The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 26, 1917, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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J. W . Noblet, principal o f our city
gh school, deserves tip c e d it o f bo-
g among the aarlioet subscribers to
» second Lib erty Loan. H o took a
100 loa d but his sasso was iaadver-
ntly om itted from tho lis t w s pqb-
at W . O. W . H all N ov. IT, a t 60 cents
a piata. They w ill begin servin g at
6 p. m. and continne untll all have
been served. In Connection there w ill
be a aale o t fancy work a t Hartaon’s
J m . A . Sullivan, $60.
C. L. W illey. Jr., $50.
worn are the most costly used b y any
O. L. Tu ttle, $60.
company in the en tire lycenm field.
N . N . Neim en, $60.
Th eir program is one o f infin ite van
^m iU m M o m », $200.
s ty ; orchestral numbers, readings,
M ark Morraa. $100.
songs, instrum ental solos and cos­
Id * Genevieve Chase, $60.
tumed selections. It fa irly radiates
M ary Pauline Chase, $60.
refinem ent and culture, so dainty and
A . G. T h rift, $60.
artistic is it throughout.
Th ere is
C. A . Sickles, $50.
som ething in their program fo r every­
P . C. Pure ley, $60.
one, from the moot m usically critical
Charles W alker and Steward Craw­
to those who like a dash o f syncopated
ford Endicott, $60.,
tim e. Classical music is made Inter­
A lyce D ell Johnson, $60 .
esting to a ll and popular music is g iv ­
Florence Johnson, $60.
en a new charm in the hands o f these
Ernest A . P oison , $60.
six captivatin g musicians.
Gee. P . Falconer, $100.
Chas. E. Schroder, $100.
A n E n joysM a E venin g.
Charles E. Mulkey, $100.
The card party given by tho tw o
“ 600” clubs last nigh t fo r tho benefit
M rs. W . C. R ow , $80.
o f tho Rod C row a t tho Masonic H all
H enry N kkolas Lorens, $200.
was very gen erally attended and a
Ada M a y N ew ell, $60.
pronounced success both socially and
fina ncia lly. Tbs rooms was decorated
J. L . Crosby, $60.
with the national colors interspersed
Mrs. C. E. Mulkay, $60.
w ith cosmos and autumn leaves.
Ada Pearl W ittem an, $60.
Guests w ere present from as fa r
away as N orw ay and M arshfield and it
Francis G enevieve M cKenna, $60.
was a gala day a ffa ir throughout.
Mrs. Owen H . Knowlton, $100.
Seventeen tables w ere occupied by
Geo. A . Robinson, $600.
the “ 600* players.
The winners o f
M rs. Goo. A . Robinson, $600.
the high prism ware Mrs. H. C. Gets
T otal $6,960.
and Fred Slagle.
The consolation
. Grand Taltal, $22,600.
Tho youngest subscriber on this list prism want to M iss C lare Sherwood
tppears to be Frances G enevieve Mc­ and Geo. G ettings, o f M arshfield.
Kenna, who is sevsn weeks old. P ro­ „ Luncheon was served at a late boar
bably the oldest is J. S. McEwsn, a end the party did not break np until
toldier o f the C ivil w ar, who w w fo r the sm all hours o f the m orning. E v­
g n years editor o f the H erald o f this eryone expressed thm eselves as de­
lighted w ith the evening's entertain-
d t f , and now over fourscore.
A form t firs in an uninhabited sec­
tion on Cherry creek a t the head o f
Com river filled the a ir w ith smoke
here Saturday, Sunday and Monday
and on the la tter day turned the sun
A Photo fo r a Xmas present am
Stedden in Coquille ea Saturday.
* *
D on ’t le t th e d ark trip you .
D on't stumble over a chunk o f night.
Don't trip on achairwrapped in blackness.
Don't tell victim to tbs garden rake;
or the baby's tin soldiers that lie in w ait
for your bare feet.
Don’t flirt w ith ftckle night
G o where you want to and get what poo
go after, and do it decently.
Take an K V E R B A D Y Into the night—
and make things easy. You ’ll need it
With that lama
d TUNGSTEN Battowy
□¡3j LJJ M Le
•SW 1
Another Wrestling Match.
The w restlin g mptch a t the Scenic
last Saturday evening between M. G.
Lutsey, o f Coquille, and B illy A very,
In K knbw tadging the receipt o f a
sample copy o f the Sentinel a Cleve­
land, Ohio, advertiser remark?. “ W e
want to complim ent you on the k acral
appears nee o f your pubUeati u” I f
that ware a ll though, it would bo a
cam o f “ fin# words batter no pars­
nips;” but he gave ns an advertising
contract too.
Assistant Stats H ighw ay Engineer
Green was hers Wednesday an route
to Curry county whore ho w ill mi les a
recognise neo survey o f the Pacific
highw ay down tho coast. The people
o f C arry are gettin g quite entVui ias-
tic about that highw ay and are ta king
o f votin g the lim it o f their bending
a b ility fo r 'it s construction—about
1 OOK. out for that tack 11
The proceeds netted the Red Croes
treasury about $60.
dim to cast a shadow. It is thought
the fire m ost have been o f incendiary
Cards have boon received by his
friends here announcing the m arriage
o f Headm aster Robert Brace Murdock
to M ay W atsoo, daughter o f M r. and
M r*. G eorge W illiam Brooker, at Ful­
ton, Now York, on Monday, October
15. The cards state that the n w lv
wadded p air w ill be at home a fter
N ov. 1st a t Coquille, Oregon.
ÇJhere it isr
Has your shop foreman put this “ up
It is easy to add a motor or
tw o, and central station power is always
on tap in any quantity you require.
to you f ”
N o matter what power you are
(t y t
using now, i f you need
’lXnr— v more we can help you.
, What He Heard at Portland.
J. E. Norton weift out to Portland
Tuesday m orning tq attend a mooting
there o f loading dtisen s from a ll over
tho state. It m ight bo term ed a m eet­
ing o f Orogoa'a w ar eoaaefl, although
mpeh o f the addressee w u devoted
to Y . M. C. A . w ork in Europe. To
thorn who are wondering whom tho
*100,900,000 Rod Cram subscriptions
have gone and why another campaign
w ill be started soon, the testim ony o f
men who have boon oa a ll w ar fronts
in Europe was vivid ly enlightening.
M r. N orton put in a fu ll day Wednes­
day attending this m ooting and re­
turned last evening Just in tim e
to take part in tho Honor Guard rally.
W . H. Schroeder went out to Eugeas
Sunday m orning to see his son, L. ilie,
who was injured by a fa ll last wash.
Hs found th at Leslie w u not vary
seriously injured as at first rep rted.
Tara Oat to th* Chorus Sing '
and had lost no tim e from his studios.
E very singer in Coquille is invited
A student w u killed last year, how­
ever, who suffered a sim ilar fa ll in end urged to be present at the east
iha same sp o t
Mr. Schroeder re­ M ethodist church Saturday n igh t
O c t 27, to practica fo r a chorus sing
turned Monday evening.
fo r the Corn and P o tete show bare
next month. These community tin **
< riginated in K ansas, that g n a t corn
stets, and it is em inently fittin g they
should be first introduced here fo r a
corn show. E verybody come out fo r
this chorus sing—1st us have a “ fu ll
house" and then some. Committee.
Phone 71
Em il Prick, tho oldest liv in g pen­
sioner on tho Southern Pacific’s Honor
Roll, bus invested his savings in L i­
berty .Bonds. Frick is 7$ years o f
ago, and entered the railroad service
on Novem ber 21, 1866, several years
before ths goidop spike linked C a lifo r­
nia and tho root o f tho country w ith
tho first transcontinental railroad.
Subscribe for the Second Liberty Loan
P len ty o f old newspapers now in
stock s t the Sentinel office and they
are s till sellin g at a nickel a bundle.
N otice to- hereby given that the un­
dersigned, by order o f the County
Court fo r Coes County, Oregon, have
bean duly appointed Executors o f ths
Last W ill and Testam ent and o f the
estate o f Lintncr H arlocker, deceased;
and that a ll persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti­
fied that they are required to present
proper vouchor* th erefor to tho un­
dersigned a t tho office o f A . J. Sher­
wood in Coquille, Cooe County, O re­
gon, w ithin ate months from the date
o f this notice.
Dated this 26th day o f October,
thru the Blood oa the Mucous Surfaces
of tho System. One Hundred Dollars re­
ward Is offered to r any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine fall* to cure. Bend ter
circular, and testimonials.
E J . C H E N E Y * CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
la H. Hazard,
Frank E. McKenna.
Executors o f the L a st WHl and
Testam ent and o f the estate o f Lint
ner H arlocker, deceased.
O c t 26— B illy A very and Gypste
Nadine Lyon, both o f Coquille, the
ktter with tho consent o f bar guard-
twill kcepf f i
you d ry a « -
nothing a *
elae $du