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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1917)
________ f #■: a r t th e hooka ra- Jan. U , N orth Baad a t Marshdald Ja*. U , Myrifte M a t toado*. Ja*. 18, M in M M T h t Coquito. J a » 26, North Bood a t toado*. Jan. t i , Maruháald a t M yrtle P o in t Fab. X, to n to*, a t M yrtla P o ia t Pah. 1. Coquito a t N orth Band. Pah. 8, M yrtle Paint a t N orth Band. r, ñ a Pioneer, Tha P rairie aad Th* Spy by Cooper; A New I ^ I m I N ub by Mary E. WB- U as; Hear t a t Midlothian, Bab Kay, Pah. t o Coquito a t B anda» • W avariy and Old M ortality by Scott; Pah. t o Maiuhfleid a t N orth Band. Henry Remand by Thackeray; Tha M ar. i . M yrtla Pate« a i C^uU la. Bins Flower by Vaa Dyke; A dusatane M ar. 1, to n dan a t MarahfleW. of That Sawyer by Mark Twain; and Mar. t , Banda* a t N arth Band. High School Aga by King. Mar. 8, N orth Bmd a t M yrtla P o in t AB th* hooka for th* other depart- M ar. 8, Bande* a t Coquito. ■mate’ have not yet bean received, for H istory irwlBd f Robinson’■ M ar. 15, M yrtla Point a t Marahflald. Coquito dabat* ta n » will traVul to r a Times and Caesar’s Army by Judaea. Thoa* for ar* Outlines < by Thorps a by F h to y . is a a f bird Ufa, aw ay of which Bade in th* w ort, though tha haa m ato aa affari to get a se- th a t Is national in acopa. The preface was w ritten in Portland la 1887, the year in which tha pablished. Th* e f the with a largo number a f af the birds make K a vary aad Instructive book fo r nay teg for a study ef the bird*. The Blu* Flower by Van Dyke la a Miaa Bay, Miaa Newell and Mr. collection of short stories Including N eblet made a trip to M yrtle Point The O ther W ise Man. I t is a Christ mas story, beautiful in sp irit aad ta sad is a favorite w ith a of people during th* Little aister is ju st s s pleM *i with her 8NOW FLAKES *s she tootoa Children thrive on SNOW FLAKES because they are perfectly baked from the beet materials. sap S now R akes WE SELJ. ’ EM FARMERS UNION STORE M agazin es at H a ll Cost ^ i U i « i L m I **’ .li a t one* if the rana bold off long enough to perm it the hauling of tha aand and cement up tha hill and Ma yor Jehnaa* aaid, " It haa to ha dona bafora apring whether tha m atariala are hauled by the yard, tha half yard Total estim ated income........8800.80 Amount to be raieed by spadai ta x .......... ..............111461.03 U m probable am ount of cash V; on hand In tha General Fund oa November 80, 1817, will h a .........................$100.08 Tha period for which the proceeds of said tax levy la propoaod to bo used is from December 1, 1917, to Novem- I training dnaa th is weak visiting tha radtationa in PORT O P BANDON BUDGET. 1 owing program was given: se lection, Miss Bay; Freshm an stunt; Song by Girla Q uartette; Ghost Story, Mr. Nobloti Sophomore stunt; Piano PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. A t tha regular meeting of the com miaaionera of the P ort of Bandoa held in the Moooo hall in tha City of Ban- NOTICE OP SUIT IN EQUITY TO QUIET TITLE. don, October 8th, 1917, the following reeolation was adopted: In the Circuit Court of th* State of j Be i t l u a lrid by th e P ort a f Ban- Oregon, in and for Coo* County. Ghoet Story, Mr. Douglas; Senior stunt» Address by Mr. Aimack fal lowed by much m ystery by Mr. Alex ander. A fter the program refresh m ents ware served. Victor Fattingill has mad* applim tion for enlistm ent in tha United States Navy, and expects to leave next Meeto y. A patriotic demonsta- Printing A S u p p lies............ Secretaries office A Expenses Henry A. Strong, Plaintiff, vu. A lbert Graham and Jennie Graham, hi* wife, M. R. Lee and Loris* Lee, his wife, Alva Lae and Lillie M. Lee, his wife, and Hiram Thurston, and also all other persona or parties known 88.0« or unknown, claiming any rig h t, title, 758.00 estate, lien or interest to and t* tha Engineering Expenses . . . . . 1000.00 real estate herein described, Defead- Improvement F u n d .............. 10,000.00 R etiring Series (B ) Bonds . . 2500.00 Improvement of River Banks 6000.00 To, A lbert Graham and Jennie Gra Total ................................. $22,560.00 ham, his wife, and to Hiram Thurston Cash on hand ..9 4668.36 „ and also all other persona or parties, Estim ated Am known or unknown, claim ing any ount to raise.. 17881.64 $22,550.00 right, title, estate, lien or interest in I t is eetim ated th a t tha amount of and to the real estate herein described: Tax required will be Three M lto upon I* The Name Of Tha S tate Of Oregon: the Dollar of toe assessed valuation of the Port, and it is further resolved th at this Budget and Estim ate and Raaolu- against you in the above entitled suit w ithin six weeks frena the Arte of the ftrst publication a t this summons, to-w it:—within six weeks froqi tha 2nd day of November, 1817, tha samo being tha data of the first publication the Port, for the purposes of said Pub- of this summons; and if you fail to Hcaton, and Taxpayers are notified th a t they will be heard in Favor of, er against such prey is id Tax, or any p a rt thereof, a t a mastin g of th* Com missioners a t tha Port of tondo», to bo haM la tha City Ran, In tha City af Coquito, O reapa, a t Tan o’clock A. M. a a th e 18th to y Of November, 1817. A WORD to the W ISE W h e n y o u n e e d n ea t, n e w a n d n ifty L e tte r h e a d s , E n v e lo p e s , C ir c u la r s or oth er a d v e r tisin g m a tter, Tfae Coquille Valley Sentinel is r e a d y to fill th e bilL W o a lso have a large stock of B u sin ess C ards, F in e P a pers aad E nvelopes, plain or linen finish, and can g iv e you som ething neat for your office station ery t SENTINEL PRINTING IS Q U A L IT Y PR IN T IN G 20 8. R. 12 W. W. M , containing 4g of Otugoo. ----- VT- » scree a t land, more e r isas, alee tha Forever burring you of all rig h t, following hounded and described pro- title, interest or claim in and to the party, the SEM a t the N W li and asm s or say p art thereof and forever Lot No. 8, and also all th a t p a rt of quioting title in and to the earns in the Lot No. 6, and the SW14 of the N W li above named plaintiff. a t Sac. 8, Twp. 28 8. R 12 W. W. M., Service of th is summons la mad* by contained in tha following motea and publication pursuant to an Order made bounds, beginning a t a point which la barate by the Hon. John a Coke, 2.18 chains N arth and 15.09 chains Judge of fla t C ircuit C ourt for the E ast a t tha quarter Suction Conor bo- State of Oregon, in and for the Coun- twean Sections 8 and 4, Twp, and ty» of Coos, which said brder bears Bang* aforesaid, and running thence data tha 81st day of October, 1817, to s t A ft chains, mors e r lees, to the ‘ **d direct* service of th is summons to east lino oTth* gW * of the N W * of > aw to by publication in th * Coquito >v? Æ -no*, o«», ■'te*- > pwutetlon Drmmkm 14th, 1817,