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About The Coquille Valley sentinel and the Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1917-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1917)
* : ' . ■ M. MIT * W ■ £ Ú’ IMS'. . - V . ■; SCHOOL MATTERS aad H k a th at of the By the Faculty \ and Students of the L. E. U1 criti- c«y 11 Mrs. Mrs. (Man aad M rs. Brows la Mias Fitagarald’i .«ho pupils ia the awhlag Jaek 'o lan tarn s th is Teddy Beckett is still tending la the reading credits of th e F ifth grads. He has 44 credits. A lisa Youag Is la the reading credits w ith «7 M rs. Johnson aad M rs. Lyons vis ited Mrs. M alksy's room O ct lfl. The A close of the F ifth grade hold the pennant fo r spsUing until Wod- aad are bow tiad w ith the B fait la the I . ; ...- a t the Bib to ld o Tim • object lotos to tha upm sat of ham os society, i The ideal history would be a t post human oxpsrisasss whlah old as la understanding ourselves ai r - r r r r - ’r r W hether« it ta the at E gypt, Grasce, Ressa, F ran America, each fact m ust bo w ith w aiters Ufa a r only the few sao the study a t history. Fa stauss, tab s the religion e t sa E gypt, the Greeks skodifled the i mu. The Romans i igeo to sops w ith the ago, a fte r the introduction of C hristianity. Again, tha g reat re ferm era, as M artin L ather, John Haas, John Calvin, John Wesley, etc., intro duce! usw toaeeptioas ÿ the seul. Hew different from the religion at Egypt, yet how oootinooue th e idee has basal This is history of the past, showing th a t H closely related to tb s flow stimm it is not a continual idea, but sballar. Tbs seda a t laws a t Ham m urabi, the reform s a t Cteisthsaso la Grases aad at the Gracchi la Berns, the platform s of the différant sodai partios in the rasant Presidentia l cam paign shew a raoemhlanco; all wars fa r the w elfare of soctety. Has it occurred to us th a t the «ause at the groat w o n in history, the Punic W ar, the Puritan Revolution, the Re •- d atio n of IMS, the American Revolu tion, the French Revolution, the G reat W ar of today, although dissim ilar, Is the g reet underlying reason for all such eruptions, the people’s demand The common people at Boms departed aw ay times to th air fleered Mount, la order to bring their w ealthier friends sa s a u ra equal bases. O ur W ar to day is seeking to bring about such an equality. U ntil such a basis is found- ad, there will be w ars. The aim a t modern education is “so cial efficiency.” H istory offers a g n a t opportunity for the training of tho in dividual as a w ombor of soctety. His tory t saehes aa ap p red atiea a t the tews at sed al Ufa, responsibility at the individual, aad a desire to bring about pr ogram is society. H istory teaches the pupil to approdate the contributions of foreign people« to d v - IU m M m Finally, history h a s'fo r its ultim ata pupeas the cultivation at good etti- sanship. A d ttasn is aa individual, loyal aad w ith a desire to help bis d ty , state aad antea. T hat is, aodsty Includes the human m es. Ancient, medieval and modern history shows th a t the individual is a member at •the grant “world community.” It ■hows sym pathy wad a saw s at Jus- Pupil* perfect is spelling in the F ifth grad» a n Taddj Beckett, Men ine E lliott, Dale Kirsknwn, Leyton Nosier, Preecott B ranetetter, Ellen Baker and Feraade Larimore. The papila of the A class are (he champion spellers in the Sixth Grade East Via California I« a pleasant winter route. Travel in comfort through a land where it is always summer. ■■■vr- *«w --- • " - ' v ; ; ' r“ ' ■" ~ , ', 7 - .......... ■. There’s San Francisco, Sen Jose, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, San to Barbara, Loe Angeles, Long Beach, Venice and many other charming re sorts, and much beautiful scenery en- route. Three Trains Daily Portland to San Franciaa). Standard and tourist sleepers, dining care, solid steel equipment. Particularly at tractive at this season of the year. Ask you local agent fo r particular*. John M. Scott, General Passenger A gent, Portland S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC L I N E S Newell la order to organise a dob known as “The L atia Club.” The pur pose of th is organization is to help its m i b s r i w ith vocabularies, ása tenos structure, aad Classical L itera l e s following oAeers wore elected: osa Frsdsnburg, Présidant; Carol shskoph. Vice-pres ident; Thelma khardson, Secretary; Mildred Neely, N axt week alidas frani thè S tate U niversity on “GHmpses of Europe” will be exhibited a t thè Coquille high achool. A asw stand which show* very good workmanship ha* been bulli for thè lantani. On Ita flrst appear- ance in tha high achool room many of thè pupi!» thought ita purpose soma per pines would probably be in a cor- received fo r the use of the L They are mainly English sto rk s sad referen •; books, used in the pictu:u study fis sate ° f the grades have This wash Mr. W arner, of Eugene, s realisation of ideals; such Mr. loyalty, and self resp ect tuned the high school piano. The g n a t aha of history is to culti W arner is said to be aa old hand a t ra te high national ideals and patriot- this a rt. He has visited Cequille an nually for the post th irty years, be ginning whan there were only two Aasw Review clast has bean organ ised m eeting one half hour ay ery a f ternoon. The members of this -»■— era Maymie DeLong, Elm er and M yr tle Neeley. They are preparing for the teachers’ exam ination to bo takoa some tim e in December. On Monday m orning of this wash. Mr. Noblet sported s brand now over- coot before tip astonished eyes of the high school. Thi* coot is of latest cut and m aterial sad is said to have come straig h t frtea Broadway. i . “The Gons of Esaex”—re c ita tic i by Lawrence M esa aad M erle Clark. A Talk on Food Consorvation by Emma Price. 