“Generai” Your Prosperity depends on your CROP, you m ust have III * Inspection fully requested. We in sore that • trial, after inspection, trffl result in enlisting you as a permanent customer. Our goods are eliooan bgr us with a etew to tlisfr penaet pus ity, and we are thus in a position to offer them to our customers with s guarantee. We do not shelve our goods for future sales, but make a point of having everything fresh right along. . The car shortage is growing worse and it may not be possible to get shipments when needed. This is seri­ ous: DON’T TAKE CHANCES. We have on hand now a small amount of Vetch, Timothy, Italian Rye Grass, Red Clover, Burn Mixture and Orchard Grass. Only a little left First National Bank Building Can ik o fill erden fer Algyke and White Clover, year @ 271-2 cento Just received a car of Ea&tetfn White Oats, reasonable flow; but going very fast as GIVEN A WAT FREE : GOME AND GET TOUR COPT WHICH WILL Coquille, Oregon Front and C Streets Phones 691 and 641 Do you know wh»t your oowi mm you? What it has coat you in labor and material to put your crap on the market? Hava you at your hand information con­ cerning your buaineaa affaire that will enable you to intelligently and readily guida your next year's busi- extracting Ita fang« and keeping It far a pat and mascot. The aacond eon of Dr. and Mrs. Oilea, a little fallow, put tome washing tablet, in watar and drank it U m •vault waa poison and it required Dr. Pemborton’a beat aarviea tosave the boy’s Ufa. B. E. Mieth, one of the contractor* building the high bridge, la on the ground thia weak and is plaassd to have a man like Mr. Duff to auperin This school conducts a Home 8tody course for the farmer and dairyman. Its purpose is to.teach you in a remarkably short time by mail and personal contact a brief, yet absolutely modern and complete system of farm accounting. The cost is very slight The time occupied by you in securing this knowledge would In Drop ug a Une for particulars. This request will not obligate you in any manner. Simply ask about Farm Accounting By Mail. Miss Beth Wads, a long time with the Myrtle Point Hotel, goee home thia week and Mias Mary Paarson will imw paaa out the pure food—to the indulged . ( PAYING * ■&; . / „ J* . 1 1 •to 1 butterfat BUTTER Mon but they are named “Sears" and “Roebuck" as there waa not of a library and no new* papera in tha houae. Tha parents were delighted whan they thought of these names and no doubt the twina win be. Send the Sentinel to Jf. E. Grissom, Alder Springs, poatofflee. Myrtle Point. He baa been reading tha neighbors’ but wants one of hia own. Ha takas a year of H. „ Lao Wagner with Ms family haa moved to Powers and Sterling Wag nsr, a young» son, ia now with Ms mother on tha roach. E. C. Boberto moda Us monthly trio A. O. Hooton, of Bridge, waa in to Thursday shipping a package of hia of. choicoot driod fruit to hia father in John says the road to Coquill« is •oft in tha newly made and ungravel­ led parte and that more gravel or planking or both are all that will save tha auto stags Una. 3 . W. West, of Norway, (a In this weak with • bodily grouch but was good natnrad about K. He will «aw and split atova wood all tola winter. It may be of to young men to hpau^tha* two young Unties Vere sararaty poisoned by anting ice cream thia weak. Those affable people, the Woodmen of America, win givs a free dance and free eating at their hall Friday night. These don’t often come around, at A high class entertainment waa giv­ en here in tha Unique Theater under tha auspices of the Bed Cross Society in which Miss Arloine Andrews aang as we seldom hear in Myrtle Point for strength, harmony and aweetneas, and Mian Bonnie Francis Smith gave sev­ eral A m renderings far reading. They with Mr». Elisa Long, who la with tha*, wars afterward received at the home of Mrs. M. O. Stemmier, aided by noma friends. Light refreshment* On the eve of Oct. Slat an enjoyable