The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, November 09, 1917, Image 1

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    T h » County budget w ill not bo ready
lo r publication until a fte r the Decem­
ber term o f tba County court, but tho
court ia nevertheless discussing it*
provisions now and has decided to put
these item s in R :
$10,000 fo r an em ergency w ar fund.
$20,000 to aid in tea construction o f
an arm ory a t M arshfield.
.$10,000 towards tba construction o f
a river bridge at. Coquille to coat $M ,
$10,000 fo r a bridge over te e South
Coquille a t Powers.
$8,000 fo r a bridge over Isthmus
Slough a t Coca Bay.
The County court hue found that
it w ill require the aorvicea o f tw o asao
fu r the tw o buildings a t the court
house. Jas. T . H osier is tho Janiter
didn’t .like
offered by te e citizens.
Julius Nelson, o f Haynes Slough,
was over to interview the county court
yesterday. He had been awarded $800
fo r the tw o and a h a lf acres required
fo r righ t o f w ay fo r the new road
there, and was tryin g to convince the
coart that it ought to make the
amount $1,600.
Indeed in the first
place he asked $6,000 fo r the 2W
scree, one o f. bottom and 1V4 M il
tractions can teo
days’ show but th
a tw o-day a ffa ir
baHevea te a m oat ftem M sr and prac­
ticable place fo r the U »^ lllt o f “ V*
bridge now available w ithin the cor­
porate lim its o f the said C ity o f Co-
quille and the m eet economical place
th erefor ia on what is known as W il­
lard Street, form erly known aa C
S treet in the origin al plat o f the toqrn
o f CoqoiQe City, a t some point a t or
near what ia now known as F irst
street, bat form erly designated as
Second street in said origin al plat, and
extending down said W illard street to
said river, the -center line o f such
street to conform to the center line
o f la id bridge aad approach and land­
ing as nearly as m ay be feasible and
Therefore, ho it resolved by the
common council o ff the C ity o f Go-
6.0W.8S0 quills aforesaid, that the foregoin g
pream ble be aad tho same ia hereby
adopted into aad made a part o f this
R eferrin g to the promise made by
the old commission, which had ben ex­
p licitly repeated by the present one,
county wanted the state to do, and
the judge said ha expected the state
to put up $100,00 to $160,000 and
do it
“ Y es, it would cost a hundred thous­
and,” Benaen responded, a fte r goin g
over the route, and that ia about the
w ay tho m atter was left.
nurse; but like so many other young
people those present tim es, they de­
cided not to w ait until a fter the w ar
ia over to begin th eir m arried Ufa.
They w ill reside fo r the present a t
V elejo, Cal., Jim being ia the batear