6. “Cannine thè K aiser,” song by thè boy». #. “Keep thè H oom F in e Borning,” song by thè girle. 7. F lag salute by alL Mrs. Hooton waa a ' visitor in thè Seventh grada thia week. The medicai inepection of thè stu dente is being completed thia week. Football practice was begon in ear- neet thia week, three afternoon being set ss reg alar practice day*. The A thletk A ssociatien has had thè good fortune te secare D r. Hamilton aa coach. It is expeeted th a t g aaes wUl be scheduled w ith N drth Bend and Marshfleld, aad posslbly with osene pump and tank th is weak which Is s much needed fixture in his store. All High School students are urged J ir s . Josephine Myers, o f P ort to w ear th eir L iberty Loca buttons Townsend, W ash., is hers on s v isit She is the eldest daughter of the lata next weak. Audrey Stanniagsr is am ldag sa JT A. Haines, of Ecldsy, Ora. Elton Robbins went to Riverton her a t the Farm Rsoduet* Show which Tuesday night to bring Miss Jam ie son, s trained auras to the Robbins is being held a t Portland. The Coos County High. School A th home; the will nurse Grandma Rob letic Association is to m eat n t Coquille bins. W. C. Bradley, who has been in Chi next Friday for the purpose of mak ing schedules fo r all the football cago fo r the p ast year, was drumming up trade here and a t Powers Wednes games tq be held th is w inter. • Mr. Noblet and Mr. Dougina took day fo r tb s Bradley Candy company. F sra st Area have been raging a t dinner w ith Supt. Almack Tuesday Bone m ountain and other sections of evening. On Friday afternoon, Nov. S, there the Middle Fork and M yrtle creek win be a m eeting of parents and country. Very smoky Hera. A N orth Bend groceryman was a t teachers a t the Academy in Mrs. Dun- gay's room. All parents of prim ary Broadbent Tuesday looking for beans, students and others who are interested apples ate. Trowbridge and Rasmussen, of Ban- in the work are invited to be present. Among the subjects to be diacusse. don, were a t th is place la st Sunday; a r: Tbs H ot Lunch and H ealth pf they purchased some apples of O. H. Robinson. School Children. W. E. H artley mads a trip to Co Rosa Fredenburg has bean forced to leave high school for s short time quille Tuesday. H* went in his Ov- on account of having whooping cough. Mr. Douglas mads a very interest ing talk a t assem bly Thursday on the subject of “The Value of Friendship.” The nature and benefits of reel frfrffil ship was clearly brought out by Mr. Douglas. M rs. Chess bed “Grandm a’s Day,” Wednesday. The grandm as th a t were present were: Mrs. French, Mrs. Ba ker and Mrs. Thornton. The other visitor* were Mrs. Folsom, Mrs. O ta , Mr. Mulkey and Miss Sullivan. In Miss Kennedy’s room the girls are still ahead in the boys and g irls’ Spelling Contest. The third grads pupils era saving pennies for the Red Cross. They have quite s few already In a rt they era Big Chittlm Bark Shipment. m aking Haliowa’an noveltiea. So many people have been engaged Wednesday all the prim ary grade* in the chittim bark harvest la this celebrated P atriotic Day by m .H nf county thia year th a t ws a n s u n <qir flags for their a rt lesson sad by learn raedora will be interested in the follow ing America. Mrs. Duagey’s room ing article furnished the Evening Tol- learned a flag memory gam. Miss Allen’s class gave the flag drill which they learned this year. The only new Vrapil in the Prim ary departm ent is W aiter Lew is in Miss Alien’s flrst class. Dont ask for SNOW FLAKES are served at lunch eons, teas—in fact, wherever a par ticularly crisp and dainty cracker is appreciated. Sold in 3 sixes of packages aad in bulk PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO. FARMERS UNION STORE The shipm ent is not going out in one lo t boeaoee of inability to got necessary ears, but is being forw ard- they become available. Something of the worth at the bark may be gleaned from the fact th a t it cost in excess of 960,000, sad will, of course, bring the shippers s substen- So fa r as knoihi it is the largest single quantity arar sold in Oregon to said election being cast against stock running a t largo. I hereby give notice th a t in sixty (60) days from the date of said notice it shall bo unlaw ful for stock to run n t largo, under penalty of ten (10) dollars for the flrst offense end tw en ty (20) dollars fo r each and ovary subsequent offense, to be recovered from the owner of the stock ia s civil action in the name of the S tate of Oregon before n Justice of the Peace in the D istrict in which such owner or keeper or eith er of them may re side, and if there be no Justice of the Poses in such d istrict, then before any Justice of the Pence in the County, and it shall be the duty of each con stable in any Justice of the Pence dis tric t, and of each rood supervisor in any rood d istrict to enforce the pro visions of thia section; and such pen alty shall be fo r tb s benefit of, and when collected, paid into the common school fund of tb s County in which such action ia brought, w ithin sixty (60) days a fte r such anim al is proved to be a t large. W itness my hand and seal of the County Court, affixed the 19th day of Oetobor, A. D. 1917. <8ool) L.W. Oddy, County Clark. By N. Osmundaon, _____________ Dqputy. Tim Celebrated BergmannShoe Awarded Gold Medal ; P. P. L E. Sea Frmadeco, 1915 NOTICB AGAINST STOCK SU N NING AT LABGB IN PRECINCT N O J* BURTON. 0 0 0 8 COUNTY, OREGON. Notice is hereby given th a t a t a The Special Election held October 16th, 1917, in Precinct No. M, Burton, Coos County, Oregon, th a t a t said tim e a Te K om T ern F eet Dry U m The