­ TOWN LOT8 in Coquille for sale, wise affiliated. A. J. Whiddon, Minister. now to a beautifully rolV •a from Myrtle Pdnt District entry at the Padflc Drug Store, born from Ooquillo District on- Announcement For the benefit of those attending the KORN KARNI- VAL hoc on Novmber 16 *nd 17 we wish to announce that our Christinas stock will be on'display at that time. We have purchased an unusually camplete holiday line and invito you to call and see it when in town. MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop.