The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921, October 26, 1917, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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W ■ £ Ú’
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aad H k a
th at
of the
By the Faculty \ and Students of the
L. E.
(Man aad M rs. Brows
la Mias Fitagarald’i
.«ho pupils ia the
awhlag Jaek 'o lan tarn s th is
Teddy Beckett is still tending la the
reading credits of th e F ifth grads. He
has 44 credits. A lisa Youag Is
la the reading credits w ith «7
M rs. Johnson aad M rs. Lyons vis­
ited Mrs. M alksy's room O ct lfl.
The A close of the F ifth grade hold
the pennant fo r spsUing until Wod-
aad are bow tiad w ith the B
fait la the
I . ; ...-
a t the Bib
to ld o
Tim • object
lotos to tha
upm sat of ham os society, i
The ideal history would be
a t post human oxpsrisasss whlah old
as la understanding ourselves ai
r - r r r r - ’r r
W hether« it ta the
at E gypt, Grasce, Ressa, F ran
America, each fact m ust bo
w ith w aiters Ufa a r only the few
sao the study a t history.
stauss, tab s the religion e t sa
E gypt, the Greeks skodifled the i
mu. The Romans i
igeo to sops w ith the ago,
a fte r the introduction of
C hristianity.
Again, tha g reat re­
ferm era, as M artin L ather, John Haas,
John Calvin, John Wesley, etc., intro­
duce! usw toaeeptioas ÿ the seul.
Hew different from the religion at
Egypt, yet how oootinooue th e idee
has basal This is history of the past,
showing th a t H closely related to tb s
flow stimm it is not a continual idea,
but sballar. Tbs seda a t laws a t Ham­
m urabi, the reform s a t Cteisthsaso la
Grases aad at the Gracchi la Berns,
the platform s of the différant sodai
partios in the rasant Presidentia l cam­
paign shew a raoemhlanco; all wars
fa r the w elfare of soctety.
Has it occurred to us th a t the «ause
at the groat w o n in history, the Punic
W ar, the Puritan Revolution, the Re •-
d atio n of IMS, the American Revolu­
tion, the French Revolution, the G reat
W ar of today, although dissim ilar, Is
the g reet underlying reason for all
such eruptions, the people’s demand
The common people at Boms departed
aw ay times to th air fleered Mount, la
order to bring their w ealthier friends
sa s a u ra equal bases. O ur W ar to ­
day is seeking to bring about such an
equality. U ntil such a basis is found-
ad, there will be w ars.
The aim a t modern education is “so­
cial efficiency.” H istory offers a g n a t
opportunity for the training of tho in­
dividual as a w ombor of soctety. His­
tory t saehes aa ap p red atiea a t the
tews at sed al Ufa, responsibility at
the individual, aad a desire to bring
about pr ogram is society.
H istory
teaches the pupil to approdate the
contributions of foreign people« to d v -
IU m M m
Finally, history h a s'fo r its ultim ata
pupeas the cultivation at good etti-
sanship. A d ttasn is aa individual,
loyal aad w ith a desire to help bis
d ty , state aad antea. T hat is, aodsty
Includes the human m es.
medieval and modern history shows
th a t the individual is a member at
•the grant “world community.”
■hows sym pathy wad a saw s at Jus-
Pupil* perfect is spelling in the
F ifth grad» a n Taddj Beckett, Men­
ine E lliott, Dale Kirsknwn, Leyton
Nosier, Preecott B ranetetter, Ellen
Baker and Feraade Larimore.
The papila of the A class are (he
champion spellers in the Sixth Grade
East Via California
I« a pleasant winter route. Travel in comfort
through a land where it is always summer.
• " - ' v ; ; ' r“ '
~ , ', 7
- .......... ■.
There’s San Francisco, Sen Jose, Del
Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, San­
to Barbara, Loe Angeles, Long Beach,
Venice and many other charming re­
sorts, and much beautiful scenery en-
Three Trains Daily
Portland to San Franciaa). Standard
and tourist sleepers, dining care, solid
steel equipment.
Particularly at­
tractive at this season of the year.
Ask you local agent fo r particular*.
John M. Scott, General Passenger A gent, Portland
Newell la order to organise a dob
known as “The L atia Club.” The pur­
pose of th is organization is to help
its m i b s r i w ith vocabularies, ása­
tenos structure, aad Classical L itera­
l e s following oAeers wore elected:
osa Frsdsnburg, Présidant; Carol
shskoph. Vice-pres ident; Thelma
khardson, Secretary; Mildred Neely,
N axt week alidas frani thè S tate
U niversity on “GHmpses of Europe”
will be exhibited a t thè Coquille high
A asw stand which show*
very good workmanship ha* been bulli
for thè lantani. On Ita flrst appear-
ance in tha high achool room many of
thè pupi!» thought ita purpose soma
per pines would probably be in a cor-
received fo r the use of the
L They are mainly English
sto rk s sad referen •; books,
used in the pictu:u study
fis sate ° f the grades have
This wash Mr. W arner, of Eugene,
s realisation of ideals; such
loyalty, and self resp ect tuned the high school piano.
The g n a t aha of history is to culti­ W arner is said to be aa old hand a t
ra te high national ideals and patriot- this a rt. He has visited Cequille an­
nually for the post th irty years, be­
ginning whan there were only two
Aasw Review clast has bean organ­
ised m eeting one half hour ay ery a f­
ternoon. The members of this -»■—
era Maymie DeLong, Elm er and M yr­
tle Neeley. They are preparing for
the teachers’ exam ination to bo takoa
some tim e in December.
On Monday m orning of this wash.
Mr. Noblet sported s brand now over-
coot before tip astonished eyes of the
high school. Thi* coot is of latest cut
and m aterial sad is said to have come
straig h t frtea Broadway.
i . “The Gons of Esaex”—re c ita tic i
by Lawrence M esa aad M erle Clark.
A Talk on Food Consorvation by
Emma Price.
6. “Cannine thè K aiser,” song by
thè boy».
#. “Keep thè H oom F in e Borning,”
song by thè girle.
7. F lag salute by alL
Mrs. Hooton waa a ' visitor in thè
Seventh grada thia week.
The medicai inepection of thè stu­
dente is being completed thia week.
Football practice was begon in ear-
neet thia week, three afternoon being
set ss reg alar practice day*.
A thletk A ssociatien has had thè good
fortune te secare D r. Hamilton aa
It is expeeted th a t g aaes
wUl be scheduled w ith N drth Bend
and Marshfleld, aad posslbly with osene pump and tank th is weak which
Is s much needed fixture in his store.
All High School students are urged J ir s . Josephine Myers, o f P ort
to w ear th eir L iberty Loca buttons Townsend, W ash., is hers on s v isit
She is the eldest daughter of the lata
next weak.
Audrey Stanniagsr is am ldag sa JT A. Haines, of Ecldsy, Ora.
Elton Robbins went to Riverton
her a t the Farm Rsoduet* Show which Tuesday night to bring Miss Jam ie­
son, s trained auras to the Robbins
is being held a t Portland.
The Coos County High. School A th­ home; the will nurse Grandma Rob­
letic Association is to m eat n t Coquille bins.
W. C. Bradley, who has been in Chi­
next Friday for the purpose of mak­
ing schedules fo r all the football cago fo r the p ast year, was drumming
up trade here and a t Powers Wednes­
games tq be held th is w inter. •
Mr. Noblet and Mr. Dougina took day fo r tb s Bradley Candy company.
F sra st Area have been raging a t
dinner w ith Supt. Almack Tuesday
Bone m ountain and other sections of
On Friday afternoon, Nov. S, there the Middle Fork and M yrtle creek
win be a m eeting of parents and country. Very smoky Hera.
A N orth Bend groceryman was a t
teachers a t the Academy in Mrs. Dun-
gay's room. All parents of prim ary Broadbent Tuesday looking for beans,
students and others who are interested apples ate.
Trowbridge and Rasmussen, of Ban-
in the work are invited to be present.
Among the subjects to be diacusse. don, were a t th is place la st Sunday;
a r: Tbs H ot Lunch and H ealth pf they purchased some apples of O. H.
School Children.
W. E. H artley mads a trip to Co­
Rosa Fredenburg has bean forced
to leave high school for s short time quille Tuesday. H* went in his Ov-
on account of having whooping cough.
Mr. Douglas mads a very interest­
ing talk a t assem bly Thursday on the
subject of “The Value of Friendship.”
The nature and benefits of reel frfrffil
ship was clearly brought out by Mr.
M rs. Chess bed “Grandm a’s Day,”
Wednesday. The grandm as th a t were
present were: Mrs. French, Mrs. Ba­
ker and Mrs. Thornton. The other
visitor* were Mrs. Folsom, Mrs. O ta ,
Mr. Mulkey and Miss Sullivan.
In Miss Kennedy’s room the girls
are still ahead in the boys and g irls’
Spelling Contest.
The third grads pupils era saving
pennies for the Red Cross. They have
quite s few already In a rt they era
Big Chittlm Bark Shipment.
m aking Haliowa’an noveltiea.
So many people have been engaged
Wednesday all the prim ary grade* in the chittim bark harvest la this
celebrated P atriotic Day by m .H nf
county thia year th a t ws a n s u n <qir
flags for their a rt lesson sad by learn­ raedora will be interested in the follow­
ing America.
Mrs. Duagey’s room ing article furnished the Evening Tol-
learned a flag memory gam.
Allen’s class gave the flag drill which
they learned this year.
The only new Vrapil in the Prim ary
departm ent is W aiter Lew is in Miss
Alien’s flrst class.
ask for
SNOW FLAKES are served at lunch­
eons, teas—in fact, wherever a par­
ticularly crisp and dainty cracker is
Sold in 3 sixes of packages aad in bulk
The shipm ent is not going out in
one lo t boeaoee of inability to got
necessary ears, but is being forw ard-
they become available.
Something of the worth at the bark
may be gleaned from the fact th a t it
cost in excess of 960,000, sad will, of
course, bring the shippers s substen-
So fa r as knoihi it is the largest
single quantity arar sold in Oregon to
said election being cast against stock
running a t largo.
I hereby give notice th a t in sixty
(60) days from the date of said notice
it shall bo unlaw ful for stock to run
n t largo, under penalty of ten (10)
dollars for the flrst offense end tw en­
ty (20) dollars fo r each and ovary
subsequent offense, to be recovered
from the owner of the stock ia s civil
action in the name of the S tate of
Oregon before n Justice of the Peace
in the D istrict in which such owner
or keeper or eith er of them may re­
side, and if there be no Justice of the
Poses in such d istrict, then before any
Justice of the Pence in the County,
and it shall be the duty of each con­
stable in any Justice of the Pence dis­
tric t, and of each rood supervisor in
any rood d istrict to enforce the pro­
visions of thia section; and such pen­
alty shall be fo r tb s benefit of, and
when collected, paid into the common
school fund of tb s County in which
such action ia brought, w ithin sixty
(60) days a fte r such anim al is proved
to be a t large.
W itness my hand and seal of the
County Court, affixed the 19th day of
Oetobor, A. D. 1917.
L.W. Oddy,
County Clark.
By N. Osmundaon,
_____________ Dqputy.
Tim Celebrated
Awarded Gold Medal ;
P. P. L E. Sea Frmadeco, 1915
N O J* BURTON. 0 0 0 8 COUNTY,
Notice is hereby given th a t a t a
Special Election held October 16th,
1917, in Precinct No. M, Burton, Coos
County, Oregon, th a t a t said tim e a Te K om T ern F eet Dry U m The